General invite! not a scam

one other point i never said it was a business opportunity. As i never intended for myself or other committee members to benefit from any donations. Well unless own your own time machine counts!

I could still distribute certificates so the prospective pledgee gets something in return and in a sense all the pledgees would be committee members.

No - you can't. No matter how much lipstick you put on a pig its still a pig.

This is why, if you're being honest with the Community here, you need to have an attorney. Simply changing the words on the website by substituting words that in your mind circumvent securities laws is a fool's game.

That alone is sufficient information for me to assume that you have no idea what you're doing relative to attracting investors. You started this scheme before you had a plan in place.

When we build a house we hire carpenters - we don't try to do it ourself (unless we happen to be a carpenter). When we open a business we hire an attorney - we don't play lawyer and put our business partners at risk (and we rarely represent the business as the lawyer even if we are an attorney).
Time travel inc could contact the prospective scientist or charitable org and get their account number for paying in purposes. Excellent that way no one can say its a scam. Thankyou again bogz.


I said people pay the researcher directly, and then the researcher informs you they received the payment. Without marketing money it's not going to work though.
Darby, you not really reading the posts are you? Your only seeing what you want to see. There is now no investors! An attorney is not required because there is no business. You said To build a house some may just hire a carpenter, howver some will just go ahead and do it themselves. Make a mess of it change it accordingly! Its called adapting, evolving, like time travel incs site (you may have noticed). You also stated: that alone is sufficient information for me to assume that you have no idea what you're doing relative to attracting investors. You started this scheme before you had a plan in place. yes i agree with that the site has been up and running for 3.5 weeks and the plan has changed 3 times. Im sure if it was a bussiness i would have a hoard of lawyers and group of people running this for me instead of committee members now. But its not!
yes, bogz i know you said pay the researcher directly but to do so you will need his account to pay the monies into it. Otherwise you will have 50,000 people trying to contact one poor researcher!
well, you havent listened to any of our suggestions, and decided to do it however you see fit. tells me your not interested at all in this, your just looking for a quick buck. its a shame really, im done with this thread.
am i missing something? doing it whichever way i is see fit? all suggestions have been noted and as previosly stated will be implemented.
Pledges is the way to go i think.
Dear Time Travel Inc

It is time for you to go away.

I know it sounded good to you when you thought this idea up, but now you see why it dosen't work.

We all know that at this point you're only trying to get your internet domain fees back before you close up tent and disappear, but I seriously doubt you'll find any "investors" here- the more you post here, the dumber you end up sounding.

I also see you're trying to do something similar to people buying stars (and getting a certificate etc...), but the main difference is that stars actually exist and time machines do not.

If you're interested in buying Spontaneous Human Combustion insurance, please PM me.
you'll never get 50,000 people without major marketing muscle, and it takes very little effort to setup a paypal address and process payments - why wouldn't researchers setup their own donation systems and use their marketing money to drive traffic to their own website where they can get back some of their costs using adwords.
A transaction is not valid without an exchange of goods or services and you're promising nothing to the investors. The only entity legally allowed to do this is the church.

And if you're offering a certificate in exchange for monies, then that certificate is literally only worth the paper it's printed on and nothing written on it has any legal merit.

You are offering something that offers absolutely no guarantees to the investor which is what makes it illegal.

And by soliciting "donations" to this "fund" and not legally recording these monies as such, you are in violation of the law no matter what country you live in. Why? Because you're not leaving a paper trail for your country's government to follow; you're in effect laundering money.

Now do you understand?

Now shoo.
Hello again,
i have been getting legal advise on this matter. Anyway, I can accept donations on time travel incs site if i say in the disclaimer that these donations doesnt mean that the donors own anything and it is at their discretion only. If i decide that in the future i wish to donate monies to scientists, charitable orgs at my discretion i can then do so at my expense. I can pay any donations received into my paypal account and call this account whatever i like...i.e time travel inc.
On my site i can give regular updates on time travel research and state where my personal monies are being distributed.

finally for all those with a bee in their bonnet this site states:

The Time Travel Institute is dedicated to the research and exploration of the temporal sciences. Together, we can make the future happen... today!

Through the contribution of hundreds of experts in the field around the world, we are getting ever closer to our goal of controlling and manipulating time.

And you can help us achieve our goal!

If were being picky who are these hundreds of EXPERTS can i see their qualifications, personnally i have a BSC (HONS) but i wouldnt class myself as an expert.

