General invite! not a scam


Temporal Novice
Hi, I am the creator of Before you all shout fraudster! Please note this was a legitimate creation with honorable intentions. If you do doubt my intentions please be aware I am quite happy to accept new committee members whose job it is to allocate the interest on funds received (yes people have donated!).
Remember the monies donated will never be touched until a time machine is purchased in the future and the committee allocates the interest to fund scientists researching time travel, to charitable donations and admin purposes (i.e. to keep the balance increasing). It is a joint decision and any committee member can veto where it goes.
If anyone wishes to become a committee member please email me at [email protected].
so what happens in the case that a time machine is never built? do you then return every dime? if so, show me the contract saying so, and i'll donate. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
naybe this idea would be better off if it offered stock. That would represent a sort of contact. It would guarantee that those who invested would at least have a percentage of any research findings or construction efforts that were a result of funding allocations. I'd also want to know how much the cost of the "admim" category would be. And can I admin, if its what I think it is?
If no time machine is built no monies will be used and it stays in the account. Interest gets dobnated to scientists for time travel research, donations will be made to charitable orgs and admin purposes do not benefit anyone as admin purposes means the money stays in the account making it increase. Also the ads on the site are pay per click and this money also goes into the account. No individual benefits apart from that if a machine is built then obviously it must belong to someone...i.e. the creators of the site and the committee!
realistically it wont be in our lifetimes however our descendants might benefit and as the legacy is past down im sure they wont forget us!
a good idea, i thought the only reason i would offer a life changing experience is because people wouldnt donate unless they received something. Committee members do own it howver.
Just as a heads up, disspell the illusion of sending someone physically back. That is incredibly challenging thing to do, and it would just be far easier to send the information back in time aimed at the specific person who you intend to receive.

Given humans are affected by electromagnetic and radioactive energy, you already have a receiver in-place for the information. All you would need to do is invest in something that speeds it up so the energy moves faster than itself (so the information arrives before it was sent). The best way would be to find an object of little or no mass (as mass slows down acceleration).

And an easy way to prove (personally) that time-travel does/does not exist is to promise yourself that you will use time-travel to affect yourself when you discover it in the future. Man, how easy was that for time-travel?
Another good suggestion, however to answer the last bit i personally dont think time travel will be in my lifetime so promising myself that i will use it in the future for myself wont work. However if this site becomes successful; and to be honest its been running for 3 and a half weeks and people have donated monies (900 hits), it will be a sort of legacy to my descendants and the other committees descendants. I do honestly believe that one day technology will exist to time travel.
Im optimistic as well because electromagnetism can be diverted and radiactivity can be shielded. That is with todays technology let alone tomorrows.
Just a quick pointer, people are volunteering now to be on the committee. Some want to remain private some public. They have been advising myself how to make the site better e.g instead of offering a life changing experience, offer a partial share in the machine. Others have advised giving a electronic share certificate, so the owners know that they own a partial share in it. It is all good stuff. I will be implementing these and other ideas on the site.
There is still room for more committee members and yes as a committee member you automatically get a partial share in the scheme and get to vote where the interest goes to. Please be aware though that shortly in the near future committee members will vote on accepting new committee members. The majority vote will take it im afraid.
Finally for those who still dont believe the site is legitimate. When the funds reach a certain amount i am quite happy paying it into a bank account where more that one signature is required to withdraw any interest gained. There is money in the account, i will divulge that info to the committee and the adverts at the top of the site are pay per click, so this brings in money too. I again have had this paid into the time travel inc fund. I do not receive a penny (or cent).
Thanks for those who have suggested ideas by the way.
regards Time travel inc
"Another good suggestion, however to answer the last bit i personally dont think time travel will be in my lifetime so promising myself that i will use it in the future for myself wont work."

now that tells me alot. it tells me that you are either an extremely good person, or an extremely bad. judging by how you showed up, i'd say bad. but im not going to jump to conclusions, i will just watch and wait...
a fair reponse. They do say its not what a man says it what he does that counts. Im willing to show anyone my accounts and im pleased to say we now have more committee members who made suggestions of change. The site is now changed accordingly!
About this forum, i appologise for my timely appearance however this is my first venture and didnt know the protocol.
I do enjoy this forum and i could go on all day about time travel, ufo, conspiracies etc.
time travel inc
well i am new here ,even though i have been checking it out for a few months now,yes i feel the same as you /ttiforum/images/graemlins/cry.gif o i did laugh at you jumping around /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gifit was nice after a long day at work!

