Hello again

Re: ISS Crew moved to Soyus...

Hi Luis and thanks.

I was also looking at the link from the graphic at the top left of the webpage, (eagle's head). It shows Primary/secondary magnetic fields and something that looks like the crossing of the galactic centre by ?? earth?? planet X??.

Is it anything to do with timeline39's claims (Charlie) about PX being in the sun's primary magnetic field and if so, would it not 'enrage' the sun rather than quiet it, as it is now??

I've come to this discussion rather late so have a lot of catching up to do.
Re: ISS Crew moved to Soyus...

I am new bee here.

Charlie mentioned about a coming event after President Obama's inuguration. I am thinking the actual event is 10 months away from now.Given his warning of 2004 Tsunami which he predicted in Nov.2003. Even though he says it is soon, I think it is 10 months away.
What do you think?

Maybe 3 to 4 months start counted on January
and could be related to the Web bots info...


quoted Web bots:
<font color="blue"> * Things that Time Monks could not categorize/make sense of:

* There is a device out and about in the world being chased down by the "powers that be".

* Two whistle-blowers have a device in their hands and are on the run.
o By just having the device they have created certain side effects that the "powers that be" couldn't have predicted. The Time Monks do not have a word for these devices. Relate it to a cave man trying to describe a modern gun. [/COLOR]

Dan Burisch?

Look at the last update:

<font color="blue"> He decoded a date, for the first time, from the J-Rod Shadow Language which was downloaded to him en masse. We believe that it may be the date of the T2 Catastrophe, in Timeline 2...

...We are not 100% sure it is THE date. All this is owing to the imperfect historical memory of the J-Rod, and the imperfect history of his time.

Dan immediately notified his liaison to the New Group, by telephone, so this information is percolating to the highest levels of government.

Dan nearly collapsed because of the pressure of possibly KNOWING, and he was checked by a physician, and RN and an LPN after suffering vomiting. He is resting comfortably. He did not suffer a heart attack. I am watching over him.

No decision has been made whether this information will be released before the date he decoded. Being that Dan is the repository of the information, and the former H-1-E Maj, it is his responsibility. He immediately ordered all personnel (including myself and the team) to REMAIN in place, and to not overreact, or move anywhere. [/COLOR]
end quoted from:
Eagles Disobey Web site...

:oops: :oops: :oops:
Re: ISS Crew moved to Soyus...

Hi, Mike... Welcome

Did you read the mail of "Info"

13 Mar: unsettled to active with chance minor storm levels at
higher latitudes.
14 Mar: unsettled to active at higher latitudes

again there is some kind of Magnetic activity but supposed is that the sun is Quiet...

or Is not the Sun???

and those magnetic activity?

/ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Re: ISS Crew moved to Soyus...

Hi recall

I thought that they might be bursts from the galactic centre as per Paul LaViolette, (galactic superwaves).

I'm trying to make sense of the graphic link from the Eagles disobey webpage.
Re: ISS Crew moved to Soyus...

i will post some of what write early in the Duplicate Hello Again thread ...
Hello Again Thread 1
<font color="purple">

Meanwhile some considerations regarding the Sun...

The main Problems with the current model of the sun are as follows:

* Temperature of the halo-like corona is 300 times that of surface, violating the inverse square law for radiation
* Rotates faster at equator, faster on surface
* Solar wind accelerates (somehow) upon leaving the Sun
* Sunspots reveal cooler interior
* Sunspots travel faster than surrounding surface
* Sunspot penumbra (interior walls) reveal structured filaments and move much faster than slow convection should allow

An eletcrical model would solve many of these problems.

The Noctilucent Cloud is not a Cloud is a Charged Plasma Filament
The Z Pinch and The Dr. La Violete Theories...

and is time to quote this message from Pam:

<font color="purple">
Well its good to know you will continue posting and not be influenced by other people posting negative comments. I will be reading. Most people continue to read and make up their own minds anyway. Will you be answering any questions asked you? [/COLOR]
end quoted


Duplicate Hello Again Thread...
Re: ISS Crew moved to Soyus...


I'm interested in Charlie's info, because it ties partially with what Dan Burisch says.
Notwithstanding, Charlie talk about an "anomaly" akin to Planet X, Nibiru, whatever; but Dan Burisch doesn't support the notion about a rogue planet, but instead an "oval mass of energy", which entered the Solar System at October, 2007.
What happened yesterday, is that the Dan Burisch's website entered unexpectedly in a sense of urgency regarding the imminent maximum influence from that "energy" at the same time that Burisch decoded a date for Timeline T2, as downloaded to him by his future human friend some years ago (he is a "grey" from 52000 years i nthe future). By the reaction, I assume that the date is more close than eveybody thinks.

Re: ISS Crew moved to Soyus...


As you pasted the time monks analysis regarding the special device with certain people on the run, I never related to Dan Burisch (plus Marcia McDowell) and the Orion Cube.
But you're probably right: the web bots, cetainly, are talking about him, without knowing who are these people.

Re: ISS Crew moved to Soyus...

Quoting Dan wise words from Given Link:

<font color="brown">
If we are wrong, everyone will be equal, as that material (the maps) are said by some to have disembarked to places unknown right along with certain Looking Glass projection devices, and a Cube.

Who knows? ;D

Rule 1 when dealing with the Elite: make sure you level the playing field before the ball is put in motion.

If we are right, then no one has a concern, and a few people won't be following the next cult to its inevitable preplanned doom.

Dan" [/COLOR]

/ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Flux Gradient...

I was also looking at the link from the graphic at the top left of the webpage, (eagle's head). It shows Primary/secondary magnetic fields and something that looks like the crossing of the galactic centre by ?? earth?? planet X??.

