God & Religion


Temporal Novice
Since this forum is a little slow (in the speed sense, not the mental capability sense,) I would like to spark a debate.

Do you belive in God and/or are you religious? Why?

Personally I do not believe in God, and I'm almost to the point of being anti-religious. I'll elaborate more as soon as we get some dialogue going.

Two religious websites
- http://objective.jesussave.us/kidz.html
- http://www.landoverbaptist.org

Tell me what you think.

historically speaking, it's all possible. There was a Jesus and there was a moses.
- That's all fine and dandy, but what I'm really asking is what do you belive? Do you think that a God created the universe? Do you think that you're going to a heaven or a hell when you die? Opinions! That's what I want!

- That's all fine and dandy, but what I'm really asking is what do you belive? Do you think that a God created the universe? Do you think that you're going to a heaven or a hell when you die? Opinions! That's what I want!


sorry, i need to stop posting on different user name's. But, to be honest, I dont even know. I need proof that god's real before I can believe in him.
I believe in God.

It may seem contradictory to most of my posts here, but when things aren't going to plan in life, I don't hold out on 'superstring theory' or anything else to do with science. I pray to God and I believe it helps.

That's what it is, a belief. I think the people most afraid of their religion are the fanatics who believe that their God is truer than others. I don't mind other people believing in their own particular deity, and I don't mean that in a condescending manner - like as if I say 'aw it's cute, they think they have a God too' - I'm perfectly open to the fact that others think that my God is a fake.

I'm a nearly practicng Catholic. The sex before marriage is my personal vice
but I go as often as possible to church and I am a firm believer in 'Do on to others, as you would have others done onto thyself'

I believe in heaven. I just find it too hard to believe that at the end of lives, all the thoguhts in our mind just stop... It sounds too much like a kop-out. I believe that our souls continue in another phase of existance.

I don't have proof. I don't expect to have to give any. Faith is what it is.

I believe in heaven. I just find it too hard to believe that at the end of lives, all the thoguhts in our mind just stop... It sounds too much like a kop-out. I believe that our souls continue in another phase of existance.
- I have thought about this as well. It's very hard to imagine the concept of you not existing, or you not thinking, huh? The best way I could think of it is (that is if there isn't heaven or hell,) is like being in a coma for a very long time. But yes, it is troubling thought.

I don't have proof. I don't expect to have to give any. Faith is what it is.
- Being an atheist, I don't have any proof that God doesn't exist, and I do not expect to give any either. You have faith, I have my "logic."

As for God though, there are a few questions that have been begging for an answer, though they may never find one.
* What was before God? Something had to create God right? God cant just come from nothing... it cant be possible that he has been around forever, deciding only a few billion years ago to create the universe. Maybe it can, but again, its a diffucult concept to grasp.
* How come there are so many different religions with so many different Gods? If there was a God, why wouldn't he (it?) make sure we knew which religion was correct?

That's all I can remember off the top of my head. If I remember the others, I'll post them.

What was before God? Something had to create God right? God cant just come from nothing... it cant be possible that he has been around forever, deciding only a few billion years ago to create the universe. Maybe it can, but again, its a diffucult concept to grasp.

You say you believe in logic. Therefore I ask you a question. During the cooling of the earth, when the first set of amino acids formed a strand of protein and created the very basis of what we define as life - what existed before that moment? At what point did life exist? Why is this the only form of life that we are familar with? Why is it impossible to believe that a form of consciousness can exist outside of our lives? The Big Bang... was this the astro-equivilant of amino acids coming together and producing a form of life that could in turn shape the entire universe? Creating a concept of time? Did time exist before this moment?

Sorry for all the questions, but even science leaves a few gaps open...

How come there are so many different religions with so many different Gods? If there was a God, why wouldn't he (it?) make sure we knew which religion was correct?

Maybe none of them are correct. Maybe they all are. Religion is not a theory. It is a moral guide for living a life.

