Greetings From the Future!

Well, this seems to a fairly significant change in Mission Design. I thought you wanted to make as much an impact as possible, the more the better right?

Your right in saying my general mission is to make a huge impact. What would happen if I gave you evidence? Say I gave you footage of my time machine or footage of myself and my past self having a conversation with each other. What would happen? What would happen if I gave you really hard evidence? You would believe me and therefore I would get attention. The media would pick up on it and I would be in a lot of trouble. I would be in trouble because my mission would be hampered. I must not do anything that will stop me from completing my mission. It must be followed to precise detail.

It is dangerous for me to post here. That is why I decided to boycott doing it. I have thought about it and come to this conclusion: I have decided from time to time I will post...once in a blue moon, just to keep my head in the door so that you know I'm around. It will not be often. I don't plan on giving too much away. I don't want or expect anyone to believe me at this moment. With that said, it is harmless in sticking around as long as there isn't any evidence proving who I am. In the long run, I think it would do me good to keep myself in the back of peoples minds. I will post on very rare ocassions just so that you know i'm still around. I promise you though, that when the right time comes everything will be revealed.

I will post on very rare ocassions just so that you know i'm still around.

Considering what you said two posts back

You will hear from me at a later date. Just keep in my mind some of the facts I posted and watch them unfold. Until then, I'll see you all later, possibly in a few years time.

on this subject can you please define what "rare occasions" means to you?
I hope these people are not scaring you off. I would like to ask some questions, so when you have time, stick around for those of us who want to be nice to you. I want to know what happens in the future.
Dear Falzon:

I am LadyHawke from the other forum. This is an older name here. It won't let me reregister with my new name. I wanted to ask you if you knew about the Pope's Foh Pah this past week and if that will have anything to do with the Catholic school bombings you said would take place?

Also, I have an email newsletter that has given us a heads up that Muslims are told to leave America right away. That is a signal that there will be some major terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington DC. It is said a nuclear bomb has been smuggled across the Mexican border. Do you know anything about this?

Do you give any personal data to us? I just wanted to know if I will ever have a screen play made into a movie.

I guess with all this terror activity I am becoming very depressed. I fear that by 2007 we are in for the ride of our lives here on this earth. Will anyone be able to escape?

P.S. Is Bush in big trouble?

Dear Falzon:

I am LadyHawke from the other forum. This is an older name here. It won't let me reregister with my new name.

Answer, ^ Please contact the MOP and he will assign a new niche, here for you at the forum.

I wanted to ask you if you knew about the Pope's Foh Pah this past week and if that will have anything to do with the Catholic school bombings you said would take place?

Answer; This seems to be a planned resurgence, of the crusades war, like activity.So in a very odd way, these actions might be planned well before hand?

Also, I have an email newsletter that has given us a heads up that Muslims are told to leave America right away. That is a signal that there will be some major terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington DC. It is said a nuclear bomb has been smuggled across the Mexican border. Do you know anything about this?

Answer, No, there has been intimation of low grade nuclear suitcase atomic devices, smuggled here, by the old Russian empire, during the past cold war era.There are these, but there may also be unaccounted for, nuclear devices, from the decentralized Russia, known as Ukraine?
Warheads take maintenance and after time, in some instances, become less effective.
*I am not free to discuss the tangential possibilities, of New York being reported destroyed, within the said context, of the Montauk reports.

Do you give any personal data to us? I just wanted to know if I will ever have a screen play made into a movie.

Answer; Time travelers are restricted in their ability to give some information about the future, as this action by them, causes a phenomenon, known as self look branching.This is when the timel;ine itself, knows of an event to come, but since this timeline knows, must change in some way, of the events to come.

I guess with all this terror activity I am becoming very depressed. I fear that by 2007 we are in for the ride of our lives here on this earth. Will anyone be able to escape?

Answer; Mmmmgh, shakes head side to side, not being sure.

P.S. Is Bush in big trouble?

Answer; Read the quatrain via Nostradamus, where it is said that Hister would succumb to a gunshot wound in the old land and be reborn in the new one.This person is described by this past seer,

I guess with all this terror activity I am becoming very depressed. I fear that by 2007 we are in for the ride of our lives here on this earth. Will anyone be able to escape?


I believe "Falzon" should have been more thoughtful on what he posted regarding any future event(s). Knowing several possible psychics, and they all have said that they do NOT tell anyone of bad events they may feel or sense, because it is of their opinion that the future is fluid, not set, and can be changed...and/or by mentioning an upcoming tragedy, the mere thought of the bad event in ones life would result in something actually happening because of the state of panic.

By making a claim that Catholic Schools may be blown up sometime in the future, that statement in itself may have given someone the idea to do it.


No reason to feel depressed. Every age has had its share of issues to deal with, so tragedy is something all of humaity has to deal with, regardless of the date.

