I am a Time Traveler from 2026.

Re:The Associated Press: worse than merely foolish


It's hard to believe the AP's recent behavior could be more odious than what's already been discussed, but on Boing Boing, Cory Doctorow spots further humdingers in their fine print.
And someone will pop a post and say that AP's hard stance violates their right to free speech. It probably does. However, for whatever reason, AP has decided to take this road and has filed law suits. A pyric victory in court by a defendant that costs tens of thousands of dollars in attorney fees isn't much of a victory.

Re:The Associated Press: worse than merely foolish


However, for whatever reason, AP has decided to take this road and has filed law suits. A pyric victory in court by a defendant that costs tens of thousands of dollars in attorney fees isn't much of a victory.
I believe you have answered the question your initially posed with the text I highlighted in red. Let's face, it lawyers run ALL companies these days. We (the aerospace engineers from Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, and Northrop-Grumman) were just having this discussion in our proposal war room today! We are marching to submit a technical proposal to AFRL in early August. We are being held-up by a lawyer in my company (he goes on vacation, no one does anything and nothing gets approved). The reality is that lawyers pull ALL the strings in our society. If EVER there was a good example of conflict of interest... we have lawyers running the government, and lawyers running companies... the only people who stand to make money in the way the lawyers have crafted society are... well, you can finish this sentence! :)

Re:The Associated Press: worse than merely foolish

Hey, Dont badmouth lawyers. Where I come from there are far fewer lawyers and they actually do a good job.

I think its funny how people assume they can get the better of all supposed time travellers, just by saying they can't go back in time and make a post before they started. Did it ever occur to you that the units were timelocked? Mainly because their instructors thinkbthey're all high and mighty and don't trust you even AFTER the full 60 hours of time training.

I've done what I needed to do. I'm jumping ahead a week. What's that about 168 hours?

See you in a week.


Re:The Associated Press: worse than merely foolish

Hey, Dont badmouth lawyers. Where I come from there are far fewer lawyers and they actually do a good job.
Fewer lawyers is always a better thing. And sorry, I can't help but badmouth lawyers...I am an engineer, and since lawyers cannot create things they come chasing after engineers like me who DO create things. And note: things fail.

I think its funny how people assume they can get the better of all supposed time travellers, just by saying they can't go back in time and make a post before they started. Did it ever occur to you that the units were timelocked?
Definitions are important for technical discussions (even a lawyer will tell you that!). So before I can understand your point, I would need you to define "timelocked" in a technical sense. Thanks.

Mainly because their instructors thinkbthey're all high and mighty and don't trust you even AFTER the full 60 hours of time training.
Please define "time training" (technically). Thanks.

I've done what I needed to do. I'm jumping ahead a week. What's that about 168 hours?See you in a week.
You seem to be toying with the line between TT discussion and making a TT claim. If you wish to continue to pretend you are a TTer, then I suggest when you "return in a week" you land in the TT Claims forum. OK?

Re:The Associated Press: worse than merely foolish

Sorry people are always telling me I need to work on my temper. And who said I was making a time travel claim? I find it funny how, searching the history of the forum, it seems to have been bombarded with idiots claiming to be from the future or whatever (especially when there are so many flaws with what they are saying). I thought John Titor was bad, but I can't believe some of the other people who just show up here.

Not my fault this is one of the first sites that comes up when you type Time Travel into Google. Forgive me for wanting to see how innocently Google once worked.

Yep your a time traveller from 2026. Yeh we believe you......no really we do.

LOL some people got too much time on their hands to type up all this garbage and expect people to be this gullable.

You do realise I'm not the one claiming to be from 2026... Yeah, my grandmother maybe. My grandmother's name was Zoe, maybe this is her lol

Zeshua wrote :

The Following are all events that will shortly come to pass. In your immediate futures. I will not give dates for these events, and although these may seem rather generic statements I assure you they are founded in reality based on fact. In the small chance that the posting of this information changes the outcome of the events, I see no way in which the events depicted would unfold "That much" differently than in my history.- A Sudden outbreak of influenza.
Today's news from http://www.hindustantimes.com/StoryPage/Print.aspx?Id=9c992524-8c22-4c60-8dea-c595ff5d1cd7 :

Mystery virus kills 160

Rural Kanpur is fighting its most frightening scourge — a mystery disease that has left a long line of bodies in its trail and doesn't seem anywhere finished.

What started from one village two weeks ago has now spread to 350 and has so far claimed 160 lives. Thousands more are bed-ridden. On an average, 15 to 20 people have been dying every day; Saturday saw the highest toll in a day: 24.

