I am a Time Traveler from 2026.

Zeschua' does the future have to recover from something that happened to the U.S.?

Two, if I had a large space ship, that was mine and I could park it half way in-between the sun and the Earth, accounting for planets that might rotate in the way, and cause a collision, would this be a wise thing to do?
Hey, I understand that you'll only say it one time... saying it twice would be pointless since you haven't made significant sense the first time. You clearly don't understand the technology of today well enough. How could you be expected to imagine what might be possible in 20 years? Throwing out terms such as "40-50 Teraflops" in the context of a problem that's supposedly "not as complicated" as I make it out to be is blatant smoke-screen stuff. (BTW, if 40-50 teraflops isn't the equivalent of a power-user desktop in 20 years, I'll be disappointed.)

None of what you wrote makes the slightest difference and in fact seems to compound your problem. You've managed to admit the horrendous problem of precision without describing how you managed to get _our_ equipment in _our_ time to react as if a _two way_ communication (i.e., the communications protocols necessary on _this_ end) to view you as anything but random static.

But all of that is neither here nor there. Here comes your _real_ problem --

I've stayed away for a while because it's otherwise a waste of time with you. I put these notes here to get others to realize how much of a waste of time you are. To demonstrate that, there's one small element that you can _easily_ do that will divulge no secrets from the future but that will prove (almost absolutely; I know of a couple ways around it but you apparently don't) you are who you claim to be:

Since you already know the future of this forum (see: "information that was posted at TTI some years from now" in your post, and I couldn't help but notice your little mistake in "years <font color="blue">from now[/COLOR]"), please be so kind as to post your reply to this post six hours, plus or minus five minutes, before I post my next message in this thread.

I'm not likely to add much more here for a while but I'll give you the 'plus or minus five minutes' so you can pretend that your precision isn't perfect.

For you, it ought to be trivial. You claim to be able to control your connections down to a few milliseconds (remember TCP/IP two-way protocols?)

I'll check back to see if your reply to _this post_ is waiting for me and to see what its timestamp was. Feel fortunate that I wouldn't expect you to reply to my _next_ post instead. I mean, you already know what's gonna be in it, right?
Hey guys,

I know we are all TT fans. But please, use your brains.

Anyone claiming they are a traveler is full of BS. For many reasons.

One, if you were a TT, would you realy spend your time, ON THE INTERNET, trieng to prove you are a TT?

Do you know how impossible, and pointless this is?

This kid just has to much time on his hands, not traveling through it.

Nanites? DNA screening?

Anyone who is serious, will only go to contact people, with real proof, and real reasons. Not, just for fun.

Example, go back in time to save earth. You wont go into the past, to talk about on the net. Another thing, if this technology was accessable to everyone, it would get abused and misused. If one normal person can get it, in the future, it would still be sold on the black market. And or, replicated and sold.

Meaning ther would be a flood of time travelers, who dont give a crap about messing up the present or anything, and the technology would get out of control, and everyone would know about.

Yet, since this is not happening, it means if any time machines work in the future, they are obviously kept under secrecy.

Who would release technology like this?

Ive said my piece, this guy is a total hoax, his theories dont even make sence.

As for others who claim they are from the future, it is possible. I just dont see how a man, with the worlds most advanced technology, would go into the past to talk on a forum.

And also, if this joker, is claiming he isnt even in our present, but only sending messages back into the past that is BS it aint even funny.

Yet, since this is not happening, it means if any time machines work in the future, they are obviously kept under secrecy.

Who would release technology like this?

That's the rub with time travel as we conceive it to be. Secrets have a time component, meaning, "How long can someone keep a secret?"

If you have just one time machine and a group of people have the knowledge of it and how to build it, time (pun intended) is on the side of the secret leaking out. You can't keep any secret forever but time machines can access "forever" if you use them. Eventually the secret gets out and not necessarily at some future date following the invention of the gadget.

Once it gets out and other people begn to produce it you can't even make a valid choice as to when it was first invented or even if it was invented at all. When it ends up "in the past" even the inventors would have a problem (though they wouldn't know it). Why invent something that is already existent when by all perspectives it appears to have always been existent?
If you have just one time machine and a group of people have the knowledge of it and how to build it, time (pun intended) is on the side of the secret leaking out. You can't keep any secret forever but time machines can access "forever" if you use them. Eventually the secret gets out and not necessarily at some future date following the invention of the gadget.


