Harps Are In Our Ears

Foot in mouth, Emm smorrrimf?

I' /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gifm sorry Tran01, public appology to you for getting so emotive.

Must have been the weight of past differnces placed on me?

Didn't mean to become spasmodic within my temperment.

Please accept my appology to you.

It must be hard for you living within a new body and having to deal with semi-tempramentail Earth modified ape.like beings?
Re: Personal

I will not talk anymore I have found out that most people do not care of what is going to happen well I will not say a word anymore!
Re: Personal

Friend Frog

Sorry for not having rersponded earlier, I was out of touch.

1. Does the president of the US and other military know about your presence?

I do not think so.

2. Does Mars and the Moon have aliens and alien bases on these two planets?

Creedo answered that one, except that he missed the reservoir on Mars´artificial satellite, Phobos.

3. What is timephasing like in general and personal?

It is a way to scry through timespace. Most of the time, when we observe, we do so in a way very similar to Remote Viewing. However, with a great deal of dedication the observer can actually form a body and interact with the people inhabiting the reality being scanned.

4. What do these aliens want with our planet or Earth?

Which aliens? There are several.

5. Could you tell me what your friends have told you know different experiences or stories?

I would be delighted to share my experiences with you Frog. Soon I will post some of them.

6. Will we ever develop a ufo and fly in outer space and to other planets?

The answer to that one is simple. Yes, but one that crosses the starlanes that will take a long while.

7. Who are the men in black? I have seen one but they never did anything to me!

There are two main streams of thought. One says that they are part of a human organization that exists to cover up or invent hoaxes to keep the knowledge of alien interventions hidden. The other says that they are aliens that come to this world for many reasons.

8. last question If time travel has been invented then where is the evidence or proof? now I am not saying I don't believe in time travel which I do anyways it is just a simple question that's all!

Well there are several proofs scattered thorught out history. You just have to look for them with a watchful eye. But here goes one for free.

Christopher Colombus had in his possessions among many things a maritime navigational map of the....WORLD. This map was supposedly given to him by Paul the Venetian, a painter and also a very talented mystic. The important thing about this is that Frair Bartholomew De Las Casas describes having once seen the map, and it says that it was perfect, as if drawn by angels sitting above in Heaven.

Until later becomes now.
Re: About Anlussans

Friend Creedo

First of You do not need to ask for apologies, No harm done.

However I do need to correct some details.

Yes I do have from time to time some difficulty focusing on past events and my people, but they are not Anlussans. If I were one I would be causing a paradox, since Anlussans are not meant to be here for another 400 years. Although I would not have minded enjoying their skin pigmentation since your Sun´s ultraviolet radiation emissions are have been increasing consistently. I believe we will all be darker in the future, its a very possible evolutionary step.

About what I am up to, well Creedo I want to learn more.

Until later becomes now.
Re: About Anlussans

In my records of UFOnauts, I am picking up nubian-looking UFOnauts, with semiamphibian features.

This might not be relavent to Annalusians being from your said dry world, as webbing is sometimes used to disapate heat.

I did not mention Phobus, as another major country on this globe, has lost a multi-million dollar space craft, due to some problem in going near Phobus.

Must have been an aberition of light through a beautiful blond's hair, which had caused their loss of a spacecraft, rather than anything said myterious from Phobus?

Nuff said, all I can say.
Re: Hold that thought

In reply to Creedo and Transient,

I have been away from the forum for awhile, so now I am going back through and reading the posts...so I may be a bit "out of time" as it were, but please bear with me.

In reference to the exaulted music that fills my mind when I remember Handel's Messiah, I must predicate my opinions and expressions of my experiences in hearing this chorus at the morn by saying, I am a skeptical person in reguard to "organized" religions. Many, many wars have been fought and blood spent in the name of "my god is better than your god" or like mindsets, and most are clouded with the foibles of mankind, namely greed, power, politics, etc. But in each one can find the nuggets of truth, the nuggets of inspiration.

It is indeed sad that religions and the power of some religions, like at the Vatican, have stored knowledge for centuries and decades that should have been shared with the people of the world in which we inhabit. I think some of you out there know quite well of some of the particulars to which I refer. But, in their defense as well, some of these things are so ground shakingly profound (and possibly apocryphally devastating) that one doesn't have to imagine too far into the future to fear a non-perfect result...So, what it draws to in conclusion, when is the appropriate time to reveal these hidden truths.

And, who among us is brave enough to do so.

See, there are basic truths and all religions address these notions that we instinctively covet as humans. But, in the mix, all sorts of other more short-sighted concerns of mankind get in the way.

So I belive it is our joy and journey to try to learn what we can from all that is available. And to trust our inner-instinct and voices, to the journey of inspiration and nirvana.

So when I refer to a glorious communion of voices, that somehow resembles Handel's Messiah, I am refering to something more basic and electric and naturally present than merely a music composition by a genius. It is hearing the same thing that the composer himself heard in writing the piece. It's feeling the same urgency of life and beauty that inspired him to put the best words he could muster to meet the grandiosity of the chords.

Morning, sunrise, life alive in love.

HARPS IN OUR EARS: the multitude in harmony

The appropriateness of chance is astounding.
Re: Personal

Dear Transient Friend,

Does the Captain of the Hourglass have an adjunct?

The appropriateness of chance is astounding.