How to travel ASTRALLY in time!

RE: Astral Temporal Marauder

Friend Transient,

I am all the more persuaded that this often is the case while I am in sleeprest in the most active of dream sleeps. There is so much unexplainable and recurrent thems in my dreams, and places I've never in this world knowingly been with people and in situations I have never knowingly experienced. Is this possibly travelling in other times & places as other people?

RE: Astral Temporal Marauder

Friend Zxavier

Well it might not come to you as a surprise but most of us today wander off out of our bodies as we sleep. Many simply experience a projection of their unconscious however there are those who can master the technique and can push their mind to some quite remarckable places. One hint I can give you is for you to write down every single dream you have, it does not matter how silly or strange it was, write it down and then later on try and re-live that dream while you are awake during a meditative state. Do it and you will se what you will be able to achieve.

Until later becomes now.
RE: Astral Temporal Marauder

Friend Transient,

No, not at all. I am persuaded that there is much more that goes on in all of our lives than any of us are really aware of. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

I am not a very good journaller, and currently don't have the privacy to leave journal out at bed time to record such things as soon as a awaken, which would need to be the case these days, as I often have numerous different and {seemingly} unrelated dream travels. I know that last night I had at least four, and wonder if I was in four different "phases," if you will, that were overlapping, but I couldn't process only one dream vision at a time. I only remember one that had to do with covert black ops special tactics sort of travels. The actual operation I believe took place in India, and then moved somewhere in eastern Europe to a safe house. This was so real that it actually continued for at least an hour after I awakened as I conversed with someone else that was a part of the entire scenario. This is not the most predominant theme in my dreams, but is recurring more often of late, as is the theme of having supernatural & paranormal powers . . .

More later.

RE: Astral Temporal Marauder

And beyond that, this scenario has continued running all this past week, while I have been awake, although never returned to in my dream sleep. It takes place two years in my future I believe, and the Date-Time-Reference Ratio, DTRR, is almost 1:1 for when all these these things are occuring in the future. From what I can tell currently see, all of this is in the future reality of our time line as we presently understand it.

Comments are welcomed, even rotten tomoatoes and rocks. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
RE: Astral Temporal Marauder

Friend Transient,

Here is a time / space paradox question for you. Presupposing the possibility of our coexisiting at

two different points on the same time line, hmmm.... now how to ask this . . . . /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

What is the result of interefering with our future while we're there and here at the same time?



RE: Spatio-temporal Bilocation

Friend Zxavier of EarthTR125.0121

That is a very interesting question indeed. Let me see, If I grasped the concept of the question correctly. Let us suppose that I am here on EarthTR125.0121.2003.1209.1458 and as a result to timephasing find myself in EarthTR125.0121.2004.0101.0001. You want to know if I interfere with my present how could that affect my prescence there?

Well you would have to take into consideration the concept of subjective time, chronological time and relative time.

Chronological time is the actual sequence of events that occur in a regular temporal reality.
Subjective time is the sequence of events that take place for an observer that travels in time.
Relative time is the resulting time frame as both chronological time and subjective time merge as paradox begin to appear in any given temporal reality.

So If I am on EarthTR125.121 Dec 9 2003 and on EarthTR125.0121 Jan 01 2004 as a result of chronology nothing would then occur for both of my expressions in the specific temporal reality are the result of causality. However, if I were to timeophase into that future date and then timephase back, EarthTR125.0121 Jan 01 2004 becomes my subjective past. If I then, do something drastic such as deconstitute this Temporal Reality, One of three things could take place. As one major paradox would be in order as a result to this cause, I would enter a NOLIPSE effect, which is something very similar to a temporal loop, a grandfather-like paradox could be intiated or the birth of yet another temporal reality could occur. In no way, I think, the traveler would cease to exist for this sorts of incosistencies hold up quite well when timephasing is in order, nontheless I am afraid that regular time travel would not have the same luck. That is if careful considerations are not taken regarding the quantum signature of the wave-string universe model.

Until later becomes now.
RE: Spatio-temporal Bilocation

Dear Friend Transient,

Let me further explain, if I can apply the correct example. Several Posts back in the related thread I mentioned a most vivid dream I experiendced about a week ago, that kept going after I awoke. My current line of questioning lies in the what ifs in that dream, and if it could be related to this time line in our future.......

