Greetings from a Parallel Earth *DELETED*

Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

If everything you said was actually true, why would you even mention you're from another Earth? Or come this specific forum in the first place? I'd like to know what other steps you're taking to advance humanity's sprituality. I don't see how coming here and proclaiming you're an interdimensional traveler helps you toward that goal.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

As a non-scientist, I have not come here to share scientific information

Same old excuse. Great cop-out for not being able to explain how your time machine...or interdimensional travelling device.....actually works. As I think Darby said elsewhere, even a pilot has SOME idea how a plane works...

....a 'pyramidal device made of crystals' is kinda like saying an airplane is ' a tube with ellipsoidal appendages sticking out '.

I mean, I have never operated a jet engine....and never studied them for a living....yet I can tell you pretty accurately how a jet engine works. Something beyond just ' It's a cylindrical case with whirly stuff inside '.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

My account is a bit different from other time travel accounts here in that I am not from this Earth's future, but rather from the future of a parallel Earth with a different past and future timeline.

I see.....and despite the fact that every language on Earth has evolved and changed and often even died out, somehow in the year 10,000 or whatever they still speak Queen's English as defined by the 9,845th edition of the Intergalactic Oxford Dictionary it seems !

Or did you borrow Scotty's universal translator ?
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

I never mentioned the year I am from on my Earth, nor do I use what is commonly referred to as "the Queen's English" on this Earth. I do try to use proper English, however, as I've noticed many posts from time traveler claimants here are written extremely poorly.

Lol.....sorry but you've already messed up your hoax. Whichever way one looks at it, your claim is that you live under a system that has maintained peace and enlightenment 'for thousands of years'...on an Earth with a different past and future to ours. Yet somehow, miraculously, the inhabitants of this counter-Earth managed to develop, and still use thousands of years in the future, the exact same Oxford English Dictionary !! Remarkable !

Then you claim that technology is kept to a minimum. I see, so spending billions on an interdimensional world hopper is keeping technology to a minimum ? I mean....that requires masses of associated technological businesses and infrastructure. It's not going to be developed by a bunch of new age hippies chanting 'Omm' in a commune somewhere !

And then of course there is your complete inability to provide any information on how your interdimensional device works. Ah yes.....the invariable ' I am not a scientist' excuse. I find it inconceivable that anyone could get in a device and have NO idea how it works. It is inconceivable that when you supposedly got asked to take the never once thought to ask ' What the blazes is this thing, and how does it work ? '. I mean....they're about to SEND you in it....and you don't even get a basic user manual ???

Ye gods....I have a car battery trickle charger with a detailed technical spec.....yet advanced societies are sending people across space and time with no more than a sheet of bog paper in case they crap themselves.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

My account is a bit different from other time travel accounts here in that I am not from this Earth's future, but rather from the future of a parallel Earth with a different past and future timeline.

Your account is, actually, precisely the same as just about every other would-be time traveler that has posted here. Alternate "worldline" is the norm, not the exception.

On "my" Earth, the total population is around 2 billion people. We have no large cities, but have decided to live communally in groups of no more than 500 people.

This is Titor Revisited with the exception of your view having one billion fewer people.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Hi churchhead, welcome. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

On the Earth from which I come, technology is advanced, but the use of our technology is kept at a minimum to avoid the technological problems so prevalent on this Earth

So what kind of technological devices would people use frequently in your world? Do people have TVs for example? Do they have stereos/CD players? Can they watch TV and listen to music and play video games in their spare time, should they wish to?

Hopefully people are allowed to use those items, as they do bring much entertainment to people here. What kind of TV shows do you have in your world?

Also: you say you are very spiritual. Do you know much about mediumship? I attend a spiritualist church and aim to be a medium one day.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

It's not going to be developed by a bunch of new age hippies chanting 'Omm' in a commune somewhere !

Ah, Allen Ginsberg used to sometimes chant that to calm himself down in stressful situations. He was a famous beat poet, in case you don't know of him. 1926 - 1997.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

There are no televisions, but we do have radios and solar energy for cooking and heating.

No TVs? Well, if you guys are happy with that, that's fine, but hopefully our world can keep our TVs. I like watching my sitcoms! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Hello Danu,
Since your'e from some alternate timeline, I would like you to read through this article;
And tell me exactly where we "went wrong".
Oh, and my guess would be it happened about here

Also, you say you have tractors and solar panels and all kinds of fancy gizmos, that "are kept to a minimum" even though they seem to be everywhere by how you decribe it, but the real question is how do you manufacture effecient enough solar technology to provide energy to your whole community without any infrastructure or large cities to build them?
And these walk-in things you are describing, are you saying religious people let their bodies be possessed by Aliens?
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

On my Earth, we are content with the duties to which we feel called. I am a religious leader. Others are scientists. The fact that I need not know (nor do I really care) how the crystal pyramid that got me here works speaks to the peace that exists on our planet. I do not know how much the "machine" costs, but I do know that there are no corporate infrastructures that you speak of on our planet.

It saddens me to say it, but your post is more evidence of the dysfunction of this planet than the peace and inner-workings of mine.

A religious leader is the LAST person any group of scientists who developed an interdimensional travelling device would want to send ! Not the first.

I mean....come off it. The first man on the Moon was a test pilot, trained in every aspect of how the machine worked. He had to have nerves of steel, and be totally cool under immense he was just on a Sunday outing. Above all, he had to have a good mental grasp of flight dynamics to manually steer the craft down to the Moon.

Yet you're telling me that your scientists develop Interdimensional Travel Device Mark 1......and the first person they think of sending is your planet's equivalent of the Pope ??? And without even so much as basic flight training or a manual ?

And you yourself are not even curious how this amazing device works....and never asked any questions ?? Come off it !

It is patently obvious WHY you don't know how your machine works. You just don't have enough knowledge of science to be able to make up something believable.

As for my post being evidence of a dysfunctional, it is evidence of a planet where a portion of people have considerable scientific knowledge and don't just take any old bullshit that comes their way at face value.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

This is Titor Revisited with the exception of your view having one billion fewer people.

You could add to the 'Titor revisited' scenario the complete ignoring of any awkward questions or points that demonstrably PROVE it's a hoax.

For example my extremely good point about howcome an 'Earth' with 'thousands of years' of radically different history just happens to use bog standard early 21st century English ! The history of language is crucially dependent on the minutest of details, and social and technical developments. There is simply NO WAY that an Earth with thousands of years of different history would be using the 2010 Oxford Dictionary !

Yet, as with Titor, such points that completely prove the whole story a load of hogwash are just brushed aside. It is similar to the way Titor never answered how he got a black hole weighing millions of tons onto the back seat of a Chevy.....or Rainman's excellent question about howcome his photo of the unit bending light ONLY bends the laser beam and not any other light in the pic.

In fact...when such questions are ignored.....that in itself is all the proof one needs that it is a hoax.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Knowing how a time travel mechanism works will not save this Earth but it's about the ONLY thing that will rescue your hoax.

I find it totally unbelievable that you supposedly get sent to us in some device of which you haven't the faintest idea how it works. That not one scientist said to you at the departure gate....' This is a plasmoidal decoherence interface vectoring device ' or some such jargon. That you weren't even given the NAME of the device......and were left to tell us ' er, pyramidal crystally thing' !

It is patently obvious, with 99.999999% probability, that the reason you cannot give details of your device is because there isn't one.
Re: Greetings from a Parallel Earth

Why would I need to know such information? Again, the fact that I am not in the least interested in such information, and the fact that I did not need to know the details of the machine exhibit the implicit trust and peace on our Earth.