The district's health department is somewhat confused about the nature of the disease that has struck. At the beginning, the diagnosis was viral fever. Then doctors concluded that it was falciparum malaria. But after two weeks, they have ruled out both but still don't have an exact answer.

'We really don't know what exactly it is; we are depending on the finding of a team of specialists from New Delhi,' said Dr RC Agarwal, the district's new chief medical officer.

Specialists from the Infectious Disease and Surveillance Programme, New Delhi, have collected the blood samples of a few patients. The team will make its findings known in a few days.

But the fear of the unknown has resulted in a mass exodus of villagers. Pulandar and Dhar villages under Malasa block are

the worst affected. About 1,000 people in these two villages alone are battling the disease. Dhar has taken the maximum number of casualties. The village has lost about 30 people but only one doctor has visited it so far. That was 15 days ago.

Kuldeep Singh and Ram Avtaar of Dhar break down screaming: 'A lot of people can still be saved; we need doctors.' Rajesh (38) of Pulandar village says: 'Everyone here is waiting for doctors to come and examine people; but they aren't coming and we are counting our dead.' On Sunday morning, the mystery fever claimed Tilak Singh (35) and his nephew Vikas Singh (11).

Dhar still remains a perfect picture of neglect and apathy. Heaps of garbage continue to be littered all over. Houses are surrounded by stinking filth and roads are waterlogged — perfect breeding grounds for diseases like malaria. The village's secondary school has been shut down for an indefinite period. Children would wade through knee-deep water to reach the school.

Santosh Prajapati is struggling to cope with looking after eight family members who have been afflicted by the disease. He has hired a tractor to shift them to a hospital in Kanpur city. 'I have borrowed money from my relatives… if they remain here they will die,' he says.

- A Sudden outbreak of influenza
Help me out here if you can. I can't seem to find the word "influenza" (or flu or flu-like, or influenze-like for that matter) anywhere in the article. Where do I find the specific reference to influenza?

Oh - I know why the word influenza didn't appear in the article. That's because it wasn't influenza. It was Hep-E.

'Kanpur deaths due to Hepatitis E'

Sat, Aug 23 03:04 AM

The 40 deaths which occurred during the past 20 days in Kanpur were due to Hepatitis E, a form of liver disease, confirmed the experts from National Vector-borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP) who are visiting the affected area.

"Preliminary results from Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences in Lucknow have confirmed that deaths occurred due to Hepatitis E," said an expert. [snip]

Full article at: 'Kanpur deaths due to Hepatitis E' - Zimbio News Service

And it only took me all of three minutes to find the information after reading Peter's post. It took more time to write these three posts than it took to find the article.

And, Peter, that's the problem in general with your Z Person Zeal (ZPZ - zipps). You could have just as easily done the due diligence yourself to validate (or invalidate) your information. But you chose specifically not to do so in order to suggest a "hit" on an already admittedly vague proclamation by TZP (The Z Person).

On 4/14/2005, Zeshua predicted "a Massive Financial meltdown" in our immediate futures. On August 23, 2008, Stanley Fisher, governor of the Bank of Israel and a former IMF official told central bankers in Jackson Hole, Wyoming that "We are in the midst of the worst financial crisis since World War II".

On April 14, 2005, Zeshua posted:

The Following are all events that will shortly come to pass. In your immediate futures. I will not give dates for these events, and although these may seem rather generic statements I assure you they are founded in reality based on fact :[...]

- A Massive Financial meltdown
Meltdown. Check.
- Peter

April 2005: Zeshua predicts worlds economy will collapse between 2007 - 2011.

Feb 2007: Subprime Mortgage Crisis hits.

April 2007: New Century Financial goes bankrupt.

July 2007 : Dow Jones Industrial Average hits 14,000 for the first time.

Aug 2007: Liquidity Crisis emerges, American Home Mortgage goes bankrupt, subprime lender Ameriquest goes out of business, Federal Reserve responds by injecting $100B into money supply

Jan- Feb 2008 : World Stock Markets plunge, Bush signs $168 billion economic stimulus package, Britain nationalizes Northern Rock mortgage bank.

March-April 2008: Bear Stearns acquired by J.P. Morgan Chase, rising food and fuel prices trigger riots and unrest in the Third World.

Sept 2008: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac placed in conservatorship; WaMu seized and its assets sold to J.P. Morgan Chase; financial indices drop by the sharpest amount since 9/11, Lehman Bros goes bankrupt, Merrill Lynch taken over by Bank of America, and AIG almost goes bankrupt.

Oct 2008: Bush signs the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, creating a 700 billion dollar Treasury fund to purchase failing bank assets, Russia gives Iceland a four-billion-euro loan; Iceland nationalizes three banks.

Nov 2008: US purchases $27 billion of Citigroup stock.

