"Heavens Gate Exists" was a strange translation. You must elaborate!
Don't pass the ball to me when i am not ready.
this is a fast pitch 105mph at your head.
I will talk about a kind of language of hands which commanders and soldiers were used that through the years 2023 - 2038 as I remember.Heavens Gate Exist is not in the Latin. Why extra ?Because here it is a suicide cult! So hopefully lost in transition guys?
If you meant my profile picture , I say that this picture is my only picture which I could bring from the other line. Lin was a good Artist , So he made himself a cool profile picture which he could use in many web chats and forums . He loved (Loves) Chatting .Where did Marx go? Replaced by ghost skull masks. We play call of duty now? So peaceful. Marx was a Black man if you pay attention.
He is not a normal guy , he is in contact with god so much and he was the only one who could give positive energy to the people at war . Believe or not , he was my main Heroic character.Tell us about him. Why is he beloved by you?