Hearts in Atlantis!!!

Re: To Pamela...

Hi Pam,

As to your question above about me hearing thoughts, To tell you the truth I'm not quict sure whats taking place or how to exactly explain it?

I was sitting there at the restaurnat table with my family and I happend to look accross the room (something drew my attention there, dont know what, I just happend to glance that way?) and at the moment I was really NOT PAYING ATTENTION! I was in a sublime relaxed state and spiratically and randomly opened waiting for conversation from my family sitting at my table. I was not thinking (or so I thought I wasn't) about the other people accross the room. And bam like lighting, quick and did you see it, I had a subltle glimmer of thoughts that where related to feelings as I caught sight of them accross the room! Normally I would have not payed attention to it because it was like background noise and didnt pertain to my present reality sitting at my table.

The majority of these thoughts come to me when I'm not even realizintg it half the time and somehow I just intuitively know things. But its when I'm focused and take notice and listen to the subtlest thoughts in my head. Different thoughts not rational of "your" common thinking. Somtimes these are things that you might think are just nonsence!

Pamela I'm sure you can access this too. I developed this many years ago while watching T.V. with my Gramps. He would watch Television silently and emotionless.

Another recent clarvoyant insident happend with my Aunt the other day. We were sitting at the kitchen bar and she lookes over to see my necklace and pendant that I'm wearing around my neck. She comments that she had an exact duplicate like my necklase and she cant find it and must have misplaced it! But what she was truely saying in her thoughts was that she secretly thinks I may have stole it from her years back when I was a kid. I actually saw (visions of thoughts) of her seeing me steel it out of her Jewelry Box! WHICH I NEVER DID! It was just something false that she conjoured up in her own mind.

What had really happend is that my Grandmother had bought several of the same pendants and distributed them to several of us in the family and who really knows what happend to my aunts? But somehow I knew that my aunt was actually ACCUSING me in her thoughts of steeling hers...

And of course I left the thoughts unsaid...Because you dont want to start with people, bringing things up like this, they become exstreamly defensive and will completely and entirely deny it. Its human nature and they feel violated and afraid of speaking the truth.

But please dont anyone think I alone have these abilities because I KNOW EVERYONE DOES, YOU JUST NEED TO START BEING MORE OBSERVANT OF FEELINGS AND THOUGHTS.

Re: To Horacio Hornblower...

tta you posted above,

<<From my knowledge of being capable of doing this, I know that when I enter anothers mind I become that person. I feel what that person is thinking, I don't just know it, I become a part of it and flow
with it. There is very little distinction that I am an unknown and different to their thinking when I am at their level, so I guess it isn't felt as a separate entity upon it's self.>>

You comment saying you are capable to doing this and entering anothers mind and becoming that person. Well thats not the way an honorable person would be able to read thoughts, its more like a demonic take over and of trying to be in control of another individual

<<However, this is different when it's a long-term connection of someone you've had a deep history with. Those connections and bonds become so strong that you can identify that there is someone else
other then you ever present watching over you and directing you. In spirit and through spirit. For example: If I try really hard right now, I know if I wanted to I can try reaching all the people I've
ever had the pleasure to have bonded with in the past (like one big long distance call through my mind).>>

Yeah and the meathod and means by which you do this is by your double digits! They are nothing more than good old witch craft and a means by which you implant the thoughts to be intuned to seeing the double digits, causing individuals like me and Shadow and numberous others to be at your bidding and service! Who are you fooloing pal? this no longer works with me as I have told you I prayed it away and they MIRACULOUSLY DISAPEARED! But as soon as you keep popping the question on this site about noticing them, they start appearing out of no where and everywhere! THIS IS YOUR SATANISTIC LINK AND DOMINARING CONTROL THROUGH OTHERS!

Somebody else may have not been so wrong when she told you that she prayed them away! and boy where you lost because you lost contact with here spiritually!

<<And they would feel me (my presence) in return... and I think you know I speak the truth .>>

Yeah sure I felt your evil influence over me with those stinking double digits! But not any more pal, I'm free of your tretchury and control and this is killing you while trying to regain control!

<<Not to worry though, I have not imposed my will on others thinking, only suggested alternatives.>>

Oh really well it doesnt appear that way!

Re: To Horacio Hornblower...

If your so certain that I am what you deem I am. Then why does it sound like your more troubled and in hell then ever before? Should it not make you feel better that you have found the truth? I don't think you have really found it the way you think you found it, for your still not set free.

It doesn't matter what you choose to call me or say about me CAT, droping down to that level on anyone cannot be good for your health, or soul, for that's demonic. If you truly praise God you would know this. It will be the end of you if you cannot swallow your pride and learn compassion.

Re: To Horacio Hornblower...


