Greetings From the Future!


Then what you're saying here is that we can never really ask a time traveller a valid question and expect to get a valid answer.

I believe, based on our experience here over the past five or six years, that you've nailed it...or at least come very close.

Almost without exception we haven't seen a would-be time traveler who, when asked a direct question about his/her story of time travel, has given a direct, intelligent and intelligible response.

As Darby pointed out, you are likely NOT Falzon but rather a troll.

(Oh, and incase you where wondering, I forgot my password to my other account!)
There IS a way you can logon to that original account (and prove to us that you are really the original Falzon, which would not necessarily prove you are a TTer). When you go to the login screen look at the bottom where it says "Forgot your password?" All you need to do is put in the EMAIL account you used when you first signed up (as Falzon) and (if you have access to that original EMAIL account, which Falzon would/should) you can login as "yourself" again.

But I would've thought that a fighter pilot, especially one from the future, would be able to figure all that out without me having to explain it to you! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

I guess I should point out the obvious. Why are you flying a 60 year old plane into combat? Are you a junior trainee or something? When I was in the air combat core in the year 2039 we only used sim seats and suits. The on board craft AI actually controlled most of the flight and weapons systems. Human reation time was to slow to operate the craft. I also would like to comment on the old fashioned missiles you fired as well. Did you buy them at the same antique store you purchased the plane from? They would be like trying to throw rocks at bullets against the crafts that I operated in 2039.

and yes RMT green eggs and ham are the food of choice in the future. We also have declared a world holiday to celebrate wacky wednesday.

Okay. I saw the film footage, too. I'm not an expert on flying or combat flying myself. I will leave that to the experts. But I was interested in how Falzon is going to slowly make himelf known to the media to alter the future time for his timeline. I would like to know if he needs any assistance at all into doing that or any suggestions as to how to proceed--suggestions on what route to take? I would like to do that for him! I think that would be kind of fun! Need an executive assistant, Falzon?

And another thought in a post upstairs somewhere. I know that Hillary Clinton said she wasn't going to run for president and you guys think that's official. HOWEVER!!!! and this is a BIG HOWEVER. (You see I'm from New York State and I have some insight to the real answer.) Bill Clinton was interviewed the other night on the television and was asked the same question, and if he minded. Well, in his roundabout way, of course he said she had to weigh all options first, she had to run for the Senate again and get that all taken care of AND THEN there is the matter of running at this time--she had to decide: would she want to jump in on this current mess of things? And then, of course, she had to feel the waters about if it would behoove her politically to run for the presidency and would it be a viable thing for her to do at this time. Bill said that he didn't want her to run without testing the waters first, but that if she did decide to run, he thought it would be okay with him. Now with all that baloney to cut through, what do you think people? I think she's definitely going to throw her hat into the ring after she wins her Senate seat again in November. (And she will. The polls indicate her opponents are lagging FAR behind and most people are going to vote for her, so get over that one.) I can almost guarantee a Vegas betting pool win on this one! So Falzon could still be right on that mark there.

As for the other stuff, I am still out with the time travel jury myself, too. I would like to have a guarantee as much as anyone else that Falzon or anybody else claiming to be from the future is. Can we ask him this question. Who is their favorite author in 2038? Are they reading any hot topic best sellers there or are the folks reading the classics? Can he name one novel everyone is going bananas about!

( I personally would like to know so I can get a jump on doing the screenplay!!!!!)
Could he send me a copy of the paperback when he goes back? --of any one of those books. I'd love it!!!! if he could. And if that is so, I would allow him to email me at one of my private addresses so I could have personal contact with the traveler.
P. S. On another post, here, I wanted you to read i,t too.

These posts are beginning to get very rude. I have a solution--maybe--to this. Do you know of the 1950's movie THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL? The movie starred Michael Renne as an outerspace visitor who had come to earth to give the planet a dire warning. He was coming in peace, but no one would believe him either. Everyone was out to get him, shoot him or do something terrible to him before he could accomplish his mission.

But no one could stop him. He finally did accomplish his mission--even after someone put a bullet into him and he died. His robot Gort brought him back to life to give his message and then leave again. His message: if you intend to continue on a path of belligerence and distruction and bring it to a peaceful outerspace, your planet will be reduced to a burned out cinder, and it will be your own fault because you lit the torch by which to have it happen.

Enough said? What my message here is trying to say, I guess, in the middle of the movie the spaceman went to visit a professor Barnhardt at his home. The scientist was so awed by the man, yet, he needed proof, too, that the spaceman was who he claimed. A "Little demonstration? But I wouldn't want anyone hurt." The spaceman had the perfect solution to the problem.