The total cost of America's bailout now exceeds $4.6165 trillion dollars. This is not just the largest financial outlay in American history, but is in fact larger than all the other largest outlays in American history combined :

* Marshall Plan: Cost: $12.7 billion, Inflation Adjusted Cost: $115.3 billion

* Louisiana Purchase: Cost: $15 million, Inflation Adjusted Cost: $217 billion

* Race to the Moon: Cost: $36.4 billion, Inflation Adjusted Cost: $237 billion

* S&L Crisis: Cost: $153 billion, Inflation Adjusted Cost: $256 billion

* Korean War: Cost: $54 billion, Inflation Adjusted Cost: $454 billion

* The New Deal: Cost: $32 billion (Est), Inflation Adjusted Cost: $500 billion (Est)

* Invasion of Iraq: Cost: $551b, Inflation Adjusted Cost: $597 billion

* Vietnam War: Cost: $111 billion, Inflation Adjusted Cost: $698 billion

* NASA: Cost: $416.7 billion, Inflation Adjusted Cost: $851.2 billion

TOTAL: $3.92 trillion

This new expense isn't merely an 'outlay', but a loan. Paradoxically, we just borrowed 5 trillion dollars ($5,000,000,000,000) to take care of a 'credit crisis'. As if part of our problem isn't being willing to borrow 5 trillion in the first place. We, the American people, just borrowed money because we can't get any credit because we borrowed too much money. A few months ago, our national debt had just reached the almost inconceivable number of nine trillion dollars. Yet, somehow, we just managed to increase it by more than 50% in a single season. Zeshua said in 2005 that the debt would grow to nine trillion dollars before it didn't matter anymore.

It was right at that nine trillion mark when this economic collapse arrived.

- Peter


Antwan said in reference of being on



Imagine being sent in time to 2008. Instead of gas costing 25 cents a gallon like it did in the old days ,. A decent home, intead of costing before $15,000, costs $250,000 or more. Imagine your shock that the average American family owes $20000 on their credit cards. Imagine entering a society where less than 2% of the cars on the road are owned by those that drive them, and less than 1% of the homes are owned by the people who live in them.


Welcome to the new debt based slave state of America in 2008. It is all symbolic of how the globalists and NWO have America right where they want it now , and are eager to finish it off. As the dollar continues losing strength, what will this mean to the world you know this all of you .


Many will be deceived into believing that the economy is recovering; and then they will suddenly wake up to find their money worthless.


People where speaking of currency collapse a few years ago, and now the American dollar collapses likewise. However, the collapse of the US dollar is going to have much greater impact on the global economy and international political landscape than the collapse of any other currency ever did. The collapse of the dollar will reduce everyone to a third world status, and it's people to a chaos they are woefully unprepared to face.


It will be a period of tremendous hardship and economic deprivation. It will be a time of the great tribulations!


With the money being worthless, there will no longer be the ability to import fossil fuels. The gas lines of the 70's will seem like a pleasant dream compared to what this would be like. Also, this will have a devastating effect upon the agriculture and transportation sectors. The transportation system will not be able to distribute food without gas or diesel. Industry will largely grind to a halt. No longer will the economy be able to function. It will be the end of the American global empire. As with the fall of the Roman Empire, America would be forced out of economic necessity to close its military bases around the world. There would be no money for government services, education, pensions, health care, security, etc. Society would quickly slip into lawless anarchy.


The Homeland Security people would have their hands full, to say the least.


they where f****d anyways !


Hint : someone say FEMA camps !


Yet even as the dollar slides downwards towards collapse, many refuse to believe that it is possible for something like this to happen today. After all, we live in an age when Governments and their Reserve Banks can support the value of currencies through intervention right?


Various economists, speaking on behalf of the Federal Reserve, make soothing noises that there is nothing to worry about the dollar falling. They claim that this is going to assist American exporters, ignoring that the costs of imports will rise even more; and that the trade and current account deficits will continue to deteriorate. Some claim that while there have been collapses in the past surely this would not happen today.


Sadly, the reality is that not only could this happen today, but it will happen much faster than at anytime in history.


Modern communications enable billions of dollars can be switched from one currency to another at a click of a mouse today, when in the past it took weeks for speculators to switch from one currency to another. Never has been a time when currencies have been more vulnerable for speculation on their values.


The US Government is in a bind. If they lift interest rates to try and support the dollar, it will increase the size of the US budget deficit, plus the likelihood that the economy would go into a tailspin. The level of personal and corporate debt in the USA is now so high, that a sudden increase in interest rates would likely bring about an economic collapse. Either way, America is in deep trouble.


What we could experience is a run on the US dollar, until it becomes completely worthless. There have been collapses of currencies throughout history.






