"HERE YA GO! What will happen to microsoft this week? Will the stock market go up or down? What color is your hair? Are you male? Do you have a drivers Liscence? Are you gay or strait?"
1. I don't know.
2. The stock market ALWAYS goes up and down.
3. Brown.
4. Yes, I already stated as much.
5. Not in this era.
6. I am heterosexual.
"so when is the first time machine coming out?? and where did you get the time machine from....."
Time movement is not something that is widely done. It is more of an underground movement that works outside of the legal constraints. The governments try to tell their people that it is not commonplace, and to some extent they are right. Personally, I know of only four others who have used a Move Box or something similar to move through time. Think of it like an Italian sports car that is not street legal in the United States. You know it exists, even if you have never seen one of been affected by it. But it's existence does not interfere with your daily life.
The first time movement device was an early version of what I used to get here: a Move Box. It was developed successfully by private companies. Even before it's creation was made public, the U.S. government acquired the blueprints, so to speak, and have done whatever it is the government does with such things. We will probably never know the extent of which they've used the machine to time move.
I was not involved with the creation of the Move Box, but I was selected to witness several of it's early testings, as were a good many other people. Not long after that I decided to use it for myself. That is how I am here now.