Re: Godess?
Let me ask you a question. How can someone convince you to believe (or have faith) in something you think is completely illogical and which none of your senses can sense?
That's easy! Experience. Same point OvrLrdLegion is making. And now let me utilize the history of our world (hey! Time! on-topic!) /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif to "prove" my point
Over 200 years ago, your average person would have considered it "illogical" if someone walked up to them and told them "it is possible to have a back-and-forth conversation with someone who is 2000 miles away from here." That person would want "proof". Now, if we further say that the person making this claim was a time-traveling scientist from the future (I'm doing good weaving the topic in here, huh?), that scientist could, indeed, provide "proof" by writing out the electromagentic equations of Maxwell, and the communications theory of Shannon. Would the person accept that as "proof"? Not in the least. Yet it IS a major form of proof, it is simply "not accessible" to a person of that day and age. Now our time traveler whips out his cell phone and calls his partner on the other side of the continent (let's also assume they brought a COMM satellite with them on their trip!)
. Now the person is actually experiencing what the other person told them is possible. Will the person believe it? It depends solely on the person. If they are an ultimate skeptic, then they would never buy it. They would claim "that is just a parlor've just got a miniature phonograph in that little box and it is playing the phonograph." The demonstrator could even hand the cell phone to the disbeliever and say "ask the person on the other end anything you wish". Even if the person responded, and the subject may become totally astounded that he got an answer, he can still be hard-headed enough to refuse to believe. One must first be open to belief before one can recognize an experience that can reinforce that belief as "proof".
So how does this apply to God? I would be willing to bet that you have had at least one experience of God in your life. However, you have obviously not ever attributed it to God, since you are so vehement in your disbelief. How about when you are thinking of someone, and suddenly they call you, and they happen to have some wonderful information for you that you can put to use right then and there? Many can say "oh, that is just coincidence". Others can look at this as an experience of God. When such a "coincidence", which may have a statistically LOW probability of ever occurring, saves your life....many people will see this as an experience of God.
You could have left it at that, because that's exactly my point. I can't really argue with the rest of your post, except for the fact that it's not proof of god. None of your posts - and I must add, I've read them with great interests - contain factual proof of god.
Yes, I could've left it at that...but if I did, that would not serve *my* point. As I pointed out to trollface in the other thread: Facts change. It was once deemed a "fact" that the earth was the center of the universe. That changed. And in the old "fact" there was never a good scientific explanation for retrograde motion of the planets. With the changing of the "facts", suddenly we had "factual proof" that explained retrograde motion!
And the point of my link was, again, to show you that "factual proof" is not a boolean step function. It is a continuum, and it is always morphing. So let's not jump directly to God just yet. Let's stick closer to the point of my link. Would you see this data as statistically significant "proof" that human beings can be, and are, connected to each other in non-physical ways? Ways that cannot be positively detected by our limited senses? If so (and again, I find this data hard to argue with), then we are approaching some "factual proof" that humans may, indeed, have a non-physical soul and spirit that are capable of interacting with each other on exo-physical levels.
Per the teachings of Qabalah and the Tree Of Life, the "road to God" is consistent with climbing the Tree. This is also not a boolean function. The first level to climb is from the physical world (10) up to the world of the conscious mind (7-8-9). This is fairly easy, since you know you can think about things in your mind that you are not physically interacting with. The next step along the road is ascending to the world of the soul (4-5-6). A great many people
NEVER get this far, and the reason is....their limiting beliefs. Those who do make it this far must now take the next step, up to the world of their spirit (1-2-3). There is another whole group of people who will not make it this far...even some of those who DO believe that they have a spirit. Still fewer people make that final "leap" from 1 to 0, and integrate with God.
Christ, Mohammad, Buddha, Krishna, etc. These were mortal men who made that leap. In fact, there are many (myself included) who believe Christ was actually trying to teach people the precepts of Qabalah. It was the ego-driven "elders" of the Catholic Church who twisted that teaching in order to enslave people. This is precisely why I reject religion and embrace spirituality, and why I maintain there is a significant difference between the two. There is a big difference than wanting to "convert" someone and wanting to "enlighten" them. One involves control, the other involves providing information and experience.
Cheers! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif