Hearts in Atlantis!!!

Re: Daath, the Eleventh Sephira

Friends of TR125.0121

While Kether is the crown or will, and Chochmah is wisdom and Binah is understanding, Daath stands in the middle, being knowledge. In ancient hebrew text they talk of Daath as a doorway to higher levels of consciousness. Rabbi Z`ev ben Shimon Halevi states that in the middle pillar of every single human being are as we all know four main sephiroth. Malkuth, Yesod, Tiphareth and Kether. He goes on saying that Malkuth is the Body, the physical manifestation of the self in this universe. Yesod is the vessel that holds the Ego, or the Psyche. Tiphareth holds the Self, the Soul and Kether is that vessel which holds the spark of divinity that awaits for us to rekindle it. However in the case of an individual that it is searching for greater understanding the sephiroth of Daath appears between four Sephiroth. On the vertical plane it appears between Tiphareth and Kether and on the horizontal plane it appears between Chochmah and Binah. This Sephira is the the vessel that holds the Ruach H´Koddesh.

Moreover, if one takes the number values of each surrounding sephiroth, 6+1+2+3=12 Which is the number used to denote TIME in ancient hebrew texts. We still use it today to mark our passing of time. So as you say when the Tree of Life is made into a circe Daath will stand at the center. Our knowledge powered by our will, shall open up the doorway to the PTP.

Thus Daath, as you propose, is the power of the unconscious having made conscious and working in the world as thought patterns. This is the way intuition works is way towards us, this is the receptacle for visions and inspirations. This is the vessel responsible for our dreams and desires. It is the one sephira that most interacts with ourselves. It is the gate, and I shall prove it.

12=1+2=3. Daath is the eleventh sephira. By a very simple arithmethical process we get 3*11=33 and GATE word value is, surprisingly, 33. So we already have found that by employing the eightfold mandalas we get to the Star and now, by employing this mandala inside the mystical field of the circled Tree of Life we can open the GATE to that STAR.

With time and practice you will not even have to envision all this, you will only need to wish it and the doors to the PTP shall be opened. It is interesting, but I do have to confess that this was not the way it was taught to me years ago, but after having analyzed it I may conclude that WE have found, as a group, access to the PTP in a unique way and very different from the way I was accustomed.

Until later becomes now.
Re: The 8th and the 16 th dimension

<<TTA, Well if it isnt Mr. Horacio Hornblower himself! KEEP BLOWING!!! The people on this forum cannot possible understand the injustice you have done unto me!>>

Facts please, I don't think anyone has any idea what your talking about. I have never said anything bad to you on this forum, I have always shown you my support and forgiveness even when you would cuss at me.

<<Why must you look to an inocent bistandard like Persephone to take favor in you?>>

I don't care if anyone takes favor in me at all, and what I told her was in no way for my self, but for her self to know the deception that you can bring if she is to be your friend. Just like what you did to me.

Welcome back /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

<<I can see you read up on past posts and saw the caped crusader's stupid accusations.>>

Yes, and not to mention you selling out her trust of things she's said to you about me. But please don't take my word for it, please show and reference the facts for us.

<<I can see he is trying to get accomplices to start a new "reign" on the forum.>>

Trying entitles that I make an effort. As you can see I am calm as a cucumber /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif. Not all riled up and @$$holish as you.

<<His sickly-sweet brand of philosophy just goes to show how transparent his motives are.>>

And as if your lude and narrow mindedness of the principles makes it any effort at all to the TTA to expose you?

Oh but I'm sorry, how long have you been away for again? How vulture-istic qualities you have to conveniently return just as CAT starts her unprovoked attacks on me again. I guess you saw that the getting was good to get your share of the TTA again. After all, I'd be prideful too for him setting me straight for being that @nal-retentive. How civilized and proper of you DestroyingAngel

<<Even in the midst of his stupid philosophies, he can't refrain from caustic remarks and his hypcritical attempts to get others on his side.>>

Well don't just take your word for it, but Trans001 your friend and now my new buddy seems to think they aren't so stupid, but "valid" :eek:.

<<This guy's a sicko with delusions of grandeur.>>

If I'm the sicko, what does that make you? Anyone...?

<<I really enjoy your conversations with transient and persephone and the whole Hebrew structure of things. Don't let the stupid caped crusader's remarks get to you. Everybody is quickly seeing how much of a two-forked tongue he has.>>

Yes, let's just keep people ignorant about what the TTA is saying about Time Travel, though deemed valid and recognized by your leader and best friend Trans001. And let's all just believe Gods design of the universe through New Age interpretations of the Hebrew scriptures and label all who oppose us devils and demons.

How absurd DA /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif do you have any realization of how ignorant you sound?

<<The fact that it is shrouded in new age symbolism should not deter us from thinking that we are falling into their trap. Only weak-minded people like the caped crusader would believe that they are in danger from simply studying anything.>>

This is you: *Sure why not, even though the whole basis of our Hebrew scripture findings fall under "New Age symbolism," let's not let critics like the TTA keep up from our faith.*

Again, do you have any idea what you sound like?

<<All things should be openly studied without fear of some self-appointed crusader calling names and trying to undermine someone's intelligence to bring it down to their level of incompetence!!>>

No, that's Your and CAT's job. I'm not the one calling anyone any names. If I am, prove it and show me. If you are, I think I just did (prove it, that is) /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

And if you perceive your self from being at the level actual intelligence (and think your speaking it) and that I am bringing you down to incompetence, snap out of it, you were already there to begin with /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif.


