I am from the year 2007.

Here is the seat that goes along with it:


Any authentic time traveler will also include diagrams:


Here is a diagram of how it works:


Here is the cover of another users manual I found. Just thought I would throw it in for good measure, since you people are probably curious about our futuristic technology:


Some questions for you before I "debunk you to shreds": ;)

1) That thing-a-ma-jig you call a "Key Lock Door" on your time machine... does that, perchance, have anything to do with a Variable Gravity Lock (VGL)? Reason I ask is cuz that's a term I have heard associated with other time travelers & their devices. ;)

2) It seems like the page from the manual is inconsistent with the photo of the time machine in its operating environment (it seems you call this the Ridgeway?). Why is this? Some examples of what I am talking about:

a) The feature named "Bob" seems to be modified between your operational photo and the manual photo. Bob in the manual seems to have an overt ornateness about him that Bob in the ops photo does not have. Is this just a personal choice of Bob's or does it somehow figure into the time travel physics?

b) The "stabilizing bars" (my term, since there is no callout for them in the manual) on either side of the "analog readout" (again, my term) seem to be different between the ops photo and the manual. Why is that? Is temporal vortex strength somehow involved? I would think so since the operational unit seems much more...... ornate(?) in this sector of the device.

c) The "analog readouts" seem to be indicating different temporal deviations. Is the manual version simply calibrated for a different worldline?

3) It appears that tracking the position (and phase???) of the moon is crucial to time travel in this device. Is this true? And if so, could you explain the physics, please.

4) I see from the "other user's manual" you included that GE is still in the time travel business where you come from. In my worldline we have a much more superior "HD" technology that seems to put your "porta color" to shame. Have you ever heard the names "Sony" or "Panasonic" in your worldline? I have found these devices to provide the highest resolution time traveling experience... if you know what I mean (wink-wink, nudge-nudge).

Write back.


Nah...I'm not buying it.

The time machine in the photo's a mock-up of some kind. Clever but not beyond the powers of a skilled prop maker.

As for that chair...well, yeah sure it LOOKS futuristic. But is that thing even practical!?

At first I thought this was a joke about everyone traveling through time 60 seconds per minute. Now I see it as not to clever hoax.

My dog could debunk this thread.

Hi Rainman,

Sorry I haven't had time to reply in the last few days (hahaha, a little Time Travel humor there!).

1) That thing-a-ma-jig you call a "Key Lock Door" on your time machine... does that, perchance, have anything to do with a Variable Gravity Lock (VGL)? Reason I ask is cuz that's a term I have heard associated with other time travelers & their devices.
I don't know, I didn't make the thing, I bought it.

2) It seems like the page from the manual is inconsistent with the photo of the time machine in its operating environment (it seems you call this the Ridgeway?). Why is this? Some examples of what I am talking about:a) The feature named "Bob" seems to be modified between your operational photo and the manual photo. Bob in the manual seems to have an overt ornateness about him that Bob in the ops photo does not have. Is this just a personal choice of Bob's or does it somehow figure into the time travel physics?
I believe the manual covers several models of this device, and it claims that the actual product may vary.

b) The "stabilizing bars" (my term, since there is no callout for them in the manual) on either side of the "analog readout" (again, my term) seem to be different between the ops photo and the manual. Why is that? Is temporal vortex strength somehow involved? I would think so since the operational unit seems much more...... ornate(?) in this sector of the device.
I don't know, you lost me. Are you some sort of engineer?

c) The "analog readouts" seem to be indicating different temporal deviations. Is the manual version simply calibrated for a different worldline?
One photo is from the manual, and the other is a photo I took myself, so I am guessing they were taken at different times.

3) It appears that tracking the position (and phase???) of the moon is crucial to time travel in this device. Is this true? And if so, could you explain the physics, please.
Yeah, I thought that was really cool, and it was something that affected my decision to purchase this particular model. I am no physicist, but I am guessing it is a completely cosmetic feature.

4) I see from the "other user's manual" you included that GE is still in the time travel business where you come from. In my worldline we have a much more superior "HD" technology that seems to put your "porta color" to shame. Have you ever heard the names "Sony" or "Panasonic" in your worldline? I have found these devices to provide the highest resolution time traveling experience... if you know what I mean (wink-wink, nudge-nudge).
Sure, Sony and Panasonic are huge multinational Corporations in 2007. It is interesting that you use HD (Hand Driven) technology. The display unit in the manual is actually designed to plug into an electrical wall socket (we have electricity in most homes in 2007).

Hi SkeptiSaurus, thanks for your comments:

Nah...I'm not buying it.
Good, it's not for sale!

The time machine in the photo's a mock-up of some kind. Clever but not beyond the powers of a skilled prop maker.
It is quite functional, as seen in the following photos:


As for that chair...well, yeah sure it LOOKS futuristic. But is that thing even practical!?
Well it folds up for easy storage, I can't think of anything more practical, except maybe shrinking to fit in your pocket or disappearing completely to be rezzed later.


At first I thought this was a joke about everyone traveling through time 60 seconds per minute. Now I see it as not to clever hoax.
I assure you, traveling through time at 60 seconds per minute is no hoax!

My dog could debunk this thread.
I don't believe you.1: Most dogs cannot read.

2: Most dogs cannot type (although you could always post for him, but he should probably have his own forum account or people will think you are trying to hoax us).


Hi Cyb0rg it's me once again I just wanted to ask you three more questions so here they are and thanks for everything:

1. What does your time machine do how does it operate and how do you travel through a wormhole, portal, tunnel, etc.?

2. Do pets still exist in your timeline?

3. Do you have a government and military in your timeline?

thanks for your time and patience and thanks for listening I hope you have a great day and thanks for the information and pics and thanks for being cool and honest with me I hope everything is fine for you thanks in advance I will talk with you later on see ya later!

