Approximately zero chance of that. 2.2 miles is not within any reasonable margin given the uncertainty of position after 20 years. Sheesh, 2 years is beyond possibility. We simply are not currently tracking orbital motions accurately enough today for you even to have historical data that would help you. And we definitely aren't tracking factors of perturbation.
If we aren't tracking it, it doesn't exist for you to use. And we have no projects planned in the near future for such tracking. Algorithms won't work for this.
Vinnie, I will only say this one time so I do hope you are listening. The problem is not as complicated as you make it out to be. Let me give you a brief rundown of how the tracking procedure works to establish the Bridge to your time.
1.) A Destination time is entered that will not conflict (overlap) with any previous connections made.
2.) Destination time is converted into seconds. (Makes it easier later on, trust me.)
3.) Certain equations entered into the system are used to approximately calculate the location of earth based on the Destination time. Working backwards from the "Now".
4.) Many events such as radiation, solar winds, gravitational disturbances, etc are taken into account and roughly approximated towards the Destination time.
5.) A Lock is attempted to a particular Wireless Ethernet connection that I use as a Tracking Beacon.
6.) The Lock fails, Earth is not where the 40-50 Teraflops of computing power have "Approximated" it to be.
7.) Taking the Approximate estimated location of where Earth Should be at the time, a new set of equations is entered into the system. (This is all automatic the equations are already built, and based on information that was posted at TTI some years from now).
8.) Hundreds of Millions of possible Alternate locations are scanned, at a rate approaching ~780,000 per second.
If the correct Wireless Ethernet connection is detected the Lock is made.
If no connection is found, Step 8 is repeated indefinitely. As a Team, back in 2025, our very first initial attempts required Weeks to lock a connection. Now the data is much better, the equations fine tuned, I can establish a bridge to 2005-2009 usually within a matter of a few hours.
The Equations I cannot share, this applies to everyone. They are posted here in your future by a member of the boards. These equations allow this type of Space/Time coordinate system to be mapped, plotted, examined in detail and used for varying purposes. Such as an actual spacecraft flying through our solar system. Or in this case, determining the approximate location of earth 20+ years ago so that I might establish the Bridge.
There's no possibility of you calculating even within 1000 miles, 10000 miles. We're not talking fancy time-travel math here; this is orbital mechanics for which math is well established. We already know it's impossible to calculate the position of a moving body (such as a comet) to within 2.2 miles six months out. Why? Because bodies don't move in a predictable fashion. A gamma-ray burst could impart energy at any instant that alters angular momentum slightly. After six months, 2.2 miles would be considered a lucky bull's-eye. That's why we have such trouble knowing whether a given asteroid is going to hit the Earth a few months out; and the Earth is far bigger than 2.2 miles wide.
But 20 years? With no recent data? You're off your rocker.
You are right, there is no possibility of calculating the exact location of Earth, or even within 1,000, 10,000 miles. I am not debating this point. Imagine if you will, hundreds of thousands of lines drawn through a 3 dimensional plane (ignoring time for right now). Tracing the paths, attempting to acquire the signal, failing, and so further moving along one of these imaginary lines in space, testing the next coordinate, failing, moving on. Hundreds of Thousands of possible locations are checked. They are not actually straight lines, but I figured this would be a good example.
But you are wrong if you think I have to hit the proverbial "Bulls-eye" on the very first try. Once the lock is established, I do not have much difficulty in maintaining the connection. Also the longer the link is maintained, the more data I have to further adjust the calculations and make them that much more accurate. Keep in mind this is only an experiment, one that I have been working on for over 3 years, but still, only an experiment.