The important thing is to live your life, and do what you want to do, without caving into anyone elses will or attempt to "terrorize" you.

As much as there is bad in this world, there also is good. What you see, is your choice. This doesn't mean being ignorant of the worldly events, but not to let these events overcome your ability to recognize the good in the world.
Then what you're saying here is that we can never really ask a time traveller a valid question and expect to get a valid answer. Some dude could very well decide to do in some Catholic schools, but then we've had schools not safe in a few other countries, as well as our country for awhile. Someone could very well have ripped off the idea from these boards and done the deeds.

What kind of questions then could we ask that would prove to everyone out there that time travelers really do exist, that they're really talking with us and we'd better get over ourselves?

Okay. How about this question. the PM of Iran stated in a news brief a short while ago I read somewhere that he knows the Islamic Mahdi is already here on this earth and he has been in contact with him, but he does not wish to reveal himself yet to the world. For all of you out there who do not know what the Mahdi in Islamic cultures is, he is the Islamic Messiah, the 12th Iman that is to come and save the world for them. If this is true, and this Mahdi is already here, can a time traveler say who that person is before he is revealed to the world and thus prove they have that inside information for us?

Also, terrorists have been threating that they, indeed, will attack us again somewhere in the United States very soon. Can he tell us the locations where terrorists will attack?

Each time traveler to any period, is a guest and therefore should not be encumbered, to supply with events that are going to occur, within any timeline.

The reasons is, that the timeline will either augment, or react to what that time traveler is going to say or do.


The only thing that I have not figured out, is what happens if a time traveler, should appear abruptly, expose certain parts of their body and then rapidly disappear?
Also, each time traveller is a potential pest to any time they go to. Time travelers should prove themselves to us before they expect a standing ovation. After all, we arent the ones that are out of place.

The only thing that I have not figured out, is what happens if a time traveler, should appear abruptly, expose certain parts of their body and then rapidly disappear?

I expect Time Agencies have laws against this kind of temporal 'Flashing'. I think we call it 'indecent exposure', here in the UK!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Actually, its a play on semantics and words.

If a time traveler would appear, say only exposed their thing, then the viewer, would say, that they saw, some thing.
Hi everyone. Been a while since I last posted here and a lot has happened since then. I'll start off by answering some of your questions /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif


on this subject can you please define what "rare occasions" means to you?

Well, I was thinking maybe once or twice a month? I'm not to sure though. The amount of times I post will vary..


Dear Falzon:

I am LadyHawke from the other forum. This is an older name here. It won't let me reregister with my new name. I wanted to ask you if you knew about the Pope's Foh Pah this past week and if that will have anything to do with the Catholic school bombings you said would take place?

Also, I have an email newsletter that has given us a heads up that Muslims are told to leave America right away. That is a signal that there will be some major terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington DC. It is said a nuclear bomb has been smuggled across the Mexican border. Do you know anything about this?

Do you give any personal data to us? I just wanted to know if I will ever have a screen play made into a movie.

I guess with all this terror activity I am becoming very depressed. I fear that by 2007 we are in for the ride of our lives here on this earth. Will anyone be able to escape?

P.S. Is Bush in big trouble?


Hey again. I’m not to sure if I understand your first question properly. This is a very touchy subject. Just know that things are being done to stop such a thing from happening. There aren’t any nuclear weapons being smuggled across the border (as far as I know).

It’s completely possible that you could have written a screenplay for a movie in the future. However, unless you’re someone famous in the future I probably wouldn’t know who you are.

I don’t even have the answer to the last question you posted. Who knows what the future will bring for us. I can probably give you a general idea, but while I’m here it is being changed. If we stop some key events from happening, then the future I know would completely cease to exist.

Don’t worry, Bush will survive his term as president!

The following questions are taken from another forum. I was banned from there so I will answer them here for those people.


Hi brandon it's frog once again I have four questions to ask you so here they are and thanks for your time and patience and listening I appreciate it and thanks for being cool to me and the others in this forum:

1. What does your spaceship look like?

2. What kind of future technology and lessons are in the future?

3. What kind of races live in the future?

4. Have you been to the further and near past and further future to see and hear what's going on?

thanks for everything the information and advice I will talk with you again later on off the subject could I give you my email address so we can talk to each other? see ya later!

1. It looks/is a flying saucer /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif (seriously)
2. The education system is similar to the system that is used today. Children get their basic education up until year eight. This is where the system differs from the one you have today. The child can continue their education, but the lives of people mainly revolve around work and making the world they live in a better place. Practically everybody enters the work force from around 13 years old and the education system revolves around this instead of work revolving around education as it is today.
3. No race has been entirely wiped out.
4. I came back from the year 2044 to 2038. From 2038, I came back to 2006 before. I’ll go forward once my job is done, making a total of three times.