P.S. Is it just me, or do I sense an aura of serenity, enlightenment and God like qualities from both DA and CAT
Re: The 8th and the 16 th dimension

Caped Crusader,

>>>I don't care if anyone takes favor in me at all, and what I told her was in no way for my self, but for her self to know the deception that you can bring if she is to be your friend. Just like what you did to me<<<

Naaa. What a crybaby. Deception knows as deception does.

>>>Yes, and not to mention you selling out her trust of things she's said to you about me. But please don't take my word for it, please show and reference the facts for us.<<<

I wouldn't take your word for anything. I don't see Cat crying foul here. What makes you think that I could be the only person she talks to. Like I mentioned before, you are the butt of many jokes. You don't have to worry about anyone taking favor in you. As a matter of fact, I don't see ANYONE taking up for YOU. Perhaps you've made more enemies than you think. But that doesn't matter to you anyway. As you said, YOU DON'T CARE.

>>>Trying entitles that I make an effort. As you can see I am calm as a cucumber . Not all riled up and @$$holish as you.<<<

Yah, that sounded real calm.

>>>And as if your lude and narrow mindedness of the principles makes it any effort at all to the TTA to expose you?<<<

The word is lewd I believe, and any principles coming out of your mouth are LEWD to me. You dirty them just by speaking of them. EXPOSE AWAY!!

>>>Oh but I'm sorry, how long have you been away for again? How vulture-istic qualities you have to conveniently return just as CAT starts her unprovoked attacks on me again. I guess you saw that the getting was good to get your share of the TTA again. After all, I'd be prideful too for him setting me straight for being that @nal-retentive. How civilized and proper of you DestroyingAngel .<<<

I haven't been away at all. I've noticed that you have hardly posted either. How vulture-istic of YOU to start on Cat as soon as she returns by trying to enlist Persephone against her. How very narrow minded of YOU! And there you go again, speaking of yourself in the third person. There's all kinds of psychological terms for this if you were capable of understanding it.

>>>Well don't just take your word for it, but Trans001 your friend and now my new buddy seems to think they aren't so stupid, but "valid" .<<<

Leave it to you to grasp hold of a single straw!! One point being made as valid and that makes you the caped crusader again-spirits soaring anew. What a joke!!

>>>Yes, let's just keep people ignorant about what the TTA is saying about Time Travel, though deemed valid and recognized by your leader and best friend Trans001. And let's all just believe Gods design of the universe through New Age interpretations of the Hebrew scriptures and label all who oppose us devils and demons.<<<

Do you have such little respect for people here that you think that they can be made ignorant? We all have ideas about the dangers of time travel!! You're the only one who HARPS on it like it's your mission in life. Leave it to you to depersonalize anyone who has new age leanings. There are perhaps millions out there of REAL PEOPLE who are open minded and seeking answers from every avenue of thought. Even scientific people with degrees longer than your arm are searching every avenue of thought. You, on the other hand have it all figured out-right? New Age people are not demons. They are people just like you-oops, I take that back-they are just people. Do you feel like you are being labeled as a demon? How do you think others feel when they are attacked by you and then subjected to your narrow-minded philosophies. You got it. You become the butt of jokes!!

>>>This is you: *Sure why not, even though the whole basis of our Hebrew scripture findings fall under "New Age symbolism," let's not let critics like the TTA keep up from our faith.*<<<

There goes the delusion of grandeur again. Do you really believe YOU could keep us from the objects of our faith? Putting words in our mouths just goes to show YOUR narrow-minded views. Does this mean that a scientist studying the Dead Sea Scrolls has become an Essene? Do pyramidologists want to return to a time of Pharoahs? Does someone studying Sanskrit want to become Indian? WE are studying-YOU are the dunce in the corner making light of the learning going on. Everyone in the classroom KNOWS who the dunce is. He's the guy with the pointed hat!!

>>>No, that's Your and CAT's job. I'm not the one calling anyone any names. If I am, prove it and show me. If you are, I think I just did (prove it, that is) .<<<

I don't have to go very far to show your name calling!! You reek of it!! Typical of someone with an inferiority complex to show his superior skills in tearing down another person.

>>>And if you perceive your self from being at the level actual intelligence (and think your speaking it) and that I am bringing you down to incompetence, snap out of it, you were already there to begin with . <<<

AWW Sticks and Stones!! Incompetence is your trademark!!

>>>P.S. Is it just me, or do I sense an aura of serenity, enlightenment and God like qualities from both DA and CAT ?<<<

WHY THANK YOU!! Maybe you're starting to see the light!! Does it bother you, huh bubsy? Do you think we're REIGNING together? Only you would think in those terms. Neither of us would even consider thinking in those terms. Serenity and enlightenment come from progressive study and growth. Godlike qualities? Nah, only YOU exhibit those in your delusions of grandeur mode. Come on caped crusader, can't you do any better? SHOW US ALL YOUR STUFF!!
Re: The 8th and the 16 th dimension

<<Naaa. What a crybaby. Deception knows as deception does.>>

I have been here for 3 years, and in that time I have stated the same words. Look into it, if your so hell bent on proving me deceptive /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

<<I wouldn't take your word for anything. I don't see Cat crying foul here.>>

I think you need to re-cap on recent events DA cause you got that backwards. CAT returned yesterday, deliberately provokes an attack with me for no reason and starts to whine that I did her a great injustice.