What we are all asking here is for that "little demonstration, too, where nobody gets hurt, but it would convince us all that you are who you say you are!"

I would like to see a similar kind of demonstration given that will convince the biggest skeptic on his board there is a time traveler out there who is trying to get a message to us and before we blow ourselves up. Can you do that for us please? I would most grateful, too, if you could tell me what the spaceman's solution was and then copy it as to your specifications from where you have come from! Thanks.
This central sun is scheduled to have problems.

A past poster here, said he visited the future, however the environment was so hostile, that people were forced to live in heatproof huts, during the day and only at night, they could go out.

There was also another poster, who reported from the future, that only a few big cities were around, off in the future and they were housed under tinted domes, as the sun had become so lethal.

Suggestions?No kidding, make friends with an alien and get off of Earth any way you can.
The 4 pictures of Falzon are very revealing... The nuke in the mountains... the secuence, and what a person stand in a middle of the road and don`t run....

Doroty went to Kansas? Aussie went to Kansas?....

Falzon web page
The reason why whomever is in those pictures is not running is because the pictures with the nuclear blast in the distance are FAKE s!

So, you are right, they are very revealing.

Stop insulting our intelligence.

I am really astonished if YOU actually believe it.

Falzon has yet to prove he is a fighter pilot. He failed the first round of questions.

If he can't prove that...then why in heavens name would anybody that is mature and intelligent believe Falzon is a time traveler ?

And why do I think I am addressing someone who hasnt graduated high school, yet ?
The 4 photos are the same photo, that has been touched up 4 times.

You can tell because the person doesn't have any motion - the creases in their clothes never change at all. There is no atmospheric change. And if you look at the bottom right, there is a car driving down the road that never changes position throught the 'event'. But its been blurred out somewhat, which isn't exactly a surprise.

Unless the photos were just a joke, anyway?!

Generally - you don't just stare at a nuclear blast, either....especially from a rooftop!
Well, "IF" Falzon did post those photos as "his" ( or her ) proof, and in consideration of the other proof that Falzon has provided...this case is a wrap.

Falzon, you're done, here. No need to continue making this thread any longer. I'm satisafied you are NOT a time traveler.


Falzon, I have never posted here before, but since you are from Australia I find that very interesting. If you are alowed could you go in further detail about Australia's civil war and what the future in general for Australia holds. What year does the "war" and Australia's civil war break out, and is your flying saucer from terrestrial or extraterrestrial origins? What happens to Christians in the future and do you think that Revelations has come to pass? I could not get your video to play, but I only got audio, I was wondering if anyone else could see the video? I greatly appreciate any response to any of these questions and feel free to private message me anytime. Thanks. ~Phillipians 4:13~ "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

G'day trent. I might have over exaggerated just a little bit in saying that Australia will face a civil war. There will be huge riots in Australia based purely on the colour of people’s skins, as is the case for a lot of countries. I guess you can’t really call it a civil war because my side had all the weapons and equipment. However, it did drag out for a very long time. The police controlled it pretty well but in the end the government provided the police troops and this ultimately stopped the violence. It was just a lot of violent protesting and hatred which came from years of resentment. The "civil war" has already started in Australia with the Cronulla riots.

Your question about Christians is a very good question to ask because it plays such an important role in the future. As it stands, Christianity is going down hill. Seriously, what young person today goes to church? The only time I went was when my mum forced me to. This changes in time though. People become "nationalistic" over Christianity. It gives people an identity and portrays there morals and beliefs. It becomes just as important as the love for your country. With everything that happens in the world, it becomes a necessity to strive for Christianity. The church becomes the corner stone of the community and people need it to ask for advice. To tell you the truth, the one and only bad thing I am really concerned about from my presence here is changing the world enough so that people give up on Christianity. If these events do not happen, are people still going to turn to Christianity? I'll go into some more detail on this later...

On your other question about extra terrestrials the time machine I used was developed solely by humans. I have no idea if we have ever actually made contact with aliens. In my own opinion, we probably have made contact with them. Anyways, nice talking to you /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif



You know that by claiming that you are a fighter pilot, and of the particular type of aircraft, you just opened up the door for at least one member whose expertise and career centers around military aircraft prepare yourself to answer questions regarding that facet of your claim.

If you expect some of us to believe your claim of being a time traveler, than the first step is provide proof that you are indeed a fighter pilot.

I am not trying to label you as a fibber, but you must understand that not everybody is going to fall to the ground and Hail, Falzon! as a time traveler without some proof.

