Hello again

Re: Surviving In The Aftermath


Words cannot convey the gravity of the situation that waits should you survive the Pole Shift. It is easy to say “complete devastation” but when you think about it, can you really fathom what that means? For the majority, we would suspect not. Even the best description that we could provide you with will not prepare you for the immense shock you will experience.

The purpose of this post is to get you to think about survival in the aftermath. The information here is the bare minimum essentials that you need to consider and we hope this will provide some direction towards your own preparation research.

Should you survive the primary Pole Shift event, your goal must be to move away from currently established cities and towns into the most remote area you can find. Other like-minded families/individuals will do the same and it is with these people that you should form small survival groups.

The main reasons that it is important that you move as far away as possible from current civilisation is because:

1) Those who ignored the signs even when it was right on top of them (essentially went into denial and will stay in denial until their deaths) will crowd the cities trying to live off the few resources that remain;
2) Gangs orientated toward the Service to Self will form in the cities/towns where they will either attempt to dominate the survivors and/or kill and destroy to try to acquire resources for themselves. When supplies dry up they will eventually head out of the cities to try and find supplies they need from anyone they encounter;
3) Severely damaged and destroyed city infrastructure can be a hazard like exploding gas lines and contaminated water from sewage systems;
4) Most cities are by the ocean which means they will be engulfed by water from the Polar Melt;
5) And finally (and probably the most important), the sheer amount of dead bodies. These will immediately start to decompose and spread disease. Not to mention it is not a good sight for the children you may have with you.

So, although you may start with a very small survival group (eg: just your family) it is important to join forces with those you encounter on your trek to your remote areas. For the most part those you encounter making their way to remote locations just before or immediately after the Pole Shift will be Service to Other. But please use your instincts to determine this. Generally, the Service to Self, along with those in denial, will remain in the cities in the immediate aftermath.

Those who choose to remain in the cities to ride out the Pole Shift, due to family that won’t move or have the calling to help the elderly etc., should attempt to get out with those you care about as soon as possible after the shift.

Just remember the rule when it comes to selecting a location to settle – at least 160km (100 miles) inland from current coastal regions and at least 180 metres (600 feet) above current sea level.


The post that will come after this one will describe the final weeks when, if you haven’t already moved away from the cities, you should do so at this time. Therefore, we will work on the assumption that you have ridden out the Pole Shift away from the cities, possibly on route to your pre-determined safe destination.

For whatever reason, most probably because your vehicle has exhausted its supply of fuel, you will find yourself on foot before you reach your chosen destination. Therefore, you should prepare a personal pack that you can carry on your back. A good quality backpack is important. One with a hip belt is recommended and in dark colours as not to attract attention. It should also have other external straps that you can attach bulky items to, like blankets (do not take sleeping bags with you) wrapped in three/four garbage bags. The garbage bags should also contain one change of clothing with two or more pairs of socks. On the other strap, should be a small military type shovel. (The first use of the shovel will be explained in the next post detailing the Final Weeks before the Pole Shift).

Inside the pack, you must have at least the following items. As a general rule, ensure everything you can is low-profile (no bright colours) and can be camouflaged.

1) Small Axe – To cut and split wood
2) A Wok – Excellent cooking utensil and good for boiling water
3) Good solid meat cleaver and a small Arkansas Stone in which to sharpen it – This is good for chopping the outside of wood to get to the dry tender for starting a fire
4) Pliers
5) Vice Grips
6) Heavy Duty Metal Shears
7) Two spools of wire – For making traps to capture small rodents for food;
a. One that is 30m (100ft) twisted steel;
b. And one that is 10m (33ft) of No. 14 Solid Brass;
8) As much salt as you can carry with you – With the monetary system gone, the barter system will be the means of exchange and you will find that salt will be extremely valuable. A generous quantity will be the equivalent of $100 bills
9) Water distillation kit
a. 2 x four litre (1 gallon) paint cans;
b. A metre (3 to 4 feet) of copper tubing;
10) A book that describes (with pictures) edible plants in your area
11) Medical Kit
12) Cooking corn starch – excellent foot powder
13) A Crank Up torch
14) A generous supply of various seeds that you can use to start a vegetable garden

You should also have the correct footwear. This is extremely important in the aftermath and you should purchase a high quality walking shoe/boot that you are comfortable in. It is likely that you will be able to carry more than the pair you are wearing so ensure you have confidence that they will last a long time. Furthermore, you should always wear two pairs of socks – a synthetic against your skin with a wool pair over them – but more about clothing later.

