I have a really good update here:
First I'll start with my gravity pulse generator. Just recently I discovered how to turn the gravity pulses into gravity waves. Just looking at the pulse width gave me an idea that I might be able to stimulate gravity waves at this particular pulse width. Since it does appear that the slope of the gravity pulses is critical to their formation. So I pulled an old waveform generator off the shelf that I had built about 15 years ago. The frequency of the waveform generator was only good up to around 100 kilohertz. I figured I needed a frequency around 500 kilohertz. So I just added a smaller capacitor in the frequency control circuit to give me the higher bandwidth. That worked out perfectly. The day finally came when I hooked up my waveform generator to the big copper metal ring I was using to emit the gravity pulses. I was interested mainly in triangle waves because the slope is nice and linear. At the 500 kilohertz anticipated spot I got nothing. So I gradually turned the frequency down. At around 100 kilohertz I was getting a very strong and continuous gravity wave emission from my copper ring. I tried this with a sine wave too. That works equally well. I think this was about three months ago. I spent some time designing a custom built triangle wave generator. I'm able to get up to around 800 kilohertz output from this generator. The reason I am using triangle waves instead of sine waves is because it is easier to design a variable frequency triangle wave generator.
Along the way in my experimentation I found an additional way to hookup the triangle wave generator to the big copper ring. I'm running the output of the generator through a 47 micro henry primary coil on a five to one ratio transformer. After the transformer I have a variable 25 ohm resistor which is then connected to ground. The secondary of the transformer is connected to the big copper ring with the other end of the secondary going to ground. I get a gravity wave output swing of minus 1.5 to plus 1.5 gees. Although the accelerometer sensor I am using is not calibrated for use at the frequency I am using. The actual amplitude of the gravity waves probably is a bit higher since most sensors will degrade in amplitude performance outside the frequency range they are guaranteed to be accurate within. I did some checking and found out that my accelerometer sensor is capable of recording an oscillation up to around a megahertz. So onward I proceeded with my experimentation.
About a month ago I was playing around with the controls on my triangle wave generator. I happened to notice an interesting anomaly. When I shifted the ground plane of the triangle wave in the negative direction, the frequency increased by almost 15 percent. I had done this before, but it actually occurred to me that the frequency was not supposed to change when I did that. Just to make sure that it was not some glitch in my electronics, I decided to investigate further. So I disconnected the big copper ring to remove the simultaneous gravity waves. Then I tried the ground plane shift with just the triangle wave being generated. This time there was no frequency change. That kind of ruled out that is was my electronics that was causing it. So the gravity waves have to be present for the frequency change to occur. I paid a bit more attention to the gravity waves now. The gravity waves seemed to decrease slightly in amplitude during the frequency increase. Of course it appears that there was some kind of reaction going on that required a change in the dimension of time to be present to ensure complete mathematical balance. So the changing EM wave ground plane coupled with the declining gravity wave amplitude was acting as a substitute to balance the forward increase in the time flow rate. Mother nature succeeded in creating time by finding a substitute for negative time. Please be aware that this is my interpretation. There may be other ways to perceive this. Ok it is my strong belief that only the nuclear forces are capable of producing time. I believe that I have accessed the weak force on the electron. The reaction that I am seeing is a weak nuclear force reaction.
EM time change
Obviously my mind thinks up a way to amplify this effect. I built an electronic control to simulate the mechanical potentiometer. I would describe it as a ramp generator that repeats in a continuous fashion. I could control the frequency of the ramp generation. With the addition of that electronic control, I feel I can now safely say that my generator now qualifies as a weak nuclear force generator. Of course I made it with positive and negative ramp control. So it has the ability to either increase the flow of time or decrease the flow of time. This almost qualifies as a real time machine. Anybody got a definition for what qualifies as a real time machine? Because I don't think I am that far way from developing one. Further experimentation has revealed that I am not influencing the flow of time for normal time keeping devices. But my device does change the EM wave frequency of my triangle wave generator. I am curious to see if it will alter the frequency of other EM wave generators in the general area. This is going to be some of my next experiments.
Also I need to design and build a very high impedance magnetic probe to monitor the magnetic wave. I've tried to measure this before, but introducing any magnetic inductor type of material close to the electronic circuit disrupts and stops the gravity wave production. The inductor in the circuit is very critical. Too much deviance and poof, no gravity waves. I know that bismuth is invisible to the magnetic field and will measure zero on a metal detector. So I may try and use bismuth in an attempt to design a high impedance magnetic pickup.
But for right now this experiment is begging me for a mathematical description. Because this is a Unified Field Theory concept. Looks just like simple algebra to me. What do you guys think?