<< CAT,
If your so certain that I am what you deem I am. Then why does it sound like your more troubled
and in hell then ever before? Should it not make you feel better that you have found the truth? I
don't think you have really found it the way you think you found it, for your still not set free.>>

I'm quit sure of it that you are trying to stifle the conversation between our new visitor Transient! Anything to keep a tight lip on Time Travel because you yourself are in the race so that the man ahead of you can not win. And so because of your great jelousy you want to keep this unspoiled for yourself because obviously you think you are superior! You try and mold people to your views as Lucifer did with 1/3 of the Angels in Heaven and disobey G-D!

Lucifer himself was the bright and morning star and when he spoke it was with pearls of concern and love and such understanding feelings! He must have been pretty potent to gain the respect of the other Angels. However in all his VIEWS and his OPINIONS of the way things should be, HE WAS ULTIMATELY WRONG, AS HE WAS NOT G-D AND MOST CERTAINLY WILL NEVER BE! and this is the learning process that G-D is teaching him that he can not win EVER!

And so you likend onto his personality MUST ALSO LEARN!

Dont you get it? The Decendants Journey, the Double Digits, your tounge twisting truths are all manefestations of demonic possesions and control over society and free will! YOU ARE HIS MINION!

You should have taken the advice of someone dear to you 3 years ago! And to your defender Sonofbabylon!



P.S. I had a special request sent to my inbox today! And I think his advice was more than honorable! So tta if you dont see me responding to you anymore its not that I'm copping out, I'M ACTUALLY WINNING! because I am honoring his request!
Re: To Horacio Hornblower...

<<I'm quit sure of it that you are trying to stifle the conversation between our new visitor Transient! Anything to keep a tight lip on Time Travel because you yourself are in the race so that the man ahead of you can not win. And so because of your great jelousy you want to keep this unspoiled for yourself because obviously you think you are superior! You try and mold people to your views as Lucifer did with 1/3 of the Angels in Heaven and disobey G-D!>>

WoW your psychic powers are uncanny, NOT /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif. Did all this crap come from your head?

How am I jealous of Trans001, what have I said to him that would even remotely suggest that I am jealous of anyone?

And how am I holding mankind back? Because I may not agree with your interpretation?

Well it’s nice to know you have an open mind for debate with anyone who’s opinions differ from yours.

And you want to talk about God, say his name right. Show him some respect and acknowledge him, then to just call him G-D. You spelled out Lucifer’s name out, why is that?

I am not saying anything to anyone about disobeying God, quite the opposite, I am promoting him. If anyone is disobeying God and wishing to mold people, that would be you. Your tongue speaks nothing more then just blasphemy of what he stands for, or have you not examined the content of your words, they don’t sound very Christian like to me.

<<Lucifer himself was the bright and morning star and when he spoke it was with pearls of concern and love and such understanding feelings! He must have been pretty potent to gain the respect of the other Angels. However in all his VIEWS and his OPINIONS of the way things should be, HE WAS ULTIMATELY WRONG, AS HE WAS NOT G-D AND MOST CERTAINLY WILL NEVER BE! and this is the learning process that G-D is teaching him that he can not win EVER!>>

Good, I’m glad you know this. But are you trying to say, that I am the Devil? Please CAT, you’re the one who’s not respecting God, you can’t even bring your self to call him by his name. Only Lucifer’s instead. That says a lot

<<And so you likend onto his personality MUST ALSO LEARN!>>

Learn what? What are you trying to prove? I don’t accept evil, never have and never will, I don’t even talk like you /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif. I’m not a mean spirited witch like you.

<<Dont you get it? The Decendants Journey, the Double Digits, your tounge twisting truths are all manefestations of demonic possesions and control over society and free will! YOU ARE HIS MINION!>>

Look, the Descendants Journey is a tale of a man who’s life is of sacrifice and hardships, and who inevitably finds God after his long struggle. Read it again, cause you got it all wrong. I should know, I’m the author of it /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

And the DoubleDigits are something’s that plague a lot of people, Christians as well. What am I really doing wrong in for speaking out about them and saying that they are evil? When have I ever uttered anything other wise to the effect that they are God sent and that it’s not evil?

<<You should have taken the advice of someone dear to you 3 years ago! And to your defender Sonofbabylon!>>

Live and learn /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif. Are you able to though? Doesn’t sound like it. So much anger and resent, cold heart and bitter words. Your no closer to the heavenly father then what your allowing your heritage to make you believe that you are.


No need to CAT, I work at a religious hospital next to convent. I get my fill of Church and God daily. Including pray
thanks for your sincerest concern for me though.

<<I had a special request sent to my inbox today! And I think his advice was more than honorable! So tta if you dont see me responding to you anymore its not that I'm copping out, I'M ACTUALLY WINNING! because I am honoring his request!>>

No sweat, I didn’t really care much to having to hear and reply to your horrible words to me anyways. I feel sorry for you though. I hope you find peace soon.