Finally, try to have one of these from the beginning but you should be able to find one along the way with too much trouble, but a walking staff is also essential.

It won’t take you too long to appreciate just how for granted you took on-tap running water. Remember, under normal circumstances, the human body requires 2 litres of water a day to replace fluids lost from urination, breathing and sweating etc. Having a reliable clean source of drinking water should be one of your top priorities.

Apart from the obvious ways of collecting rain water, water can be collected from fog by hoisting a cloth over a bucket or as morning dew can be collected of the ground by dragging a blanket around. Whichever way you acquire it, collecting water will not be a problem. The problem will be the pollutants in the water you collect.

Depending on your location, the water you collect can contain anything from volcanic ash, ash from forest fires, industrial chemicals and more than likely hydrocarbons from dust debris left by the Anomaly.

Distillation is a very effective process and can be done with a lot of improvisation. But if you packed the two paint cans and copper tubing this will be perfect for the job. Boil the water in one of the cans and ensure the steam is directed into the copper tubing with the other end in the empty can. The cooler sections of the tubing with turn the steam back to water and start to fill the empty can.

Distillation will remove almost anything from water including poisons, bacteria, viruses and heavy metals. However, be aware that substances that have lower boiling temperatures than water will not be removed. This can include, alcohol, oils, petroleum. These substances don’t mix with water and therefore can be easily filtered.

And finally, the substances that are removed when boiling remain in the boiler can and must be cleaned frequently.

If you can find any containers made of polyethylene, these can be used to store the water out of sunlight.

No more going to the store and buying what you need...... Personal care will be very challenging to adjust to in the aftermath but it something that you cannot avoid and being prepared (especially mentally) can assist with your adjustment.

What happens when the toilet paper runs out? There are good alternatives. A bunch of soft green leaves, some use fir cones and even corn cobs (without the kernels obviously) but even these items may be hard to come by. So then you are left with your hands...... and therefore it is extremely important you clean your hands with water and sterilise afterwards with herbs such as juniper and sage.

As water will be a premium, you should only count on showering once a week. This may not sound too appealing to you right now but you will find that when you spend much of your time outdoors in the open air, the wind/breeze will keep you fresher than you think. If you have access or find almond oil, it is good for healthy skin while allowing you to smell fresh. Soap can be made through lye water passed through campfire ashes and animal fat. It won’t have the fragrances of the soap you use today but it will do the same job.

Dental care is also possible and recommended. If you have a toothbrush, use that for as long as possible, even without toothpaste, after each meal. To remove bacteria, slosh hot water around your mouth with your cheek muscles. And with care and assistance from others, a small syringe can be a substitute water pick.

Depending on your location, you will find that the local climate in your area will be different after the Pole Shift. Nonetheless, you should be prepared with warm clothes.

Your outer most clothing, especially if you are travelling, is important. Avoid cotton as it is a poor insulator and does not dry easily. Wool, polyester and nylon should be your primary considerations. For your upper body, an open weave woollen sweater is good and for the rest woollen pants as your outer layer is also good. Wool does not hold moisture so even when damp/drying out from soaking, wool regains its insulating ability better than most fabrics.

Layering is the key to keeping warm. In addition to the outer coverings explained in the previous paragraph, your inner layer should be some sort of long underwear that is capable of moving perspiration away from the body to the outer layer of clothes. You should try to have several pairs of underlayers to replace should they get too wet. Try to avoid non layered clothes such as ski suits and parkas as they will not allow you to remove them should the temperature fluctuate slightly.

To elaborate further on my previous comments regarding footwear, we cannot stress how important this item is as it is very important to keep moisture away from your feet. Rubber-soled boots with insulation between the insert and the rubber is recommended. Remember, wear two pairs of socks, a synthetic inner with a woollen outer and ensure they are kept dry as much as possible.

Eventually any food you bring with you will run out and it is important that you keep a wide diet as much as possible.

Using various bit of metal you find lying about, fashion yourself spears and knifes and teach yourself how to hunt for deer, boar or any where you can get meat from. Protein intake is important. We suggest that you research various methods of setting traps for smaller rodents using the wire from your backpack. If you are located near a river or creek, teaching yourself to net and gut fish is a must.

But until you adapt and hone your skills in these areas, you may find yourself short on food. Using the book you packed as a guide, you will find a range of edible plants and weeds that will stave of starvation.

1) Burdock. Roots can be harvested from wetlands and are similar to potatoes.
2) Bamboo. Good source of fibre.
3) Hickory. Care must be taken when cleaning before cooking to eat
4) Dandelions. Collect towards sunset when the heads have closed up. The entire plant is edible and is an excellent source of vitamins
5) Cattails. Seeds are edible but the pollen is a good flour substitute.
6) Sorrel. A good food enhancer.
7) Chickweed. Can be eaten raw at any stage of growth
8) And finally, plain old grass...... May not sound too appealing, and trust me it is not too tastey either, but it contains many elements that the human body is made up of. Pick young grass from shaded areas.

Further to plants, there will still be many bugs in the aftermath which can be a good source of proteins and fats. But you need to follow a simple set of rules so you don’t get yourself into trouble:

1) Always attempt to cook insects to kill any parasites that exist with them
2) Always avoid the poisonous ones, the one that have fine hairs, have bright colours and have 8 or more legs
3) Always remove head, wings and legs before cooking.
4) Never eat a bug that you find dead on the ground
5) Don’t try and eat bugs that can bite you back

Okay... let’s start with..... Earthworms, which are extremely high in protein. Ensure that you wash them properly and we recommended chopping them up.

Grasshoppers, locusts, crickets and slugs are edible. Crickets contain amino acids!

The immense global volcanic activity caused by the Pole Shift will cover the globe in ash that will last for a few decades (it still isn’t completely gone in my time). While there will be light during the day, the nights will be extremely dark especially in the first few years after the Shift.

Never underestimate the psychological impact of light either. Therefore it is important you know how to create light easily.

Learning how to start a fire is a must. There are several methods that you can research and we recommend learning how to start a fire in the rain. Surround with rocks to store and radiate the heat generated.

Oil lamps made from animal fat is good for heat and light. Even the smallest animal has fat which can be found around the internal organs, especially the kidney area. Ball up whatever you can find to about fist-size. A twisted strip of garment (cotton) will do for a wick. Cordage can be made from many barks, grasses, or plant fibre. The wick can be made as big as required: but remember, although larger wicks burn more brightly, they also burn faster. Melt a small quantity of fat in a depression in a rock next to a fire, and soak the wick thoroughly. Form the ball firmly around the wick and you’re done. Make sure the candle is placed in a fireproof container, such as a hollow rock, to catch the fat as it melts. Try to keep the burning portion of the wick out of the oil. This candle/lamp can be used indoors or outdoors.

If you packed your Crank Up torch, you can use this also.

When leaving the cities and you have a road vehicle, load up with as much fuel as possible rather than food. This will ensure you get the maximum head start out of the cities. Once out of fuel, abandon your vehicle and continue on foot.

Forming survival communities with other caring and sharing individuals is a must. Combining family strengths instead of going it alone will lead to a greater chance of survival. Communities should not be too big (below 50 people is recommended) as really large groups stand a greater chance of being discovered by raiders/gangs.

Although we did not include this in your items to pack, if you have a firearm we recommend that you take it with you. The purpose for it is not to hunt with (resist the temptation to use it for hunting and conserve ammunition) but to defend your group from the eventual attack by raiders and gangs. If you moved to a remote enough location, it will take many months or even years for you to encounter them but you more than likely will and should be prepared.

Service to Self raiders/gangs will either want to kill you and take your resources or use you to be slaves for them. We do not tell you this so that you turn away those who genuinely need help but so that you are prepared and keep that fact of life in the back of your head.

And finally, The Visitors. After the Pole Shift, The Visitors will not restrict themselves to subconscious contact with the human general population but will start face to face contact. Without getting too deep into another subject, some decades ago Earth’s human population of souls voted to be Service to Other population so therefore only Service to Other Visitors are allowed to make face to face contact after the Pole Shift.

The Visitors will begin first contact by introducing themselves and then isolating pure Service to Other survival groups from other groups with Service to Self elements that are close by. These groups will essentially be cloaked however; these groups will be in the minority. In many cases, these groups contained contactees and were guided to these locations for protection.

The majority of groups will be Service to Other mixed with Undecided and/or Service to Self. Here, the soul orientation lesson must continue without interference in order to reach one result or another. As an example, those groups who were mostly Service to Other but contained Undecided & Service to Self elements and they somehow rid themselves of the Service to Self and the Undecided becomes Service to Other, then first contact will then occur.

Another example would be those groups, who have an equal mix of STO, Undecided and STS and some Undecided move towards STS thus tipping the balance towards that orientation will eventually suffer the same as other pure STS groups. Those STS humans that die will have their soul reincarnated on a STS planet and for the few STS humans that survive in the longer term will be removed in human form and taken to a compatible STS world.

All in all, 8-9 years after the Pole Shift, Earth will be STS free and first contact will be complete.

We are happy to give you this information regarding The Visitors but the biggest mistake a person can make is to expect (or even demand) help from The Visitors in the aftermath. To them, Earth (and humanity) is going through a transformation which ultimately sets every human soul to STO or STS – the catalyst for this being the Pole Shift. They will not interfere with groups/individuals who are still trying to establish their orientation.

We hope that this post has given you something to think about in relation to the conditions and survival techniques needed in the aftermath. There are various information sources on the internet that can assist you further should you require and as always, we will be happy to answer questions you may have.

Our next post will give a very descriptive account of the Final Weeks before the Pole Shift and will be uploaded very soon.



There is going to be a lot of angry kids out there when they find out they can,t play their xbox 360's or their playstations. Hope they don,t grow up to be convicts over this.
Re: Surviving In The Aftermath

There is going to be a lot of angry kids out there when they find out they can,t play their xbox 360's or their playstations.

gimme a small solar panel and a 12v battery. ill fix the kiddies some gaming up.
Re: Surviving In The Aftermath: Others Weapons

Although we did not include this in your items to pack, if you have a firearm we recommend that you take it with you. The purpose for it is not to hunt with (resist the temptation to use it for hunting and conserve ammunition) but to defend your group from the eventual attack by raiders and gangs. If you moved to a remote enough location, it will take many months or even years for you to encounter them but you more than likely will and should be prepared.

You can make other field-expedient weapons such as the throwing stick, archery equipment, and the bola.

Just follow this


and The Camouflage info:


The U.S. West Coast

There is some renewed EQ and Volcanic activity on the West Coast of the U.S. to be aware of:

Salton Sea earthquake may mean trouble for San Andreas Fault
Scientists are concerned that the recent quakes in the Salton Sea area may trigger the 'big one' in the Southern California area.

Quakes shake California's southeastern desert
Thursday, March 26, 2009
"Scientists are closely watching the increased earthquake activity because it is near a section of the San Andreas Fault that has not broken loose in more than 300 years"

March 26, 2009: Alaska Redoubt Volcano erupts twice -- with more expected

This indicates growing activity along the Ring of Fire and has links to the San Andreas fault which runs the length of California -- and could be triggered further as a result of these eruptions.

Project Camelot
Re: Surviving In The Aftermath

As it's obvious we're in another timeline. I think that the timelines are somewhat screwed.

Yes, right and the use of the Synthetic Cubes will not help TPTB

Quoted from A tale of 2 timelines...

One key piece of information has recently surfaced in this regard indicating that Dan is currently working with the Orion cube or Yellow book as it is known by some... to determine what the significance is of the date which we seem to have just passed and where we are now in regard to the probability of various future scenarios.

From information we have been given by Dan and Marci, we do understand that the events surrounding the Marriott hotel in Pakistan, where a large explosion occurred outside the hotel as well as a fire within the 4th and 5th floors -- was linked to steel boxes that had been placed in rooms on those floors and were under American military guard, apparently something within them was triggered to combust... And this all leads back to what Dan has said are reverse engineered duplicate "cubes" currently being loaned out (for a price) to various governments with a yes/no switch installed for the asking of one question only, under strict protocols, that if tampered with or interfered with in any way would self-destruct as a safety measure.

These cubes enable the user to see the future probability as a hologram.. But in order to handle the cube, the user must be fully trained in order to shield themselves and the cube from overlay or interference of their own presence and preconceived ideas... first by having only one person in close proximity to the cube when operating it, and secondly by being a contactee, who has been experienced in various techniques as a result of their contact experiences...

The use of these cubes is significant and does not pose the same threat as Looking Glass, according to Dan, as they do not access portals or wormholes but rather access the field of consciousness in order to obtain information and show probable outcomes.
Re: Surviving In The Aftermath: Others Weapons

You can make other field-expedient weapons such as the throwing stick, archery equipment, and the bola.

Just follow this


and The Camouflage info:


That is a good site, various key topics are covered in a short and to the point way; considering the short time we are left, it's just not motivated to read those long, thick books.

Do you have any other good and concise sites to share?

For those who are looking for more information, there's a collection of survival-related e-books here:

Avalon Ark Library

You would need a Project Avalon account to log in. Click on 'Avalon Ark Library' at the top tab after logging in to access the categories.
Re: Surviving In The Aftermath: Others Weapons

God's death cheer up you bunch of sad sacks, you're not living in 'Red dawn' and I doubt any of you anoraks are as sexy as The Swayze

Re: Surviving In The Aftermath

Hi Charlie. What is your advice for loners? For some reasons, they couldn't find any like-minded people to discuss about this (let alone forming survival group). Most likely they would/have to survive alone.

You don't need to have people informed about the Pole Shift ahead of time to form survival groups. If you are truly service to other, you need to find people like yourself. I suggest joining a volunteer group that does activities to help the needy etc..... There you will be able to form friendships with people that you can contact and/or meet up with when the time is right.

Don't think or plan to try and survive on your own. You won't survive. Your survival will depend on those around you. You will no longer have services and corner stores etc. that support you now. In the aftermath, the real commodity will be the people you have around you (if they are the right people) and how well you work as a group.
Re: Surviving In The Aftermath

Thanks for the information, Charlie.
I was informed moments ago that this date of today, March 28, 2009, by noon (UT), was the time of the pole shift in Timeline T2 (as described by Dan Burisch).
As it's obvious we're in another timeline. I think that the timelines are somewhat screwed.
So, is it for sure that we are inbound to a pole shift, like you described in your post of 09/15/08?


Hi Luis,

No matter which timeline, there was only ever one point when the Anomaly caused the Pole Shift. There is nothing that can cause a planet to arrive early. Changes to planetary movements requires a significant event and none has happened to my knowledge.
Re: Surviving In The Aftermath

Hi Charlie,

More questions.

1. More governments are now releasing UFO information. Does it have something to do with the anomaly?

Not directly. UFO sightings having been sharply increasing over the past decade and there are so many people that have seen one now and are sure it is a UFO that Governments who deny just look stupid. They either start releasing documents like England has done and they will stay silent about the matter like the US Government will.

2. John clearly mentioned that in his history, the US is managed 5 presidents each time. It seems your history is different from his? (There is a website recording all his on-line conversation. You can check it our youself and you will be suprised.)

There is much of the Titor story that you are unaware of (like side effects he suffered from using the C204 device when the whole project was about to be scrapped after it failed bio-integrity testing) but will be happy to explain when I have more time.

I guess what you can call the authority or Government in my time is a Council made up from a representative from the four major population centres on the planet and a Visitor representative - when I left it was a Pleiadean on the Council. I can only assume that is what Titor meant by 5 Presidents....

3. When you say the soul comes to the physical body for learning, what is the point of coming to a mentally retarded body? The soul cannot learn anything and wait for death??

On the contrary, this type of incarnation is where the soul can learn significantly. If the soul is undecided but leaning towards Service to Other, this sort of incarnation can produce empathy for others like him/her and gratitude for the carers who revolve their life around them.

If the soul is undecided leaning towards Service to Self, the incarnation maybe one where it is a mentally retard person who does have a hard life and cops taunts etc. from those around him and possibly have no one to care or some who does but makes it blatantly obvious that they resent the individual for it. Here, the soul can realise just how bad it is and start the slow journey back towards Service to Other - it's next life will most probably be another but different hardship - or it can get enraged and swear revenge and head further down the Service to Self path. If leaning towards Service to Self and the soul chooses to continue down that path and wants to move onto the next life where it can take another step towards that path, it can do what all souls do when they feel they have finished with their current incarnation..... cause the body to shut down it's ability to fight of cancer cells which would very quickly end the incarnation.

When a soul wants to make a loud gesture that they have chosen their orientation, the spirit guides put them into an incarnation where that opportunity could exist. As an example for STO, it would be something like sacrificing yourself willingly to save the lives of others. For STS, it would be taking a gun into a school and start killing innocent people...... I'm sure you have heard that happen a few times in the past couple of years.

4. After the disaster, many bodies will be gone. Where will so many souls be going?

That depends on the orientation of the soul in question. If well on the way to Service to Other, it will be reincarnated back on Earth immediately in various incarnations. If undecided but leaning towards Service to Other, it would be up to the Spirit Guides based on the development of that particular soul. It may be granted permission to wait for the next available incarnation on Earth or it may go to another 3rd density world to continue it's lessons.

If well on the way to Service to Self, they will be taken to planet to be with their own kind. If undecided but leaning towards Service to Self, they will not be allowed back on Earth and will be taken to another 3rd denisty world to continue it's lesson. However, because life bearing planets with intelligent species like Earth account for less than 8% of all life bearing worlds, it is more than likely the soul will incarnate into a body/environment that is completely alien. The Spirit Guides will pay these souls close attention during the first few incarnations to ensure they adjust properly and not let that difficulty have to much effect on their orientation lesson.

If a soul is completely undecided, and that will be as much as 50% of the souls on Earth at present, means this the souls is very young but didn't use the time it had to accomplish anything. Depending on the evaluation by the Spirit Guides, if no progress in either direction the soul will be aborted and that will happen naturally. Depending on the small progress made by the soul, the Spirit Guides will choose a suitable incarnation on another planet elsewhere in the galaxy.

5. Will we see a lot of UFO leaving off the ground during the disater?


6. Are you able to post a picture/drawing showing the orbit of the anomaly?

I have already promised this to another who private messaged me. I will let you know once I'm done.

7. What is crystal skull?

Nothing too exciting. It is a record of that particular species visits to the Earth in the past so that when or if others of the same kind arrive they know who was here before them.

It is the same as a tribual group of humans thousands of year ago painted the walls of caves.... either to tell a story or give a warning etc. etc. the skulls share a similar purpose.

8. What is crop circle?

All genuine crop circles are various alien groups communicating to the human subconscious regarding the status of the Anomaly amongst other things such as orbital information, solar information etc.

9. How can you get element 115 as your fuel while it is not a natural resources? I believe you need to spend a lot of energy to create this. Then what is the point of wasting a lot energy to create this fuel and then consume it? Should alien have technology to make use of free energy?

Element 115 may be difficult to make in this density but not the higher ones.

10. Did we have alien/human exchange program?

If you mean before the Pole Shift, then no. The Visitors are prohibited from making physical contact with Humans before the Pole Shift and this rule has been in place since the mid-1940s. They can only contact via subconscious and the Human has to initiate that contact. The only Humans that have had direct contact with aliens are the various MJ12's over the past 50 years. Early MJ12's were in contact with STS aliens but the more recent ones and the current MJ12 is in contact with STO.

11. Where is Alanta?

I presume you mean Atlantis? Of the west coast of Africa and sunk beneath the ocean during the last Pole Shift.

12. Is fat in sin (consume more resouces than needed)? Have you ever seen any fat alien?

No. Fat is not a sin. It is just that Humans moved from a life where food was scarse to one where it is everywhere relatively quickly. But tens of thousands of years of existance with low food trained our systems to store food as fat for leaner times..... unfortunately this society doesn't see leaner times and the weight goes on. But the body has a way to stop excessive eating behavior.

I have never met a Visitor that you would call fat.

Hope this answers your queries.

1. What is the secret of the back of the moon?

A Service to Self group of aliens has a facility there which exists in the 4th density.

2. Was Moon artificially put into its orbit?

No. Lunar was originally a satellite of a young Anomaly or Nibiru. During the chaotic early solar system when the Anomaly first entered it passed by Earth which was larger, a total water planet back then and in the orbit that the asteriod belt exists in today. When it passed by Earth, a satellite of Nibiru slammed into the Earth spewing out water and rock into space and caused a massive dent in the Earth in what is today the Pacific Ocean. The rocky surface of the Earth is not perfectly round because of this collision.

The collision fractured the crust of the Earth starting the plate tectonic engine. In what is today the Pacific there is a massive dent and in what is today the Atlantic a massive supercontinent was formed. Much of the water and rock that was expelled into space either became the asteriod belt or the ones with a greater velocity became comets.

Due to the Earth losing so much of it's mass, it settled into the new orbit between Venus and Mars where it is today. Lunar was locked to the Earth but has been slowly moving away every since.

3. What is the true nature of 'dark matter/dark energy' in this universe?

Does not exist. Science in this time period is yet to realise that there is an opposite to gravity we call the repulsive force. This is the binding force they are searching for..... there is no dark energy filling the gaps....

4. Any explaination why Mayan calendar ends at 2012 Dec 21?

It doesn't. It ends earlier than 2012. The current accepted interpretation is not correctly lined up with the Gregorian Calendar.

5. DOW did not stop at 7,500. How did you explain that?

I never said it would not go below that. This is the average where it will settle.

6. Was AIDS invented?

Yes. It was realised in Africa to limit the amount of people who survive the Pole Shift. The creators never thought it would leave that continent..... how wrong they were........

7. If Obama really did disclose the anomaly to public, do you worry that he would have the same destiny of Kennedy?

Depends on when he discloses it.

9. Is Vatican part of the secret government?

No. But they did have influence on some matters it the past. They also own a ground based telescope in South America..... Why would they need something like that? Obviously because they have known about the Anomaly from the last Pole Shift (during the Jewish Exodus) and have kept key books out of the bible to keep it a secret. They have been trying to track the Anomaly much like the US Government tried.
Re: Surviving In The Aftermath

3. When you say the soul comes to the physical body for learning, what is the point of coming to a mentally retarded body? The soul cannot learn anything and wait for death??


don't you know people from the future obviously have knowledge about what happens after you die
Re: Surviving In The Aftermath

Hello Timeline_39! I am Virtualgirl. If you are truly part of the JT saga then you should know who I am. Please let me know. I'm curious as to what method you used to travel to our time? Btw, I mean no disrespect with my questions. You should be able to travel to my current coordinates. I'll be waiting for you. Please advise to the exact location and time.

Me and one of my associates have been working on the exact problems that you have been discussing. It's quite interesting that we are coming to some of the same conclusions. Anyway, I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Hi Recall15,

There are none in either of those locations. There is a small colony of Visitors (who are STO orientated) living on Earth in this density in the Gobi Desert. It serves as a co-ordination centre for the thousands of Visitors who have come to help those people who are calling out subconscious to guidance (ie: The Call) because the sense something big is coming.

The facility also has the ability to house about 60 ships.

The other alien installation near Earth is the one on the side of Lunar that is permanently facing away from Earth and is operated by the STS.
Re: Surviving In The Aftermath

Hello Timeline_39! I am Virtualgirl. If you are truly part of the JT saga then you should know who I am. Please let me know. I'm curious as to what method you used to travel to our time? Btw, I mean no disrespect with my questions. You should be able to travel to my current coordinates. I'll be waiting for you. Please advise to the exact location and time.

Me and one of my associates have been working on the exact problems that you have been discussing. It's quite interesting that we are coming to some of the same conclusions. Anyway, I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Hello Virtualgirl, Grettings to You, Pam and the Others Associates... :oops: :oops: :oops:
By total loss, I mean that that whole region gets rocked by earthquakes and when the rotation of the earth stops just before the Pole Shift it will be inundated by the oceans because they don't stop rotating when the Earth does. But the final nail in the coffin is the polar melt.
(I was asking about Peninsular Malaysia in which I live.)


Do you think a small boat made of wood would survive? Or perhaps a simple life jacket to swim to the higher things?
Re: Surviving In The Aftermath

Hello virtualgirl,

My original incursion to this time period was to find John and our communication on this forum then was attempt to coax a response after all other location methods failed. I only have basic knowledge of who he interacted with and know the key things he told people on the TT fourm.

When he was finally located, I took him along with the C204 back to my time but I did not debrief him myself. But much of what he says was questionable due to his condition. I have only seen him a couple of times since then when I went to visit him at his care facility in New Melbourne.

I promised in an earlier post that I would elaborate more on Titor so now is a good a time as any I'd say. In my time, the computers in every home or building accesses what we call EarthNet. EarthNet is the central computer system that runs all our infrustructure, communications and it contains a massive database that allows you to access information based on your security level. If you were a normal person (therefore having no special security clearance) who queried the database about Titor this is the summary the computer will tell you: (The section encased with <> is information I have removed)

<REAL NAME DELETED> a.k.a. John Titor was born in Tampa, Florida in the year 1998. First official U.E.F. entries relating to John Titor are from a Sirian First Contact team in the year 2017. He was one of 64 people found in a survival community designated by the Sirians as STO-10026. Located in West Virginia, a region notorious for being a high STS area in the aftermath, explains why First Contact with this community occured <DELETED> years after the Pole Shift.

In 2024, Titor was accepted into the still young U.E.F. assigned to the department that would later successfully negotiate the Technology Share Treaty with The Visitors. This led to a senior position within the new U.E.F. Technology Research & Development Centre. The group’s first accomplishment was the construction of the Earth’s first Fusion Power Facility in New Sydney, Australia in 2029.

Following Council approval for the development of human time travel technology in 2032, Titor was a member of a scientific team of 6 humans who, with Sirian and Pleiadean scientists, designed & built the prototype Temporal Displacement Unit designated C204.

In 2035, after doubts were raised on some of the key fundamentals of the C204 device, (See Separate Summary on the C204), Titor made an unauthorized temporal incursion to the year 1975 earning him the title of the first human to travel through time. This was later referred to by many as the Titor Incursion (See Separate Summary on the Titor Incursion).

According to Titor, his failed attempt to return to 2036 landed him in the late 20th century where his mental degenerative condition began to take hold. His communication with the general public created a following and earned him a small degree of popularity although, due to his condition, what he said was a mixture of fact and imagination.

