You say you believe in logic. Therefore I ask you a question. During the cooling of the earth, when the first set of amino acids formed a strand of protein and created the very basis of what we define as life - what existed before that moment?
- Yes I do believe in logic, but this question has nothing to do with logic. Your question is one better suited for a scientist, which I most certainly am not. The best I can do is take an educated guess.
At what point did life exist? Why is this the only form of life that we are familar with?
- "During the cooling of the earth, when the first set of amino acids formed a strand of protien and created the very basis of what we define as life..." You answered your own first question. If you're asking me to tell you the exact moment, well then that is a question to which no one can provide an answer. I'm confused about your second question though... "Why is this the only form of life we are familiar with?" Could you re-word it, please?
Sorry for all the questions, but even science leaves a few gaps open...
- I'm also confused as to why you're asking me all of these questions... I'm no scientist. I said I believe in logic, which is concerned with what is true and how we can know whether something is true. Of course science leaves a few gaps open, its not perfect, but in my opinion, religion leaves wider gaps.
Maybe none of them are correct. Maybe they all are. Religion is not a theory. It is a moral guide for living a life.
- Maybe human beings are the problem with religion. Just like communism; a very good idea on paper, but when you add people, everything goes wrong. Our natural want for more (greed,) our natural thirst for power, etc. messes up the system.
Do you mean 100% proof? If so then there's no such thing. Even in science, theories make assumptions that certain things don't interfere with results, when of course they do. Why do you need proof to believe in something. Do you need proof to not believe in something too?
- No, I mean to believe in something completely, I need some kind of proof. I have a very hard time in believing things which are only backed by stories, myths, word of mouth, etc.