Who's crying foul here? Certainly not me /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif, I'm just telling it how it is with facts. Can both of you say the same?

<<What makes you think that I could be the only person she talks to.>>

I didn't say you were.

<<Like I mentioned before, you are the butt of many jokes.>>

And you are the @nal-rentive Christian who acts like a Satanist, nevertheless being the TTA is a lesser evil then an ignorant New Age Christian who doesn't know jack of what he is talking about

<<You don't have to worry about anyone taking favor in you. As a matter of fact, I don't see ANYONE taking up for YOU.>>

Why would I worry about something I am already not counting on?

<<Perhaps you've made more enemies than you think. But that doesn't matter to you anyway. As you said, YOU DON'T CARE.>>

Why would I care?

Do I care what people think about me? Obviously I am not like you and CAT who's opinions of others matter so much that it would be a great "injustice" to you if any criticism were to be given in your name. Just look at how nasty you 2 Christian's have committed blasphemy to the faith. Geesh, for crying out loud :eek: what would Jesus do?

<<The word is lewd I believe, and any principles coming out of your mouth are LEWD to me. You dirty them just by speaking of them. EXPOSE AWAY!!>>

Lewd to you, well they don't seem to lewd to your leader Trans001
, maybe he's not as what was it you called it that I had, "carpal tunnel vision."

<<I haven't been away at all. I've noticed that you have hardly posted either. How vulture-istic of YOU to start on Cat as soon as she returns by trying to enlist Persephone against her.>>

I never stopped posting, say for just a few days and taking some time off to do other things. But there was always a post of mine on the forum every week. I even posted a day before CAT returned with her mean spirited feministic attitude.

Nice try /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

<<How very narrow minded of YOU! And there you go again, speaking of yourself in the third person. There's all kinds of psychological terms for this if you were capable of understanding it.>>

Haha /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif… Well why don't you look them up for me, and while your add it look up a couple for your self too, I have a pretty good feeling you suffer from a few psychological aberrations your self.

<<Leave it to you to grasp hold of a single straw!! One point being made as valid and that makes you the caped crusader again-spirits soaring anew. What a joke!!>>

And leave it up to you to find no better of a rebuttal then to painfully acknowledge the truth, and me smile :D cheeseily back a "Nice try" hehe.

<<Do you have such little respect for people here that you think that they can be made ignorant? We all have ideas about the dangers of time travel!! You're the only one who HARPS on it like it's your mission in life.>>

Really, you feel that Time Travel is dangerous?

Well with all your attacks and narrow mindedness, and lack of considering the Time Travel variables in your New Age theories, I would have never suspected that you weren't ignorant of the dangers of Time Travel.

<<Leave it to you to depersonalize anyone who has new age leanings. There are perhaps millions out there of REAL PEOPLE who are open minded and seeking answers from every avenue of thought.>>

Yes leave it up to be.

Per your quote: "You better have blood on your doorposts or the correct seal on your forehead!"

Sounds like an orthodox belief in religion to me, yet your trying to say that your mind is open and flexible to allow all sorts of new ideas?

Just like when you said you were aware of the dangers of Time Travel, you sure could have fooled me /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

<<Even scientific people with degrees longer than your arm are searching every avenue of thought. You, on the other hand have it all figured out-right?>>


<<New Age people are not demons.>>

No of course not. But those that are opposed to them, are

There's more conventional Christians out there who do not follow the New Age doctrines, their criticism and approach to it would be the same as mine.

Tell me, would you classify your own faith as being hypocritical and demonic just because it does not allow for every "avenue of thought"?

<<They are people just like you-oops, I take that back-they are just people. Do you feel like you are being labeled as a demon?>>

Do you feel that anyone who has an opposing opinion is perceived as one in your sick mind?

Then there is your answer.

<<How do you think others feel when they are attacked by you and then subjected to your narrow-minded philosophies. You got it. You become the butt of jokes!!>>

I don't attack people ignorantly like you do, and when I do, I do so with a purpose.

You do so out of anger, ignorance and pettiness. I do so to elevate and prove a point, a "valid" point, and to ensure competence of thought. Not to mention, I am capable of having compassion for people and understand descreation, you on the other hand, are always an @$$hole.

<<There goes the delusion of grandeur again. Do you really believe YOU could keep us from the objects of our faith? Putting words in our mouths just goes to show YOUR narrow-minded views. Does this mean that a scientist studying the Dead Sea Scrolls has become an Essene? Do pyramidologists want to return to a time of Pharoahs? Does someone studying Sanskrit want to become Indian? WE are studying-YOU are the dunce in the corner making light of the learning going on. Everyone in the classroom KNOWS who the dunce is. He's the guy with the pointed hat!!>>

You know there used to be a poster on here who I had great respect for, his name was Sonofbabylon. He was great at discerning information on this of what you speak of, but he was not New Age. Far from that. I wonder what happened to him, I think he could help you with your troubled angry mind.

<<I don't have to go very far to show your name calling!! You reek of it!! Typical of someone with an inferiority complex to show his superior skills in tearing down another person.>>

Inferior but superior skills, well that's an oxymoron if I ever heard one /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif. But please, if I did call you any names that don't apply to you, please bring them to my attention.

