future is here

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Chrono Cadet
Well... Hello to you all.
Before I go on a rant, and spill everything. There are a lot of you right now who are gonna blow this off, which of course you are purley free to do so. Me and my ex-roomate was john.

Now before you stat flames. Please I emplore you all to feel free to ask questions. However please bear in mind I will not submit any detail info as to who I or my exroomie is.

In this initial post I will entertain the values to you as to how I am currently talking to you. I am speaking to you through a cell phone on a pay as you go basis. I signed up this account through free wi-fi availible a local museum of art here in this buckeyed city. And infact the only record of me truly recorded would through their security system.

My friend and ex roomate shall be reffered to as Jester. Obviously this is not his real name, but for now it will suffice. My name for now can be reffered to as brick. Once again brick is a nickname. We (Me and Jester) lived together in a large house on the south western side of the ohio state university.

We used peieces and people of which we knew. So much infact, the family in florida which was supposed to be johns family is relatives of jester. Now they no longer live in that state. And no I will not hand out an address as it may be used to link jester and myself into this, which could result in possible legal civil and or criminal issue, which after a long talk today with jester I fully admit, we do not wish to be involved.

However, we do wish to answer some questions. And feel free to try an "de-bunk" this claim. All we ask is no trolling or bullying. If I on behalf of jester and myself state we will not answer the question...... that's it we won't answer it. Find another question.

One question, I will answer in advance is the name Titor. This stood for Travel In Time Observing Ridicule. We did this as an exercise. Myself being a doctor who fan, and my friend jester being dragged into long talks about the possibilities of time travel decided to set this whole concept forward to see if we could garner people into ideas, answers and belife of it.

Thanks for your time, no pun intended...

so, for the million dollar question. was it all a hoax? or is john really scootin in a vette' at the speed of light? :D
"One question, I will answer in advance is the name Titor. This stood for Travel In Time Observing Ridicule. We did this as an exercise. Myself being a doctor who fan, and my friend jester being dragged into long talks about the possibilities of time travel decided to set this whole concept forward to see if we could garner people into ideas, answers and belife of it. "

an excersise eh? hmmm...

do you and your buddy still have the machine? do yall still have the car? would you mind taking some pictures from us? and whens your buddy going to join us?
and most importantly, can you get pamela to verify that yall are who you say you are. (if you really are titor, you know what i mean)

if you are 'el titor, and you verify it, i will have some serious questions for you! so dont run off! :D
Well, ruthless...
No me and my ex roomate do not still have a machine. Infact no machine ever truly exhisted. It was tossed in a dumpster about may of 01. The car, was his. And from what I understand was sold in 03. (We left the house in 02.)

My exroomate currently has not mentioned joining us. That is all his decision to do so.

The song, ya ready????
I have a stratigic brain.

Do you honestly think this is just going to come out? I nor jester have spoken to pamela for 5 years basicly, let alone are you sure pamela was real? Or in on the hoax? But for basics of being nice. If pamela wishes to speak to me. I will make staements to her that I am more then sure will answer as to if I am a hoax of a hoax.

To relay something like that would just open up the whole he said she said line of thinking so for my better judgement maybe we should drop that concept.
Well, to put mildly.... I happened by chance to be awake a few nights back and just played in on the radio. I heard along the shortband someone talking(as they usally do on shortband) about john titor.

I was shocked. Had it progressed to this level? From the days inwhich the time travel institute had a disney character used in its logo. To now opting john titor garb.

I looked ariound and was enveloped with dismay. I then have speaking with jester for the past few weeks about this. He informed me he has checked up on it every so often. He says he even bought a trinket concerning it. And proudly displays it and chuckles whenever some one sees it and wants to talk about it. Myself I have been away from it all for years.