Yes - this is a scam.

On your site you specifically state that you are selling shares in your company ("Donate into a centralized fund and you will get a share of time travel" and "Please note refunds cannot be given initially due to Paypal fees but feel free to transfer your share certificates as you see fit."). This is a public offering of unregistered equity shares in a company. That's a crime. For further details I refer you to Mel Brook's play and movie "The Producers". Like Bialystock & Bloom you're selling an unlimited number of shares in a company. That is a Ponzi Scheme my friend.

Can you provide the name of the law firm that set up this trust, the name of the trust officer at the bank where the trust is being held and provide a copy of the trust agreement that was filed? If I'm wrong and this public offering has been registered what brokerage is handling the sale of shares? Where can I find the prospectus? What government securities authority reviewed this offering? Where is the offering registered? Have you explained to the "committee members" that they will be biting a piece of the legal bullet if there is ever a criminal or civil law suit brought against the company? Do you have D&O insurance (Directors & Officers Insurance) and general liability insurance to protect the "committee"? Do you have property insurance to protect the investors against embezzlement or other theft? If yes, can you provide the broker's name and the underwriter's name?

If this isn't a scam, as you stated, and because you are making this offering in the USA via the Internet, do you mind if I contact the US Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) and ask it to look into your public stock offering?

Anyway on to the logic of your scheme:

People invest in the company on the hope that a time machine will be invented. They (or their heirs) are paid out if and when the machine is invented.

So let's just assume that 200 years from now the machine is invented. Now it is no longer a business speculation. It is a fact. So...the guy who actually invents the machine takes a trip back 200 years to today and invests in Time-Travel-Inc under the name of a relative in such manner that he will be the heir in 200 years.

We now have a situation where his theoretical profit is infinite. And there's nothing that prevents him from re-investing his profits an infinite number of times. There's also nothing preventing every other person who has access to a time machine from doing the same thing.

Now let's assume that 20, 30, 75, 100, 200, 500 years from now no time machine is invented. When do you cut it off and distribute the funds? There's always tomorrow and tomorrow the machine might be invented.

There is absoutely no investment potential here for an "investor".

But in an Internet Ponzi Scheme there's plenty of potential for a person who holds the funds, in another country, on another continent, who may or may not actually be in the country or on the continent that the investors believe them to be in or on.

You have to admit, sites come and sites go. Site owners are basically anonymous. Site owners come and site owners go. If enough people "donate" to Bialystock & Bloom enough $10 bills the fund could grow quite large. People fall for the Africa Email scam every day. And then the other side folds its tent and slips away in the night. Most people will feel a bit silly about losing $10 but tha't's just about all there would be...hurt feelings, no investigation and Max Bialystock and Leo Bloom dancing in the street with some cash in their pockets ready to rack 'em up again.

I asked "einsteinalbert" this question and he didn't answer. So I'll ask you (in similar terms):

Are you "einstein", the person who placed the Press Release on theinternet re. Time-Travel-Inc? If you are, why did you phrase the release to make it appear that you weren't the owner but waws, instead, just a person who happened to come across and invest in the site?

Are you "einsteinalbert"?
Thankyou for your reply darby,
Very enlightening thanks, if you noted that my site didnt actually change until yesterday at the suggestions from the newly formed committee. Now i know that offering a electronic share in the scheme is a crime i shall change it back. What will be offered now is a life changing experience if able. I am still happy to allow the people who DONATE to partially own the future technology. This will be at the committees word only. If the site takes off im willing to get everything done legally with solicitors etc. I dont mind if you contact any authority on this matter as i have contacted the uk police and they have stated to me that no UK laws were being broken. That was on the old format though only offering a life changing experience. It will be changed back tonight do not worry.
Regarding the guy who travels back to re-invest his profits into time travel inc so he becomes rich really tells me more about you than I.
Personally i am not Einsteinalbert but i did release the press release as einstein.
Even though i found your comments quiet confrontational, they were quite constructive thankyou. When i change my site back offering a life changing experience could you take a quick glance ensuring that this meets approval.
time travel inc :D

You didn't address the questions:

Who is the attorney who drew up the trust agreement?

