I am from the year 2522

OMFG... I usually avoid super long thread... but on a lark I clicked on this one.

All I gotta say is: RUN SARAH RUN!!!! creedo is stalking you!

Re: Solo-hey, the assistant and quiet friend

When he painted the Sistine, certain things occurred, that were not supposed to be in the plan of doing so.

The pieta, paint and plaster mix was not always right and had to be thrown away.

Another thing that bothered him, was the dripping of this mix into his eyes, as well as landing on his hands and drying them out.

Michel was born with a tremendously powerful physique, which gave him license to accomplish this task.

The critique from Warrior John having, him bust a half inched in diameter, artists steady dowel over his back, did not help much. But this was at least a critique, and some measure of attention.

This was the fire and furry of what he was doing, while he was involved with the process of painting.

The finger to Adam took new depths of personal character.

The largeness of the women, the nature and personality of the saints, as they were depicted round the facade of this room, started to talk to him in tongues he knew, but could not pronounce.

He was being devoured by Heaven is such an awful way, which was a telling, that few could approaching in understanding it.

His hands, back, eyes strain, but outside of authority he knew that he must go on.

It was God himself telling this artist of artists, "No son' you mustn't stop, as the best is yet to come of what I am showing you here"?

The day the cardinals came, they were expecting something that would be a mundane drool, to lord over those who were so fortunate to attend.

I don't think, that anywhere in the recesses of their minds, that they even had an inkling, about what was to affront them.

When they made mid chapel, it was starting to don on them that they had entered another dimension.

They saw Moses with the Ten Commandments. The rays of truth jutting out of his massively portrayed head.

So eloquently posed, as the truth of what they were started to affronted the cardinals.

What was so odd, was Adam.How he reclined composed as if he knew that day that the almighty was coming to appoint the breath of creation to mankind.

This was not an era for the conveyance of liberty, however an era when few would reign power, yet but others would follow.

They shouted it, (Blasphemy)!

This was utter blasphemy, as the large overgrown bosoms and large hands, torsos, portrayed above them.

They yanked themselves around and in that instant these words came into the bent-upped artist, who poised, spoke, shouted and then back to his work.>Why do they send such fools, to judge my work?

For while, was people looked at when they came into the doors of the Sistine chapel, was the majesty of creation.

This was a creation as only a highly skilled artist, such as Michelangelo could have splayed to this plaster edifice.

In his mind's eyes glory, what was God, what were the factors of creation, the tail of morality, the specter of responsibility plus failure, loomed above all who entered.

Note' that in a short amount of time other artist were commissioned to dress down the vibrant nudity of this glossal work of a telling of spirituality.

They had figured out in years to come, that what those cardinals had seen, on that fateful day, littery was so overpowering, that their own inequities of any pretense, drove them from the chapel.

That one man, who labored for years, in the construction of this magnificent beauty, knew.

He knew as every day that he labored through his pain, he also looked upon the eyes and hands of God's power.

Re: We're with him.

For Spock, it was the logic of his situation.

He knew Amanda, his mother, loved him dearly, even though he tried to be a full Vulcan, but wasn't.

He strived to be perfect Vulcan, all of his life, till that one day when the other came.

He was nothing like Christ and yet he had followers and was his brother.

Sometimes you arrive at situations that you can't figure.

To be with Christ and yet to be also with your brother at one sitting, is a very odd concept indeed for any Vulcan to comprehend.

Yes' they were there.

They now stood right before God, within the crystal formations of a cathedral, with the presence of God right before them.

At first it was as if Sybock Spock's brother knew him.

I mean he knew all of the manifestations of many belief systems, that stated, God was God. However this strange arrangement had now come to an end.

It was Spock's idiot friend, Captain James T. Kirk, that was now stepping forward to God himself and asking the question, (Excuse me, if your God and you can do all that people say you can, then why do you need a star ship)?