Yes, you're speaking some sense here. This <font color="#666666">Zeshua[/COLOR] character -- 'Z' -- can't even think successfully in four dimensions, much less be anyone likely to be given access to such technology. ( Of course, this is similarly true of everyone making similar claims, but we have a specific target in this thread. ) I started picking on him (probably "him", doesn't seem to be "her" from wordings used) simply because he was handy at the time.

'Z' appears totally oblivious to the future after his supposed time. Given the assumption that his supposed technology is possible, then any time in the future after his, the technology could be rediscovered by an uncountable number of others. It would never remain a secret "forever".

'Z' also seems to have bought into the mistaken idea of 'alternate futures'. That is, he proclaims that he won't divulge certain kinds of information. Now, there can be no possible reason for this because he would already know what the result would be since it would have already been divulged in his past. But he avoids doing so because he seems worried that it might somehow 'alter' the future time-line. This could only be valid if alternate futures were indeed be possible.

But that leads to a problem... Where are they? I.e., where are those alternate futures? Where are all those alternates of OUR future where 'Z' made the alternate choice? Where are the posts from alter-'Z' that indicate that an alternate future really is possible?

From the viewpoint of the present, we think in terms of a single time-line leading out of the past to <font color="blue">NOW[/COLOR]. We can also conceive of infinite alternative futures branching off from every instant of time that passes. But that means there would be uncountable alter-'Z's "already" in our "future" sending messages back to here. Yet there is only one claimant. Alternate futures are purely a product of our incomplete mathematics today.

Where are the contradictory posts from an infinite number of alter-'Z's? No such posts exist because no alternate future exists. 'Z' can post any info and not change his supposed future in the slightest. Of course, 'Z' doesn't know that because he's sadly ignorant of the true issues of TT. He's doing nothing but attempting to suck in others who (1) are gullible and (2) also have no grasp of the issues. His ignorance betrays him when he doesn't post tomorrow's headlines for every day for the next month; it is a pointless avoidance.

Well, pointless except for how blatantly it exposes the attempted hoax.
Why does it all sound so thin? To start with there is still no accepted scientific theory on time that allows for communicating with the past.

If the technology will be invented than the consequences should be visible already.
Time travel allows the traveller to know the future of the people he visits.And so on and so on.

There should be many others in the wake of Zeshua. Telling us about their hero “the inspired innovator of temporal Net Com's”.
I once went to a lecture on time travel at my local university. When I showed up at 6pm, there was a professor gathering his items after a Math lecture. When I asked him if I was in the right hall, he told me the time travel lecture was the day before.

I likewise feel a bit late for this thread.
It took a while before I was bored enough with meaningful stuff to come back here. Now I'll have to check whether or not the reply I'm interested in was posted six hours before this one. It ought to be easy since by "April 4th 2026" this post will already have been in existence for 20 years. That is, it existed in this thread when Z first started the thread -- at least in Z's time it already existed.

Either that or Z doesn't exist in "2026".

Z wakes up some morning and decides to check the internet archives. Lo and behold! This thread is there. But Z made the first post? Ah, well, such is time.

Now, Z figures that our posting messages changes the timeline thereby affecting Z's present. Every action chosen today causes a new timeline. You choose, I choose, that Chinese kid chooses... pretty soon there's an infinite number of new timelines. It seems too bad that there is only a single one of all possible futures that has a Z in it.

But wait... If that's true, then Z could never be in alternative timelines. Remember, new timelines would also be created by actions tomorrow or a year from now or in late March of 2026 thereby causing alternate Zs. In fact, Z would cause alternate timelines beginning at multiple points beginning April 3rd 2026! But if there's only one Z, that means that every alternate timeline created by Z must necessarily be one where Z simply ceased to exist, i.e., every timeline but the one where we have Z sending messages back here.

Poor Z is certainly on shaky ground. Poofing out of existence at every timeline branch... (You'd think with odds like that, we'd notice it happening to people around us every once in a while, like every other second!)b

And what's really interesting is that there's only one timeline out of all the infinite ( infinite! ) alternates that has time control and technology to communicate. Sad state of affairs. The chance of us progressing along that line is infinitesimal.

