I am from the future and I CAN PROVE IT


Temporal Novice
I am not a time travellor but they do exist I believe. I am communicating from 2043 Year of the Lord.
The person who called himself Titor was almost definitely one. I think I know why some of his predictions were wrong.
I may need someone's help, and i can prove some of the things I say if anyone is interested.
Can you explain how you are posting from 2043 but your IP says you're posting from 2006 in Denmark?

Are you using the name of your psychiatrist, Gregory Tarasoff?
Step it up, let's get to the proof! You are dealing with SEVERAL very savvy people here who have dismissed "proof" of time travel before.

If you are ready for my own version of the "acid test" (one which takes into account the exact claim you have made) just let me know. It should be a simple test for you...if you are who you claim you are!

The person who called himself Titor was almost definitely one.

What do you mean.... " ALMOST " definitely one?

Either he was...or wasnt, not "almost" a time traveler.

Understand this...

Some of us don't really care what year you are from. We want the proof up front. If you post a list of events that actually occur as you said they would, then we would love to know more about "you".

and i can prove some of the things I say if anyone is interested.

Now how you came to the conclusion that anyone in Time Travel Institute would be interested in a "real" time traveler posting in the forums is beyond me. We all hang out here to toss down a few beers, have a few laughs, and use Time Travel Forums as a cover for government operations against the citizens of the world.

yeah prove it MR...Creedo299.......................is that your fake handles...no I guess not but oup wrong person

prove it /ttiforum/images/graemlins/loveit.gif
Why would you name yourself after a psychatrist?

Have we considered the possibility that these people might not be hoaxers but might actually believe their own stories?
I am not related to the Gregory Tarasoff you mentioned. That is not even my true name of course, i would never be dumb enough to post my true name here where anyone could read it.

your comment about John Titor definitely is or he definitely isn't made me laugh. i agree, he is or he is not. i do know no for sure. but his guesses are so accurate that he definitely has future knowledge. I can't decide whether he intentionally laced his stories with lies or whether something else accounts for the discrepancies between my history and his. maybe it's this divergent wordline multiple universe thing he talks about. given who he claims to work for i tend to assume lies but perhaps i am wrong.

the greatest mystery for me remains what titor hoped to accomplish by communicating with this group. i do not believe he was just amusing myself nd that is certainly not my purpose

i appear to be in 2006 because my organization does not have the power requirements to create an ms or even if we could to generate a temp field anywhere on the order of 75kg. fortunately we were able to obtain an ms and use it transport a relay to mid-2004 The relay was either entangled with duplicate relay in 2041. either entangled or else a worm hole was formed between the two relays, i have heard the techs argue about it for hours and they never agree what really is going on. i get the feeling its more of a spiritual question than a real one.

this is some what to hide where on earth the two relays are. this is less so that somone in 2006 would find it, but more so that someone in the present doesn't find it and us with it.

here is one kind of proof i can give you. i have been very fortunate to have been granted two thousands bits to prove to you i am genuine by solving a problem that is unsolvable in 2006. for this, I will need someone to give me a 500-600 digit number. any number will do, just type in about 600 digits. Only not all zeros. so long as you choose the numbers basically randomly, it should be fine.
I'm guessing you will also tell us the method after, So we can validate that you have done it correctly?

Otherwise, we wont know, will we....
okay, here's a 500-some digit number for you. I don't see how this is going to prove anything. And I'll tell you something else-- if you expect me to type this number into a computer every 108 minutes, forget it. HAHAHAH

here is one kind of proof i can give you. i have been very fortunate to have been granted two thousands bits to prove to you i am genuine by solving a problem that is unsolvable in 2006. for this, I will need someone to give me a 500-600 digit number. any number will do, just type in about 600 digits. Only not all zeros. so long as you choose the numbers basically randomly, it should be fine.

Very interesting. So are you going to post CubFan's number, and make that post 3 days before? That would be a neat trick.

I'd stay for that show.
So are you going to post CubFan's number, and make that post 3 days before? That would be a neat trick.
AWWW...Now you're giving away my test!

But yes, now that sosuemetoo has breached the topic, the best way to prove you are posting from the future is that you should be able to go back PRIOR to your date of registration with this username and post a new post. Get it? Good...get cracking!

what you are asking is a delayed choice event. these are very difficult to do because they require a reinsertion of the relay. and there are other complications. but something like this is possible. ive done this once before and now that our own mission is entering its final phase i may be able to get permission to do one for you at some point, especially if we need your help.

so here is the proof i had promise. there is an operation you can to do large numbers called factoring a number. the best computers in the world in 2006 ad cannot factor even a 200 digit number. or they can but it takes them years. so i have arranged to have factored a 500 digit or more number in less than 24 hours. this is something that should take decades or even centuries with 2006 ad technologies.

while it is almost impossible to factor the number, anyone with a calculator or math program that can handle 500 digit numbers should easily and quickly be able to confirm that we have solved the problem and correctly factored the number. this is utterly impossible using 2006 ad technology. this is still rather expensive to do in 2038 ym.

after giving me the number

it should be easy for you to confirm that we can factor it:

if i am correct, this is utterly impossible with 2006 ad technology.
what you are asking is a delayed choice event. these are very difficult to do because they require a reinsertion of the relay. and there are other complications.
No, this should not be at all difficult if you really are posting from the future. For you see, just being able to register under this username, at the time you did, and post your first post is NO MORE DIFFICULT than what you claim to have done.