<<WHY THANK YOU!! Maybe you're starting to see the light!! Does it bother you, huh bubsy?>>

Obviously you can't spot sarcasm (here's more) it's good to know though that you can take quite a compliment graciously and humbly. Truly those are divine qualities that you possess in great quantity.

<<Do you think we're REIGNING together?>>

Nope, and don't care if you are.

<<Only you would think in those terms.>>

In terms of observing the obvious, then yes. I do so quite frequently, you might have seen my work lately, I exposed you /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

<<Neither of us would even consider thinking in those terms.>>

Well that's a shame, cause you 2 have so much in common together. Just look at your attitudes, a classic tale of the B**** and the @$$hole.

Wanna prove me wrong /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif?

<<Serenity and enlightenment come from progressive study and growth.>>

Yes, and in the rate you 2 are going I doubt it would be anytime soon. I would please ask that in the mean time you spare us the bull $hit of pretending to be until you actually sincerely have them.

<<Godlike qualities? Nah, only YOU exhibit those in your delusions of grandeur mode.>>

Yeah, opened minded? Anything outside of your frame of (New Age) study for growth is delusional? How hypocritical… By your own admission it's what inspires growth, or is seeing 2 sides a delusion when it comes in the way of actually realizing the truth?

<<Come on caped crusader, can't you do any better? SHOW US ALL YOUR STUFF!!>>

By all means DA, just bring it!

Re: The 8th and the 16 th dimension


People are here to discuss ideas but you are constantly disrupting that discussion.
I enjoy reading the many deep thoughts on the board. This discussion is very
interesting to me to read the dialog between Transient, Cat and destroying angel
on the hebrew stuff but you are always disrupting it with your posts of attacking
people. People don't want to read that crap. You have not once contributed
to the discussion if you don't like what is being discussed why dont you just
graciously bow out of the conversation?

How about starting a new thread on the evils of time travel or something and let
them discuss their topic in peace?

People want to discuss this topic with others. You are not debating about the
topic of the thread but are instead fighting with the people discussing it.

Can't you see your postings are very negative and do not contribute to what is being discussed?

It is compared to three educated professors sitting at a table discussing their deep theories
with each other. Communicating peacefully with each other drawing their theories and charting their
mathematical diagrams urging each other to think deeper on certain concepts. Deep in thought and excited about each others theories and discoveries and along comes a loud mouth person pointing fingers at all of them calling them names trying to fight with them.

One of the professors pulls out a chair and offers this person a chance to peacefully join in the discussion at hand but the person shoves the chair away spouting off all kinds of negative comments
about each person sitting at the table and refuses to join in the discussion.

My question is if the person will not join the discussion then why cant they leave the room and let the others discuss in peace? What is the person really accomplishing? I am sure you have many interesting things to discuss in the area of time traveling. Why not discuss them instead? Please for the sake of the others who are interested in the topics being discussed here spend more time discussing the topics at hand and less time fighting with the other people who post here.

Re: The 8th and the 16 th dimension

Friends TR125.0121

That was great Pamela I simply hope that TTA thinks about it in an open way. For several occassions I have offered him to discuss our topics with us, but he refuses. I hope this time he accepts the invitation, which by the way is extended to anyone, since this is a public forum for the DISCUSSION OF TIME TRAVEL AND RELATED PHENOMENON EXCLUSIVELY.

TTA it takes a strong man to initiate a fight but it takes an even stronger one to stop it. Which one will you be?

Until later becomes now.
Re: The 8th and the 16 th dimension

Good point DA, Trans and Pam, But Pam as you know TTA's fight has lasted some three years already of disrupting! He is on some evil Desendants Journey!

Please excuse me as I must address this matter on TTA properly...

I seem to recall TTA that it was you who was the one to direct and turn me onto the Time Travel Institute forum some 1 1/2 years ago! It was you who kept urging me to post and egging me on...You were the one who made me the CAT and caused me to go out on a limb for your beliefs and attack people in the name of Time Travel! Maybe who I was really finding and being shown, WAS INFACT MY ENEMY!

Well, I'm glad you can see now this is the creature you have created that is comming back to taunt you and to reverse all the damage you've caused that I did unto other people (with your brainwashing philosophies.) and put its reverse effect back on you! Let me re quote what good friend Shadow said: We usually get played by the same games we play!

As far as the "Injustice" you caused me goes. You personally know I will not speek it on here! and so you can Blackmail me with that to an exstent! I guese its my own fault for communicating with you through personal emails. As soon as I seemed to be in favor of Time Travel you imediatly used everything in your power to try and SHUT ME UP!


TTA is the biggest Fart Knocker around! He is nothing more than a Indescribable devilishly monstrously ignorant lecher and a cold hearted mental midget with the natural grace of a Swamp Rat! Not to mention his odious Leach covered blob of quivering slime of a debt he still premeditatively neglectfully has forgotten! Thou whoes word is worthless may you be trampled by a herd of bargain hunting fat ladies at a summer sale! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

And now my mentor friend Trans you quote this above:

<<12=1+2=3. Daath is the eleventh sephira. By a very simple arithmethical process we get 3*11=33 and GATE word value is, surprisingly, 33. So we already have found that by employing the eightfold mandalas we get to the Star and now, by employing this mandala inside the mystical field of the circled Tree of Life we can open the GATE to that STAR.>>

This scares me Trans. The number 33 is the signature of the Illuminati and Freemasons and I feel that it is these very scounderals with this KEY STAR that are the very ones messing sequencial time up effect all of us with their greed and selfishness and ultimatly deviating own history by altering the time lines. Did you know that (if I'm not mistaken) every single one of our presidents (American) claim this 33 number. I can get some more exact information on this in my further postings. Trans these are the bad guys, would they be different from millitary?

