The basis for this test is formed upon some facts you have already told us:
1) You came here in a time machine.
2) You still have that time machine at your disposal, since you are planning to take a photo of it.
So given that you have access to your time machine, here is the test:
1) I would like you to go BACK in time to August 1, 2008 (earlier this year).
2) On that date I would like you to register with the following username: "ItalianTimeTravler"
(Yes, I misspelled it...register with exactly that name)
3) Make a post in this forum with the following title: "Can you believe an Italian Time Traveler?"
4) In that post I would like you to post the following facts: "In October of this year the stock market will crash and the US government will pass a $700billion bail out package for banks."
That should prove to us you are a time traveler, as we will then see the post show up here, today but dated August 1, 2008. And what I do NOT want is excuses about how you can't do it, or how suddenly your time machine is broken (or the dog ate it), or that your "mission orders" do not allow you to do it. I want you to just use your time machine to do it.