I want to believe that someone has indeed come from the future, but will not do so without validation of such a feat.

If you can answer questions from the board member I am referring to and convince him you are a fighter pilot, than I will consider the other parts of your claims more seriously.

Of course, you have indicated that you are going to limit your visits to this site, because of some of fear...and I think I know what that fear is...but will keep that to myself for the moment.

I'd be reluctantly happy to answer your questions on my knowledge of aircraft /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif I see someone already posted to questions for me to answer in the next post.

It's completely understandable that you may not believe me. However, I'm asking you and everyone else here to just stop with the criticism for a second and focus on other things. It is frustrating for me to try and make and impact while knowing that most of the people I talk to are more interested in proving me wrong then actually learning about the future. I have said it before and I'll say it again: I will prove to you I am a traveller in time. For the moment, I am not here to prove anything! What the hell am I doing here? For the most part, I'm answering your questions and criticism about me actually being a time traveller. This is not my goal here. I will answer your questions to an extent, but I ask you to open up your mind and focus on other things such as what the future holds. Just give me that chance to prove myself when the time is right.

You know that I can not put myself into jeopardy. This is why I need this opportunity to explain my mission here which is ultimately to change the future for the better of everyone. With this being said, I have other things going on right now that you guys aren’t even aware about and I’m only posting here on my own accord. May I ask overlord, what do you think that fear is?

I’m not here to attack you or anyone else. I’d rather be on a friendlier basis and I apologize for this as I feel frustrated. I know you are not labelling me as a fibber and I respect you for that. I don’t want you to fall to your knees and praise me; I just want you to know what is going to happen in the future. Maybe you can be that one person that will make all the difference /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif I guess at the moment you won’t believe me because I am unwilling to give you that 100% evidence you need to validate my claims. I can give you a few pieces here and there until the time comes for everything to go into action.

So hopefully that is cleared up for now. In the mean time, feel free to ask me any questions on the future, my personal beliefs and views on the world.


Yes, I can ask several very specific questions that any F-18 pilot should be able to answer correctly. For example, let's start with two fairly simple ones, eh Falzon?

1) What is the model designator for the F-18 you flew in that video? (VERY easy one!)
2) What is your low-speed angle of attack maneuvering limit for that specific F-18 model?

There are at least 20 more technical questions I could ask with respect to the F-18 flight control response that a pilot of the vehicle should know. So you should be ready and willing to answer these to prove who you say you are, right Falzon?


1) F/A-18D
2) About 30 degrees at a low speed.

The Hornet I am flying in is an outdated plane although it still proves successful when engaging and fighting an enemy aircraft. The fact that the Chinese are behind on their air superiority compared to the American/Australian alliance allows the Hornet to still be a viable opponent in air to air combat. The F-35 Lightning II is the most used plane during the war by our side. You can expect to see this plane widely used by the year 2018. This is the main choice of fighter aircraft and one of the last generation five fighter jets to be developed. A new generation of computer controlled fighter jets is put into service towards the end of the war (well, the war was still going when I left) but the success of these planes is limited. With further development they will definitely take over human controlled planes.

Another reason why the Hornet is still in service is that they are considerably cheaper then other advanced aircraft. It can still hold it’s own in a fight and comes at a cheaper cost. Quantity over quality.


Head talk on the COM, is too eletronicie sounding, to be a real situation in-bird??

You should hear fighter pilots voice, should sound like he's taking a poop, for all the Gs he's pulling.

Should be talking frantically, at this point, to another pilot, or to someone, if he cant get a lock, on the enemy boggy??

Creedo 299

I am always in constant communication. The video isn’t the best quality, but you can definitely make out what is happening.


Its not Falzon. Its yet another troll logging a new account "Falzon2".

Why wouldn’t it be me? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif I’d like to get into contact with a moderator to get my account back. Seems that when I try to get my password back I don’t receive an email??? I can assure you it is me though.


I guess I should point out the obvious. Why are you flying a 60 year old plane into combat? Are you a junior trainee or something? When I was in the air combat core in the year 2039 we only used sim seats and suits. The on board craft AI actually controlled most of the flight and weapons systems. Human reation time was to slow to operate the craft. I also would like to comment on the old fashioned missiles you fired as well. Did you buy them at the same antique store you purchased the plane from? They would be like trying to throw rocks at bullets against the crafts that I operated in 2039.

and yes RMT green eggs and ham are the food of choice in the future. We also have declared a world holiday to celebrate wacky wednesday.

Hahahhahahaha. Who said the Hornet is 60 years old when the war brakes out? What if it breaks out sooner then you think?