Re: To Horacio Hornblower...

evil caped crusader

So, you add anti-semitism to your list. Can't you even respect the Jewish way of expressing God's name. Just another one of your ignorances. Nah, you don't call people names. WHAT A HYPOCRITE!! You LIE, you speak out of both sides of your mouth. You don't even deserve response to your posts. You think that WORKING in a hospital next to a convent is going to rub off on you. You are such a joke!! You go from calling God a manipulator and his angels as having agendas of their own to being an expert on God. WHAT A JOKE!! Now you claim to read minds. WHAT A JOKE!!
Do you even realize how ridiculous you sound? Now you want to try to get others to join in on your madness. YOU ARE SUCH A JOKE!!
Re: To Horacio Hornblower.The maiting cats...?

I think what had happened with respects to the New Age thing, happened in the 1980s as a true result of alien intervention.

I've heard this over and over again.

What I think God is saying from the administrative, is, "That if you can rent or make a space ship, or buy passage on one, then by all means, get out of here and go elswhere"?

Spiritual maturity and allegiance, I'm feel and am sure are two differing qualities.

I don't see CAT asking how to build a space ship, or get on one and I don't see TTA doing the same thing.

All of you seem to me like miserable cranky cats, durring the maiting act. They want to be there in order to get something on, however complain all the time while they are doing it.

I've even heard this and it sounds like, "Mayha mayha mayha"!
Sounds like a baby with a hard peice of c**p nesteled in the diaper, that someone should have taken out hours ago.

I mean they get ontop of each others backs, bite each other in the back of the neck and it's a horribly disasterous affair.

I'm sure that I don't see any qualities of adulation within the context of this conversations? :eek:
Re: To Horacio Hornblower...

<<evil caped crusader>>

And what should I call you? Your name is suspect enough of how evil and how little regard you have for creation, hence the name DestroyingAngel.

<<So, you add anti-semitism to your list. Can't you even respect the Jewish way of expressing God's name.>>

Who's Jewish here? I don't think CAT would have wanted you to mention that here, but hey that's not my problem anymore. I don't think she would stop talking to you for that though. Even if it only took me 1 yr to make one slip like that, and about a month for someone she just met. But nevertheless, she seems quite content with her new possy.

I wish you nothing but luck CAT.

<<Nah, you don't call people names. WHAT A HYPOCRITE!! You LIE, you speak out of both sides of your mouth. You don't even deserve response to your posts.>>

What I call people is the truth. I can prove in so many ways that you and CAT are what I call you. Name-calling is only that if it's based on ignorance and anger. I hold neither for I speak the truth and I do so calmly, but you 2 however /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif have both ignorance and anger in great abundance.

<<You think that WORKING in a hospital next to a convent is going to rub off on you. You are such a joke!!>>

No of course not, it's never rubed off on me. It's my choice if I wish explore that side if I want though, and which I know is at my disposal whenever I wish... It was in response to CAT sincerest warmest concern for me, that she requested that I go to church and get down on my knees and pray.

Thanks CAT, God is pleased with you that you care and have so much compassion for someone like me

<<You go from calling God a manipulator and his angels as having agendas of their own to being an expert on God. WHAT A JOKE!!>>

When did I ever call God a manipulator?

Prove it, cause I'd like to see this for my self.

<<Now you claim to read minds. WHAT A JOKE!!>>

This isn't something that's new, if you been here 3 years ago you would know that I always could.

<<Do you even realize how ridiculous you sound?>>

Right... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif sure do, and do you?

<<Now you want to try to get others to join in on your madness. YOU ARE SUCH A JOKE!!>>

Okay I'm a joke. Why aren't you laughing then :D? That vein in your neck is about to burst, let out a great big belly laugh already. Or was this the best you got /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif *yawn*

Re: To Horacio Hornblower.The maiting cats...?

Your right Creedo, this is certainly one big catfight. I just wish that these 2 miserable strays see that they can't gang up on the TTA /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif. Not even together do they have the qualities they claim to understand through their study of God. But instead, find it unfair that their biggest critic and enemy does /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif.

You really have to feel sorry for them though. They are really trying, but can't see that it's so obvious... It's a shame that they have to come off as mean evil people, but if falling and making a fool of your self is the only way they will learn, then so be it.


P.S. You been quite quiet about your possy's behavior Trans001. Don't you think that if you are who they look up to and admire that you should set an example for them to follow?
Dear CAT,

I seem to have lots of dreams or instances like that, especially after family members pass on. During times of stress or difficult times, I feel the presence of my father and uncle. They are characters, they cheer me up and they usually help me in times of need.

Has anyone been contacted by themselves, from some other dimension or future time?

I very well might have had this happen to me awhile back, and found the experience quite unsettling. Never-the-less, I heeded what my other-self, or higher self advised. Strange. I would really like to hear if others have had similar experiences, while working in remote-viewing or meditation?

The appropriateness of chance is astounding.