McCoy the worried mother hen did advise Jim, that one does not indeed ask God for his I.D. and registration, but it was a, friend,..that was now protecting him, as Kirk knew nothing of the old wise Hebrew Rabbi warning, that God could sometimes be very terrible.

In a few short seconds, Kirk was about to find out what the word miffed, meant.

Re: Solo-hey, the assistant and quiet friend

I appologize for invading your forum. I speek to all that have interjected into this conversation. I am not a professor, scientist, si-fi author, time traveler,jumper,phaser,etc, so one would say that I dont know anything so I should just keep my mouth shut. I tried, but after reading all the stuff that I have been reading for the last few days, I had to become a member just so I could say something. When I first came to this sight, I was looking for my usaual search, info and scientific ponderance of time travel. I didnt expect to find people claming to be from the future or past or and seamingly intelegent others working so hard to debunk them. All that I have read is claims but NO proff of claims. #1 If in fact someone were to travel to the past, they would never reveal them selves in any forum. #2 Anybody that has watched any tv (nickalodian,sci-fi, ect) could come up with any and all the claims of the future, past, travel modes, equipment, devices and on and on. What nobody has realized is that although time travel hasnt been invented yet, the very fact that it permits interaction with any point in time, future or past, would say that the moment that it is invented, it will have always existed. Think about that one.

Finaly, as I am as interested in time travel as you all are, I do know that when we are to the technilogical point that we can travel in time, we will be responcible enough to not.......

Re: Solo-hey, the assistant and quiet friend

I almost forgot. I only have one question for chronhistorian. If you really are a time traveler, why will you return to your time 8 years after you left and why does your "life partner" and children have to miss you while you fulfill your dreams? If I were the one sending you back in time, I would arrange for you to return just a millisecond after you departed. Yes you would have aged normaly the 8 years that you were gone, however why return 8 years later??????? why not re-enter your time as if no time had passed but have all the knolege you set out to aquire??????? Please fill me in.

Re: Solo-hey, the assistant and quiet friend

That is yet another question that would go unanswered. He still has to answer mine.

Chrono the entire community is still waiting, or are you doing research?

If that is the case, good luck we here are a pretty good team.

Until later becomes now

Re: Where no man has gone before.........

Am I the only one who really thinks about time travel? Why do you need a doctor with you? As we all know, TIME is liner. The ability to travel in time is like being able to land a plane anywhere you want.( time being the runway) It is imposible that you could ever die in our time if you are a time traveler from the future. The reason? TIME LOOP! You would continue returnig to our time until you got home. You wouldnt die because the you that is just moments behind where you are in time right now,knows whats going to happen to make you die and has already made the nessesary preperations to prevent it. This is basic "stuff". I thought you guys were scientists and areospace engeniers and stuff like that.

One more thing. Hey Chronohistorian, Its the uninverse that is infanate, not the galaxy. DUUHH!

Re: Where no man has gone before.........

How things were supposed to go, they didn't.

The Lexiton lay listing to port, with one engine pod badly damaged. The Concord and Excalibur, also showed stillness, in the pattern that M-5 and the Enterprise had laid down.

Uurha at the com, was taking in frantic calls from the other star ships that Enterpise had taken out, when the automate, had switched the photon explosive, from low energy flash fissile, to high energy yeald.

Professor Daystrom knew that his child, M-5 had done wrong. However completely ignoring Kirk, Spock and McCoy, as he now tried a soft spoken command interface protocol.

Daystrom spoke, "M-5, You know that you are great, I am great and together we must now solve this problem that we are in"?

Spock held his hands together behind his back, very inwardly disturbed at the sight of seeing someone so brilliant as Daystom, loosing his mental composure, as a result of his machine committing homicide.

To understand why this future mess had occurred, one must go back to Earth in the town known as San Francisco, in the late 1960s, during the intellectual and drug revolution, which was in this area.

There was a writer by the name of Hunter Thompson who told of the funny people who lived in this area, known as Cal Berkley.