That's exactly how I feel. For me to believe in something 100%, I need proof.

Do you mean 100% proof? If so then there's no such thing. Even in science, theories make assumptions that certain things don't interfere with results, when of course they do.
Why do you need proof to believe in something. Do you need proof to not believe in something too?

You say you believe in logic. Therefore I ask you a question. During the cooling of the earth, when the first set of amino acids formed a strand of protein and created the very basis of what we define as life - what existed before that moment?
- Yes I do believe in logic, but this question has nothing to do with logic. Your question is one better suited for a scientist, which I most certainly am not. The best I can do is take an educated guess.

At what point did life exist? Why is this the only form of life that we are familar with?
- "During the cooling of the earth, when the first set of amino acids formed a strand of protien and created the very basis of what we define as life..." You answered your own first question. If you're asking me to tell you the exact moment, well then that is a question to which no one can provide an answer. I'm confused about your second question though... "Why is this the only form of life we are familiar with?" Could you re-word it, please?

Sorry for all the questions, but even science leaves a few gaps open...
- I'm also confused as to why you're asking me all of these questions... I'm no scientist. I said I believe in logic, which is concerned with what is true and how we can know whether something is true. Of course science leaves a few gaps open, its not perfect, but in my opinion, religion leaves wider gaps.

Maybe none of them are correct. Maybe they all are. Religion is not a theory. It is a moral guide for living a life.
- Maybe human beings are the problem with religion. Just like communism; a very good idea on paper, but when you add people, everything goes wrong. Our natural want for more (greed,) our natural thirst for power, etc. messes up the system.

Do you mean 100% proof? If so then there's no such thing. Even in science, theories make assumptions that certain things don't interfere with results, when of course they do. Why do you need proof to believe in something. Do you need proof to not believe in something too?
- No, I mean to believe in something completely, I need some kind of proof. I have a very hard time in believing things which are only backed by stories, myths, word of mouth, etc.
Maybe none of them are correct. Maybe they all are. Religion is not a theory. It is a moral guide for living a life.

your half right; half wrong. It is a moral guide for living a life. That part is true, religions is here to give us something to believe in, and live life without killing someone whenever we get mad...

However it is still a theory, in the fact that no one knows if god actually told someone what to write in the bible or if the guy just decided one day to start his own religion. Part's of the bible have been found true (such as Jesus really was a person) where as a lot of it is still a mystery. Thus, if you believe in it, it becomes a theory just as well. Part's of it can be backed up with evidence, as well as some of it could be proven a lie.

(For example, was the virgin mary really a virgin? Or did she lie about being a virgin so that her boyfriend didn't get killed. Around that time, if a father found out that an unmarried couple were having sex the guy usually would be killed)
personaly i belive one of two things, either that there is a god, and in that cade i beilve that he exist just not have faith in him. Or the later of the two, this one more plausible, that "god" and the other "gods" of different religons were just other beings, perhaps ones that existed before dinosaurs or between humans and dinosaurs. Ants, they are small and not capable of mostly all the things humans can do, to them are we not gods? We can create fire, end their life, give them food, create lodgings for them, do what ever is within our power, and nothign stops us. So if there were a race of "beings" before us that could do more thigns than we could, create light, give life, start fires out of thin air, whatever, wouldn't we consider them gods? And havn't we all played "god" in one way or another with ants? be it seting them on fire with a magnifying glass or dropping them into water or puting sticks in their way. SO wouldn't these being want to have some sadistic fun with our measly newbie race of infeior people?
Scary moments looking at the abyss:

"Who is God and was he created too"?

From view on the nature of the cosmos, as said by astrophysicist Steven Hawking.
I don't beleive in any god.

because to put it shortly, almost everything in the bible that "god" did, can be scientifically explained in this day in age.
all of you non believers will pay for your sins! judgement day will come and THE LORD does not take bribes or sexual favors. what will you sinners do then!!?!?