Quantum Scribe
Re: Daath, the Eleventh Sephira
Friends of TR125.0121
While Kether is the crown or will, and Chochmah is wisdom and Binah is understanding, Daath stands in the middle, being knowledge. In ancient hebrew text they talk of Daath as a doorway to higher levels of consciousness. Rabbi Z`ev ben Shimon Halevi states that in the middle pillar of every single human being are as we all know four main sephiroth. Malkuth, Yesod, Tiphareth and Kether. He goes on saying that Malkuth is the Body, the physical manifestation of the self in this universe. Yesod is the vessel that holds the Ego, or the Psyche. Tiphareth holds the Self, the Soul and Kether is that vessel which holds the spark of divinity that awaits for us to rekindle it. However in the case of an individual that it is searching for greater understanding the sephiroth of Daath appears between four Sephiroth. On the vertical plane it appears between Tiphareth and Kether and on the horizontal plane it appears between Chochmah and Binah. This Sephira is the the vessel that holds the Ruach H´Koddesh.
Moreover, if one takes the number values of each surrounding sephiroth, 6+1+2+3=12 Which is the number used to denote TIME in ancient hebrew texts. We still use it today to mark our passing of time. So as you say when the Tree of Life is made into a circe Daath will stand at the center. Our knowledge powered by our will, shall open up the doorway to the PTP.
Thus Daath, as you propose, is the power of the unconscious having made conscious and working in the world as thought patterns. This is the way intuition works is way towards us, this is the receptacle for visions and inspirations. This is the vessel responsible for our dreams and desires. It is the one sephira that most interacts with ourselves. It is the gate, and I shall prove it.
12=1+2=3. Daath is the eleventh sephira. By a very simple arithmethical process we get 3*11=33 and GATE word value is, surprisingly, 33. So we already have found that by employing the eightfold mandalas we get to the Star and now, by employing this mandala inside the mystical field of the circled Tree of Life we can open the GATE to that STAR.
With time and practice you will not even have to envision all this, you will only need to wish it and the doors to the PTP shall be opened. It is interesting, but I do have to confess that this was not the way it was taught to me years ago, but after having analyzed it I may conclude that WE have found, as a group, access to the PTP in a unique way and very different from the way I was accustomed.
Until later becomes now.
Friends of TR125.0121
While Kether is the crown or will, and Chochmah is wisdom and Binah is understanding, Daath stands in the middle, being knowledge. In ancient hebrew text they talk of Daath as a doorway to higher levels of consciousness. Rabbi Z`ev ben Shimon Halevi states that in the middle pillar of every single human being are as we all know four main sephiroth. Malkuth, Yesod, Tiphareth and Kether. He goes on saying that Malkuth is the Body, the physical manifestation of the self in this universe. Yesod is the vessel that holds the Ego, or the Psyche. Tiphareth holds the Self, the Soul and Kether is that vessel which holds the spark of divinity that awaits for us to rekindle it. However in the case of an individual that it is searching for greater understanding the sephiroth of Daath appears between four Sephiroth. On the vertical plane it appears between Tiphareth and Kether and on the horizontal plane it appears between Chochmah and Binah. This Sephira is the the vessel that holds the Ruach H´Koddesh.
Moreover, if one takes the number values of each surrounding sephiroth, 6+1+2+3=12 Which is the number used to denote TIME in ancient hebrew texts. We still use it today to mark our passing of time. So as you say when the Tree of Life is made into a circe Daath will stand at the center. Our knowledge powered by our will, shall open up the doorway to the PTP.
Thus Daath, as you propose, is the power of the unconscious having made conscious and working in the world as thought patterns. This is the way intuition works is way towards us, this is the receptacle for visions and inspirations. This is the vessel responsible for our dreams and desires. It is the one sephira that most interacts with ourselves. It is the gate, and I shall prove it.
12=1+2=3. Daath is the eleventh sephira. By a very simple arithmethical process we get 3*11=33 and GATE word value is, surprisingly, 33. So we already have found that by employing the eightfold mandalas we get to the Star and now, by employing this mandala inside the mystical field of the circled Tree of Life we can open the GATE to that STAR.
With time and practice you will not even have to envision all this, you will only need to wish it and the doors to the PTP shall be opened. It is interesting, but I do have to confess that this was not the way it was taught to me years ago, but after having analyzed it I may conclude that WE have found, as a group, access to the PTP in a unique way and very different from the way I was accustomed.
Until later becomes now.