Thankyou for your input i will be making changes to my site accordingly. Nothing offered! donations accepted!

time travel inc
another note, and its a funny old thing!

on searching online i came across the american site time travel fund. This site is similar to the one i was setting up. However charging 10 dollars for a certificate and only 1 dollar going into the fund. No donations....correct, something given in return....correct. Fund all set up ...err no: quote
Semi-established. By that we mean all moneys collected are going into an escrow account until the fund builds enough to open a conventional open-ended trust type fund. The minimum amount to open a fund of the type we are planning is $10,000. A better amount is $50,000. This is to offer the best legal protection and management possible for the fund. We are invested in the fund, too, and want to make sure our money is there waiting for us in the future. All funds will be fully accounted for, and open to scrutiny. You will get an annual statement by e-mail. Should something (like the government) happen to prevent us from actually establishing the fund the way we are working towards, your contribution towards the fund will be refunded.

thats not the funny bit wait for it!
Ok so its similar to mine apart from people pay into a fund (not donations) and receive a certificate (so they are at least getting something).

Ok now the funny bit, amazingly there is a link to this time travel institute there. Is it perhaps that the owners/users of this site are perchance affiliated to that?...mmm maybe?

I do thank those who gave me some legal guiding in the legalities of creating such a site. Feel free to donate on my site, no certificates given just donations accepted! to my cause and from the site to the cause.
time travel inc
good luck but don't be sad when the site fails there are not enough donations. it's not because it's a bad idea.

The only way to get large groups people to do something they are not already doing is to spend money on marketing.

So do you have a list of researchers and or research projects to which you want to contribute? Or have you not gotten that far yet, you just wanted people to send you money first, and then you would find some researchers....?

Darby, you not really reading the posts are you? Your only seeing what you want to see. There is now no investors!

Now just wait a cotton picken' minute here.

This "press release" was written from the perspective of an investor by "einstein"

Added: (Fri Jun 29 2007)
Einstein stated that with his theory of relativity that time travel is possible. The only reason stoping us today is technology but tomorrow, who knows?

One innovative way to ensure that the uk leads the way is a new web site that has been published online
At first glance i thought what a crazy idea! however I started contemplating - what if? eventually i took the dive as i waste more money on the lottery and win nothing, so i speculated and waited. I received a email and i published my request with my data. Im pleased to say it is on record. If all goes well and more people do like i did anyday now i will recieve my corrupance.
Failing this, is this the cause of global warming or the reason why there is so many ufo sightings?
who knows?

Submitted by: einstein

So do we assume that "einstein" was not being all that truthful about his having taken the plunge and invested in your business? Or do we conclude that "einstein" is you and that you wrote this article in a somewhat misleading manner to make it appear that at least one person had invested?

And, of course, we know that you actually placed the press release because the hotlink for "einstein" links to your email address.

BTW: What is "corrupance"? I think that you made a typo but I can't figure out what the word was supposed to be. Recompense?

I posted the above before reading thae last post. So there actually were investors after all and their monies have been returned upon the advice of counsel.

Good decision Time-Travel-Inc as to both returning the money and getting some professional advice.
Rest easy gentlemen, monies have been returned (can be confirmed, in writing with addresses of individuals who obtained a refund....phew!).

The press release was done by me. In the style of a prospective investor. Not my idea i hasten to add just the press company who stated that indivdual news papers here would not look at it unless i changed it. They gave me a few pointers, i changed it. I actively started to get my site publicised in other ways (here!), wrong i now know but hind sight would of been a good thing (or a time machine) and i would of done things differently if i could change it.

Yes bogz i can afford a decent site or web template but for now i shall still plod on. My site is still going to be online, not in its old format though (trying to keep it legal). I am using it as a precautionary tale for future time travel ideas. There is still a donate button. This money will still go into the paypal account i started. (this isnt illegal cause anyone can accept donations for their site). I have stated that the donors will not receive anything at all. Not a certificate, not shares in a time machine...nothing. However, it is legal that if people do donate i can use this as i see fit? as long as this is stated in the disclaimer. If i then decide to make donations myself out of my hard earned money (ok maybe not i am a graduate after all!) and give it to any prospective scientists researching time travel, that is legal too?

My legal advisor (address can be given with telephone number
) said not to offer anything at all, No certificate no service nothing. If i did this would form a contract which is then open for dispute.
A guestbook will be there for comments nothing more.

thankyou again
time travel inc

Again, thank you for doing the right thing here. I'm pretty well satisfied now that you didn't intentionally try to rip anyone off with a scam.

As I said, the Internet is rife with rip-off artists who do have bad intentions. On boards like this we have a lot of adults who either know better or should know better when a potential scam pops up. But we also have plenty of teens and pre-teens who don't necessarily know better. I've had to counsel a few of them over the years because they were ready to spend money that they didn't have on scams that came up on this or similar sites. I've also counselled adults who have medical "issues" such that they function more like children than adults, if you know what I mean. They were ready to spend their rent and food budget on the same scams.

The real issue is that we want to protect potential victims by self-regulation of our forums. If we don't do it that way then certain government officials with their great concern for "victims" will legislate away our Internet freedoms. That's the last thing that we want to see in the form of government "protection".