I am from 2026.

"Oh no. Please tell me its not rodney dangerfield. lololol"

Nope. I just Googled him and he died in 2004. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif
Oh no. Its not that shag guy is it? Austin Powers????? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I know...your googling him. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
REALLY!?! Just got done sleeping for a few hours....ugh..being sick SUCKS!!!

Anyways to continue with time travelor questionsing

How tall are you? What color are you? Did you bring any money with you? Did you bring your birth certificate? Do you have a Social security card? What highschool did you graduate from?
Yawn.....thread full of nothing, Linford, if you're lonely there are a thousand and one chat forums you could go on, do you have no friends at work? Why do you feel the need to pretend to be from the future?

Old time travellers don't die.....they just change their username and register again /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I have come to this forum for no other reason than to speak with other "travelers" and compare experiences.

So why are you answering questions? Why are you not waiting for other travellers to post in your thread?

I do not have a problem asnwering questions, but keep in mind that there are some things that I cannot and will not answer. Do not take this as a personal insult. It is the nature of the beast, so to speak. I will try and be as specific as I can with most everything else.

Could you clarify what 'the nature of the beast, so to speak.' is?

In 2026 time movement is not a common practice. Like nuclear weapons in this era, it is illegal by most nations' laws. It is illegal in the United States of America, but that has not stopped some agencies from utilizing it.

Can you tell us what position in society you held that would allow you access to illegal technology? Which agencies are using this illegal technology??
"Anyways to continue with time travelor questionsing

How tall are you? What color are you? Did you bring any money with you? Did you bring your birth certificate? Do you have a Social security card? What highschool did you graduate from?"

1. I am 6'2.
2. I am Caucasian.
3. Yes, I stated as much.
4. Yes, but I do not intend to use for anything.
5. I do, but Social Security is nothing as it is here.
6. I'm not going to give that information out, other than to say that the highschool exists, and has existed for some time, in this era.

"Yawn.....thread full of nothing, Linford, if you're lonely there are a thousand and one chat forums you could go on, do you have no friends at work? Why do you feel the need to pretend to be from the future?"

Oh, there is nothing to pretend here, my friend. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

"So why are you answering questions? Why are you not waiting for other travellers to post in your thread?"

Who says I'm not waiting? You? I am a patient man. I can wait and find ways to occupy my time.

"Could you clarify what 'the nature of the beast, so to speak.' is?"

I'm going to assume that your being here in this forum is cause enough to believe that you know exactly what I'm referring to. I do not feel comfortable with some information about myself being made public due to the delicate nature of my existence in this time.

"Can you tell us what position in society you held that would allow you access to illegal technology? Which agencies are using this illegal technology??"

You would not be wrong to think of me as a sort of journalist. As far as what agencies are able to access this technology, I honestly do not know the extent to which time movement has been and is being utilized. I mentioned before that the U.S. government DOES have the technology, but what they do with it is certainly not made public. We can only guess. Other nations, specifically North Korea and China, have publicly stated that they have utilized time movement and have successfully moved a live human being. That's about the extent of what is on the record. What is off the record is an entirely different story. Individual companies and private organizations have made claims about successfully moving individuals through time for years. Some are more likely than others. The bottom line is that it can be done, and it is being done, not only by world governments, but by private organizations.
".....and private individuals "

Not acting alone, no. There is no single individual that could comsume the amount of energy needed to use a Move Box who wouldn't be singled out by their government and questioned. It's easier to perform these experiments under the guise of private institutions.
Ok, Here is a question:
You say you are waiting for another time traveler to come on here and talk to you but how will you know she/he is the real thing or not? Do you have some way to tell?
Man...Getting information from these current "time travelers" is like pulling teeth.
I have not met anyone like John so far where I could ask them a direct question and get a direct answer from them right away. sigh! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/cry.gif
Why did you bring you birth certificate with you? How do you work?

What kind of internet service do you use? Do you think Recall will share that info? Do you think the Cig man already has a theory? Do you think Rainman will care? Do you think Darby will shoot you down? Will you impress Pam? Will jim chime in?


Got any questions for me?

YOu know guys this forum rules! We got a boat load of extreme talent and potential pissing it all away to waste time messing around with folks like this.... imagine if we pulled all our resources together....what could we accomplish?