Hello again,

I read today that Mrs. Clinton might be considering to lead her party in Senate and ditch the effort on being Presidental candidate. What if she doesn't make to president at 2008, what does that make you? False propehet or did the time alteration happen already?

It is very likely, that there is going to be major dustoff between Isreal, Syria and Iran while the Coalition troops sit in the middle. At least that is how it shows at the news. So it's not a hard prediction to come by. JT made other allecations, quite bold ones which few have come to true, and at least one (Olympics) has been scrubbed. It is still likely that at some point people at the America get over the boiling point and Mr B introduces measures which Titor descriped so well in his posts.

You're saying that there are going to be negative effects at the future because of our future what you're going to 'try' to chance. What if it doesn't happen, what if the future doesn't alter?

I hope you understand my frustration with the people who allegate they are time travellers.

What makes a right for you or your leaders to chance this timeline? How can you be sure that the alteration doesn't create another problem in the future?
I'm talking about the problem what you people couldn't see. Are you saying that you and your people calculated these time altering events so well that you know what is going to happen, it won't cause other problems?

To clarify what I'm saying. When we reach this theoretical point; where people can be send back, are we going to make same mistake or is it going to be that we are then again going to send man back to create yet another alternative timeline? (I hope you can see, what I'm pointing at)

First of all, that you for answering. Yet you didn't answer what was your motivation to sit in the time machine. Can you explain that or maybe highlight the moment when you heard that you were chosen to this mission?

I don't want to explain the aspect of the chancing the future to you, as it should be clear to you on what you're doing.
What I can say, or what I was suspecting. Is that certainly your revalation of the time machine etc. is going to provoke major chance on the worldview. As the people, are going to chance culturally to accept that we are time travelling sociaty now.
Its also going chance the politics, where people are going to form a laws on how to control the time travelling aspect.
Religion is thougher bit, but who knows how timetravelling is going to chance those things.
The science is another thing which is going to chence, when the proof is finally provided to people.

That is the major impact from the unveiling that time travelling is true. What I was asking, is that is it one of those what you are trying to chance, or is the impact more aimed to provide the shock what pushes majority of the people to believe on what you're saying. Unless your mission is to just make minor modifications, like for example assasinating people/preventing something to be from being invented and so on.

I hope that has provided background to the question of, should people be prepared to your alterations?

Leadership is a very important issue in the future. She will make a great leader, but when it comes down to the crunch the government fails the citizens of America. A decision is made from the government that my plan is going to stop. Two options can be made here. 1. Stop Hillary from becoming president or 2. Stop the government from making a fatal decision. Now as I said, Hillary is a great leader so therefore I do not want to stop her from becoming president. I will be taking option two. By proving who I am I can show everybody what happens and by doing so such a decision will be avoided.

If it doesn’t work out, I will go back and they will devise a new plan. I can totally understand your frustration mate and peoples views on me. Of course there will be problems that I can create while I’m here. However, I can guarantee I am doing more good than harm while being here. What we are trying to stop is considerably far greater than anything we would cause.

Time travel is extremely costly and time consuming. It’s like sending a man to the moon or to mars with the technology available to us today. We barely even have the resources and man power to pull off time travel. Years and years and years of preparation have gone into this one trip. Even with all of our advanced technology we still faced many problems and where forced to make a pit stop in 2038. I was supposed to make a few more pit stops but problems arose and the chance was taken to send me back in one go. The shuttle could barely withstand re-entering the earth’s atmosphere. I was very lucky to make it here alive and I will be very lucky to get back in one piece. I am even contemplating wether or not I should just stay in this timeline, even though I have direct instructions to go back.

I am not here to make minor modifications. We can’t take any chances. This is our one and probably only opportunity to change things.

Ok, that’s the questions out of the way. Now I’ll fill you in on what’s been happening. Since the last time I spoke to you, a decision has been made to put my plan into action earlier than expected. I have made this decision on my own and the date for this to happen is in about a year’s time…a few years short of what I originally planed. There are six detailed time slots that I can choose from to start the mission. My thinking is that the earlier I start the better chance I have of altering the future. If something arises such as an unexpected problem, I will have more time to work around it. The fact that I would have to stay locked up in this house for the next few years does not sound to promising either.

Since that is the case, I feel it is safe to start slowly releasing information. It would be helpful to make a name for myself in the media and this is what I will be working on in the following months. Once this is completed, I can start working on the mission. The preparation for this is going to be slightly rushed because I have left it a bit late to start. I feel that I can accomplish everything that needs to be done before the mission starts.