<<With time and practice you will not even have to envision all this, you will only need to wish it and the doors to the PTP shall be opened. It is interesting, but I do have to confess that this was not the way it was taught to me years ago, but after having analyzed it I may conclude that WE have found, as a group, access to the PTP in a unique way and very different from the way I was accustomed.>>

Hmmmm interesting! I would be interested to know by what means you were taught?

Strange though, I was never taught this information. I somehow inevitably and intuitively know this. I went looking for the answers that I knew where to find them and got the adequit answers thus so far. This manefested itself in me at the age of 15, years back in highschool when I kept having to draw the lines that make the Merkaba and endless design swirls of Mandelas!

Re: The 8th and the 16 th dimension

-CAT, you must be very happy and proud of your self, everybody want’s a piece of the TTA since your return. I hope your feeling that justice has been served. Even though it is undeserved.

<<People are here to discuss ideas but you are constantly disrupting that discussion.
I enjoy reading the many deep thoughts on the board.>>

Who’s discussion am I butting in on and disrupting?

The only “deep thoughts” I have been disrupting are the ones pointed at me and to me by CAT and DA.

But I suppose you enjoy reading their biased deep thoughts of the TTA /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

<<This discussion is very interesting to me to read the dialog between Transient, Cat and destroying angel
on the hebrew stuff but you are always disrupting it with your posts of attacking people.>>

Again, what did I disrupt? If anyone disrupted anything, it’s CAT and DA. Things were very peaceful while they were gone, until they returned and initiated an unprovoked attack of the TTA.

<<People don't want to read that crap.>>

Then why you on my case? Or can you not smell their crap? Unless you condone their acts.

You sure make a peaceful just moderator /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

<<You have not once contributed to the discussion if you don't like what is being discussed why dont you just graciously bow out of the conversation?>>

How can I contribute or as you said “not contribute” to a conversation I am not even in?

This is between me, CAT & DA.

<<How about starting a new thread on the evils of time travel or something and let
them discuss their topic in peace?>>

I wasn’t planning to post anything further on this thread but just the compliment I paid you, until CAT began her unprovoked attacks. I felt compelled to stay and set the record straight /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

<<People want to discuss this topic with others. You are not debating about the topic of the thread but are instead fighting with the people discussing it.>>

Yeah, me fighting huh? They struck first. I don’t think your eyes are that sharp to be a ref
stick with your day job.

<<Can't you see your postings are very negative and do not contribute to what is being discussed?>>

My posts are the ones that are very negative? Yeah, you definitely don’t know how to call the shots.

<<It is compared to three educated professors sitting at a table discussing their deep theories
with each other.>>

And two of which provoke attacks on the special guest speaker who said nothing at all to them to begin with :D.

<<Communicating peacefully with each other drawing their theories and charting their
mathematical diagrams urging each other to think deeper on certain concepts.>>

Then tell me something Ms. WonderWoman Phd, philosophize with me and tell me how well does this theory of how it’s suppose to be done favor if they hypocritically abandon their sophistication, civilized approach and enlightened sense of the very topic they are discussing, if they initiate an unprovoked Bush style war with the TTA?

Try that for deep thinking /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

<<Deep in thought and excited about each others theories and discoveries and along comes a loud mouth person pointing fingers at all of them calling them names trying to fight with them.>>

I am not calling Trans001 any names or attacking him, and he’s a way bigger threat to the TTA then CAT and DA combined
. I don’t agree with most of his theories, but I have grown to respect him. No Pamela, the only thing I am discussing at the moment are the accusations pointed to me.

<<One of the professors pulls out a chair and offers this person a chance to peacefully join in the discussion at hand but the person shoves the chair away spouting off all kinds of negative comments
about each person sitting at the table and refuses to join in the discussion.>>

You can’t possibly believe in that hypothetical interpretation /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif if you do, I don’t feel bad for knocking sense into you. For your still stuck seeing biased 1 sided interpretations. Or have you forgotten the Titor era and how hurt you were to discover the truth, despite not listening to your better judgement to not get to fanatically involved.

<<My question is if the person will not join the discussion then why cant they leave the room and let the others discuss in peace?>>

Let me ask you something, why can’t those in the discussion respect an opposing opinion? Can’t they see that they cannot learn anything if they don’t look at both sides? They praise growth and learning, yet they resort to acts of immature bratty children when someone disagrees with them.

<<What is the person really accomplishing?>>

What are they accomplishing by betraying the very enlightenment and truth their topic is suppose to bring if they provoke attacks?

<<I am sure you have many interesting things to discuss in the area of time traveling. Why not discuss them instead? Please for the sake of the others who are interested in the topics being discussed here spend more time discussing the topics at hand and less time fighting with the other people who post here.>>

What am I really guilty of here but just answering and defending my self peacefully. I take it you don’t even want me to do that?