These people had upper caliber mentalities, but because of the use of dilasergic acid, more commonly known as the LSD period, there was splitting of ideological mentalities, as mankind then, grew once more, very close to the God factor.

Thompson said of some people who religiously took LSD, which was not really an antisocial archetype drug.

This drug something that could route the internal neural synaptical firings, by chemically rerouting hearing to sight, sound to speech and other factors, so that as people said then, "One could get at their bad psychic garbage and throw this out"!

There were those special class of gardeners, who kept fully loaded 357 and 44 caliber cylinder, or automatic weapons in their gardens, which they cultured their plants.

As they said then, during the process of gardening, it was proper under the influence,. never to shoot more than you could kill, NOR, was it proper ever to garden without one's fully loaded high powered sidearm, due to them coming through the gardens.

Nobody knew what them were.>They weren't nomes, they weren't fairies, nor trolls, however THEM, or they.

If they came through your garden while you were gardening, then you must, without any recourse of action, discharge your fully loaded weapon at them.

History tells that there were no recorded fatalities from them and LSD influced gardening.

The most important thing that one can tell you here, is that it was always better to be safe than sorry.

They found it in a laboratory.

This was called emergent intelligence and the funny people factor talking to plants and worrying about THEM, started to filter into the early robots people had in their homes and apartments.

Those people who understood how plants thought, also started to regard their home robots, as part of the family and these machines started to also fulfill this role.

There was the family entertainment center, the family poodle and the home-bot, who secretly knew what everyone was saying.

Time passed and centuries later in the work of a Professor Daystrom, the semi-posatronic matrix into being, as a ship's control.

This was a new concept, to let an entire ships automate be taken over by an intelligent helms-computer; however they allowed this to happen.

The big mistake Daystrom made before his complete mental breakdown, was that no safety governener was ever added to the new M-5, or M-6 series.

These ships automate computers, had total authority, however they sometime did not regard themselves, as part of the family........In others words, they felt they owned the family?!

Getting back to our mess, when Spock and Kirk, tricked M-5 into shutting down, the one adage that Kirk had assured his compatriots about as a result of making the Enterprise play dead.

This was so that it was no destroyed, was believing in the trust factor, in simple man to man humanity.

The perusing ships did not destroy the M-5 manned star ship, simply because of a school acquaintance that Kirk had known at the academy.

In Kirk's words, "I knew him at the academy and I had judged his character and felt that he had judged mine".

I felt he did not fire on us, as I believed in his humanity.

This one critical factor known as humanity, human trust, the ability to believe in one another as trusted fellows, saved the Enterprise from becoming a pile of space rubble.

The simple factor of man's trust, to fellow man.

Re: Where no man has gone before.........

Please forgive me, I thought this was a forum of people with the goal of discussing time travel and its posssibilities. Getting ever closer to a solution to the question on how to achieve it.

I to have seen every episode and movie of every star trek generation out. I too can resight many of the lines and even convey the moral of each story. STAR TREK IS FICTION.

Re: Where no man has gone before.........

I think that this will finaly end the question and stailmate conversation to whitch Mr. Chronohistorian is actually from the future or not......

Al Einsteins theory of special relativity says that "mathmaticly" TT is possible, both forward and backwards. This is so intreguing to me but one thing that hasnt been discussed here or in any other forum that I can find, is the basic facts.

As I stated, the moment that TT is accomplished, it will have always been possible. Eneveatably, people will travel back into time, and forward into time. Any where they go, any time they go to will then have experienced true time travel. If a Traveler goes to the past and states in puplic that "I am from the future, it will have been experienced by the people involved and hence, it exists and has been invented. Try to imagin time in a picture like the united air lines comercial. Thousands of destinations,back and forth, hear and there. My point is, that the moment that it is possible, it will have already happened millions upon millions of times and so on and so on.

Since this isnt happening right now, the only way that time travel can be possible is if we were to assume that our time that we are in right now is the leading edge, the tip of the arrow of time.