Name, address, phone, email of the attorney who represents Time-Travel-Inc

You are using "Inc" in your name, indicating that you are a legal corporation. Where are you incorporated, what class of corporation are you and what is the principle address of the business?

Do you have D&O, Liability and Property Loss insurance?

What bank is holding the trust funds and who is the trust officer for that bank (name, address, phone, email, name on the account, class of account (checking, savings, trust) etc.)?

Have you ever managed a public trust fund in the past?
* If so, what was the name of the trust and where can I find the trust banker so that I can discuss that fund with him/her?

Is there a written prospectus for this investment opportunity that clearly states all of the potential risks involved for an investor?

Where can we obtain a written copy of the trust agreement that clearly lays out the business plan, how the fund is to be handled, who will handle the fund, how investors will be paid, how much they will be paid, how many shares the company will issue, how the trust will be terminated if no time machine is invented, who will receive the funds and when this will occur?

What is your general business experience with handling investment co-ops?

What is the totality of your personal funds that are at risk in this venture?

What assurances do investors have that insure that you will not abscond with the fund?

Why are you obfuscating the situation by mixing the terms "donation" (which is not refundable) with "investment" (which is refundable)? It's either a donation or it is an investent - it can't be both.

Last - who are you? What is your full name?

My friend these questions are called, in the parlance of investment, "due diligence". You are making a public offering in the form of securities and/or a trust fund. You're required to answer the questions of a potential investor. Potential invstors have the right to know all of the above and more when they are randomly solicited to invest in a public offering.

We all know that the Internet is rife with scams. You're scheme has feathers, webbed feet, quacks and I assume can swim. In short it has all of the outward appearances of being a duck.

BTW: I was aware that you might change the site - which is why I took a snap-shot before it was changed.

Regarding the guy who travels back to re-invest his profits into time travel inc so he becomes rich really tells me more about you than I.

I'm sure that it tells you more about me than it tells you about you. But the statement was not intended for you, was it? The statement was part of a general caveat emptor for potential investors. In that case it might have told them more about the business model than it told them about me, yes?
I did address the question but to reiterate.
As you took a snap shot of the site I assume you are aware that initially the site was offering a life changing experience where donations were held in an account. New committee members sent emails suggesting changes to the site giving electronic share options so people who donate actually get something. As you pointed out in a previous thread this is a crime. I have stated this to the committee members and informed them I will change it back to the original format: stating a life changing experience.
As there will no longer be shares in any technologies given out, the committee/descendants will own any machine built and honor any agreement offered (if able). Note if able isn’t a get out clause it is just an honest statement. Inc in the name is not standing for incorporated or any thing else it is just a name. No D&O, liability and property loss insurance is not required as well as the numerous other thing because shares will not be issued in the scheme. I will update the site accordingly tonight. If any risks occur coming from donating monies and suggesting changes to the donatee’s life become apparent then these will be addressed. May I take you back to yesteryear when scientists used to try experiments on themselves to see what happens. There is an element of risk but if we don’t take risks we won’t better ourselves. Not that it matters however I do control public funds as im the treasurer of various organizations. No experience in handling investment co-ops but as previously stated as the site will be re formatted to its previous incantation, no investments will be implemented. It will be donations only non refundable (they could be if required however paypal take a share). Which comes to the next question which bank? Paypal at the moment when funds increase, because it has only been online approx 3.5 weeks a bank account can be opened.
What assurances do you have ensuring I don’t abscond with the funds? Well at the moment none however, feel free to become a committee member. You can also if you require start the bank account (instead of paypal) for me where more signatures are required to withdraw any interest. I can give you my full name and address but as other committee members have the right to stay anonymous so do I. This isn’t clandestine and can be rectified in the future, but for now I wish to remain so. For about 1.5 years anyway until I change careers.
I hope this has answered a few more of your questions and feel free to ask more....... I think you will.
Time travel Inc.....Not incorporated!