I guess that's why it won't happen. You can't beat odds like that.

Pure BS.

How can people swallow it?
Pure BS.

How can people swallow it?

I dunno Vinnie. Maybe it's like people swallowing your statement that you're in Washington and your IP is in New York.

Maybe it's multiple timelines
Keep in mind this is ...an experiment ... I have been working on for over 3 years....

Hmm. I hadn't noticed that detail before.

So if Zeshua wrote this in 2026, the experiment began in 2023. But the first connection wasn't achieved until 2025.

- Peter
Zeshua predicted :
A Massive Financial meltdown that puts the Euro as the preferred Global Currency. Repercussions abound to the almighty US Dollar.

Is this happening today? The dollar is dropping like a rock.

See http://quotes.ino.com/chart/?s=NYBOT_DX&amp;v=d12

and http://quotes.ino.com/chart/?s=NYBOT_DX&amp;v=d1&amp;w=1&amp;t=l&amp;a=50

and http://news.yahoo.com/s/ft/20061201/bs_ft/fto120120061253216689

and http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061201/ap_on_bi_ge/dollar_24

- Peter
One year after Zeshua predicted the dollar would soon collapse, we find that it has hit a 15-year low:

US setbacks see dollar plunge to near 15-year low

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Last Updated: 2:37am GMT 29/11/2006

Your view: Will the dollar hit $2 against sterling?
The dollar tumbled to a near a 15-year low against sterling yesterday on fresh signs of economic trouble in the United States.

An 8.3pc crash in US industrial orders and an admission by the Federal Reserve chairman that Washington does not know how bad housing really is set off another day of wild gyrations on the currency markets.

The Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke said Washington did not know how bad a state the American housing market was in

US house prices fell 3.5pc to an average $221,000, the third month of declines. Stocks of unsold homes rose to 7.4 months' supply, the highest since 1993. The US consumer confidence index fell sharply to 102.9.

The "truckers index" of tonnage shipped by US haulage companies was down 1.8pc in October, a leading indicator of contraction. Merrill Lynch called the fall "borderline recessionary".

The dollar continued its slide against the euro, dropping to $1.3194 after the Federal Reserve chairman, Ben Bernanke, said the housing slump "would be a drag on economic growth into next year". Mr Bernanke said official figures did not pick up the "sharp increase" in cancellations on house deals and might understate the inventory glut.

"Any significant effect on consumer spending arising from further weakness in housing would have important implications for the economy," he said.


The pound briefly touched $1.95 and surged to eight-year highs against the yen.

The Japanese currency has been in freefall for months on repeated weak data. It suffered a fresh blow yesterday after retail sales fell for a second month, increasing fears that Japan's export-dependent economy may slow in lock step with America.

The OECD club of rich nations gave warning yesterday in its bi-annual economic outlook that the world's second-biggest economy was still too fragile after years of debt deflation to risk a rapid rise in rates from 0.25pc.

"The return to price stability is proving longer and less assured than expected. Further monetary tightening should wait until a fully-fledged exit from deflation finally materialises," it said.

The OECD downgraded its global growth forecast for the 30 leading economies from 2.9pc to 2.5pc in 2007, and said the US might need to start cutting interest rates next year.

Chief economist Jean-Philippe Cotis said there was no cause for alarm, arguing that the US would achieve the "soft-landing" it eluded after the dotcom bubble in 2000. "What the world may be facing is a rebalancing of growth," he said. "In the euro area, recent hard data suggest that a solid upswing may be under way. Growth should remain buoyant in China, India, Russia and other emerging economies."

In a rare piece of good news that helped calm Wall Street after the equity rout on Monday, Mr Bernanke said inflation had been "somewhat better behaved of late".

David Lereah, chief economist for the US National Association of Realtors, said there might be light at the end of tunnel for the housing market, citing a slight rise in transactions.
I wouldn't attreibute this to Zeshua as much as common sense. The US dollar is going to fall a lot more before it level off- a lot more.
Were there to be a New Science Discovered, what Form would it take?
Would this be some great Revolution at the Atomic Scale?
Will it Answer Questions of a Universal Nature?
Well Hate to cut this short Always Things to do.
Investigate Science, You will find Origins Universal in all human Resolve.
Philosophize, Understand,stay Resolute.
yourselves, Open up to new ideas.
Strength in numbers, Everyone remain calm.

