Greetings From the Future!

Wow. Some of the hoaxes here a really, really bad. I mean come on now. Anyone here ever take polls about which ones are the looniest and which ones appear at least reasonable? Beyond that, is there any "scoreboard" where any/all of these wacky predictions are tracked? There's gotta be some real gems that have come, gone, and since been proven trash?

Hey! I'm giving him the chance to prove what he's saying, that's all. Somebody wants proof time travelers exis?. If this guy is legit he'll say yes! Because this, my dear buds, can prove this person is for real or not--at least to me.

As for the prediction I posted, I just found it on a website and plastered it on this site here. I'm not the one predicting anything. This is the kind of stuff these guys need to tell us about to prove they exist as well. I didn't predict it, but I can tell you who did! Are you ready for it?

Someone posted it as a BIBLE CODE prediction!

P.S. If you heard John Bolton on CNN last night, maybe you should buy a paper for the next few days just to see if it comes to pass?

Falzon, if you are on this worldline then please post if it is at all where you can. I hope you are doing well and in no danger. I always enjoy your posts. Noblefamily, you have definitely done your homework and I enjoy reading your posts as well. It will be interesting to see if that prediction comes to pass. I personally dont think that it will though, why would the Illuminati/NWO attack there own headquarters? Especially when they are trying to establish the NAU. Lou Dobbs recently said on US tv this about the North American Union, "Also tonight, the Bush administration is pushing ahead with a plan to create a North American union with Canada and Mexico. You haven't heard about that? Well, that's because Congress hasn't been consulted, nor the American people." and also check out: I will make my own prediction about this country. In the next 5 to 10 years the United States will be a thing of the past because we, the American people are so greedy and only concerned about ourselves as individuals and not about our country or our fellow man. I am almost 21 years old and I look at all the people my age and younger and I think it is so sad that we are all lazy, uncaring, and complacent. Everyone is in there own worlds so they are like walkiing zombies. (I know that quote is often overused!) We are being dumbed down purposely from an early age in public schools and we eat poisoned food, drink poisoned water, and are taught not to ever question authority. God save us, literally! Always remember that the future is never written in stone, (except for Jesus' returning) and that we can change our future any way that we want it, but to make our country better we must first truly humble ourselves before God and only do His Will and then, and only then will our country prosper and recieve His protection again. Why do you think that the US and the UK are two of the most prosperous nations in the world? May God bless you all. ~Phillipians 4:13~ "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Couldn't agree more. I have to work with these kids everyday. All ages all sizes. I have never been so mortified in my entire life about what we have done to our schools. I couldn't even possibly begin to get these kids to listen to what will happen to them if they don't start waking up. I can't even get them to stop drinking the poisoned water that's in their own backyard. They know it's there and they drink it anyway. I've been warning them for a very long time, but all I have ever gotten out of them is laughter in my face or "you're wrong, there's no such thing happening, and you don't know what you're talking about." I warned them that before Bush is done there will be another draft, but this time it will be the boys and the girls going. I got a no way Jose out of them. Guess what? Headlines in the paper last week: Congress will consider . . . you know the rest of the story. I've been attending prophecy conferences for several years now and listening to the men and women who are in the know. If you go to right now in the second part of the interview that's on the homepage, Dr. Joe says a lot about the happenings in the Middle East right now. Get ahold of Joel Rosenberg's books, too, they're prophetic. And Walid Shoebat has inside info no newspaper will give you on the stuff going on there, too.

I put that prediction on the site because I do want to see if it will happen or not. And to show these time travelers that this is the kind of stuff we are looking for, not we're going back for old style computers to take back with us, or we're going to fix a timeline. Or any of that. I really want to know what is going to take place and soon. But I guess I already know and really don't need them to tell me because I already have the men who are the last days watchers telling me. They help interpret the Bible where I cannot do it for myself. And they do have a lot to say. They have not been wrong. In fact, next month I will be attending a prophecy conference. an ex government man is supposed to be speaking and I'm sure he'll have more than his share to say.

