I am a time traveler from 2015

Thanks for you. It's good to see smart people here.The John Titor story is long gone. Why do people hang on to that story. It's even debunked by Titor's own predictions. Later it was said that John Titor was talking about an other timeline. Please....i beg you. Timelines do NOT exist as it comes to time travel. The theory where it was used, was a theory. It was a possible solution to a difficult question. Nothing more. Stop the riddles and come with facts.

Let me give you an example. Tomorrow China will come with big news.!!

And now it your turn.

I agree with the Titor story. However alternate timelines do exist. Quantum theory speaks abundantly on these subhects, as well as Lord Einstein, Lorentz, Lord Wheeler and Thorn. Still like your post

First of all. John Titor is John Rick Haber HOAXHUNTER - Investigating and Exposing Hoaxes (Hoax Hunter): John Titor Identity Revealed - Hoaxhunter Or read John Titor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia And please stop this nonsense. It was a good story and for some a great eye opener. Some even learned from this story. So it had its purpose. No let it go. It will distract you from the thinks that are important.

Please remember. Its simple.... ontological paradox. Nothing complicated. Don't watch movies or books for answers.

Interesting video. However, it presents things that must people already know. As I have said in the past a million times (I am even afraid I might be penalized for saying it again) we should concentrate on time travel and leave the magawalliwuckaduckidibbisilly claims alone. There are wonderful minds whoi contribute in this site and together they could all uncover great secrets and mysteries. But sometimes I do think that people dont want to let go of the Titor sillydully.

I will prove it to you all. I will start a thread with something wonderful and lets see what happens.

As per the predictions in the initial post, no false flag at the London Olympics . . . and no discontinuation as a result. That said, word is that Galactic Federation Forces were reportedly on top of that event to make sure nothing went down. All the same, I believe your material is still worthwhile, Mr. Thomas.

I am not John Titor 1.My handle is John Thomas.I mix a lot of lies in with the truth in order to protect our time-line.

My father was the purchaser and I was chosen to be the first test pilot.

I had the ability to travel into the past just a few years.

What I know about the far future comes from people I know from our far future.

Recent "predictions" you can follow-up on. I predicted them within just a few weeks before they happened.

Google "ren1999" "titor"

The death of Kim Jung II.

Chicago NATO riots.

Michigan area radioactive fallout and Walking Pneumonia. (you aren't aware of this yet)

Colorado wildfires.

Synthetic Zombie drugs.

The E.U. bailed out Greece, Italy, Spain and others.

"Predictions" that will be proven shortly.

The October 2013 riots starting in Michigan.

Russia and the U.S.A. will work out a deal on Syria.

Romney will lose by a historical landslide to Obama.

"Fast and Furious" will be justified as we begin to learn that the Mexican government and army has lost to the drug cartels.

The E.U. will ultimately fail and disband.

The Euro will decline to previous currencies.

The U.S. economy will stabilize but most will earn surviving wages permanently. That means the majority won't earn enough to buy a new car every 5 years or take a trip to a foreign country.

We'll be seeing factory assembly robots roll out soon. That means, robots will start replacing assembly line workers as the cost goes down over the next few years.

The London Olympics -- more than just false flags? Cancellation and discontinuation.

Syrian government overthrown. Joint U.N. and Russian peace keeping.

More tampering, dirty and nuke bomb lone wolf terrorist attempts in the U.S. See Michigan for clue.

More annual flooding, heat, earthquakes, eruptions, etc.

"Predictions" that probably won't matter in your lifetime.

The U.S. floods creating 5 distinct land masses each with its own president and army.

Canada, Greenland and Siberia become very comfortable to live in while everything south becomes a sandbox.

Land east of Florida, Japan, above Egypt, and New Zealand will appear. Only land east of Japan will be valued real estate.

We will venture out and colonize habitable moons and planets in a Star Trek style world.
This is absurd, you are no 'time traveller'. No scientist would offer such predictions. If you understood the process it would be clear that wasting time trying to make predictions, to people of 'the past' of all things, is not within the parameters of any project that I am familiar with, at all.

I am becoming increasingly frustrated with all of these claims. I have somehow managed to find this website, expended a lot of effort, both in trying to learn this 'sticks and bones' technology in order to post information here, and in making attempts at a meaningful interaction with people here. But apparently this is a waste of energy. Honestly, judging by the idiotic claims here, based not on science but on fictional fantasy, I am wondering how in the world our current capabilities ever came to be.. Or perhaps I am simply trying to interact with the wrong group of people and more effort is required to be expended before my goal is reached, of interacting at an intelligent and realistic level with anyone here.. I do admit, however, that my goals here are purely selfish, as I am under pressure to achieve a level three interactive reality experience. Please forgive me if that is not going to be the case. This is, after all, a fairly shallow entry, being < P-100, very shallow, and as such, less accurate, with an MV deviation factor of 8deg22min43sec (not stable). So if this is all I'm going to get here, then so it must be.

HOWEVER! before I dismiss this project entirely, I have at least succeeded in posting (finally), a digital image from our project archives. I am not literate with this antiquated computer technology, but I was at least able to figure out how to post a photo as my main icon or avatar, what ever you call it. The html code did not function as expected, so therefore I am not able to post a large album of project photos. You may contact me via e-mail or message me for my e-mail address, and I will be happy to provide hundreds of photos, both digital and chemically-based (kodachrome, etc) upon request, as my effort to make some sort of meaningful contact here that may be of usefulness to our current project 2012.

