Re: Scientifically sound Bible...
Hi Roel,
I do not think there's a Creative Force that created us.
I know. And in my opinion, the reason for this is because you cannot see that creation is a continuum. What I mean by that is that you can willfully admit that it takes human action to create something complex and intricate, like a computer. Yet you do not extend this phenomenon to all forms of complexity, especially when presented with the scientific facts about thermodynamic entropy. Because you cannot perceive (with your senses that you admit are very limited) any form of Creator, yet you can perceive that humans do create complex entities, you come to the conclusion that the idea of creator is a non-sequitor with respect to the evidence at our level of existence.
Thinking you have found the absolute truth is the most dangerous thing you could ever do.
Or, it could be the most eye-opening (and mind-opening) discovery of your life. This statement of yours sounds an awfully lot like you are stating an absolute truth.
If we can't be seen seperate from total universal Energy, then there was never need for a creator.
You see, the problem with this thought, Roel, is that it obviously breaks down at our human level, and is shown to not be true. Again, I use the example of the complexity of the computer that you don't want to seem to address. If you claim "there was never a need for a creator", then why is there an obvious need for a creator (humans) to achieve the complexity of design inherent in a computer. This is where you consistently err: You assume that just because something is true at one level of the universe's architecture that it need not be true at other levels. This is where you either ignore, or disbelieve, what we have come to know about fractal embedding of structures in our universe. It is an area I suggest you need to seriously study a bit more, as you do not seem to understand it if you can ignore it as you do.
After all, a creator that is part of (or consist of) the total universal Energy does not need to create what it already is.
SO by this quote would it be safe to say that you would make the claim that our bodies are not continually recreating themselves? Or for that matter that our minds are also not continually seeking to recreate ourselves? After all, given that our bodies and minds are part of all Energy in the universe, then there is no need to create (or re-create) what already is...right?
then "the creator" did not "create"... instead the creator was always there.
With such statements you reveal that you insist upon seeing existence and creation as a linear process. As something that has a distinct starting point and a distinct ending point. This is the fallacy of your human senses that I am extolling you to abandon. Creation is a continuous loop. It is a cycle. And it is why I agree with Creedo, OvrLrd, CAT, Zerubbabbel, and others, that FREQUENCY is a major aspect of understanding the continuum of Creation.
There's no intelligent driving force behind our existence.
Roel the monkey man? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
You, however, think you have reached somekind of "higher plane" and you refuse to look back "down".
I don't "think" I have. I have experienced that higher plane. Such experiences are what have allowed me to integrate continuum dynamics and its components that are scientifically shown to be accurate (non-linear dynamics, closed-loop phenomenon, fractal embedding, etc.) into a larger view where science and spirituality are two ways of describing the same thing. Indeed, not only is it incorrect to say I do not look "back down", but I continually not only look "back down" but REACH "back down" to people who have yet to understand that life is a complex, closed-loop continuum. What I have been discussing, in this thread and others, are scientific facts that you have admitted are valid in that you cannot dispute them. Some of these facts have been supported by mainstream science for many years. Others are now creeping onto the scene where mainstream scientists are proposing them as theories. Theories which were known to many of the ancients.
I will go as far as to claim that YOU are thinking in the most LINEAR way imagineable.
You can make that claim, but how do you expect to make it stick if you admit that your knowledge of scientific and mathematic concepts is limited? Until you can fully comprehend the difference between the energetics of a "open loop" system (linear one) and a "closed loop" system (a non-linear one), then your claims that I am thinking in "the most LINEAR way imaginable" cannot be supported by fact.