<<That was great Pamela I simply hope that TTA thinks about it in an open way.>>

Yes bravo to Pamela, for her hasty victory over the TTA

<<For several occassions I have offered him to discuss our topics with us, but he refuses.>>

And on several occasions you made the offer to New Age and unbearable to accept. But maybe now that your willing to see that a discussion can have 2 sides, instead of the usual one you now acknowledged to have had, I may be more inclined to consider joining in

<<I hope this time he accepts the invitation, which by the way is extended to anyone, since this is a public forum for the DISCUSSION OF TIME TRAVEL AND RELATED PHENOMENON EXCLUSIVELY.>>

-Please Trans001, spare me the winded sigh of relief that the TTA now understands due to Pamela’s supposed victory over the TTA. Clearly you can read that her interpretations were obviously off.

<<TTA it takes a strong man to initiate a fight but it takes an even stronger one to stop it. Which one will you be?>>

I think you mean it takes a weak man to start a fight, but a stronger one to stop it. I can see that your desperately attempting to defend your posy, since you know they started the whole thing. But I’ll be the stronger man and drop it. That is of course if they choose to bring it up again /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif in which case all bets are off.

Re: The 33

Friend CAT

Thanks for calling me your mentor, but I fancy myself as your colleague, we are both learning from each other at this very moment. Regarding the number 33. Well The League Of Freemasons does have 33 degress in their progress of illumination, and yes many of these masons and illuminati hold positions of power in the higher echelons of the government, but they have simply used for a very long time something that belongs to nature and they forcefully made it theirs.
The power of the Tree of LIfe, the eightfold configurations, the prime Temporal Point and the GATE OF DAATh are manifestations of God in our very midst. We must reclaim it and put it to good use.

Regarding my instruction, since I was very little (a very long time ago) I was taught many things that were deemed as secrets and misteries of the universe. I was taught about the many different religions, cultures, worlds, that are important for the development of this Earth and finally when I was about 35, they taught me how to Observe.

However in no way was it similar to the things we have described here, no It is accomplished by an effort of the will, by expanding your consciousness and sensing your surrounding. Each time trying to sense more and more until you break the "seal" that constrains our very selves. Once that "seal" is broken you start to experience things that if you were to divulge it to others they would deem you as a madman. That is why we are so reclusive and try to keep our prescence as little known as possible.

That is why I like this forum, I feel comfortable and at ease, except when I get attacked by the caped crusader, but that is another matter entirely.

Until later becomes now.
Re: Lets keep our cool everyone

Friends Of TR125.0121

I am not an arbiter nor any delegate of the United Members of the Forum, however I do believe we shall all call it even and try to start again. Let us discuss things in a peaceful way. Yes I do know that we have all been affected in the past, but we have also affected others. So what do you think if we start again, this time peacefully.

TTA sorry for having called you names in the past. I will not do it again, so help me God.

Until later becomes now.
Re: The 8th and the 16 th dimension

<<Good point DA, Trans and Pam, But Pam as you know TTA's fight has lasted some three years already of disrupting! He is on some evil Desendants Journey!>>

Right… I’m the evil one?

<<Please excuse me as I must address this matter on TTA properly...>>

Well thank you for doing so /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

<<I seem to recall TTA that it was you who was the one to direct and turn me onto the Time Travel Institute forum some 1 1/2 years ago!>>

It was you who came to me for answers, in that Time I have thought you to question everything. I see you learned it quite well, but it is without compassion, that you will make you fail every time. Learn from your friend Trans001

<<It was you who kept urging me to post and egging me on...>>

Better then to keep you to my self and ignorant of what you can possibly learn from others. I didn’t just want you to listen to me, but to engage in discussions with others, so that your potential could be stimulated and grow. It was only when you forgotten the basics of manipulation that I thought you, that you turned on me, and that I questioned critically.

<<You were the one who made me the CAT and caused me to go out on a limb for your beliefs and attack people in the name of Time Travel! Maybe who I was really finding and being shown, WAS INFACT MY ENEMY!>>

I didn’t force your hand, you did what you did and said what you did because you believed it to be the truth, as your doing so now. What happened to you was that you became drawn into something unknown to you, and set your own course from there. From being my right hand, did I beg you to reconsider when you betrayed me? Reference your Hebrew text, I don’t think God kept Lucifer either from finding his own truth.

<<Well, I'm glad you can see now this is the creature you have created that is comming back to taunt you and to reverse all the damage you've caused that I did unto other people (with your brainwashing philosophies.) and put its reverse effect back on you!>>

I’m ready to face my fate and take responsibility for my actions, just bring it CAT!

<<Let me re quote what good friend Shadow said: We usually get played by the same games we play!>>

Then I should expect to be treated very fairly with no further cussing /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

<<As far as the "Injustice" you caused me goes. You personally know I will not speek it on here! and so you can Blackmail me with that to an exstent!>>

I don’t see that as any injustice, but just that you didn’t like having 1 thing said about your personal life on here. Big deal, I apologized for it so many times, get over it already. Is it really worth having so much anger and resent for months for something that doesn’t even matter to anyone but your self?

That’s just your insecurities, please don’t pass them off here as valid reasons that need to be considered as being injustice, and okay to attack the TTA after he apologized for them months ago. You sell your self out, and ask others too just for your own selfish reasons that your feelings were not considered for something that you find very sensitive. Again, get over it! God would want you to forgive and forget. It’s in the very Hebrew text that you pride your self of knowing so well.