Are the words in CAPS still more anagrams? If so, here are some possible resolutions :

“Were New Science Discovered Form” (28 letters) = ????????
“Would Revolution Atomic Scale” = OUR OWN EVIL TOO MISCALCULATED
"Will Answer Questions Universal Nature" (34 letters) = ????????
"Well Hate Always Things" = AWAIT GHASTLY NEW HELLS
“Investigate Science You Origins Universal Resolve” = ANCIENT ICE VESTIGES RUINOUSLY REVEAL GORE’S VISION
“Philosophize Understand Resolute” (30 letters) = ????????
“Prepare Open” = RARE POPE PEN
“Strength Everyone” = SHORT ENERGY EVENT

Is a "short energy event" the same thing as a "brief nuclear war"?

- Peter

Principle Aggolmerations of the World.

New Technology will always be endeavored as we seek more understanding of the Universe or Universes we all live in.

In that Endeavor, new devices that can destroy will be built.

It misuse can be Evil, or its potential to help humankind Good.

We will always seek this, and there will be opinions about what is really going on.

There was another radio show on last night on CoasttoCoastAM show discussing this very subject and part of what is going on.


And further in time will we travel making decisions that affect us all, seeking answers.

Perhaps looking cross-eyed may help but at this time I do not think so, and why would anyone want to cross their eyes as well as not think about the future.
Depends on how you look at the events surrounding your life then.
"Will Answer Questions Universal Nature" = UNSALINE SEAWATER QUITS NOVEL SWIRL RUN ??

It seems a stretch, but the given phrase generates over a million anagrams, so its a bit difficult to determine which of them is the right one, assuming the whole "anagram theory" is correct in the first place.

- Peter
“Philosophize Understand Resolute” = DESALINIZED HOTHOUSE PROPELS TURN

That would make the whole thing as follows :

“Were New Science Discovered Form” = FEW WORD VERSES MERE COINCIDENCE
“Would Revolution Atomic Scale” = OUR OWN EVIL TOO MISCALCULATED
"Will Answer Questions Universal Nature" = UNSALINE SEAWATER QUITS NOVEL SWIRL RUN
"Well Hate Always Things" = AWAIT GHASTLY NEW HELLS
“Investigate Science You Origins Universal Resolve” = ANCIENT ICE VESTIGES RUINOUSLY REVEAL GORE’S VISION
“Philosophize Understand Resolute”= DESALINIZED HOTHOUSE PROPELS TURN
“Prepare Open” = RARE POPE PEN
“Strength Everyone” = SHORT ENERGY EVENT
The Following are all events that will shortly come to pass. In your immediate futures. I will not give dates for these events, and although these may seem rather generic statements I assure you they are founded in reality based on fact. In the small chance that the posting of this information changes the outcome of the events, I see no way in which the events depicted would unfold "That much" differently than in my history.

- A Pre-emptive strike occurs between two war bound countries in Europe/Asia.

Israel and Iran are certainly looking alot like "war-bound countries nowadays. The world press is now no longer merely discussing the possibility of Israel making a pre-emptive strike on Iran, but are now openly expecting one.

But Zeshua seems to have known about it long before anyone else did. Zeshua wrote the above prediction on April 14, 2005, almost two years ago, and long, long before Bushco started making a fuss about Iran's nuclear program.

When did Israel and Iran first start to look like "war-bound" countries? Perhaps it was on October 26 2005, six months after Zeshua's prediction, when Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for Israel to be "wiped off the map" at the "World Without Zionism" conference in Tehran, Iran? Or perhaps it was in April 2006, when Ahmadinejad announced to the world that Iran had successfully produced a few grams of 3.5% low-grade enriched uranium? Or perhaps it was as early as August 2005, when the fiery Ahmadinejad surprised the world by being elected Iran's president.

Right now, the world seems uncertain whether Israel will attack Iran first, or if America will attack Iran first. If Israel does, Zeshua's prediction will have come true. If America does, Zeshua's prediction will have been wrong.

- Peter