Greetings From the Future!

see when u get back to the future get somebody to change my past you know who i am but you just dont know yet because i havent arrived yet

email me


Hello Falzon and everyone:

glad I didn't scare you off. I get very frustrated when people start bullying other people, especially when they start bullying me. I hope you read my note. I really think you should consider my suggestion for seeds visitation.

Anyway, I've been doing some John Titor research lately. And I've been very busy with some writing. So, I haven't had much time to visit the websites. Some mighty interesting updates have been posted there.

I am really hoping you are for real Falzon. I am starting to get an idea for a Star Trek series I want to pitch to the studios based on Time Travel. Not being a traveler myself, I need someone to talk to me of their experiences. Can you do a kind of travelogue on this webboard for me/us where you've been what you've been up to, where you'll be going next? The bad guys you've met? I don't want to say too much right now because I really don't too much storyline yet, but I don't want anyone to pilfer my idea either.

Do you have any really out of this time frame pictures you can share with us?

P. S. Knew about the USS Nimitz a while back. Also have some news. A certain person was talking about maybe the president wouldn't be making it to the end of his term? They brought up the presidencies that ended in 00 and if they were still cursed by that old indian tale. Can you shed some light on that one for us? Will Prez Bush see it to the end of his term?

Anybody still watching Jericho like I am? Interesting plotlines these last few installments. I think someone else besides the John Titor fans have been reading the Titor material and taking a few things from it for the show! What do you think Falzon?

P.S.. Been perusing the Titor stuff again. I wish wI could see the original posts in all their glory. I haven't researched. Been very busy, but are his posts still on this message board? I didn't know about Titor until only a few months ago. Never knew he existed until I ran across him while surfing the Net for other information.

This just in!!!!!

Countdown has begun - US, Israel prepare for Iran strike in wake of new intelligence information -

Washington: The intelligence information gathered by the Unites States regarding Iran's technological breakthrough that could lead Teheran to an atom bomb in less than three years bodes well with President George Bush's political desperation.

The new intelligence indicates that Iran is making accelerated progress in acquiring the required amount of enriched uranium for assembling its first nuclear bomb.

Until recently, American intelligence estimated that this would only happen in 2015. Now US intelligence is falling into line with its colleagues in Israel and is estimating that an Iranian bomb can be expected as early as 2010.

Contrary to the war in Iraq, the American public does indeed view Iran as a real threat. The combination of a radical religious regime and weapons of mass destruction is America's worst nightmare. Publication of the information is part and parcel of the imminent beating of war drums: On the one hand the Bush Administration is building a significant naval force along the Iranian coast, and on the other it is signaling to the public that the Iranian threat is approaching in great strides.

When the information was revealed on CBS, senior officials at the Pentagon were quoted as saying that now there will be more pressure on Israel to carry out a preventative strike on Iran, just as it did in 1981 in Iraq.

And indeed less than two days elapsed since the publication and Israel's prime minister was quoted in the German weekly Focus as outlining the possibility of such an attack, which would include firing 1,000 cruise missiles in 10 days.

Pentagon expects Israel to do job

The intelligence information that so appropriately fits President Bush's political needs also ties in well with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's war of survival.

It seems that just a few hours prior to the publication of the Winograd report, the prime minister prefers diverting the public's attention to a completely different channel. Similar to Bush, Olmert also knows that when the public is apprehensive it tends to unite behind its leadership.

The moment the information was received the US and Israel closed ranks. Both countries doubt that international sanctions would suffice in halting the Iranian bomb. Bush knows that in the event he decides to go to war with Iran, even the Democrats would support him. Olmert also knows that it would not be difficult for him to secure a similar coalition at home.

The Pentagon expects Israel to do the job itself by use of the aircraft and arms it received from the US. However, either way, both Washington and Jerusalem know that the countdown has begun.



Falzon, hi

If you are still around, tell me please if the United Arab Emirates will be affected in any way by the upcoming events in the Middle East; and I hope very much you'll say no

thank you

The Saga continues here:


"The reason why we trust Deacon's data is that it correlates with a HUGE variety of things we know, many of which we have not gone public with yet. This includes detailed testimony from 'Daniel,' who worked at Phoenix III / Montauk, and does not wish to come forward publicly.

Nonetheless, we have highly detailed information — beyond anything else we've ever seen publicly — that validates the earliest Montauk data — the video interviews (which used to only be available via black-ops insider channels) and the first book in the Montauk series."


End quoted


Best Regards

LG Tech 2T 2012

Is Titorian agent Smith ?

Time to take the red pill... LOL :)


I got a question for you and some news!

First, can you tell me the TITLE AND PLOT LINE of the new Indiana Jone IV movie that will be filming in a couple of weeks/months?

Also, I got a shot at a time travel screenplay, but I need to put one together really fast. Can you help me?

If you can I'll give you a private email address you can connect with.

I have come prepared. However, it was unknown exactly when I would arrive here. I for one was not expecting to arrive so far back. But in any case, I can give you some general facts that will occur. Hillary Clinton will be president. The most inhumane terrorist attacks will occur when bombs are detonated in Catholic schools in America after Clinton is elected. More race riots will errupt in France, however the event is not staged by the ethnic population. Australia will also face race riots. Iran and Syria are invaded. These facts are the underlying events that will cause major problems down the track.
1. Remember what I said in my second post.
2. Something very large involving Martin Luther King will happen soon. It's going to be huge and involves the media and money.

