You didn't address the questions:
Who is the attorney who drew up the trust agreement?
Name, address, phone, email of the attorney who represents Time-Travel-Inc
You are using "Inc" in your name, indicating that you are a legal corporation. Where are you incorporated, what class of corporation are you and what is the principle address of the business?
Do you have D&O, Liability and Property Loss insurance?
What bank is holding the trust funds and who is the trust officer for that bank (name, address, phone, email, name on the account, class of account (checking, savings, trust) etc.)?
Have you ever managed a public trust fund in the past?
* If so, what was the name of the trust and where can I find the trust banker so that I can discuss that fund with him/her?
Is there a written prospectus for this investment opportunity that clearly states all of the potential risks involved for an investor?
Where can we obtain a written copy of the trust agreement that clearly lays out the business plan, how the fund is to be handled, who will handle the fund, how investors will be paid, how much they will be paid, how many shares the company will issue, how the trust will be terminated if no time machine is invented, who will receive the funds and when this will occur?
What is your general business experience with handling investment co-ops?
What is the totality of your personal funds that are at risk in this venture?
What assurances do investors have that insure that you will not abscond with the fund?
Why are you obfuscating the situation by mixing the terms "donation" (which is not refundable) with "investment" (which is refundable)? It's either a donation or it is an investent - it can't be both.
Last - who are you? What is your full name?
My friend these questions are called, in the parlance of investment, "due diligence". You are making a public offering in the form of securities and/or a trust fund. You're required to answer the questions of a potential investor. Potential invstors have the right to know all of the above and more when they are randomly solicited to invest in a public offering.
We all know that the Internet is rife with scams. You're scheme has feathers, webbed feet, quacks and I assume can swim. In short it has all of the outward appearances of being a duck.
BTW: I was aware that you might change the site - which is why I took a snap-shot before it was changed.
Regarding the guy who travels back to re-invest his profits into time travel inc so he becomes rich really tells me more about you than I.
I'm sure that it tells
you more about me than it tells you about you. But the statement was not intended for you, was it? The statement was part of a general
caveat emptor for potential investors. In that case it might have told them more about the business model than it told them about me, yes?