What would happen in the case that one were actually living in his future, case-ion-point, December 2005 while in his past,December 2003, and then: (dramatic pause to get more /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif) at some point when the inevitable sever of the communications link between the indivual future and past are broken. When that person re-enters that date-time-scenario he had coexisted in, and would know what would happen . . . and that is just one pointed question in this most complex scenairo.
/ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Re: Corporolectroscopy revisited

Dear Friend Transient,

This brings up another point in my questions relating to dream traveling. When phase shifting or what ever phenoenon is occuring while traveling out of body in sleeep rest, would it bef possible to actually become another person or coexist in another person's body at another point in time and space, even on another time line? I strongly this has happened more than once also, as I have no other explanation for some of the dreams I have had meeting people I was prviously acqauinted with in the life I know about on this time line, but in totally different contexts and places. Also there have been many times where I was with people I did not know, have nver to my knowledge met, but in my dreams knew them well. Have you anything to offer on this?


Re: Corporolectroscopy revisited again

Friend Zxavier

Remember that as long as you are unencumbered by the physical body you would be in a state of energy, more like consciousness really. Then, as you would undoubtedly be in a higher vibrational rate it would be easier to enter parallel realities.

I have a collegue that goes so far as to say that once you enter another reality by the result of timephasing, which is different than time travel, you either unconsciously manifest yet another physical body or you simply attach yourself to a pre-existent physical form whose signature is similar to your own.

Now the question is, is it not that a form of manipulation? Well not really. As both signatures merge, since they are practically the same, the thought processes of the two become one. The ancient hindu people spoke of this ages ago as the avatar experience.

Good luck in your sojourns friend I hope to hear from you...
Until later becomes now.
Re: Corporolectroscopy revisited again

Friend Transient,

Thank you for this information as well. I must contemplate upon this for a while before I begin deluging you with even more questions in this area. Are there no others with valid information or opinions to share in this area at this point?


RE: Spatio-temporal Bilocation

Of course, there is also the possibility that this was only a view of one possible timescape throuth the which I / we could pass, given none of the numerous variables of time/space were changed between now and then. But of course, since we here in December 2003 have no idea of what happened prior to the time this dream/vision began early in December of 2003/2005, we cannot possibly have any idea of what to do or not to do to cause it to occur or not occur as seen.
What an interesting thing.

And suppose this was the beging of a time / spcae causality loop? Would any of us be enabled to see from either the present/future/present or the present/past/present as to what what has caused this loop to start, in order to break it?

Questions, questions, questions.

Not as /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif as before,

neither fretting over it much. Such as shall be, shall be. Were it given as our to actually know the future in order to change it, we wouldn't be asking these questions, now would we ? ? ? ? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

RE: Spatio-temporal Bilocation

zxavier, are you sure that when you believe you woke up and the dream continued you were not lucid dreaming?
RE: Spatio-temporal Bilocation: lucid dreaming


For the sake of are our getting on the same wavelength before this launches, please qualifyefinition of "lucid dreaming," Thank you very much.

RE: Astral Temporal Marauder

The link has been broken now for over a week. I cannot truly say that the direction my life is going could possibly lead me where I would be according to that possible future time line encounter earlier this month.

RE: Spatio-temporal Bilocation

Dear Friend Transient,

I am still musing over the dreams, etc of earlier this month. It appears evident to me that what is happening here is much different than what could be caused in that possible future time line I was viewing. All I know is that things as they are progressing would not get to that end in two years.



RE: Spatio-temporal Bilocation

The fact is that what you call 'astral' is nothing more than a type of hypnosis used by psychologists, nothing proven, but still used none the less to provoke past experiences...

what you may think of present or future is nothing mroe than past experiences non commited to memory, therefore evoking a 'deja vu' experience...

look at some old psychology textbooks or take a class, seriously.
RE: Spatio-temporal Bilocation

Thank you very much for your input.


RE: Spatio-temporal Bilocation

There was something I was reading on a website that a program with a certain tone generation that if you listen in your headphones will this asteral flight... But every site I find it on wants me to pay $20 bucks for it.. Is there a place to get it free?

RE: Spatio-temporal Bilocation

Astral Travel
One relatively reliable way to confirm astral time travel (or at least different-time perception):
Keep a journal. Write down what you see. Try and use lucid dreaming techniques when astral to focus yourself on coming back to your normal perception with coherent information. ACT ON WHAT YOU SEE. In other words, actively try and "change the future", ie create new choice-based futures. You'll know when you do, because instead of deja vu you'll feel a resonance, as the hallucination of "time passing" is replaced by a bilocation feeling briefly, a sense of a significant moment having passed. Because of course, it has.

My advice:

"Oftentimes, the agents of our destruction lead us on with petty truths, only to betray us in deepest verity".
But despite this, astral time travel is possible. And replacing another self with your own perceptions -permanently- is possible. Those closest to you should be at least slightly involuntarily aware of the change of observer perspective caused by the shift.
RE: Spatio-temporal Bilocation

What is bothering me is this.

If I go in this astral out of body thing how do I get back in and when I a out of body how do I go back in time etc.. and I woudl stil lbe me ?