But after discussing it with jester, I have decided 5 some odd years is long enough for this too go along down the road. The "future" was designed with order out of chaos. And was put forth out of a few bottles of wine.

ok, until pamela comes forth and either verifies your him or not, i will believe you.

now, with that being said, i have a few things i'd like to say...

do you have any idea what kind of impact this story has had to people all around the world, including me? you know, the titor story gave me hope that maybe there was at least one person in the world like me. and it helped me through a dark time.

i would like you to go here and see what this has become. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Titor

i cant wait to hear what pamela thinks.

btw, do you know that we waste eons of time busting people claiming to be titor? and do you know that we deal with countless people who try to come up with a tt story thats 1% as good as titors?
I have become aware of the impact, hence why I am getting involved. And I am sure you have spent eons "busting" people concerning this. However, if my memory serves me, people didn't take to kind to the thought of a time traveller. After reviewing the reactions of people concerning this chapter in my life I am sure I will have ironiclly harder explanation concerning the hoax.

well, if you are him, you had quite a following. so many people believed in you, so many people will now be heartbroken.

btw, what happened to the video? was it just an idea yall were throwing around or what?

what motivated yall to make this story? where did all the details of the story come from?

what did yall use to make the machine? how did you make the picture of the laser bending?what was the deal with the insurance thing? and why is larry your lawyer?
now wouldnt it be funny if you were larry's doc, and he is jester...

better yet, if larry was your lawyer...

nah, thatd be too ironic...
Lets just stick to basics.....

The video, I was not involved. Nor have any direct knowledge to help.

The motovation I think to some degree has been answered already. The details were contribed up by myself and jester to manipulate people into either believing and or force any actual time travellers forward.

The machine itself was built and fabricated from parts that were in our basement basiclly when we moved in and some parts were purchased here and there.

The picture was not made by myself it was a third party that we shall call wop.
He was involved. we all three are believers in the principa discordia. He agreed to help us here and there providing his participation was never aknowledged. However jester nor I know of his whereabouts, so if he is here reading this please post a private. It woukd be nice to know if you are well

Refresh my memory about the insurance.

And I am not at liberty to discuss the family or lawyer. I am not related. Jester is. But I do know he will be in contact with them and inform them as to what my plans were. Its up to them if the money is important. I personally have never gottwen a dime, nor expect too. This is pure explaination. I am never going to admit directly as to who I am, I am not after fame.

"I am never going to admit directly as to who I am, I am not after fame."

i dont blame you one bit. as a matter of fact, i'd feel bad for you if your name was known.

i believe you when you say your not after fame. but, what exactly is it that you are after? simply to bring this to an end?
For me it is hopefully a means to an end. If you found out that a few years after doing something you had basiclly started a "religon" to use a better term would you have an ounce of guilt.


The insurance paper....... notice the insurance company? Well now you know why this could go on the criminal part. Nationwide is based here in the buckeye city. The paper was taken from files that were in our basement upon move in. The pile was very impressive. Lets just say it was chosen for the obvious reasons. The florida option. The automobile,etc.

Ironiclly there is a picture online of another item from our basement that was there upon move in. It was an amt model of the classic enterprise. Done up with nazi decals. ( I would like to point out we do not know if the nationwide employee was associated withe nazis, we found the model and was posted online and became a small viral pic. I don't know if can be found now.)

"I was shocked. Had it progressed to this level? From the days inwhich the time travel institute had a disney character used in its logo. To now opting john titor garb."

i have a headache...
i am taking a nap, this cant be coincidence.
"Representing John Titor's supposed family is Larry Haber, a pricey entertainment lawyer based in Celebration, Florida. Also the location of the headquarters of the John Titor Foundation, Celebration is a master-planned community on Disney-owned real estate outside Orlando. Haber, one of Celebration's first residents, has been a Disney attorney. Some suspect that Haber or his teenage son may have originally propagated the hoax as a merchandising scheme or as a way to bring traffic to TimeTravelInstitute.com, where Titor's first postings appeared. Interestingly, the Web site originally had the same bulletin board administrator as the town of Celebration. Oliver Williams (the current editor of JohnTitor.com and compiler of our accompanying interview) is also suspected of being the supposed time traveler, using the John Titor Foundation as a cover"

the whole article is here. http://www.conspiracyplanet.com/channel.cfm?channelid=125&contentid=2321&page=2
Your grammar is quite a bit worse than Boomer's. In just your few posts here under this username, your use of the passive voice far exceeds that of Boomer's. The person behind Titor was articulate and could write well, and it was obvious that person knew that english professionals generally frown on the use of the passive voice in writing. I'm not buying it, and you can see how long I've been around here.

I can't wait for Pamela to address this...
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