Chrono Cadet
Well... Hello to you all.
Before I go on a rant, and spill everything. There are a lot of you right now who are gonna blow this off, which of course you are purley free to do so. Me and my ex-roomate was john.
Now before you stat flames. Please I emplore you all to feel free to ask questions. However please bear in mind I will not submit any detail info as to who I or my exroomie is.
In this initial post I will entertain the values to you as to how I am currently talking to you. I am speaking to you through a cell phone on a pay as you go basis. I signed up this account through free wi-fi availible a local museum of art here in this buckeyed city. And infact the only record of me truly recorded would through their security system.
My friend and ex roomate shall be reffered to as Jester. Obviously this is not his real name, but for now it will suffice. My name for now can be reffered to as brick. Once again brick is a nickname. We (Me and Jester) lived together in a large house on the south western side of the ohio state university.
We used peieces and people of which we knew. So much infact, the family in florida which was supposed to be johns family is relatives of jester. Now they no longer live in that state. And no I will not hand out an address as it may be used to link jester and myself into this, which could result in possible legal civil and or criminal issue, which after a long talk today with jester I fully admit, we do not wish to be involved.
However, we do wish to answer some questions. And feel free to try an "de-bunk" this claim. All we ask is no trolling or bullying. If I on behalf of jester and myself state we will not answer the question...... that's it we won't answer it. Find another question.
One question, I will answer in advance is the name Titor. This stood for Travel In Time Observing Ridicule. We did this as an exercise. Myself being a doctor who fan, and my friend jester being dragged into long talks about the possibilities of time travel decided to set this whole concept forward to see if we could garner people into ideas, answers and belife of it.
Thanks for your time, no pun intended...
Before I go on a rant, and spill everything. There are a lot of you right now who are gonna blow this off, which of course you are purley free to do so. Me and my ex-roomate was john.
Now before you stat flames. Please I emplore you all to feel free to ask questions. However please bear in mind I will not submit any detail info as to who I or my exroomie is.
In this initial post I will entertain the values to you as to how I am currently talking to you. I am speaking to you through a cell phone on a pay as you go basis. I signed up this account through free wi-fi availible a local museum of art here in this buckeyed city. And infact the only record of me truly recorded would through their security system.
My friend and ex roomate shall be reffered to as Jester. Obviously this is not his real name, but for now it will suffice. My name for now can be reffered to as brick. Once again brick is a nickname. We (Me and Jester) lived together in a large house on the south western side of the ohio state university.
We used peieces and people of which we knew. So much infact, the family in florida which was supposed to be johns family is relatives of jester. Now they no longer live in that state. And no I will not hand out an address as it may be used to link jester and myself into this, which could result in possible legal civil and or criminal issue, which after a long talk today with jester I fully admit, we do not wish to be involved.
However, we do wish to answer some questions. And feel free to try an "de-bunk" this claim. All we ask is no trolling or bullying. If I on behalf of jester and myself state we will not answer the question...... that's it we won't answer it. Find another question.
One question, I will answer in advance is the name Titor. This stood for Travel In Time Observing Ridicule. We did this as an exercise. Myself being a doctor who fan, and my friend jester being dragged into long talks about the possibilities of time travel decided to set this whole concept forward to see if we could garner people into ideas, answers and belife of it.
Thanks for your time, no pun intended...