I can even make it simpler for you. You don't even have to pre-date a message with this username. All you have to do is go back to a time PRIOR to the time of your first post, and register with a username that I provide to you, and then make a new post at that registration time.

but something like this is possible. ive done this once before and now that our own mission is entering its final phase i may be able to get permission to do one for you at some point, especially if we need your help.
Good. Glad to know you think it is possible. Although I am going to bet that you will come forward and claim you did not get permission, or some other lame excuse that will prevent you from complying. But in the off chance that I am wrong (it happens, but not very often) /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif then here are the parameters:

1) I want you to register with the following username (which has been verified as non-existent in the current database): "Big_Faker".
2) I want you to register under this username at some date PRIOR to April 17th, 2006 (the date your current username registered).
3) I want you to immediately post the following message with the username defined above in (1):

"This message is to prove to RainmanTime that I can post from my time to a time prior to April 17th, 2006."

There is your challenge. Meet this challenge and I may just have to believe you!

if i am correct, this is utterly impossible with 2006 ad technology.
You are utterly incorrect in several of your assumptions. Let's deal with them:

the best computers in the world in 2006 ad cannot factor even a 200 digit number. or they can but it takes them years.
Incorrect. A 200 digit integer was factored in several months (not years) as part of the RSA Factoring Challenge.

this is something that should take decades or even centuries with 2006 ad technologies.
I don't think so. While factoring is certainly not linear with regard to number of digits, it is not exponential. If 200 digits can be factored (with 2006 technology) in several months, I would guesstimate that 500 digits could be accomplished in WELL under a decade, and certainly nowhere near a century. Another factor here is how many CPUs you have running in parallel. The more you have, the quicker the work gets done.

anyone with a calculator or math program that can handle 500 digit numbers
And therein lies the "rub" in verifying your factoring. Not many people have such capability. I certainly do not have this capability off-hand. However, while I am flying to Australia tomorrow night I will certainly have plenty of time to do some programming. Perhaps I can gin-up an extended precision integer operation program to check out your factoring. I'm going to have to dust off all my old grad school books on digital computation theory to do it, but it might while away some hours.

it should be easy for you to confirm that we can factor it:
Not really. But perhaps I (and maybe others) will take up the challenge to verify your numbers. Typically, I don't deal with math that requires any more than quad precision, even for such things as spacecraft control. However, I know enough to work on a program. Perhaps a more programming-savvy guy like bogz could do one faster than I?

In any event...I await your acceptance of my own challenge.
I don't know what kind of proof this is if no can understand what you're talking about. It sounds like just math babble talk and you think people will be so "oooh, ah! Math. only future people know what math looks like"
"Bull...". Probably you know the end of that word, if you are from the future. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
can you predict my future or guess what i do for living?
I can't believe nobody is asking any real questions, this is BS im disappointed. just gang up and destroy mentality just like always.

Here's my ?'s....

Why did you choose this time to communicate with us?
Why did you come to this board?
Will there be a nuclear war in our future?
Can you tell us the name of anybody who dies in our near future. A rock star, a news anchor, a policeman, I dunno just anyone who would be in the newspapers in your time. You should be able to pull up the New york times www.newyorktimes.com by going thru archive.org our internet archiver. Find something within the next week/month and post it word for word or paraphrase or give us a hint about who is going to die.

How many others can communicate or are communicating from the future?
How many people are alive in 2043?
You said u need help, who's help, what kind of help?

Can you explain your computer interface, still keyboard? Just how quickly can you reply to our messages, theorhetically it should be instantaneously since you are 30 something years in the future. If you can't reply to us instantly, why not?

Anything else u can think of? (wonder how many people are monitoring this thread!)
Thats because we have asked these questions over and over again. And you know as well as I do that nobody ever gives a straight answer.

If you noticed my post above, it states what I think we all are looking for from these time travelers or people from the future.

I dont care what year they come from, and I dont care what they "can" offer.

Just post the damn proof and then we will work on getting social.

perhaps i slightly underestimated your computer power but the point remains unchange. there is no way to factor a 500 digit number. that i did it should show you all that i have access to some technological capabilities you do not. granted this does not necessarily prove what i say about the time, perhaps i simply have some sort of advanced technology not well known in 2006 ad. but it will at least prove i am not just another faker.

it should be easy to demonstrate my factors are correct. any good mathematics program with arbitrary precision integer arithematic should work. you shouldn't have to program it yourself although you can. but i do encourage you to do something to confirm it, even in my day the factors were not easy to obtain and required a minor expenditure of resources.

i have asked for permission to do a delayed choice event when the project is done. i will let you know more about that as time progresses. its not exactly what you think it is but its still pretty dramatic and convincing. we did one when we started the project. well, they did one. i shouldnt overstate my role, which is miniscule.