I do have one last thing to say in this post, and it's about a prediction I did make on another site or two sites awhile back. I think it is coming to pass. We must keep our eye on Russia and Putin big time. Right now as we speak, he is securing his power in the government and allying himself with the Middle East. He is also building a port there somewhere so Russian ships can harbor there and aid if help is needed. Russia is already securing the alliance spoken of in Ezekial 38 and 39. Most experts say that we are on the threshold! All that is left in fulfilled prophecy is for the rapture to take place and then Russia will attack Israel. But I believe I have been shown the excuse Russia will have for doing so and it is not for their wars and attacks with their grumbling neighbors. I believe in the not too distant future, there will be a new beloved czar in Russia, whether it will be Putin or not, I do not know. The leader will be so well loved that when he is assassinated in a plane hijacking that will trigger the war. But I dreamed that terrorists actually did the killing and framed the Jews so Russia would attack. If I am wrong, then so be it. I am not a prophet or a TT. I am just a person who has been given some insight into this wacked out world. And it sure enough is looking very much like Christmas really will be cancelled at some point in our future. I'll keep posting. I have to!

As for you TTers out there. TELL US! There are some of out there who really do want to believe you guys are for real and can tell us what will happen. Is that so wacked out?


I wonder just how much you pay attention to details when you read stories in the news:

"I warned them that before Bush is done there will be another draft, but this time it will be the boys and the girls going. I got a no way Jose out of them. Guess what? Headlines in the paper last week: Congress will consider . . . you know the rest of the story."

Yes, the rest of the story is that it was Charles Rangel (a Democrat) who was proposing the draft. In fact he did the same thing back in 2004 prior to the presidential election... and yet for some reason uninformed people try to pin this on Bush and Republicans. Moreover, you are also not quoting the reported news accurately. It was made clear by Nancy Pelosi that Congress would NOT consider a draft when the Democratically-controlled Congress convenes in January.

So it would seem that the kids who are saying "no way Jose" are a bit more informed than you.

I really wish I could say you are right and I am wrong, but what Congress says and will do are two very different things. History has proved that out time an time again. I will just say this: wait and see and then we shall see just who is right on. I will stick by the draft one.

This is not to any particular person here.

If you really want to know what is going on, then one website had this to say about all of it.

God let the Devil run the World for about the last 100 years. It is suppose to get more aggressive in the last few years, because the Devil is running out of Time.

Why did God allow the Devil to run this World?

To prove once again that God Exists.

That is why WWI, and WWII happened. Next....................

I know more, but then everyone is seemingly going to act the way that they do anyway whether it is a Warning or a Precaution, it will be done.

By the Pope talking to Turkey and other religious Leaders, and whatever else.

The rest is maybe added on to the history of what other people stated way back when.

The Saints if you want to know actually.

Now, are they actually following what they say, or just leading the way that they do?

Perhaps to me, it was stated to know about, so it would not perhaps happen.

But then again, who can say that they are not Acting in the Manner that they want to?

I do not know whether they unconsciously plan this kind of a World or not, or whether they think they are programmed to bring about this type of World that ends in a manner with all the Destruction as everyone thinks those type of people are trying to bring to this World. Is it a cause of the event or has people become so common-place as to expect life to go on like it has in the Past?

Certainly one begins to think that whatever is mentioned in the News (Global-Warming and all the rest) that people continue to support their own ideas and it continues in some fashion while people talk about it all the time.

Well then............................

To me then what the website stated is that it is their aggression doing this, and not some other people.

Neanderthals or Homo Sapiens?

"I really wish I could say you are right and I am wrong, but what Congress says and will do are two very different things."

Well, you certainly can admit to being wrong about your spin that this is all somehow George Bush's wish or even the Republican Party. You can admit you were wrong with this by simply acknowledging the truth that it was Charles Rangel (a Dem) who was peddling the draft. You can safely admit to being wrong here because, in fact, you are.

Okay. I'm wrong. There will be no draft in the future. Does that mean I have to switch from being a registered Republican to a registered Democrat now?

I have no problem with the draft whatsoever. In fact, I hope they have one... as long as...