I guess I’ll start by giving you some video footage and a bit of background information on myself. I was born and raised in Australia and first started taking flying lessons after my schooling years before joining the air force. After I became a fully qualified fighter pilot I spent most of the time flying F18 Hornets before the war broke out. It was during this period that I made a name for myself…

I flew missions over the pacific in defending Australia, New Zealand and Indonesia. South East Asia became the scene of war as Australia, aided by the U.S.A and its allies launched counter offensives along the pacific to try and halt the Chinese war machine. Our attempts failed. Australia was partially lost to the Chinese as the Australian mainland became the main theatre of war. The Chinese where halted from a complete invasion due to their supply lines being disrupted. Most of the North West part of Australia was lost for just over a year before we managed to drive them back to Indonesia. It was because of this invasion that Australia was spared a nuclear attack from both sides of the war. Both America and China had a vested interest in Australia. It was for this reason that the Australian desert was chosen as a launching pad for sending a person back into the past.

Here is some footage of my jet before and during a dog fight with an enemy Chinese plane. Fortunately, I had the upper hand as my plane was both faster and better equipped then his. I finally shot him down with a missile in the end of the video clip.

I’ll put some more stuff up later. (Oh, and incase you where wondering, I forgot my password to my other account!)
Falzon, I have never posted here before, but since you are from Australia I find that very interesting. If you are alowed could you go in further detail about Australia's civil war and what the future in general for Australia holds. What year does the "war" and Australia's civil war break out, and is your flying saucer from terrestrial or extraterrestrial origins? What happens to Christians in the future and do you think that Revelations has come to pass? I could not get your video to play, but I only got audio, I was wondering if anyone else could see the video? I greatly appreciate any response to any of these questions and feel free to private message me anytime. Thanks. ~Phillipians 4:13~ "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

You know that by claiming that you are a fighter pilot, and of the particular type of aircraft, you just opened up the door for at least one member whose expertise and career centers around military aircraft prepare yourself to answer questions regarding that facet of your claim.

If you expect some of us to believe your claim of being a time traveler, than the first step is provide proof that you are indeed a fighter pilot.

I am not trying to label you as a fibber, but you must understand that not everybody is going to fall to the ground and Hail, Falzon! as a time traveler without some proof.

I want to believe that someone has indeed come from the future, but will not do so without validation of such a feat.

If you can answer questions from the board member I am referring to and convince him you are a fighter pilot, than I will consider the other parts of your claims more seriously.

Of course, you have indicated that you are going to limit your visits to this site, because of some of fear...and I think I know what that fear is...but will keep that to myself for the moment.
Falzon\'s F-18

OvLrd is right...
You know that by claiming that you are a fighter pilot, and of the particular type of aircraft, you just opened up the door for at least one member whose expertise and career centers around military aircraft prepare yourself to answer questions regarding that facet of your claim.
Yes, I can ask several very specific questions that any F-18 pilot should be able to answer correctly. For example, let's start with two fairly simple ones, eh Falzon?

1) What is the model designator for the F-18 you flew in that video? (VERY easy one!)
2) What is your low-speed angle of attack maneuvering limit for that specific F-18 model?

There are at least 20 more technical questions I could ask with respect to the F-18 flight control response that a pilot of the vehicle should know. So you should be ready and willing to answer these to prove who you say you are, right Falzon?

Hey, this is kind of weird, but I got a weird email, I thought was spam, but it told me a guy named Falzon would be looking for me. I run a web site, he said for me to mention it in this post...can someone tell me what the hell that means?
Notes this thread on film.

No vertical stab, on enemy fighter noted.

2.Missile fires, released from starboard wing position, it seems immediately across the median ventral line, or firing aircraft.
Fighter starting with nose up turns to the left to peruse boggy.

Two bogies, not known as enemy or friendly above HUD display, at about three miles out, one at eleven and one at one o'clock.

nose up, climb bank left

sweeping left turn left again

rolls right searches for boggy

*missile fires from supposed wing station, from starboard position, to port, accorss the ventral line, unusual?

chases boggy turns to right to left missile fired.

Missile fired close range, at another aircraft, close range, but no damage discerned.

Closes on distant aircraft.

Looks to be high speed fighter, with contrails off wing tips, but no vertical stablilator noted.

So closing speeds, about five hundred knots, KEAS.

Delivers coup de grass, however on missile impact to aft engine exhaust, no fragments noted.

Should be some junk in the air, for a second of two?

Anybody else, see this, defiantly?.

Primary hunting bird, pulls a downward maneuver, with nose towards ground, probably a sweeping change of heading return to base?

*Enemy fighter, exhibited contrails from wingtips, from high speed maneuvers, near five to seven hundred knots estimated airspeed, close quarters.

Is there a simulated program, which shows wingtips moisture compression vortices, exhibited from wingtips, in simulation?
Head talk on the COM, is too eletronicie sounding, to be a real situation in-bird??

You should hear fighter pilots voice, should sound like he's taking a poop, for all the Gs he's pulling.

Should be talking frantically, at this point, to another pilot, or to someone, if he cant get a lock, on the enemy boggy??