Okay. I saw the film footage, too. I'm not an expert on flying or combat flying myself. I will leave that to the experts. But I was interested in how Falzon is going to slowly make himelf known to the media to alter the future time for his timeline. I would like to know if he needs any assistance at all into doing that or any suggestions as to how to proceed--suggestions on what route to take? I would like to do that for him! I think that would be kind of fun! Need an executive assistant, Falzon?

And another thought in a post upstairs somewhere. I know that Hillary Clinton said she wasn't going to run for president and you guys think that's official. HOWEVER!!!! and this is a BIG HOWEVER. (You see I'm from New York State and I have some insight to the real answer.) Bill Clinton was interviewed the other night on the television and was asked the same question, and if he minded. Well, in his roundabout way, of course he said she had to weigh all options first, she had to run for the Senate again and get that all taken care of AND THEN there is the matter of running at this time--she had to decide: would she want to jump in on this current mess of things? And then, of course, she had to feel the waters about if it would behoove her politically to run for the presidency and would it be a viable thing for her to do at this time. Bill said that he didn't want her to run without testing the waters first, but that if she did decide to run, he thought it would be okay with him. Now with all that baloney to cut through, what do you think people? I think she's definitely going to throw her hat into the ring after she wins her Senate seat again in November. (And she will. The polls indicate her opponents are lagging FAR behind and most people are going to vote for her, so get over that one.) I can almost guarantee a Vegas betting pool win on this one! So Falzon could still be right on that mark there.

As for the other stuff, I am still out with the time travel jury myself, too. I would like to have a guarantee as much as anyone else that Falzon or anybody else claiming to be from the future is. Can we ask him this question. Who is their favorite author in 2038? Are they reading any hot topic best sellers there or are the folks reading the classics? Can he name one novel everyone is going bananas about!

( I personally would like to know so I can get a jump on doing the screenplay!!!!!) Could he send me a copy of the paperback when he goes back? --of any one of those books. I'd love it!!!! if he could. And if that is so, I would allow him to email me at one of my private addresses so I could have personal contact with the traveler.

These posts are beginning to get very rude. I have a solution--maybe--to this. Do you know of the 1950's movie THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL? The movie starred Michael Renne as an outerspace visitor who had come to earth to give the planet a dire warning. He was coming in peace, but no one would believe him either. Everyone was out to get him, shoot him or do something terrible to him before he could accomplish his mission.

But no one could stop him. He finally did accomplish his mission--even after someone put a bullet into him and he died. His robot Gort brought him back to life to give his message and then leave again. His message: if you intend to continue on a path of belligerence and distruction and bring it to a peaceful outerspace, your planet will be reduced to a burned out cinder, and it will be your own fault because you lit the torch by which to have it happen.

Enough said? What my message here is trying to say, I guess, in the middle of the movie the spaceman went to visit a professor Barnhardt at his home. The scientist was so awed by the man, yet, he needed proof, too, that the spaceman was who he claimed. A "Little demonstration? But I wouldn't want anyone hurt." The spaceman had the perfect solution to the problem.

What we are all asking here is for that "little demonstration, too, where nobody gets hurt, but it would convince us all that you are who you say you are!"

I would like to see a similar kind of demonstration given that will convince the biggest skeptic on his board there is a time traveler out there who is trying to get a message to us and before we blow ourselves up. Can you do that for us please? I would most grateful, too, if you could tell me what the spaceman's solution was and then copy it as to your specifications from where you have come from! Thanks.

Hi mate. You seem like a nice enough guy l thank you for your belief in me. Your help here what be greatly appreciated. I’ll give ya a message when I’m ready. Maybe you can help me get what I need to the public when the time is right? Thanks for the offer mate.

If I were you, I’d take that bet on Hilary running for presidency. Your prediction is right on the money. In my own opinion on the presidency, I reckon people had a belief that Bill would be a good mentor to Hilary. In a sense, Bill regains power through Hillary. Like I said earlier, Hilary will make a great president.

I know you would like a guarantee on me being a time traveller and it is killing me not give it to you. I’ll release some information shortly in the future and hopefully you can make up your own mind for the time being. A huge book to look out for in the future is Rain Bear by Andrew Corrigan. It’s about a white baby found and brought up by Native Indians shortly after the first settlers arrive on American shores. As he grows up, he see’s the world around him come falling down as his tribe is forced back by the colonizing Europeans. It comes to a climax when part of his family are kept captive by the settlers. They launch an attack on the settlement which does more harm then good. The main characters brother is rescued and they flee to the desert with the Europeans close on their tale. I can’t tell you how it ends; you will just have to wait another 18 years or so for it to be released. I haven’t got a copy to give you, sorry mate.