In 2039 using the new C300 Temporal Displacement Technology, a recovery team led by Charles Haynes was sent back to 2001 when it was discovered Titor was in that time period and communicating with the people of that time. The first two missions to retrieve Titor were unsuccessful. A third mission to 2003 was commissioned after an energy signature was detected from the C204 by equipment left behind by Charles Haynes in the previous mission.

Upon his return, Titor was diagnosed with the first and only recorded case of a neurological disorder resulting from time travel unofficially and rather inaccurately termed as Time Psychosis.

At last report in 2047, Titor was residing at a medical facility in New Melbourne, Australia.

End Summary.

That is the official summary and here is more to help you understand further....

In February 2035, the C204 Temporal Displacement Unit was entering its final test stages and there was excitement in the air as the first round of organic testing began. We thought we were very close to starting time travel missions. The Council had already stated they would not allow travel further back than 1755 so mission proposals were being drafted within the allowable parameters. And by June of the same year over 350 missions mostly of an observatory nature were submitted for Council approval. One of these missions was a request from John to retrieve an IBM 5100 from the mid-1970’s.

By October 2035, concerns were raised after initial organic test results showed minor anomalies in the organic test modules. Eventually over the next 9 months, it was determined that some of the key basic fundamentals of the technology were flawed and a ruling by the Council cancelled development of the C204 in favour of a complete redesign of the power systems that were the cause of the problem. This included greater input and further technology sharing with The Visitors.

Titor disagreed with the Council’s ruling which eventually led him to believe he can prove them wrong by testing the device on himself by completing the mission that he requested of the Council.

Although John claims he stopped in the year 1999 first before going to 1975, we knew that wasn’t accurate. If he had stopped there first and went onto the TT forum, we would have realised and sent back a team to retrieve him. All we had to do was wait for him to power up his device which is when we would have detected him.

We now know that he stayed in the 1970’s for two years and during that time the anomaly that came up in testing was slowly degrading Titor's neural and nervous system. After recovering the C204, we found out that an error had occured in the operating system which sent John to the year 1999 instead back to 2036. His logs indicate that for nearly a year he tried to correct the problem with the C204 but could not and he was worried if he went on the internet and left evidence that he was there we would have realised. His plan was to arrive back in 2036 one second after he left for 1975..... according to his logs anyway.

Eventually he realised that he could not fix the problem and that something was seriously wrong with him. Just by reading what he posted on the TT forum, we could tell that he was in a bad way mentally. Which is probably why he stopped communicating on the forum. Everything that he told about the future was a mixture of real events and his imagination. Eg. calling himself a soldier was one of his fantasies that he mixed in with the truth in the forums. Although, still to this day (and we are thankful) we don’t know why he never mentioned the Pole Shift.....

We recovered John and brought him home but we were unable to treat the damage to his system and now he is slowly dying.

Lessons were learned by many from John’s ordeal and steps were taken for it not to happen again. The C300 Temporal Displacement Unit was fitted with more Visitor technology than the C204. Primarily, a user interface that is like the ones found in Visitor space ships. It is telepathically controlled and requires a human and Visitor mind to initialise with base mission parameters coded by The Council. This is why I cannot use my Pod except to return home as this was the programmed mission parameters.

The original power systems that were singularity based and was the cause of the trouble were replaced with the same Element 115 power systems found in Visitor space craft. Although this sort of power system is far inexcess of what the technology requires, it is the safest and we are eternally grateful to the Visitors for their contribution.

I hope this answers your questions and I would be interested to hear more about the conclusions your associates and you have come to.
In reply to:

By total loss, I mean that that whole region gets rocked by earthquakes and when the rotation of the earth stops just before the Pole Shift it will be inundated by the oceans because they don't stop rotating when the Earth does. But the final nail in the coffin is the polar melt.


(I was asking about Peninsular Malaysia in which I live.)


Do you think a small boat made of wood would survive? Or perhaps a simple life jacket to swim to the higher things?

A small boat will not survive the chaos of the Pole Shift event but you can use one in the aftermath. Although there is mountainous regions in Malaysia I do not recommend that you remain there. It will be overcrowded and resources will be limited. Many from that general region made it by boat to Australia or made for Laos/Macau. The later is closer to you and when you get there ensure that you move inland as quickly as possible. Do NOT head towards what is today west towards the Bay of Bengal/India region.

Also you would probably know that travelling by boat can take a long time and even though you can cast a line and catch a fish for food, drinking water will be the major problem as you cannot drink the sea water.