<<I guese its my own fault for communicating with you through personal emails. As soon as I seemed to be in favor of Time Travel you imediatly used everything in your power to try and SHUT ME UP!>>

As if you were the only one to lose in this friendship? I gave up a lot for you, and lost much. And for you to betray me the way you did… It’s amazing I’m taking it so well, I don’t think someone else would have this much compassion and tolerance for you still.


Now who’s looking to use an innocent bystander?

<<TTA is the biggest Fart Knocker around! He is nothing more than a Indescribable devilishly monstrously ignorant lecher and a cold hearted mental midget with the natural grace of a Swamp Rat! Not to mention his odious Leach covered blob of quivering slime of a debt he still premeditatively neglectfully has forgotten! Thou whoes word is worthless may you be trampled by a herd of bargain hunting fat ladies at a summer sale!

You want to make people take you serious, or laugh :D?

<<And now my mentor friend Trans you quote this above:>>

How childish of you to think that you can hurt my feelings by saying that Trans001 is your mentor. As if I feel you to being a great loss to me. Just look at who you truly are.

But please, don’t let this deter you from looking at DoubleDigits as anything evil any more /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

Re: The 33

Trans, somethings wrong with me! I have just turned 35 myself! and something oddly strange about my consiouness maybe you can decipher and help me out here?

I was sitting in the restaurant the other day looking over at people at another table. I was watching their faces and body movements and I could actually hear their thoughts. They were thinking where is the food already I'm hungry and I dont want to drink from that glass of water because the brim is dirty. I heard her saying that as she was whiping her fork with a napkin and he was thinking that he should hurry up and eat because they need to get the rest of their errands done.

And today as my bosses girlfriend came into the office she went into the confrence room to use the phone and was watching and observing me the whole time and I could hear her thoughts. She was actually thinking that she needed to observe me to catch any inclination or contact between me and my boss because I'm way to pretty and flirtasious to be inocent. She felt I could be somewhat of a threat to their relationship! I just laughed to myself and felt secure and confident in myself that this could never be the case...INFACT EVER....

Several months ago I bought an item off of ebay and met the guy half way to pick it up, it was about a 3 hour drive. On the way home I passed through a fun attraction town and had thoughts of my niece bungy jumping and eating at a bar/restaurant there. When I got home this was confirmed that they were there.

And also as a great surprise to TTA himself! I KNOW IT WAS YOU WHO HAD CALLED ME NUMEROUS TIMES AT WORK MANY MONTHS AGO AND THAN WOULD HANG UP! You can say whatever you like to people on this forum that it wasnt you, but I know otherwise and yet you still continue to test me...

These are just a few of the things that have recently occured but I have to admit that throughout my life such coincedences follow me.

But somethings is transpiring with my conciousness as of late. I feel strangly void and in controle of feelings that would normally effect me and I have lost all sense of reality so to speak in terms of feeling numb and that what I'm looking at is a counterfit look alittle reality and with a sense that everything is dead! Its kind of like remembering all those magical moments of childhood, feelings, scents, emotions that pertained to certain memories. I can remember them BUT I CANT FEEL THEM AS I USED TO ANYMORE! I thought it may have been a result of age? but when I was gone from the forum for those two weeks I was down at the ocean, 6:30am Sunset, standing in the face of a wave, feet covered in the water as the sand sunk them in as the wave/tide rolled back out. I watched as the Pelican Patrol hovered over looking for a meal. But as I watched all this, it seemed as everything was somehow remotely dead! I really couldnt feel the water and the sand at my feet, it was all an illusional fake! I had a very sad feeling for life.

A feeling of being able to look out of my body but I lost the feelings internally!

What is this Trans, can you pinpoint its meaning for me???

Re: The 33

Why would I call anyone and hang up on them? You always want to place the blame of everything that goes wrong in your life on something else then own up to it and take responsibility. And you wonder why your not your self. It's called feeling guilty and having little regard for others.

How convenient for you to have had such a willing friend to take all your excess baggage for you though. Glad it’s not me anymore, feel sorry for Trans though /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif. Careful dude, she betrayed me, she could betray you too.

Usually I would be the one to advice you on these matters and tell you why you are going through these changes. But you asked your new mentor Trans to help you, by all means proceed. I just hope he’s strong enough to give you the truth when you need it, and you not take it as a sign of betrayal because it hurts.

Simple solution, don't lie to your self, then you won't be so disappointed later :D.

Re: A maturing sense of Clairsentience

Friend CAT

The discriptions you provide are very familiar indeed. Many clairsentient people manifest that during their maturing years their grasp of reality begins to falter. It is as if their consciousness would be separating from the collective consciousness of that given reality. Thus everything begins to appear as bland, lacking it's original color, even sounds loose their pitch. This my friend will go away as your brain creates the new synaptic pathways to replace the old ones that were linked to the collective consciousness. Do not dismay, this lack of touch with reality will only turn into a glorious gift that will allow you to understand the multiverse from a whole new perspective.

However, I have a question. Clairsentience needs to be practiced in order to activate it's neural synaptic pathways. It does not appear in humanity as a latent ability. This only proportionates two possible explanations. You have been studying how to awaken this cerebral site or your DNA is not entirely human. Either of the two I am still here to support you.

But please do not feel scared, it will pass.

Until later becomes now.
Re: A maturing sense of Clairsentience


You said:
"How can I contribute or as you said “not contribute” to a conversation I am not even in?"

