The act of faith in God can only be fidelistic, as God cannot be logicially explained. If you try to, you only undermine your position. There is no proof of God, and any proofs that been produced, have been severely critizied, and dismissed.
I am a logical and free thinker and before I believe, I need sound reason, or compelling evidence that is compatible with logic, to believe.
God did not create the universe; he is the universe.
The theistic, or popular God cannot exist.
Having said that, I do believe in God, what I coin as the absolute reality, not a theistic or sentient God. The totality of this universe, the infinity of existence, is God to me. However this God has no relavence to me. I am not benefited in the slightest, wether he exists or doesn't exist. It is evident that this God is an ethical and moral relativist, and evil is his creation. It is evident that God is indifferent to our plight, wether we are happy or suffering; living or dying; existing or non-existing, does not matter to this God. So I am too, indifferent to this God.
In fact the physical God does not exist. Not the God everyone talks about. He is only an abstraction of the mind, but then, so is existence - and we don't exist.
What happens after I die? Do I go to heaven or hell?
At death, it is total cesseation of you, your memory, and your consciousness. However, you are quantumly regenerated as life again or reincarnated, but it is not you anymore, it's someone else. Life never ends, it is perpetually reborn. This is how the universe conserves life. Again, this has no relvance to you because you are erased the moment you are clinically dead.
There is no "soul" and nor is a soul required for reincarnation.. The principle of the rebirth cycle I stated above, is a scientific one, that energy is transferred from one form to another. The particles that compose one, will once again restructure to form a conscious organism.
We are a complex structure of atoms, that have combined to form us. Similarily, the atoms that bind us, will once again combine to form a consciouss organism again. This is logical.
Now, I have a hypothesis, that the universe may have a recycling system. Instead of atoms that were once constituents of a conscious entity, evolving over several millions of years, it redirects, or by implementing infinite mathmatical probability, those atoms to reform as a coded molecule for life; to conserve life. If the universe is a computer system, constantly recycling atoms to create other manifestaions, where individual atoms combine chaotically and eventually combine to form a simple organism, the system eventually knows the correct combination to form complex organisms, and when it recycles, a sub-routine is implemented, that virtually designs the organism to eliminate redundancy. Unblind chance.
In layman terms, once life is estalibed, the universe in the subsequent cycle, can do it more efficiently. It is based on these principles, that I theorize, that perhaps life is regenerated instanteously, after every cessation.