>Why did you choose this time to communicate with us?
some of this i can tell you, some i cant. August 2004 was chosen. not later because we wanted it to be far enough pre-war we were confident we could do our job with plenty of time to space. not earlier because we wanted something that did not exist earlier or at least didnt exist in as good a form.

>Why did you come to this board?
We first came here to try to figure out who titor was. we still dont know. then later this board seemed like it would be the most receptive to helping us as a backup if the main method fails.

>Will there be a nuclear war in our future?
saying yes doesnt make me a prophet. you already know that.

>Can you tell us the name of anybody who dies in our near future.
you know more about your time than i do, and you could make better predictions about what will happen tomorrow far better than i could. The day to day archives were either destroyed in the war, obliterated in the purge or are now state secrets and wed be the last person in the world to be allowed to access them. if i make vague predictions based on memories, i might as well be a oracle or a fortune teller and even if things turned out right it would dismissed as vague and wouldnt convince anyone not even me. and then theres the quantum effects. if i knew that in my wordline you died tommorrow, my message warning you might go to a divergent line in which the prediction was false. i have no guarantee that i am communicating with my own past line, and supposedly, the more i try to create paradoxes, the further away from true past i get.

this is why i was so proud of the mathematic approach. it is proof that doesnt rely on paradox events.

>How many others can communicate or are communicating from the future?
I work with a staff of around fifty "communicators". only on one other occasional prior have we revealed ourselves, and it was not on this or any other board. But we are almost positive that there are those who can send back whole massive things including persons. i do not know how many. and ironically the best way to find out is looking at message boards like this. there could not be many people sent, certainly less than a hundred. most likely just one or two.

of course for this number i mean those having departed prior to 2038 ym. there are a lot of mysteries. why havent we seen any signs ofr someone from 2075 or 2500 or 4000 coming back to earlier? some say there's a scientific explaination, that somehow they cant get too far back. others say it will at some point become illegal or the technology will be lost in a dark age. im sad to say i am one of those who believes the most likely reason i have never communicated with somoene from the future is that there is another war coming, one that will no one will survive.

>You said u need help, who's help, what kind of help?
titor claimed he was coming back to get a computer. i think he was lying but he definitely went back for something. in any case, there is more than one method of skinning a cat, and we will need someone to purchase something and send it to us.

>Can you explain your computer interface, still keyboard?
you would laugh out loud if you could see what i am using to communicate with you. a circa 1998AD microsoft computer, though i doubt any two components came from the original machine. obviously, this is what i use to communicate with, not what i used to factor the 500 digit number.

so what i think you want to know is what are computers generally like in 2038. in one word, true computers are illegal. by true i mean a complete computer that can do anything not just prespecified things. but they do of course exist in the educational forts and then who knows what all they have in the military installations. keyboards are still used. usually keyboards to communicate with the machines, voices are used to communicate with others. most people do not type.

>Anything else u can think of? (wonder how many people are monitoring this thread!)
i have something i already wrote that i want to say when the project is done, but ill save it for later

>Just how quickly can you reply to our messages, theorhetically it should be instantaneously since you are
>30 something years in the future. If you can't reply to us instantly, why not?

i cannot respond instantly unless we decide to do a reinsertion in which case i can respond instantly or even prior to the question being asked. but a reinsertion is a very very very significant procedure and we will not do it until it the last thing we need the relay for. so as i mentioned, the relay was inserted into 2004 ad and that was done 20 months ago. even though it has traveled through time, from the relays clock it is only 20 months old. by analogy, imagine you are communicating with someone in europe, you have a phone they have a phone. the sun is rising in europe but it is night where you are. yet time is still moving for the both of you, and you are both moving forward in time at the same rate. the only difference is there you are separated by space but you and i are seperated by time. does that make any sense. its much easier to just experience what its like.

and no communication isnt instanteous. the relay is in fact very very slow. so slow we could never download the things we need off the 2004 internet, not even if we had ten years to do it. slow isnt the right word, technically the term is narrow, but it ends up making things slow.


find a mathematician that can verify the proof ive already given you.

Nice. Guess rudeness hasnt changed much through-out the years.

It seems to me that if you have seen the full lifespan of this site, then you would realize how many people start out with ...I am from the year...

So, doesnt it seem logical to start your claim somewhat differently to assist you in establishing trust ? or to demonstrate that you are truely different than the others that made similar claims?

If I have been rude to you, I apologize. I am sure you understand how skeptical some of us are, and how some of us get tired of seeing ...I am from the year...stuff over and over again.

As far as finding a mathematican, I believe our ProfessorFaustus is one...Professor, care to comment on the mathematical claim of our esteemed time communicator?