To noblefamily:

I guess the bible does reflect what will happen in the future to some degree. I believe the saying goes something a long the lines of "history always repeats itself". It doesn't have a direct link to the future, but take what you can from the bible and a number of messages within it are repeated in the future. It might not make sense now, but give it time and it will reveal itself.

Unfortunately, Bush and Cheney survive their term in the White House. Hillary Clinton, even though she is a democrat, has the same agenda as Bush. Her views on Iraq/Iran/Syria do not change. The United States will face a depression in the future. The US dollar will collapse. America will not be able to maintain it's empire around the world, with a large proportion of its troops and money spent on the Middle East. During the depression the main stream media, which is a huge root cause of some the problems you will face, will be removed.

My advice that I offer now is to invest in gold, get out of any debt, obtain a fire arm and protect your assets.

I do not know if I will be able to help you with your script as I am not a very creative person. However, if there are any questions you have on my time machine and time travel, I'd be happy to answer.

Well, well.... look who's back! Hiya Falzon.

1. Remember what I said in my second post.
Does that mean (by implication) that we should forget some of the things you said in your other posts? Things like:

It would be helpful to make a name for myself in the media and this is what I will be working on in the following months. Once this is completed, I can start working on the mission.
Still no name for yourself in the media. How's that going? And so you STILL have not started your mission, huh?

From 10/05/2006:Just before I get into a more detailed post, I need to tell you that Iran is going to be attacked in the very near future. A fleet of American ships which is being kept secret and downplayed by the government, will arrive of the coast of Iran with one purpose in mind at the end of this month. Major news is breaking right now and you people don't even know it. Demands will be made and a deadline will be given before the war breaks out with Iran.
Never happened, did it? In fact, no deadline has been given, and we are now in NOV 2007.

I must also point out that China will take this opportunity to invade Taiwan. These two key events are being emphasized by myself because it will play a major part in the future. Just wait about a month for things to start rolling and you will see for yourself. I'll be posting very shortly with a much more detailed post...
We have waited OVER a year, and nothing you have said has come to pass. Moreover, you never posted anything "much more detailed".

I will make a very blunt and undisputable fact right here and now: America is about to send a fleet (within a week) with the sole purpose of attacking Iran. China takes this chance and invades Taiwan while America is occupied. A political dispute brakes out with China arguing that America was being hypocritical and that it had every right to invade. Meanwhile, North Korea directly threatens Japan and South Korea stating that they are disgraceful countries bowing down to the west that must be destroyed.
Nope..... not in this timeline! ;) But I suppose you will now claim that your "mission" (the one you haven't started) changed all that, right? :D

This month (October) America is going to put into action a plan to invade Iran. I also mentioned that Taiwan will be invaded while America is occupied with Iran.
Apparantly, saying it over and over did NOT make it true!

You know what Rainman? Your actually right. But the start of the war is occuring right now. I thought I would tell you about it before it all actually happens, so you can actually believe what I am saying. Would you actually believe me if I told you that America was going to invade Iran just 1 week out? No you wouldn't believe me because anyone can predict that. However, you would believe me if I told you a few months out. Anyone can predict a war occuring 1 week before it starts - Nobody can predict a war occuring months before it starts.
The thing of it is... you could not even predict it a YEAR OUT! What does that say about ANY of your predictions? What does it say about this nebulous "prediction"?

2. Something very large involving Martin Luther King will happen soon. It's going to be huge and involves the media and money.
"Soon" as in just as "soon" as the invasion of Iran was going to happen "soon"? :D I think someone pointed me to the same YouTube video that you are inferring about here. So you think that will be the next big thing, huh? TIME WILL TELL! ;)

Bumpity Bump Bump Bump!

This thread is a good example of failure of a hoax TT'ers predictions. Just reviewing my last post where I review his failures should be enough to give most people a laugh. Let's make a scorecard here just from the predictions I pointed out, as we are now approaching NOV 2008, two years after his predictions:

1) No invasion of Iran. Moreover, he told us to "just wait about a month" to see the invasion of Iran get rolling. That was "about a month" from October 2006. Here we are...still waiting...24 months later! :p

2) No invasion of Taiwan by China. Not even close.

3) NOTHING "very large involving Martin Luther King" happened. Not even something big, much less "huge and involves the media and money."

As a TT'er telling us about our then-future, this guy just plain SUCKED!! ;) But his level of suckiness goes beyond any boundary when you stop to consider the things that DID happen which he was NOT able to predict! Let me just give you one example:

He sure as hell didn't see the invasion of Georgia by Russia coming, did he?

I'll say it again.... TIME exposes all TT hoaxers! :D Now I will await someone to make some excuses for Falzon being wrong. o_O


He also said Clinton would be the next president. Her chances of being president is very faint. I have a better chance of nailing Jennifer Aniston.

He also said Clinton would be the next president. Her chances of being president is very faint. I have a better chance of nailing Jennifer Aniston.
Very good point, Eric. And you'd probably have a better chance of nailing Jennifer Aniston than I would have of nailing Megan Fox...

But oh, one can dream! :yum:

