General invite! not a scam

hi darby and prospective donators /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I have changed the site accordingly as not to offend or break any global laws. Could you have a look and see if this is meets everyones criteria?
In the disclaimer i have stated that inc is not incorperated but strictly a name. No shares will be given just a life changing experience if able when the technology exists. All people who have donated have been notified of the above changes as have the committee members; who like myself, do not want to be a fun loving criminal.
If you want written confirmation that time travel inc will keep up with their end of the bargain when technology exists, this can be arranged.
Questions? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Scam? not at all, people have donated and this money is safe as stated. The site only changed from its original format at the suggestions of new committee members. Darby brought up pertinent points that offering unlimited shares in a company is a crime, so it was changed back. Darby also stated that inc suggested that it meant it was a company, again this was highlighted in the disclaimer. It is quite easy to state dirty scam. You are entitled to your opinion, and the easy option for me is to say to you dont donate! Others have however and so far none have complained as i have contacted them on every aspect of the above changes.
time travel inc
bwhahaha, even if you were giving away stuff, people wouldn't be donating money.

No SANE individual is going to give some guy with a poorly designed website some money and their personal information and get back a 'promise' in return, even if the promise came with a free t-shirt.

total friggen scam.
yee of little faith!
i have tried to send you a snapshotof the paypal account with the donated funds in but your not accepting any private messages. Do you have a email address? if not trust me people have donated.
i have tried to send you a snapshotof the paypal account

There is no way to verify the identity of donators. They could all come from the same person, or all be your close friends/co-conspirators. People send you the money, and then you just give them cash when you see them. Plus you are taking "input" from Darby and making your site look "more trustworthy".

It's more than likely that you are just getting personal information from everyone who meets your criteria. The individual dumb enough to hand over their personal information with only a "promise of good things", is a GOLD MINE for certain people who SELL books full of lies and other mystick foo foo nonsense mislabeled as knowledge.
heres a better idea: how about you save your own money, and by the time a time machine is made, youll have the cash to buy it. im pretty sure you have plenty of time to save up.

time travel inc, i understand that you may have the best intentions (then again, maybe not), but you do need to realize that there is nothing in it for the donators, especially after your own admission that time travel will not be in your lifetime. for the uninformed, that is a scam. i refer you to 411 scam letters for further information on scams. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
one of the committee members have suggested thus:

I would suggest making up a "certificate" that people can get in return for their donation that states how much they donated. That way rather than someone donating and never seeing any fruits of it , or maybe seeing fruits sometime in the future, the donatee would get some immediate satisfaction by having a unique certificate (that they can print out) showing that they are investors/instigators of a time machine. You may increase this as interest by simply offering a converstaion piece to people as an immediate return. Each certificate should be indivually numbered, like stock, (but not) but with out the real ramification of stock.
For some people they may just donate to get the certificate so they can put it in frame behind their desk and be able to say to people "see, bought a piece of time machine".

This i found interesting but to learn a lesson from last time i thought i would list it here before changing the site and later someone points out that this is a crime.

Another note i know there are sceptics for my intentions however some out there dont. Some have donated some have emailed me constructive comments. One fellow owned the domain and has forwarded his domain to my site. This was done totally free of charge, i didnt know him and he wasnt a co-conspiritor trying to get hold of your one pound (or equivalent). He was just totally intrigued by time travel and thought this was a novel idea.

Any way what do you think?
Do it with pledges instead of money. If you get a million $ of pledges and everyone votes to give it to some researcher, that would totally rock. If you take peoples money in advance, it's a scam.
the idea is a great and honorable one, dont get me wrong. but, its just a tad bit fishy to me. i would suggest taking darby's critisism in a positive way and do all the things he was talking about. after all, you do want it to be legitimate, right? and please dont come back with the "it is legit" argument. because from my viewpoint, it is a scam. i mean no disrespect at all, i think you very well possibly couldve had the best intentions, and if you do, im more than sure you will act upon it.
i quite like that! by jove i think hes got it!
I could still distribute certificates so the prospective pledgee gets something in return and in a sense all the pledgees would be committee members. That way no one parts with any money (i knew you would like that) and when pledges reach a certain amount they could be cashed in for donations to scientists, charitable orgs. The press would like it when donated and i think everyone will be happy.

What do everyone else think?.....Comments mr Darby?

If this meets approval by yourselves and the committee, i will return all monies already donated (this will cost me money because paypal take a cut to accept payments, but i will pay this to make everyone happy). I will give this a few days for comments and if acceptable the changes will be done before next week.

Thankyou bogz this was probably the best suggestion so far!
sounds like a good idea. i would be up for that. but it does bring up 2 questions for me. one is, will you set aside a percentage in case others do not pay what they say? for instance, you get 100,000 dollars in pledges, but only 80,000 worth pays. that would put you into a great bind, because you may have already promised 100k.

the second is, the way i see it, everyone has a vote, correct me if im wrong. excactly what percentage of votes would be needed to give the money to a scientist?
i think the certificate would be verbally binding only. i Know that with best intentions if 100,000 people pledge that not all will pay when the time comes. However im sure that any funding going to scientists or charitable donations would be better than none. I knew recently a sceintist from Seattle was trying to get 20,000 dollars funding to carry on with his time travel experiments. Im sure if he got a donation of any amount it would have made his life easier. Anyway on the pledges people could be made aware that the majority votes take it and hopefully they will keep up with their end of the pledge even if they dont like where its going too. Again there is an element of trust involved because people will still say what happens if when everyone decides yes lets donate to this scientist or charitable org and the monies come in, whats to stop me running off with it. The answer is i shall go public that way i can be liable for anything.
what do you think?
i think people who pledged money could easily donate directly to the research project, it doesn't have to pass through a 3rd party. The researchers can then inform you that they received x amount from person y.
yep another good point. Time travel inc could contact the prospective scientist or charitable org and get their account number for paying in purposes. Excellent that way no one can say its a scam. Thankyou again bogz.
also when up and running this will also give scientists and charitable orgs somewhere to go for funding requests. These can also be notified to pledgees for interest purposes.

Scam? not at all, people have donated and this money is safe as stated.

THen answer the damned question: where is the money being held? What bank? Is the account a checking, savings or trust account? If it is a trust, who is the trust banker at the branch where the funds are being held? the money being "temporarily" parked in your personal bank account until you can open a trust account?

What is your personal investment in dollars/pounds in this business?

Do you have an attorney assisting with this business? If so, who is the attorney. If not, why didn't you engage the legal advise of a person who has the knowledge, skill, training and legal status to set up the business properly before you started soliciting investments across international borders?

If this is a straight up business opportunity you should have no problem answering those questions very directly and with sufficient specification so as to asuage any doubts in peoples' minds.

Just to let you know why I'm pounding this issue: You did not invent this "business plan". There have been other similar sites pop up over the past three or four years that offered the same sort of scheme, i.e. invest today on the bet that a time travel machine will be invented "someday". They were up for a few months and *poof*...gone.
i see, but again your not reading what im posting. Ive replied that monies are in paypal at the moment. Why? because it costs money to open a business account here in the UK. My intentions was that when donations reach a certain amount i would (at my own cost) open a bank account. On the web site it did state held in a time travel account. I didnt say bank! Also as im sure your aware as you read down the posts the site is constantly changing. Bogz has suggested some cracking ideas which will be implemented on suggestions from others and the committee. This would be pledges only and no monies would come my way only to the relevant scientists/charitable orgs.
I dont want this site to be poof gone and ive always been accepting suggestions.
time travel inc (not incorperated!)