REMEMBER the German Mark in 1923. At that time, the German economy was saddled in massive external debts, plus was being forced to pay war COSTS .


America is in a similar position today, as the world's largest debtor nation.


Let's have a look to what happened to the German currency in the 1920's. At the outbreak of WWI, the German Mark was going for 4.20 to the dollar, at the end of the war, the mark was 4.80 to one US dollar, at the end of 1919, it was 42 marks to the dollar. By Dec 1923 it had fallen to 4.2 trillion marks to one dollar.


The German people suffered severely during this time, and it set the stage for the rise of Hitler to power. What took 3 years to lead up to the collapse of the German economy would only take 3 weeks today, with the speed money is able to be transferred from one country to another.


The collapse of the US dollar would remove America as a global power. There is now a shift of the balance of power from North America to Europe.





The international bankers who control the US and global economy want America to collapse, in order to get the American people to accept a global currency.


The Asian economies will also be severely affected by the collapse of the American dollar. Not only do these economies depend upon the US market for revenue from much of their exports, but they also hold substantial reserves in US dollars.




The Chinese and Japanese banking systems would collapse, their dollar holding evaporating, and the high debt levels of Chinese corporations will cause a massive wave of bankruptcies.





The Euro will become the preferred currency of choice around the world,AND YOU KNOW WHY THEY MADE THE EU




providing the Europeans with even greater political influence than the US has today. Behind all of this, the European based international bankers will further consolidate their power by creating a United States of Europe.


The crises of the collapse of the US dollar will help speed up the creation of a United States of Europe defense force AND NWO


Europe will emerge from the economic chaos that will erupt across the world as the dominating economic power bloc.


Germany, as the engine economy in Europe, and the largest nation, will be in the drivers seat for the direction this new Europe goes in.


Meanwhile, the nations of North America will be asked to repay their massive external debts. Having sold off much of their silver and gold, the creditors will look at other means of recovering the money they have advanced.


America would be held in economic bondage to these international money lenders, even more than they are now. They are going to demand total control of our economy, reducing people to slaves, AS THEY ARE DOING NOW




Already, America is despised around the world not only because of the Iraq situation, but also because America is generally seen as a nation that has been greatly blessed, but, partly because of the filth that THEY exports around the world, WITH THEIR PROTECTION AS WORLD POLICE is seen as an incredibly arrogant, and undeserving superpower.


This has left America with few friends that would come to it's financial rescue when the chips are down. NWO is allowing America to be humiliated and defeated , for PEOPLE trusting in wealth instead of trusting in THEM SELFS have for the most part rejected the Constitution BY DOING SO , and have allowed this once great nation to be ruined by enslaving us to a group of international bankers, in direct opposition to what the Constitution states.


We are apparently now in the final countdown towards the greatest economic meltdown in history. Yet few appear to be aware of what lies ahead. We are about to witness the end of the America that we were blessed with, and enter a worldwide age of tribulation and chaos that no one has experienced in living memory.



End Quoted...

:devil: :devil: :devil:


I would like to tell you something about Antwan, even though I do love the guy, he is infiltration personified.

Like the "Tokyo Rose" of his age.


The reason I bring this up...instead of allowing it to flow by. is that to do this thing will require enforcement. That enforcement to pay, may surprise you Recall. On the most base of levels, the extent that the government would goto to guarantee those loans, would either come at the hand of beatings to "prop up" the currency.

OR- would require debasement.

By simply reiisue of the currency, we can offset all of the loans. With one piece of paper.

Here is a Note for 3 gazillion 18 trillion 123 billion 123 million 942 thousand dollars.

Oh and keep the change.

Whether it is accepted, is another issue.

But not the level Antwan suggests, and here is the reason why, because even though we may "export opinion", that criticism is welcome at any cost, In fact it is the only thing left as a currency-.

Consider that for a moment if America left the rest of the world and left it to itself.

Dont awake a giant.--Everyone will rush here. Silence would have better.


By simply reiisue of the currency, we can offset all of the loans. With one piece of paper.


Here is a Note for 3 gazillion 18 trillion 123 billion 123 million 942 thousand dollars.


Oh and keep the change.


Whether it is accepted, is another issue.

Remember the

Zimbabwe Case The 25 Billon Bill


Caption Said: This may look like a lot of money but it was just enough to buy a newspaper in Zimbabwe. Inflation in the millions of percent means that a can of bakedbeans costs 250 billion Zim dollars!

Money with expiration date:

Good until 31 December 2008...

Takken from:

Link to TrekEarth

After these date What???

They will start to use the Aleph Numbers?

:confused: :confused: :confused: :oops:
