Hurricane Katrina ties it all together (Civil War)

haha...we will all celebrate at RMT's Titor is BS party
Heh. Yeah, maybe I should go buy a new webcam, and we should make it a 24-hour virtual party? First thought for a party game:

We all drink a shot to the "Titorites" when each world time zone passes into 2006! (Of course, we can't drink water since it would be so scare according to Titor, thus we will drink CH3-CH2-OH instead!)

Lol...i'd prefer Alabama Slammers /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif in a Memphis Tenn. shot glass. Then we can graduate to playing power hour with Disney World shot glasses. I mean, since it's going to be one of the last memories of Disney, we better take shots of beer to that! Ha Ha Ha.

I love being sarcastic!

Only a month and a half away. I can't wait to see what they come up with next to keep his story alive...
Re: Hurricane Katrina ties it all together (Civil

Only a month and a half away. I can't wait to see what they come up with next to keep his story alive...

Come on, some people will keep the story alive until 2038.

What amazes me about this whole load of sh!t is that it's gone on for so long, and it would be interesting to find out why.
We all drink a shot to the "Titorites" when each world time zone passes into 2006! (Of course, we can't drink water since it would be so scare according to Titor, thus we will drink CH3-CH2-OH instead!)

I know I will at the party I am going to. Also, I coined the word 'Titorites', which now is for official use by all (Clapping and cheering in the background block out all other noises).

Re: Hurricane Katrina ties it all together (Civil

There's always the possibility that the guy who orchestrated the whole scam is one of the people keeping it alive on these boards.

I'm trying to start my own group of Chronohistorianites, anyone interested?
Re: Hurricane Katrina ties it all together (Civil

There's always the possibility that the guy who orchestrated the whole scam is one of the people keeping it alive on these boards.
Agreed. Based on his latest lengthy diatribe intended to "validate" Titor's stories, I'd vote for jmpet. However, I'd also think Mop (Raul) has often kept Titor at the top of the forum with selected posts. Of course, his interest is in promoting traffic to the site, so for him Titor is his "ca$h cow". /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: Hurricane Katrina ties it all together (Civil

haha, I really didn't read this post until after I posted onto the "WORDS FOR THE FUTURE, by John Titor," that jmpet made up. Crazy to think that I said that at the same time this came up!
I know I will at the party I am going to. Also, I coined the word 'Titorites', which now is for official use by all (Clapping and cheering in the background block out all other noises).

Actually, I think that a lot of us have used the phrase before. There is no evidence that states that anyone definitely used the phrase first.
Re: Hurricane Katrina ties it all together (Civil

Just to let you guys know, if there are Olympic Games in 2006, I will drop the whole Titor thing and I bet that a lot of other people will.
Re: Hurricane Katrina ties it all together (Civil

Also, as I have stated before, I believe that your "Titor is BS" party should be moved to the start of the 2006 Olympic Games. Once again, John stated that the start of the Civil War would be somewhat hazy.
Re: Hurricane Katrina ties it all together (Civil

Hi Knowledge,
Just to let you guys know, if there are Olympic Games in 2006, I will drop the whole Titor thing and I bet that a lot of other people will.
That's cool. At least you are adhering to the exact words Titor used. I promise not to rub it in (too much) when the games open in Turin.
Also, as I have stated before, I believe that your "Titor is BS" party should be moved to the start of the 2006 Olympic Games.
And I have offered to make it a 2-part shindig. Most of us will be celebrating other things on New Years Day, so it just made a convenient time to lay John Titor to rest.
Once again, John stated that the start of the Civil War would be somewhat hazy.
That is not exactly what he said, but I understand your point. What I would like to point out is that he also made a lot of other very specific predictions about the civil war starting in 2004 (and corrected his earlier 2005 "typo" as per his explanation). And then there were also predictions for civil unrest in the 04 prez election and, as Darby always points out, the Weekly Wacky Waco events. So I don't think it is fair to pick and choose which parts of Titor's story you hang your hopes (or fears) upon. If he had made no predictions about civil unrest or Waco-like events surrounding the advent of civil war, and only made the statments about people not realizing it until later than 2005, then I could more agree with your position. But focusing on his "cover story" (that the civil war was not recognized) while simulatenously excluding the more specific predictions of civil unrest and Waco-like events would be a biased analysis of Titor's words.

The whole story, or none of it. All the information, or none of it. As I point out, it is all about information... and what you believe.

Re: Hurricane Katrina ties it all together (Civil

Just thought that he may have been speaking from a wider perspective and not so USA centric.

I thought the things going on in Europe, for example, were interesting - as well as what was happening with Katrina.

Also don't forget the Tsunami in the Indian Ocean and also the earthquake in Kashmir where greater numbers have perished.
Re: Hurricane Katrina ties it all together (Civil

This isn't a reply to fred.

Titor's phrase 'waco like events', is taken too literally, in my opinion. This obviously isn't a 'waco type event', however, it could be compared, at least in some way (taking into account devlopments since the story broke) to Ruby Ridge. I still think a civil war in America is possible (note, this doesn't mean that I think Titor was a time traveler), but I think more needs to happen.
Palestinian Civil War - Not US Civil War

Dateline: 27 January 2006... Palestinians exhibit violence towards their own kind as a result of Fatah losing vote to militant Hamas.

I had to resurrect this thread to exhibit how silly the predictions of a US civil war are, by Titor or in response to Hurrican Katrina, when one compares it to things that are going on in other societies, such as what we see by the Palestinians today. Here are some telling quotes from THIS CNN story:

"A mob of up to 2,000 furious Fatah supporters took to the streets Friday, burning cars, firing guns and demanding the resignation of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas after the militant group Hamas trounced their party in parliamentary elections."

"Waving yellow Fatah flags in the flickering light of bonfires, protesters swarmed around Abbas' home in Gaza City, where they shot in the air and accused him of being a "collaborator" with Israel."

"The crowd moved to nearby Palestinian legislative buildings, where protesters set a van on fire and scaled walls, trying to force their way into the compound. Demonstrators outnumbered uniformed police on the scene. "

"On Friday evening, fresh clashes erupted in Khan Yunis between the two parties' supporters, wounding four, authorities said. "

OK, clearly THESE are the types of things one would expect to read when a civil war is about to break out. Given Titor's prediction of a US civil war in 2004/2005, you would expect to be reading these kinds of things going on in the US right about now. Yet nothing even remotely close to this is happening in the USA.

And one must notice how the Palestinians use violence against their own people in a case like this, much less how groups like Hamas use violence against Israel as a means to try to get their way. Who is the more violent? You don't see this kind of civil unrest in Israeli society, do you? No, the only violence in the Israeli society is imported by the Muslim militant suicide bombers!

Re: Hurricane Katrina ties it all together (Civil


Titor wasn't at all "hazy" about when the civil war was to begin. he was quite specific.

Titor (as TimeTravel_0) said here on TTI, the following. He posted it on 7-NOV-2000 just a few days into his story:

There is a civil war in the United States that starts in 2005. That conflict flares up and down for 10 years. In 2015, Russia launches a nuclear strike against the major cities in the United States (which is the "other side" of the civil war from my perspective), China and Europe. The United States counter attacks. The US cities are destroyed along with the AFE (American Federal Empire)...thus we (in the country) won. The European Union and China were also destroyed. Russia is now our largest trading partner and the Capitol of the US was moved to Omaha Nebraska.

On Post-2-Post he said the following on 1-FEB-2001:

The year 2008 was a general date by which time everyone will realize the world they thought they were living in was over. The civil war in the United States will start in 2004. I would describe it as having a Waco type event every month that steadily gets worse. The conflict will consume everyone in the US by 2012 and end in 2015 with a very short WWIII

He was very specific about the events occuring in the USA. He did, however, blow it on his dates. Notice that when the story begins in November 2000 the civil war starts in 2004. In February of 2001 he switches to 2005. The "Waco like" events occur in 2003, 2004 or 2005 because they precede the beginning of the civil war.

In either case he was obviously wrong. There has been no civil war and there have been no Waco-Ruby Ridge events in the USA between 1998 (when the story really began with his two faxes to Art Bell) and 2006.

He doesn't say that the civil war starts in 2008. He says that everyone in the USA, by that year, believe that their world is forever changed. There's no direct reference to the civil war, but the reference is embedded in the same paragraph where he says the civil war starts in 2004. It isn't unreasonable to conclude that he means that the civil war has been going on for 3 or 4 years by 2008 and that there is no end in sight - not that the civil war starts in earnest in 2008 as some suggest by taking the embedded quote out of the context of the paragraph..

There is another bit of inconsistency. In his online saga he alludes to Russia nuking all of the major cities in the USA (Europe and China as well). That act ends up killing off half of mankind (3 billion people).

Here's what he said to Art Bell in his second 1998 fax that he sent to Art the night that Art returned to the air following his first "retirement"):

I also urge you to reconsider your paranoia to the Russians. They are not preparing for war with the average US citizen . They are preparing for war with the US government. They will eventually save this country and the lives of millions of Americans.

So, according to his earliest attempt at the story, Russia "saves" America and millions of American lives.

According to the online story they accomplish this by nuking every major US city - where the vast majority of Americans live. But this, according to his story, was not aimed at ordinary US citizens.. It was aimed at the government - apparently with "surgical" hydrogen bomb strikes.


As we all know, "Titor" claimed that he had to be very careful about his identity. We know that he used proxy servers to log on as well as multiple "hotmail" type email accounts.

But he was not able to do that on Post-2-Post. To log onto P2P he had to use a real, major ISP provider, email account. He used his AOL account to register on Bell's BBS, [email protected].

But he had to pay for that account. AOL required a credit card or a personal check. No cash and no money orders (I was using AOL at that time). AOL knew who he was. Art Bell knew who he was because his real IP was logged there when he logged on.

And he made other mistakes that I can't go into. They also clearly identify the person behind "Titor".

If, as he suggested to people like Pamela, the government was out to get him he left a very clear and recoverable paper trail.

He also didn't leave when he said that he left. As I said, I was using AOL at the same time that he was using AOL. On AOL you could send email to another AOL account and request "Received", Opened" and "Deleted" receipts.

As late as the end of July 2001 I was sending email to "John Titor" at [email protected]. Those emails were all received, opened and then deleted. The account was closed sometime in early August 2001.

It also belies the necessity for him to have requested that everyone who participated in his email "experiment" to have forwarded their messages to Pamela so that she could, in turn, copy, paste and forward them to Titor's email account. We already had his real email account. It was posted on Post-2-Post. None of the participants remembered that at the time. Doh!

They could have done what I did - email him directly.
Re: Hurricane Katrina ties it all together (Civil

PS - relative to his email handle.

Recall that Titor's favorite food was oranges and his favorite wine was possibly orange wine (from the IRC chatlog - he was drinking orange wine while posting to the IRC group).

Sanguina, in Italian, is literally "it bleeds" or "bloody". But it is also the name for a type of blood orange - among his favorite foods.
Re: Palestinian Civil War - Not US Civil War

But, RainmanTime-

Islam is a religion of PEACE!

Oh my yes! It is so focused on peace that adherents to this religion become violent and start an uproar over the publication of an editorial cartoon... and yet when these same adherents kidnap and brutally murder innocents that is just supposed to be OK, and the Islamist militants who perform these acts should not be persecuted because their "freedom of expression" should not be infringed upon.

I know you made this comment in jest, Freud, but with this uproar over this cartoon, and how it is clear these Islamists wish to blatantly control the media and restrict any free speech, is it not clear to the rest of the civilized world where the stench of facism is focused these days? This BS about the cartoon reminds me also of the uproar over "improper" treatment of the Koran. These extremists expect us to revere their books and their dead prophets, and meanwhile the ONE thing that western values holds dear (human life) they are permitted to desecrate and we are not supposed to react?

I think the Danish government is doing the right thing... the government cannot and should not have to apologize for the acts of a free expression in a free newspaper. This is the crux of the ideology war in the world right now. The Islamofacists (which is exactly what these terrorists are) wish to eliminate freedom, and how dear is the right to freedom of speech and expression to the rest of civilized society?

And people are worried about the PATRIOT act denying or curtailing freedoms! What a joke!
Re: Hurricane Katrina ties it all together (Civil

The many worlds theory is a cop out, we could argue that his world is different enough that the things he says do not happen here.

Although i would still say 2015 date for nuclear war is still in range of high probability, based on current world events, the nature of the weapon, the people crazy enough to use them and the amount that still exist.

A nuclear war due to escalating arguments over oil and energy or misunderstandings from one going off in a terrorist attack is still what i would call high probability.

That does not mean it will happen on the date, it might never happen, but it is within range.

And yes Russia would attack USA, although someone would have to attack Russia, fo a "use em or lose em" option.

According to Titor, Israel is not ready for a true offensive, if Israel was to be hit by Iran for example, they may use the "samson" option, which basically means they fire their weapons everywhere.

So Russia get hit and use the "use em or lose em", china, india and pakistan go mental, the USA goes mental, targets in Europe get hit, Europe goes mental.
BOOM back in the dark ages.
It might only take one bomb to escalate into hundreds of the things being thrown everywhere.

Yeah JT is a hoax, but i would not rule out the worst part of what he said.
You cannot win a nuclear war, one would hope people realise this, however certain forces in the world believe a war would be good and maybe go to a better place for having launched them.
We live in dangerous times no matter what is right or wrong.

Are you going to care about these arguments if there was a nuclear war?
i could tell you without the use of hard science, the answer will be no!