Soldiers' salaries start at $45,000 a year, they all get Kevlar armor and a $250,000 life insurance policy for their families. You know- start living up to their "best army in the world" claim.

The problem is they are looking for more fresh meat- newbies who think joining the Marines is like Grand Theft Auto. I'd rather see more well paid, well trained and well protected soldiers instead of what we have- RC million dollar clusterbombs.

OK NF, what about that:

What if is this current event was despicted here (circa 12/14/06 01:38 PM)by JoeEverybody

Scroll Please!

quoted start:

"Date: Friday, 15 December 2006, 5:43 p.m.


Basle II requires all the European banks to comply with SOURCE AND USE OF FUNDS norms effective 1 Jan 2007, and that the new electronic settlement system is to be TRANSPARENT (already up and running in Europe) so that the game is over. It transpires that the stolen Wanta $27.5 T has been used to support the banks with the collaboration of the crooks. MC has now ordered these funds to be called, effective this evening. Lawyers have been activated and the banks' worst nightmare is about to unfold. It is likely that there will be high-level changes so that the obtuseness at the top is reversed, otherwise we are entering an unprecedented crisis. The banks will ditch the dollar in an attempt to save themselves, another factor.

The IMMEDIATE choice is: an orderly rearrangement of the global financial system, as planned (Wanta Settlement) or a disorderly meltdown (no Settlement and meltdown, with the derivatives assets going to zero). You may reproduce this and quote me, as this all comes from the horse's mouth. If Paulson calls and fixes it tomorrow, fine. But the slide will already have started, I understand. More later! Best, CS.

end quote<<<<<<<<<<<<<<-------------



Waiting for a Pink Timetraveler...


US currency is not backed by anything. It used to be backed by silver and gold. Four years into the depression, paper-backed currency came out- not backed by anything. It's been that way ever since.

US currency is backed by gold bonds. Gold bonds are Federal bonds worth X-amount in gold, the gold is sitting in Fort Knox... this is the real stuff. It's not currency, it looks like a stock certificate or diploma. (This was the stuff they were stealing in "Die Hard")

However, you can buy gold bonds with paper currency.

Since paper currency is not backed by anything and you can buy gold bonds with paper currency in effect you can buy gold from nothing.

The Federal Reserve prints up paper money. Then they ship it to twelve Federal Reserve banks and it goes into circulation. When the banks need more money, they tell the Federal Reserve and they send truckloads of new money for more circulation.

"Since this is a house of cards, how can money be worth anything?" It's not. But Federal Reserve notes are "legal tender for all debts public and private", as every bill states. This means it's legally enforcable as payment in exchange for goods and services- this means that if someone refuses Federal reserve notes as payment, there is no alternative. As such, people have no choice but to use paper money to pay debts (see: The Liberty Dollar).

Naturally the people in the know know that gold bonds are where it's at, because they are literally worth X-amount of gold. Rich people have safety deposit boxes full of them.

There has to be a proportion between the number of gold bonds and the amount of paper currency in circulation. So when the Federal Reserve doesn't have any more gold bonds (to back new money being put into circulation, because they're all sitting in people's safety deposit boxes), they simply print up more gold bonds ("Don't worry- the gold's all there in Fort Knox even though you can't see it").

Ultimately, the only thing that truly determines the value of an American dollar is its buying power in relation to other currencies- the yen, pound, Euro etc. This is determined by international commerce. Simply put, if a country is selling more stuff than it's taking in, that means its money is getting stronger, it's more in demand; it's more valuable.

Postwar German Marks had virtually no value. This was because most of Germany was either blown up or killed- they weren't exporting anything to the rest of the world. So since the rest of the world didn't have use for German marks, they became worthless. If you were in Germany back then, a trillion marks would buy you a loaf of bread. This is because Germany needed everything and produced nothing.

Today things are slightly different. Slowly and inexorably, world currency is turning black: oil. This is because the world needs gas to run their cars and factories and there's no alternative. The US is by far the largest consumer of oil- this means the bulk of the oil from the Middle East comes to America.

In exchange, America gives The Middle East Federal Reserve Notes (paper money) which has no tenable value.

Let's say you're a sheik in The Middle East. (Overly simplified,) every day a shipment of oil leaves your ports for America and every day a small boat filled with US dollars arrives. Eventually you will realize that America needs your oil more than you need their American dollars. And since oil is worth more than paper money, the world economy is slowly turning black.

At some point, Saudi Arabia took these boatloads of US dollars and started buying American stuff with it- what else are they going to do with American currency in The Middle East- it's worthless there, it only has value in America. Remember Saddam and the container-loads with billions in US currency in them? Remember he used to light cigars with US $100 bills?

This is why Saudi Arabia owns up to one ninth of America. You heard me. The GNP of America is about 9 trillion dollars and the Saud Family has almost a trillion US dollars invested in America- land, oil fields, malls, stocks and bonds and so on (see: Farenheit 9/11).

This is enough money that if they pulled out, a depression would definetly happen here- what do you think would happen if the stock market took a 6,000 point hit in one day?

One last thought. If you had a million dollars in paper currency and buried it in your backyard, 30 years later it would be worth $401,007.00 in "30 years later dollars" because of inflation (3% per year for 30 years).

If you put a million dollars in gold in your backyard in 1976, it would be worth 4.42 million today.

Finally- who runs the Federal Reserve? Research.

I was wondering if anyone remembers when "Titor" posted that the next president in 2008 would be like Lincoln and try to hold the country together, but ultimately fail at it? Barack Obama is from Illinois and on the 10th of February he will announce his bid in 2008 at the same place that Lincoln announced his bid. I wonder if there is any connection there? Maybe Hillary will be his vice-president, or vice-versa? Falzon stated a few pages up that Hillary will be the next president. Falzon, if you are still here please post if at all possible. Noblefamily, I miss your posting here as well. I hope your doing well too. Also, it might be wise to note that the federal government is building "internment camps" around the country and it was even on CNN. God save us all. ~Phillipians 4:13~ "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Falzon, it is great to hear from you again. I have a bunch of questions, but only if you don't mind answering them, and I dont want to sound annoying to you either. If Hillary is the next president, then who is the next vice-president of the US, Prime Minister of Australia, and Monarch of the United Kingdom? What is Perth and Western Australia like in your timeline and to what extent did the Chinese invade the northwest? What is family life like in the future and do people in Australia still have the same rights and freedoms as they do now? Any answers are very greatly apprciated. ~Phillipians 4:13~ "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Have you been watching the TV show Jericho lately? This week's installment grabbed my attention. The scene where the boys are at the fairgrounds looking at the map of the U.S. and they see six stars on the maps. The boys ask what do they mean. The man tells them there are six capitals to the United States and six presidents. Did John tell us there would be five areas carved out of the U. S. and five prezes in the future?

Did the man looking for the seeds ever show up again? I will tell you where you can find them if he didn't. He can find them in a place a couple of miles from Seneca Lake in New York State on the northern tip. There is a Seneca Iroquois village there in the 1700's where all sorts of variety of fruits and vegetables are grown. Today the New York State Experimental Station is in the area and grows many kinds of fruits and vegetables on that land. If that TTer had not gotten huffy, he could have gone back to that place, he could have asked Baronette (Sir) William Johnson to help him negotiate with the Senecas for seeds and there would have been not problem getting anything. They would have thought he was a newbie in the New World looking to start a farm. If he had been introduced to the Sachem there by Johnson there would have been no need at all for his bodyguards to be around. He would have gotten all the seeds he would have needed and a variety that would have made his fellow people in the future go oh my god! you got stuff. But some people just get too bent out of shape when you ask them to prove who they are. I would have pointed him in the right direction AND he would have gotten us proof he was a TTer with pictures of the storage barracks there built by Johnson that no longer exist and no one has a clue as to what they looked like, we only have crude blueprints of the place. And if he could've have taken a picture of John Butler and his son Walter, I would have told you he was for real or not just by seeing pictures of those two! I've been very busy writing. YOu see I can prove a TTer is telling the truth or not. I wish that TTer would do this. I would love to know if one of them is real! ;)