I know that some people don’t believe me but there’s not much I can do about it right now. I am happy to put up with all the criticism, but it would be much appreciated if people focused on learning about the future instead of trying to debunk me. You can call me a liar when I fail to give you the hard facts I that I have promised.

I understand you want a demonstration, but what exactly could that be? I’ve already decided in my mind that releasing a piece of the puzzle at a time is the safest way to go about things. That video was the first and there will soon be a second.


I think that pretty much sums up everything for now. Those photo’s posted by recall15 have nothing to do with the future. If I was going to put those photos up for you as proof I would have said so. I believe we are back on track now, and hopefully everything is cleared up at this point.
Hi Falzon,

In another topic I raised a question if there is any time traveler from other country and it seems I've found one from Aus.
I am from China and I would like to know more about the East side.
So here are my questions:
1. It seems China will do something bad to other countries. Will China be wiped out in future?
2. Some time travelers mentioned you must carry a gun with you in future but it is illegal in most of the Asia countries to carry gun now (it is very difficult for an average person to look for a gun). Will that be the same case in future?
3. If you need a gun to survive, does it imply that the countries are controlled by the police and army in future and all citizen must live under them?
4. Many (US) companies are investing huge $ in Asia now. What will it look like in future?

I am inclined to believe in time travel but I don't agree changing the future. How do you know the change is good for every one? If you find you make it worse, will you come back and change thing again? What if you change something good for your future but bad for people living in further future (good for short term but bad for long term). Should they come and change what you have done? If you believe in god, how do you know your current future is not the will of god?

Your googling is not that good... and I assure you the questions will get tougher from here on out:

1) F/A-18D
Wrong on several counts, the most important being that the Royal Australian Air Force never purchased any of the F-18C or D models from the US. I am quite certain that if you check the RAAF's aircraft inventory right now there are no C or D models. Now, when I asked for the designator, I was really asking for your country's designator. The RAAF's designators for the F-18A and B models they purchased are: AF/A-18A and AF/A-18B. Furthermore, why are you flying a two-seat model (F-18D) for dogfighting?

2) About 30 degrees at a low speed.
Is that the best you could get from google? While I admit the F-18 can reach that AoA it is not at all recommended as you begin to lose aileron roll control authority quickly, not to mention low-speed buffeting which can limit the airplane's lifetime. Care to tell me what your airman's manual says on this topic? Or how about telling me the typical trim angle of attack for an approach?

Another reason why the Hornet is still in service is that they are considerably cheaper then other advanced aircraft. It can still hold it’s own in a fight and comes at a cheaper cost.
The RAAF is no longer purchasing F-18s from the USA, because as you point out, they are now purchasing the F-35. And as far as the longevity of the airframe, I know some things about that too (thanks to a nephew who worked for NAVAIR on F-18 structural inspections). As a pilot you should know how many flight hours an F-18 can fly before it has to go down for major structural inspections (and sometimes retirement). What is that number of flight hours?

You certainly have not convinced me you are an F-18 pilot, Falzon, and you are nowhere near convincing me you are from the future.


Please give us the EXACT date this "war" started. If you have done so already please repeat.

Please tell us which airfield you were stationed at.
Thank you for answering my questions Falzon, and please ignore some of the other rude people on this post. Many people on this worldline especially in the US are so brainwashed and closed-minded to anything that they cannot physically see. If you would allow me to answer something that you wrote about your concern if you change something on this world line that people will not turn back to Christianity. I know that God has a plan for every human on earth no matter when or where they are, and we must always do His will no matter what. I am only 20, but I try to attend church as much as possible and more and more young people are already starting to be saved. I believe God is starting to outpour the power of the Holy Spirit even more as we get closer to the end. I wish you the best of luck in whatever you choose to do on this worldline. If you are allowed to say what became of the New World Order, and did Australia join? What is everyday life like in your time and has most diseases been cured and what is the average life span? Thanks for responding mate. Trenton. ~Phillipians 4:13~ "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Sorry for the OT,


Not to argue about semantics but, isn't following a dead religion like christianity a tad "closed minded and brainwashed" also? Seeings how jesus took off some 2000 years ago and had nothing to do with what the church did to his teachings during the various Vatican congress especially the one with Constatine, don't you think what the church has to claim and what the various folks claiming to be time travelers have to offer the same thing?

Albeit, the major difference is with the church you have to supposedly wait until you die and with these time travelers, you have to wait untill they trip themselves up or the wayback machine starts up again.