correct history, to all concerned
To whoever should be reading persperphone's sayings in this particular thread.
The following applies concerning the central sun, within this frequecny.
Newtoian physics devices by Sir Issac Newton.Couterproposals devised by Godfeid Whilhem Libnetz in starting three space maths.Bouliean concepts devised and opposed to early fluctions, which was base for modern physics.
Time passes till late and 1800s, device of higher maths in thoery, as well as astronomeies.
This later bullwork of science primary investigative works, yealded foundation of Einstine's treste on Relativity, the 1908 paper published.
Not well known as this time, early papaer equally by Robert Oppenhiemer, title, (holes), which was foundation papaer on black hole theory, without somehow knowing what black holes were.
Time passes, atomic device is sought by two major powers.
Primary power creates this device first.
Einstin write U.S. President telling him, that his as well as other contributions to make this device, may have been a mistake.
Device used.
Time passes.
Digs in India, find highly raidoactive sight, based in what was known as Ramman Empire.
Other archo finds, note glass sites, from past use said device detonations, world wide.
Site found in Belgan Congo, of ancient uranium mine, which at one time was mined, however left to own device, mine had acted as own accelerator, so making area dangrous for people to wander into.
Cold war erra.
All powers said to be developing major store of atomic devices.
Theory passed, that with gravity size, concerning planetary bodies, that detonations off atomic weapons, must shunt super scalerly, through semi, or real rosenbridge paths, to largest bodies.
Late 1970s, nonEarth autority in Sirus B, (big constialtion) decides that Earth people may pass, without ever realizing past.
Special beam is shot into Earth's sun, which effects memeory DNA records, lociated within Earth's central sun.
All life patterns stored in sun, by placid intron DNA combintes determinations, balances with certain frequency solar stores of informations.
Due to this trip point, past life memroies start to awake within most Earthlings, starting in 70s, to 1980s.
Most famous of these is past moral Atlantian early period warrior Rhamantha, as shown by A.Z. Knight.
All rights reserved by A.Z. Knight and group publishers.
1980s due to almost circuslike atmosphere, is filled with people's tellings, of past life expierences, or about existances on other planets.
This telling is greatly over, probable transient memeories, as told to state required records, of fellow compatriot of Sigmund Freud, Carl C. Jung, a psychoanalyist.
Jung refers to phenominon of some of these tellings, as cellular memeories, however can not explaine all phenominon he records.
Creedo writes authority and expressed concerns for both qualified space travel, within 1980s early time frame.
In 1990s creedo writes authorities and expresses rosenbrige phenominon, energy to mass pathways, and so possable adjustments to sun.Phenominon similar to adding a shot of wiskey, to a babie's infant formula, with respectrs to mass detoinations of devices, which can travel to sun.
Creedo realizes this problem, as time-mass follows travel routes in order to store events, however disruption of central sun, also wreaks haovic, in central sun memory sotes, of DNA RNA balances, every living item placed on Earth.
Appearance of series of Earth web-based chat boards on device known as internet.
Principles of chat boards describe fellon known as John Titor from said year 2036.
Titor was supposed to have come back in time, in order to secure IBM computer, computers, to take back to future tense, due to IBM allotment of variable programing features, within models code write ablity.
T had said that key year near 2012 or so, was area of disruption via both catastrophic problems, geological eletromagntically based and or world conflict using such devices.
T had said in years after conflict, reproduction was of extreme difficulty, due to lens suspended effects, in upper atmosphere, as well as particulates placed in soils, as producing food substances, per agricutural means.
>There is a problem with said John T, as there has been notes as per said function of boards of e nature, within G.E. Time Displacment Unit, as persaid, by law, to return to proposed time allotment, by board member creedo.>>This is where a time travler, must return to their time, so as to balance events within world happenings.
This was that durring zerophased jump, as said and shown by proposed Titor, that a quantum charged particle event, again a felon, had invaded the shell of Titor's unit and destroyed one board, with overvoltage within particular component of routing area, expressed as an overvoltage.
This prob Titor's was bought out in Art Bell's BBS, as the question said, (Does anyone know anything about the Maxwell Equation? ASKED QUESTION BY SUPPOSED TITOR//, which by Earth terms is mass-time mass water wall)),Titor further says> if so, then please tell me and contact me at such.
AUTHORIZATION ACT, return time travler, so as not to upset world events.
This was contact such said vendor, and if board in not accpetable to existing unit, then a route jumper must be engineered on damaged board.
Nobody here knew, what type of board this was.This was guessed only in theory.
It seems Titor may have exicuted return event shell, with probable nonperfect margins, as this repaired board, was NOT, factory tested for linnearity?
Please note, similar world lines, for a carte blanch of numbers out of said proposed multiverse, or more than one out of frequency world line, of other John Ts?
T was said to have shown up and told via recorded BBS, that he had reached wrong time line.
In recording phase histories, nobody knows as to whether Titor recieved damage to G.E. unit on way to 2001 and 2, or varied time line, due to non-proper performing boad.
There is no telling of offworld contacts, of any nature in time, after this reach to this extent in published time.
Condition of sun post said holicost, not known, condition of multiverse, as equal events track in passage, not known
These are hidden and real exposed histories, as balanced