I am from the year 2007.

RMT said Dec 23rd. 2003

Some questions for you before I "debunk you to shreds": ;)1) That thing-a-ma-jig you call a "Key Lock Door" on your time machine... does that, perchance, have anything to do with a Variable Gravity Lock (VGL)? Reason I ask is cuz that's a term I have heard associated with other time travelers & their devices. ;)
2) It seems like the page from the manual is inconsistent with the photo of the time machine in its operating environment (it seems you call this the Ridgeway?). Why is this? Some examples of what I am talking about:

a) The feature named "Bob" seems to be modified between your operational photo and the manual photo. Bob in the manual seems to have an overt ornateness about him that Bob in the ops photo does not have. Is this just a personal choice of Bob's or does it somehow figure into the time travel physics?

b) The "stabilizing bars" (my term, since there is no callout for them in the manual) on either side of the "analog readout" (again, my term) seem to be different between the ops photo and the manual. Why is that? Is temporal vortex strength somehow involved? I would think so since the operational unit seems much more...... ornate(?) in this sector of the device.

c) The "analog readouts" seem to be indicating different temporal deviations. Is the manual version simply calibrated for a different worldline?

3) It appears that tracking the position (and phase???) of the moon is crucial to time travel in this device. Is this true? And if so, could you explain the physics, please.

4) I see from the "other user's manual" you included that GE is still in the time travel business where you come from. In my worldline we have a much more superior "HD" technology that seems to put your "porta color" to shame. Have you ever heard the names "Sony" or "Panasonic" in your worldline? I have found these devices to provide the highest resolution time traveling experience... if you know what I mean (wink-wink, nudge-nudge).

Write back.

1. May be the term Virtual Geography Locator.The reason I say so, is that the user is abridging cycles of rotation of the Earth's year.So what occurs is a suspension of the geography of the now and a electrical machinery transitory tracking to the predicted future.
Pamela had intimated that big chunks of earth ground were taken from departure point to departure points and then dropped at each appearance.

This might have been a consiquence of the travled distances from then to the target date?Say travel four years, so you would draw four sets of interconnecting circles from the starting to ending point.So what the unit is really doing, is both preduicting and abridging cycles.

It was said by JT that his unit had been knocked out of desired cycle position, so the said appearance of J.T. here, may have all been a circumscribed accident?

2.Bob? Bob Lazar? b.Temporal vortex strength indicator is needed as each Kerr sphere horizion must maintain an even unit performance as one possibility if one Tipler malfunctions, is that the vehicle that the travel is traveling in, could be cut in half?C.solar Flare again?But if your'e detecting some extraneous input over what is normally project in this units performance, then I would say that this takes the range of implied intent into another category concerning the use of this said machine.

3.It would be gravity cycles of the moon and it's weight mass along with consistency. All these factors being indexed into a sum of intent equation impinging upon this machines performance.What do you think Ray?

4.Ahh', he can't disclose in GE as that's a primary manufacturer of his machine.The second part of the answer is possibly did WW lll occur and supplies for the HD VGS in very short supply?_You or I don't know.The work crews manufacturing this said time machine may be working under the conditions of armed guards with machine gun emplacements at the entrances to the buildings as social geographic conditions are so rough.

This is a projection for you RMT, but it's the best that I can do.Pinter

So did the 2008 government accept further debt servitude from the federal reserve banks in your timeline? It is generally regarded as a shitty economy in this timeline.

So did the 2008 government accept further debt servitude from the federal reserve banks in your timeline? It is generally regarded as a shitty economy in this timeline.
The photo of the car is like the car I owned back in 1971. There were three models of the 67 vette that had three types of 427 engines. The can I had was the L-71 435 HP model that was sent from the factory to Baldwin motors in NY to be rebuilt into a 700 HP engine. Forest green rag top with a red line at 8,500 RPM. Had a yellow line marked at 7,500 RPM and a speedometer at 165 MPH and a half mark to the end made it 170 MPH. Took it there once while in a race with a XKE 12 cylinder Jaguar. Guess who won?

You are welcome to ask me anything about the time period in which I am from. I do not care about screwing up history so anything goes, except sports scores (I have never paid attention to sports much, so I wouldn't be able to tell you anyway). I will try to speak as plainly as possible, but the english language may have evolved a bit between your time and mine (especially if you live in the Central or Mountain time zone), so if you have problems please do not hesitate to ask for clarification, as I am well-versed at speaking in sentences of simple three-letter words (I can also use numbers in place of words, such as using the number "2" to represent "to" or "too", if that is what it takes to communicate with you). Please be aware that I am not psychic. I probably don't know you in my time, and I probably don't know anybody you know, but I might know somebody they know, and there is a very good chance I know somebody that knows somebody your ancestors know. For further degrees of separation, I can check myspace, no doubt they are connected to me there in some way (myspace is a modern website in my time where people who spend way too much time online collect virtual e-friends to feel like they aren't so alone). I also have access to a huge database of information at my fingertips, so if there is something I do not know I can simply "google it" (our futuristic 2007 way of saying "look it up in our vast online, publicly accessible network of interconnected database servers").You are welcome to believe or not believe, either is fine.
I am quite confident there will be a lot of questions about how I travel in time. Time travel has been around for a long, long time, but in our current time (2007) time travel is still very slow. If I were to travel from say, October 27, 2007 to October 28, 2007, it would take approximately 24 hours. There are people in our time who are looking into speeding up this process, but I find that reading a good book, or playing video games speeds it up a bit. I will be posting a photo of my time machine later on when I get around to it.
2007, went at a pretty good pace for me, I did not detect any slowing