I am attempting a level three (as we call it), interactive reality process, wherein, I am able to perceive and interact with people here, and collect photographs, and hopefully what you would call 'materialistic' artifacts for further study upon conclusion of the project. We have achieved this upon only one situation; a) extended, long-range projects (1885 project, and 1910 project). Both previously mentioned were at the limit of target ranging, yet, they both yielded successful physical artifact retrieval. Range is currently no greater than P-135, and as such, it is clear that we still do not fully understand the mechanisms involved, but, further study proves exciting and will be pursued.

In the photo posted as my icon, please note the following: 1) photo is digital, and may be evaluated with your technology quite easily to verify, 2) No quantum photon distortions are notable (usually common during projects extended beyond P-70 (or there-about). This suggests some sort of correlation at the quantum level that we do not yet fully understand, although theories abound.

Okay you got my attention, what timeperiod are you from? But it doesnt help much if you keep acting like a superior being way more advanced than we are. My suggestion, be humble and patient. Otherwise the powers that protect this forum will rain down on you.

I am becoming increasingly frustrated with all of these claims. I have somehow managed to find this website, expended a lot of effort, both in trying to learn this 'sticks and bones' technology in order to post information here [snip]Or perhaps I am simply trying to interact with the wrong group of people and more effort is required to be expended before my goal is reached
Perhaps you are attempting to interact with the wrong group of people. Let me help you by redirecting your efforts to a more intelligent crowd:
Google Groups (SPR)

There, I assure you, you will find working physicists and engineers posting and you will be in comfortable environs where you can communicate with peers rather than we idiots here. Not only are real physicists and engineers posting you have a rather well known physics professor who is the main moderator - Dr. John Baez, PhD, UC Riverside Physics Department.

I look forward to seeing your postings there. Do try to get it started today. Posts are pre-screened by the Mods so it takes 2 to 24 hours for posts to get on the forum.

"The October 2013 riots starting in Michigan."

Michigan lost the World Series and there were riots in the state that did win!

"Russia and the U.S.A. will work out a deal on Syria."

There was never armed conflict as a result of the civil war there.

Romney will lose by a historical landslide to Obama.

That was not so hard to predict. It was hard to predict that Romney would win the GOP nomination and then lose to Obama.

"Fast and Furious" will be justified as we begin to learn that the Mexican government and army has lost to the drug cartels.

Nobody even talks about this news. That's because it was justified.

The E.U. will ultimately fail and disband.

This has yet to happen but Germany and other countries are brining their physical gold back.

Germany is bailing out other countries less and less every year.

The Euro will decline to previous currencies.

As said, European national currency is making a comeback.

The U.S. economy will stabilize but most will earn surviving wages permanently. That means the majority won't earn enough to buy a new car every 5 years or take a trip to a foreign country.

Over half of all U.S. employees now earn less than $30 thousand a year and live pay statement to pay statement.

We'll be seeing factory assembly robots roll out soon. That means, robots will start replacing assembly line workers as the cost goes down over the next few years.

Latest headlines read "Chinese jobs moving back to the U.S. to be done by robots"

The London Olympics -- more than just false flags? Cancellation and discontinuation.

Of course it was a false flag.

Syrian government overthrown. Joint U.N. and Russian peace keeping.

Assad is losing the country.

More tampering, dirty and nuke bomb lone wolf terrorist attempts in the U.S. See Michigan for clue.

This was in reference to a story I read about a kid who was fooled by agents and thought he was detonating a nuke in a U.S. city.

More annual flooding, heat, earthquakes, eruptions, etc.

Hurricane Sandy, New Zealand and Russian eruptions.

I am not that detail-educated on the historical events of the early 21st century; however, I do not remember reading anything that resembles the predictions that person is making. The United States is still a single land mass 254 years into your future, as an example. Governments of the world have undergone changes, that is true, but it is not as dramatic as the writer suggests, and other issues such as natural disasters, are still occurring basically within the same cyclic patterns, with a slight increase in overall temperatures. Climatologists of my era are in agreement that we are continuing the warming period between ice ages, with a low percentage of human intervention as a contributing factor occurring somewhere between the late 1800's and early 2100's, before the global population reduction (also considered a natural process). Further, I would suspect any person who claims to make accurate predictions as a result of the uncertainty principle, which applies even for 'time traveler's, as an infinite number of possible 'futures' may exist once you are positioned into a specific universal reality construct. As a result, we do not believe it is possible to predict non-existent future occurrences outside of the parameters of the very narrow Torus model.

The United States is still a single land mass 254 years into your future, as an example.
The United States being "a single land mass" would be a rather significant change. The USA is currently divided into three major landmasses; the continental US, Alaska and Hawaii; and several island Territories that include Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa and the US Minor Outlying Islands (Johnston Atoll, Howland Island, Baker Island, Midway, Wake Island and a few more).

lledbetter2266, if you persist in the pretence of being a time-traveller, I will fully expose you in this group. This will be my 1st and last warning. You and I both know that you are NOT a time-traveller.

lledbetter2266, if you persist in the pretence of being a time-traveller, I will fully expose you in this group. This will be my 1st and last warning. You and I both know that you are NOT a time-traveller.
Gee, I guess I wasn't paying attention. Or maybe it's that professed time travelers don't seem to get my attention anymore. But that is interesting that this particular time traveler claims it isn't possible to predict the future due to the uncertainty principle. I thought I was the only one that realized that. And no predictions of gloom and doom. That's a first.

Perhaps if he can pass this test, I might pay attention a little more.

How can a wave appear to be a particle?