If we are the tip of the arrow, then when we invent time travel then the past will experience it but we will not be able to go forward. Only the times behind us will be able to move forward to our time.No farther. Remember we are the leading tip.

Saying all this. I have got to conclude with Chorohistorian, You sir, have way to much time on your hands and not enough imagination to pull off what you are trying to pull off.

I personaly have a high school education. no more. I sell cars for a living and I am a 37 yr old single man. So what you say????????

I could blow so many holes in your story and if it were me in your shoes, I would have had the entire board on their heels. Pondering the effects of time is my hobbie and you know nothing about the most basic aspects of time. Oh Yeah.. if you are going to be a historian, learn some history.

Some of these people are educated and they know more than you.

Nice try. Ill bet you were a big fan of "Sliders".

anybody want to discuss time travel and hear my opinions, my e-mail is listed on my profile.

Re: Where no man has gone before.........

Note' You caught me on the fly Bill.

Read what you had said and these points you are missing.

This is the era of egos, not understanding, so your objectivity is blinded by what your able or do, against Chrono, in order to discredit his story.

Chrono has relegated the possibilities of his story to two differing states.

The possible and nonpossable.

This is so as Chrono himself has said that mentalities in the future are injected, so that a person takes on new experiences.

So how does Chronohistrian know that he is himself and not another identity programmed to be what he thinks he is now?

Two the nature of his mission he said was two fold.

One, to uncover missing history, which has to some extent been provided here and two, Chrono said he came here, as someone was talking about him.

Who was this someone and what is Chronohistrians true identity, if we are lead to believe we can't trust who he says he is?

Got to go, someone somewhere ought to show up to talk to you? :)

Re: Where no man has gone before.........

billagain-how do you know time travellers don't introduce themselves on forums? We do this because we are allowed because there is a low risk that we will alter the timeline or get taken seriously enough by government agents that they will kidnap us.

I stay here and go back around 2530/31 because I wanted to receive news from the future and if I received news and went back to the original time I went then I could alter the time line.

We need a doctor incase we become sick or injure ourself.

There is a possibility that I could die here and I would never be able to stop it.

universe-galaxy, keep getting them mixed up because they are almost the same.

Re: Where no man has gone before.........


We do this because we are allowed because there is a low risk that we will alter the timeline or get taken seriously enough by government agents that they will kidnap us.

How do you know that they are not looking for you already? They might have already found you too....

Writing something like this is risky, don't you think you should be more careful with what you disclose?!

Re: Where no man has gone before.........

Lets review. You Sir, can not possibly be from the future...

#1 TT dosnt exist in our time.

#2 The moment that it does, it will have always existed. (Ill expound for you limited mind if you want)

#3 If we are the leading edge of time, then there is no future yet.

#4 If there is no future yet, your world dosnt exist.

#5 If your world dosnt exist, you are a lier.

#6 Follow me on this one- We live in a 3 dementional world ( up, down, forward , backward, left and right and so on.) Time is the 4th demintion. If the other 3 are constants, then it would be safe to assume that time is a constant also. No begining and no end. This would mean that we are not at the leading edge of time and so....... since we are not traveling in time YET, we neve will, nor will anyone else. This also means that you are not from the future.

The list of reasoning goes on and on.

This is who you are........

You are a board high school student with little imagination and a love for science.

You have nothing beter to do then try to get a little attention from people that are itelectually supiror to you. You are in to big of a pool my friend.

As a time traveler, you are very irresponcible

As a story teller you are very un-imaginative,

As a scientist, you are very uninformed and ignorant.

As a historian?????????????

The people on this forum only respond to you because of your clames. There will be a point to witch you are completely ignored so live it up while you can.

Re: Where no man has gone before.........

billagain-sorry but you don't know what you are talking about. you have no idea of how time travel work or what it is like. saying that if it exists once then it will exist forever is just stupid. Just because it is a time machine does not mean it will have existed forever.

There is a future which I have came from.

I have never liked science because there is too much experimenting and I have left school because I am 22.