Now I see what the problem is. But I assure you it is quite possible to contribute to a conversation where you are not the center of attention.


Thats a very strange experience. I am wondering how is it you heard one thought and then anothers seperately. Or was the experience that you heard both of their thoughts at once? Or were they thinking at different times. Did you just hear these two sentences? Because the mind is always thinking continually? This is very interesting.

Transient, What is it that seperates the thoughts so that you are not tuned to all people speaking at one time in the room? As I am sure that would sound like mass confusion.Was it because her attention was on the couple and that is why she heard only them?
Re: A maturing sense of Clairsentience

Friend Pamela

The present stage of the Terran Human brain, is quite capable of receivinga wide range of stimuli from the outside world and process it all at once. For example we process in our brain, light, sound, temperature, scents and there is even space to monitor our inner organs and tell that at this point I am hungry. All this stimuli are process at once and we can understand them.

With clairsentient experiences is quite similar. We could experience the wide range of thoughts in a room, even a town, a country, a continent or a world and still make sense of all the information processed.

To answeryour question, what keep this thoughts separated is our own consciousness. The more expanded that this one is, the more we can actually experience and process.

Until later becomes now.
Re: A maturing sense of Clairsentience

<<Now I see what the problem is. But I assure you it is quite possible to contribute to a conversation where you are not the center of attention.>>

I get it, haha :D very funny. I guess after what I said to you about fooling people long enough, I guess I can take that

FYI, not that I want to butt in on this discussion of CAT's new talent, but let's pay credit were it's do /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif. After all, who do think was CAT's inspiration on this for "1 1/2 years?"

This should sound familiar to you too Pam, after all I was inclined to disclose the details of how I am able to read people's thoughts at will. That was after all, before you sold me out and betrayed me.

But that a long time ago, and I have forgiven and forgotten about it. I think I can help answer your inquires on it, if you'd like?

The way I am able to do it is by simply seeing everyone as different frequencies. And you have to radio surf/tune your self (or will your self) to different stations like on a radio dial, scan through them with your mind and pick up on their thoughts as you turn to glance at them. Not focusing on just one person, but multi-spectrums of thoughts all at once from many.

There is more to it, and it does require a bit more of work on a different department other then this. Let's just say that deep concentration is required. Close your eyes and be still to achieve heightened levels of concentration. It can help clear away mental blockage to ensure accuracy in the application of it.

That is all I will say about this for now. As I do enjoy the solitude of the unspoiled mental-air waves

Re: A maturing sense of Clairsentience

Transient and TTA,
Very interesting..
If one is expanding their consciousness to hear another's thoughts
or tuning into another's thoughts like a radio frequency then why is it
that the people did not immediately also hear Cat's thoughts as well?

Is it always one sided hearing only? Or is it possible for one to carry
on a conversation this way? If it is possible please explain.
Re: A maturing sense of Clairsentience

Good question... Why wouldn't they have been able to hear her?

From my knowledge of being capable of doing this, I know that when I enter anothers mind I become that person. I feel what that person is thinking, I don't just know it, I become a part of it and flow with it. There is very little distinction that I am an unknown and different to their thinking when I am at their level, so I guess it isn't felt as a separate entity upon it's self.

However, this is different when it's a long-term connection of someone you've had a deep history with. Those connections and bonds become so strong that you can identify that there is someone else other then you ever present watching over you and directing you. In spirit and through spirit.

For example: If I try really hard right now, I know if I wanted to I can try reaching all the people I've ever had the pleasure to have bonded with in the past (like one big long distance call through my mind).

And they would feel me (my presence) in return... and I think you know I speak the truth

Not to worry though, I have not imposed my will on others thinking, only suggested alternatives.

Any further questions?

Re: The 33


Well, it might be Autumn but at the present moment after reading your post to me it is a second spring where every leaf is a flower.

Oddly enough I think that you have answered one of my biggest mysteries but I am still unresolved. One of my most emptiest of feelings is that as of aprox 9 years ago I had witness a time distortion of some sort and now I am left with absolutely no dejavu! Everything went blank and I mean flatline, zilch of any remote inclination or feeling of familiarness.

When I was younger I continually had Dejavu on a regular basis. The last Dejavu I remember is when I was in college my professor walked in the door to his podium and picked the pencil up than placed it back down. Within that time I had familiarly witnessed him doing this before and the exact words that he spoke and fastened his tie as the class proceeded.

Why is this Trans, do you have a logical explanation for it? I tend to think my existence was altered and I am now living a new path, one that has never been lived before. I know its crazy to be thinking this! But is this possible, and why and for what reason would this be justified? might you know?

And when you mention sounds this is a biggy for me! The sounds that I hear are not coming from my ear but at a hollowed distance but they have no depth as they used to in the past. Everything seems to be confined in a boxed like quarters even while I'm outside. This drives me crazy as the noise seems to be one pitch monotone to the point where all noise is NOISE and I tend to want to listen to the silence, its more quieting but still not off! Maybe the blood vessels in my ear are hardening and I'm just going deaf! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif


P.S. Well It appears that tta has opened his mouth to change feet again! He certainly is bug eyed proof that G-D has a disturbed sense of humor!

He appears even more irredeemably clueless and a babbling sock sucking snake skin on a sumo wrestlers underpants! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Oh don't let me forget insufferable maniacal Internet addicted SNEAK! and cheap Internet harpy!