Click to view image...

Link to Fields...

IT`S HARD, TO VISUALIZE /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif

but i find some examples in youtube...

You must add another strong magnetic fields and...

Link to video

if you think of it on planetary scale...

think about the Atlantic magnetic Anomaly:

Link to Video

Flux Gradient 101, Magnetic repulsion effect and sweet spot,

Link to Video

When you extrapolate this to a Planetary scale, you will see what will happen...with a near Nibiru...
Magnetosphere Spike

i like this one:

when the sun is sleep

I thought you'd come back at least i prayed
the romance has been dead for years
but i've been too afraid to dig the grave
relief support never came
memories carry me through the day
of when we were kids
and angels came to watch us play
close my eyes just for tonight
the sun still sleeps and when she wakes
a movie that plays in my mind
remembering you helps me survive
everyday a re-run of the next
i promised to stay by your side
that all would change i can't complain
another victim of the game
maybe love will find us again
for there is always tomorrow
sincerely til the end close my eyes
just for tonight the sun still sleeps
and when she wakes you'll be a memory

No Pun Intended !!! :-)

Caption said:
This video covers a period near the end of the day on 3-16-2009
A very large spike in Dens.(p/cc) &amp; AO/AE(nT) &amp; AL/AU(nT) captured in Nict Magnetosphere Animation

Link to Youtube...
Re: ISS Crew moved to Soyus...

Thanks for your comments.
So, let's wait for more 3 weeks and see what happens.

Even Goro Adachi as something with these date...

<font color="orange"> The Orange Impact around late march... [/COLOR]

Link to Goro Adachi

Sanguina Oranges...


Re: Nearly 200 whales stranded on Australian beach

the latest in a string of beachings in recent months.

More again...


About 80 whales and dolphins were stranded Monday on a remote southwest Australian beach, and most of them died before rescuers could reach them, conservation officials said. Volunteers and government officers struggled to save about 25 that were being battered by rough seas in Hamelin Bay in Western Australia state, the state Conservation Department said in a statement. The rescuers were trying to stabilize the mammals before freeing them from the sand and guiding them back to sea, it said.

It was the latest mass beaching of whales in Australia. Strandings happen periodically in Tasmania, in the southeast, as whales pass during their migration to and from Antarctic waters, but scientists do not know why it happens. It is unusual, however, for whales and dolphins to become beached together. The department said the group of false killer whales and bottlenose dolphins became stranded early Monday morning on a stretch of beach about 4 miles (6 kilometers) long. "Our main priority is to ensure the welfare of the remaining alive whales before we herd them back out to sea," Greg Mair, the departmental officer leading the rescue said in a statement.

Returning the whales to the sea depends on the conditions and the strength of the animals, he said, adding that current "ocean conditions are quite dangerous with rough seas and large waves." Earlier this month, 194 pilot whales and seven dolphins became stranded on a sandbar in Tasmania and only 54 whales and five dolphins were able to be saved. In January, 45 sperm whales died after becoming beached on a different Tasmanian sandbar. Last November, 150 long-finned pilot whales died after beaching on a rocky coastline one week after a pod of 60 also came ashore on the island state. Only 11 were rescued.)

end quoted from:
Click and paste due a bug in this software version...

more quakes coming? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

I thought Venus was Quetzylcoatl(plumed serpent)

There is no Venus in Lasco C3...as 03 23 2009

There will be no Usual Superior Conjunction on March 30?

The White dot is Planet Mercury...
link to Lasco C3

/ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Re: in a place near you...Volcanoes

now we got MT Redoubt Alaska

<font color="red"> Redoubt Activity - Color Code RED : Alert Level WARNINGLocal time: March 23, 2009 1830 AKDT (March 24, 2009 0230 UTC)
Current Status and Observations
Beginning last night (Sunday March 22, 2009) at approximately 22:38 AKDT, Redoubt Volcano produced a series of five explosive eruptions that each lasted from four to thirty minutes. The last one ended at 5:00 AM AKDT this morning (March 23). National Weather Service radar, pilot reports, and AVO analysis of satellite imagery suggest that these events produced ash clouds that reached 60,000 ft above sea level (asl), with the bulk of the ash volume between 25 - 30,000 ft asl. Traces of ash fall have been reported in Skwentna, Talkeetna, Wasilla, and Trapper Creek.
end quoted from:
link to <a href="http://www.avo.alaska.edu" target="_blank">www.avo.alaska.edu</a>

/ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Re: in a place near you...Volcanoes

now we got MT Redoubt Alaska

That is right, recall. And if Al Gore is REALLY interested in "global warming" (and not simply getting rich off bad science), then the arrival of more volcanic eruptions should make Al Gore really happy...because now that solar radiation is at its lowest point, the arrival of volcanic eruptions will definitely show us that we are in the next COOLING CYCLE:


Ready carefully the note on the chart about solar radiation and volcanic eruptions and their correlation to cooling cycles.

/ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Re: in a place near you...Volcanoes


Interesting that the peaks and troughs have become very sharp since the 1800's (accepted there are only two of them)...is that to do with human activity? The trend for warm periods seems a little screwed after 1300 and the trend for cool periods looks off from 1994 ish or have I got this all wrong?
Re: in a place near you...Volcanoes

Interesting that the peaks and troughs have become very sharp since the 1800's (accepted there are only two of them)...is that to do with human activity? The trend for warm periods seems a little screwed after 1300 and the trend for cool periods looks off from 1994 ish or have I got this all wrong?

I don't know how accurate that chart is but it looks like multiple wave interference which would indicate several factors involved in the cycles.