Ok CybOrg:

Please pay atention to the VGL on your unit!!!

is that thing that uses the key...

otherwise you may end down under...

Nostalgic? try this:

Quoted from Post to Post thread I am from 2036 back to 01-27-2001 12:45 PM:


John Titor



Registered: Jan 2001

Posts: 96



Greetings. I am a time traveler from the year 2036. I am on my way home after getting an IBM 5100 computer system from the year 1975.


My "time" machine is a stationary mass, temporal displacement unit manufactured by General Electric. The unit is powered by two, top-spin, dual-positive singularities that produce a standard, off-set Tipler sinusoid.


I will be happy to post pictures of the unit."

end quoted

Post to Post: I am from 2036



Hi everybody, I just wanted you all to know I have made it safely to the year 2009. It was a bit of a bumpy ride, but here I am.

It appears I have more questions to answer so here they are:

"1. What does your time machine do how does it operate and how do you travel through a wormhole, portal, tunnel, etc.?"

As I previously stated, I have several time machines. Some use batteries, some plug into wall outlets, and I have one you can power by turning a crank!

"2. Do pets still exist in your timeline?"

Yes many people in the year 2009 still have pets. I myself have 5 cats that time travel with me. One of them did not make it into 2009 with me but he has been replaced by another fully functional cat.

"3. Do you have a government and military in your timeline?"

I don't own one myself, but they do exist here in my timeline.

Hi Cyb,

Usually i am skeptical when people make such claims....but there is something about you that just can't be discredited. Plus i had my own experience.

Can you please tell us;

The other day i saw a temporal device that looked a bit like the one you used back in 2007. I bought it and contructed it to the schematic's direction. I then sat on it for around of 5 mintutes, trying to utilise one of the screw or dial mechanisms on the left 'leg'. I must have done something wrong, because it broke - before violently crashing me to the floor with the said temporal device, underneath me. Upon looking at my watch, it realised that since last looking at the time i had been unkowingly thrust 5 minutes into earth's future. To my complete shock, no-one else had noticed a thing, or indeed that i was missing for this duration of time.

I can only assume i had punched a hole through hyperspace, with the exit point of the wormhole dropping me in the exact same location, just 5 minutes later on an identical timeline. Now i feel like a man out of time, and i am tring to get back to my original time before the machine malfunctioned.

Can you please tell us or give some advice on protocol, should this happen to others?

I took the reciept i was given with it, and informed the company that sold it to me, of what had happened. Well, someone high up must have been watching, because they denied all knowledge. The woman at customer services even looked worried, before calling one of her 'controllers', over what looked like an internally secured telephone line. About 3-4 minutes later some MIBs, in what looked like white lab coats, came and took me away in an unmarked van, apart from the sides, which had some kind of symbology on it, a series of etchings; A.M.B.U.L.A.N...i can't remember the rest as it was happening so fast. They asked if i had health insurance. I said no...they then let me go.

To this day, i still don't know why they let me live. I guess they were scared of what it might do to their time-line.

Your fellow TT'er,


Also, on the way home, i followed all these people into a building. They must have been government workers (i can tell this as some of them were holding brief-cases). They put their security cards into a machine. One machine was open so I managed to sneak through.

I went a couple of levels underground on these moving stairs. I have no idea how they were powered. I followed several employees into some kind of room with sliding doors. Inside these long narrow rooms, were a series of slightly different but similarly designed temporal devices as the one in your manual. I sat on one, then suddenly the doors closed. I was scared as i felt this strange motion...people appeared to be moving to one side as the device powered up yet we remained still....this effect rapidly esculated...THEN...NOTHINGNESS! it was like i was travelling through a dark wormhole. It then slowed and as i exited the wormhole the people returned (though looked different). Their expressions were noramal, like they didnt even acknowledge we had arrived. I went up and when got outside i was in some kind of daze. I looked at my watch. Not only had those of us in the narrow chambers travelled 10 minutes through time, we had also bio-located to a completely different part of London.

I asked one man how this had occured and the method of propulsion. He looked at me funny (i feared at this point i may have blown my cover) and said, "erm...electricity?". Can you imagine!! Perhaps some kind of Tesla technology was involved.

I now realise the project engineer over the radio that was saying "Please mind the gap", must have been reffering to the spark gap between the Tesla coils that must have been in operation.

I asked the man what this place was called (again thinking i may have blown my cover). He said "the London Underground", in what seemed like a patronising tone.

I plan to investigate this underground base more in the future...if i can get in again.

I will keep you informed

It looks like they must have gotten deleted years ago. It seems like only yesterday when I posted them. Maybe it was the government?

Source problem with an unknown time travel device and a device known as HDR.

There is a prophylactic effect based with use of the HDR.This allows a person to travel in time, however immediately after use, the user is snapped back into their origin, but with no immediate memory of time travel.

It seems that they must sleep a cycle or two and then everything comes back in great detail.

The problem with time travleing in a vehicle, almost any kind, is that one must use a Tesla coil to exact energies from the copil I belivedr or other methods, to synchronize the function of the HDR to the Tesla coil via compauirative exitation.One issue that I uncovered in research, is that it seems a person does have immediate memory, but then this would be an inverse functioning phenomenon is physics.

This is probably because of the mass of the vehicle altering the set function of the HDR being tied to it.

In this thread what is being done, is comparing an HDR to the workings of an unknown said time travel device.So there seems to be a comparative mass to size function in devices performing a similar said function.In a joking way, this would be like comparing a Federation Phaser, to a Romulan disruptor in duty cycle function, if you follow what I mean?

This post was made from some collective files sources and for educational purposes only.Thank you, Pinter

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