If you have just one time machine and a group of people have the knowledge of it and how to build it, time (pun intended) is on the side of the secret leaking out. You can't keep any secret forever but time machines can access "forever" if you use them. Eventually the secret gets out and not necessarily at some future date following the invention of the gadget.
Yes, you're speaking some sense here. This <font color="#666666">
Zeshua[/color] character -- 'Z' -- can't even think successfully in four dimensions, much less be anyone likely to be given access to such technology. (
Of course, this is similarly true of everyone making similar claims, but we have a specific target in this thread. ) I started picking on him (probably "him", doesn't seem to be "her" from wordings used) simply because he was handy at the time.
'Z' appears totally oblivious to the future after his supposed time. Given the assumption that his supposed technology is possible, then any time in the future after his, the technology could be rediscovered by an uncountable number of others. It would never remain a secret "forever".
'Z' also seems to have bought into the mistaken idea of 'alternate futures'. That is, he proclaims that he won't divulge certain kinds of information. Now, there can be no possible reason for this because he would already know what the result would be since it would have already been divulged in his past. But he avoids doing so because he seems worried that it might somehow 'alter' the future time-line. This could only be valid if alternate futures were indeed be possible.
But that leads to a problem... Where are they? I.e., where are those alternate futures? Where are all those alternates of
OUR future where 'Z' made the alternate choice? Where are the posts from alter-'Z' that indicate that an alternate future really is possible?
From the viewpoint of the present, we think in terms of a single time-line leading out of the past to
NOW. We can also conceive of infinite alternative futures branching off from every instant of time that passes. But that means there would be uncountable alter-'Z's "already" in our "future" sending messages back to here. Yet there is only one claimant. Alternate futures are purely a product of our incomplete mathematics today.
Where are the contradictory posts from an infinite number of alter-'Z's? No such posts exist because no alternate future exists. 'Z' can post any info and not change his supposed future in the slightest. Of course, 'Z' doesn't know that because he's sadly ignorant of the true issues of TT. He's doing nothing but attempting to suck in others who (1) are gullible and (2) also have no grasp of the issues. His ignorance betrays him when he doesn't post tomorrow's headlines for every day for the next month; it is a pointless avoidance.
Well, pointless except for how blatantly it exposes the attempted hoax.