Greetings. I am a time traveller from the year 2064


Temporal Novice
Greetings, my name is Luke, I hail from the year 2064; a time where the world is recovering from a great many number of civil injustices, wars, and regretful realisation that in this time, now, we (the human race) allowed artificial intelligence to play a greater role in societies around the world than that of a mere deep learning program. I am ashamed to admit that I am a defector, a British soldier (TK-028) from a time unit tasked to maintain the integrity of each existing timeline. I am here to tell my story, so there is a safe record on the very forum upon which a version of the time traveller you know as ( John Titor ) himself once came.
So, if your unit's mission is to maintain timeline integrity, are you guys rivals of John Titor and his faction? Can you tell us more?
Samriddhi - My goal is not to be believed, I don;t expect it in fact; I am here to leave an archived record, for future travellers to find, as not all of us manage to make it back to the specific line from which we originated (it helps guide them). And of course, to provide you with information regarding the future from which I once lived.

Num7 - Think of my unit as an evolution of John’s. The time he arrived from was a time when this technology was still very much in its infant stages. In 2064, we came a lot further in terms of our understanding of the science behind time travel’s infant baby brother from John’s era . . .
I appreciate your interest in my visitation Ella. In our time, we have doubled the magnetic housing units in our time travel devices, this allows for the creation of what we call a quad-song; four micro-singularities that allow travel to a further point back in time. Granted—the further back we go, the bigger the timeline change. We found this out the hard way.
Unfortunately, we can only travel into the future up until the year 2190, since we have found a way to safely incorporate the extra magnetic housing units and multiple other upgrades—but past that specific temporal point, the tests we have conducted indicated an event that mirrors quantum locking; a complete cease of function. In 2190 - artificial intelligence has become self-aware, and has brought humanity into the first stages of what Kardashev describes as a type-1 civilisation. In 2190 they are currently investigating proprietary technology that will allow the people of that time to blueprint the materials (provided by the new elements discovered via AI) needed to build a Dyson Sphere so more energies can be harnessed from Sol. Personalised medicines coded to specific people’s needs (again a product of AI) are widely available, at a price . . . Of course.
Hello Viator my name is Tay i from Canary island i have a question for you. Your time displacement unit is the same as John Titor oh uk created a unit similar to c204?

I have several questions to ask you viator.

Who can travel in time? Are specific studies needed to be able to travel in time? In what year was time travel invented? The Third World War will occur shortly?

In the event that the Third World War broke out? What countries would fight? What would be the cause of this? Was Spain destroyed?
Hello, Mr. Luke. My name is Tay, nice to meet you. If you are still in this timeline, I want to ask you a series of questions that might be interesting to you and everyone.

First question, what brought you until the year 2024? Is this an important year for you?

Second question. Did World War III happen in your timeline? If so. What countries fought in it? Who won the war? I currently reside in Spain. Does Spain still exist in the future?

Third question.
What year was time travel discovered on your timeline? What people are qualified to travel through time? Are specific studies needed or is it simply being military and ready? Is your time displacement unit the same as John Titor's unit C204 or did the United Kingdom manufacture a different unit?

Fourth question.
Which country is currently the first world power in your timeline?

Fifth question.
What is life like in the year 2064?

Sixth question.

What countries apart from the United Kingdom also have temporary displacement units?

Thank you very much for reading my questions, I hope you can answer them.
Greetings, my name is Luke, I hail from the year 2064; a time where the world is recovering from a great many number of civil injustices, wars, and regretful realisation that in this time, now, we (the human race) allowed artificial intelligence to play a greater role in societies around the world than that of a mere deep learning program. I am ashamed to admit that I am a defector, a British soldier (TK-028) from a time unit tasked to maintain the integrity of each existing timeline. I am here to tell my story, so there is a safe record on the very forum upon which a version of the time traveller you know as ( John Titor ) himself once came.
I trust on it
where will be india in 2030 and who will be the new upcoming billioner from india ?? if you are really from the future then answer this
Hello Viator my name is Tay i from Canary island i have a question for you. Your time displacement unit is the same as John Titor oh uk created a unit similar to c204?

I have several questions to ask you viator.

Who can travel in time? Are specific studies needed to be able to travel in time? In what year was time travel invented? The Third World War will occur shortly?

In the event that the Third World War broke out? What countries would fight? What would be the cause of this? Was Spain destroyed?
Hello Tay,

Our equipment has humble advancements that supersede the original unit’s model. In the future multiple government organisations (small sects) come together in order to help advance upon that which has been created. So no while it is not the same, it is based upon the unit’s original machine.

Travelling in time is like any other procedure. Hiring astronauts for space missions, or making sure the correct candidates are chosen for organisations like MI6. It takes time, the right mental capacity, and the strength of character to pull off. The world isn’t quite ready for time travel to be widely available, it’s too dangerous.

Looking at mainstream events right now on this timeline, I think it’s easy to see how WW3 will start; including by and between who. It happens a little differently in my time. I’ll divulge those details in my next post if you so wish me to.
Viator, how much difference is there from your timeline to ours?
Moderate differences. If John has appeared in any given timeline, the difference will always be between one and two percent. I’m on the same timeline as 2000 | 2001 John Titor. So the difference is around 1.38%. Enough for me to notice. Wendy’s for example is known as Dave’s (David Thomas is the founder) in our timeline and was founded three years before it was in this time.
Mr. Luke, why are you in 2024? Is this year important to you?

2024 is an important year for the world. This year in our time was quite chaotic and of course with Trump’s election in our timeline, I’m curious to see if he wins here (not that I would ever want him to). I came here because as I said in my original post, I did . . . run from my time — maybe one day I’ll explain why in detail, but I can’t — it affects me still.

But there’s less chance of being found due to the amount of chaos that has happened here since 2020. Think of it like static. My temporal signal is blocked.
where will be india in 2030 and who will be the new upcoming billioner from india ?? if you are really from the future then answer this
I could give you a random name and it wouldn’t mean anything to you until 2030. I don’t answer questions like this. No true time traveller will. One because it’s irrelevant and two, it might not happen because of the divergence number.
Viator, in your timeline did the migration crisis also happen, like what is happening in Europe right now, or did it never happened, if so, how did it all end?

I am also curious to know how is the situation of the 2 Koreas, and if Japan collapsed due to lack of migration and low birth rate? Lastly I would like to know if in your timeline any pandemic occurred similar to our timeline with COVID - 19?
I could give you a random name and it wouldn’t mean anything to you until 2030. I don’t answer questions like this. No true time traveller will. One because it’s irrelevant and two, it might not happen because of the divergence number.

just tell them that Biden is going to die soon , that’s enough for a smart man