I never did say math is bunk. That is RMT promulgated fiction. I believe I said math is good for describing and not so good for predicting.
Here is just one of Einstein's "greatest hits":
As for cross product? Mathematical dung.
<font color="red"> Pivotal to (eventual) acceptance was the efficiency of the new approach, allowing Heaviside to reduce the equations of electromagnetism from Maxwell's original 20 to the four commonly seen today. [/COLOR]
1) Far from being "dung", the cross product made Maxwell's equations (also not "dung" and highly predictive) much more accessible, and useful.
2) The cross product is exceedingly good for predicting. Especially electromagnetic effects...like the Lorentz Force.
Another of his "greatest hits":
Learning the rules of operation for the reality we live in is my goal. Some of those rules have been incorporated into mathematics. But not all.
Many more than you are aware of... or would admit to. What seems to continually escape you is that I
started this thread to offer something that would benefit you and reactor. Reactor was at least thankful. You will not even admit that you do not understand much of the math that could assist you greatly. Arrogance often leads one to reject things that will help them.
So sayeth the queen spider (SouthPark reference). Care to compare how long it will take you to quantify anything useful (and not already quantified) without the math?
You'll excuse me if I skip over replying to RMT. He as usual never has anything constructive to add to a discussion.
I started this whole discussion with something highly constructive and of immense value. The fact you refuse to learn does not diminish its value or constructive nature. It only speaks to you and your personality.
I did take a stab at developing the math for this too. The equations are around here in another thread somewhere.
You have never offered me any math here, nor have I seen you post any. Prove me wrong, if you have. Show me your math.
But in this form it is useless. Where is the visualization? Could you make or engineer a magnetic propulsion engine from just this equation?
Far from useless. First things first...a visualization:
And as far as what you can do with the Lorentz force? How about:
Cyclotrons and other circular path particle accelerators (Cern anyone?)
Homopolar generators
Magnetoplasmadynamic thrusters
Mass spectrometers
Just for starters...
It is becoming kind of obvious that mathematics has lost its true value as a viable tool in investigating what it is supposed to represent.
Not very obvious to the real scientists who are actually making breakthroughs. And if you were to learn and understand differential geometry (as one example) I am quite sure you would see the folly of your statement. But I know that right now you would never admit it. That is just your personality trait getting in the way.
Just knowing the rules behind the Lorentz force gives me a decided advantage over anyone using the math.
Really? Perhaps you would deign to share them? Do you mean an advantage over the people who developed the applications I listed above? Where is your patent for something better?
I'm taking it for granted that a force is totally immune from influence by another force acting in an orthogonal direction. To me that is a mathematical given.
Another of Einstein's greatest hits. He diminishes the value of math, and yet makes statements like this, but never offers his mathematical evidence to support them. Please show us how this is a "mathematical given", for all engineers know it is not... and many devices prove it is not.
Now if I could just get RMT to jump off the sinking calculus boat...
More diminishing mathematics he does not understand. And he complains that I cop and attitude back to him when he mouths off like this? Excuse me while I bust a gut.
Because I think it (math) is a crutch that some people give way too much reliance on. I manage to solve lots of problems that math could be used for with just the art of visualization.
Could you accurately predict the ascent and orbital trajectory of the space shuttle with nothing but visualization? Again, he makes a claim, but no example to back it up. As for "too much reliance on math"... you had better stop using your computer altogether, Einstein...because those people who rely too much on math designed it.
If math was a good predictive tool, then there would be no need for any further experimentation at all.
I'll let some of the others point out a few of the fallacies behind that statement.
I want to invent an antigravity engine. Take a look around. Don't see anyone figuring that out. Obviously to me, I'm going to have to choose some unorthodox methods to acquire that knowledge.
Only because you convince yourself that existing mathematics is ineffective well before you even are aware of said math, much less understand what it predicts.
So I believe the answers are right in front of us in basic experimental observations.
And you believe no one else has done such experiments, nor accurately described what is going on with math. That you actually believe this is demonstrated in your refusal to accept the proven equations that model (and predict performance of) a gyroscope. That is nothing but arrogance resulting from denied ignorance.
I also reasoned that the metal disk in the video above has more mass too. Because it would take more energy to pull it out of the trap it appears to be stuck in. Also in the video you'll notice that the disk appears to be frozen in position regardless of whether there is a push or pull force. Push or pull, plus or minus, two Lorentz forces?
More exhibition of (as Darby says) you "trying to pull our legs". How many times have I pointed out that it is highly suspicous that your hand is matching the natural frequency of the pendulum of the metal disk? And not once have you even acknowledged it. I believe this is so because you KNOW that this is exactly what you were doing, and you are attempting to claim otherwise. The evidence for this belief lies in the facts that:
1) You stopped the video immediately at the point where the disc dynamics no longer show a regular "sticky" motion.
2) You have never made another video with varying dynamic profiles of your hand with the magnet (see above for my suggestion that at STEP INPUT test would display a lot).
3) You refuse to even address that it is anything other than what you claim ("sticky space").
And now let's have a look at Einstein's attempts at deflection and not answering direct questions:
In reply to:
But the point is... even if you are going to infer something as wild as "sticky space" from such non-instrumented experiements, it is very definitely "poor science" to try and do it with only one experimental data point.
I think Faraday would probably spit in your face. Look what he had to work with. It's been my experience that if you want to prove something wrong, you can. I don't want to go down the wrong path. I want to go down the right path.
I asked a direct question, and he never addressed it. Others have asked why I put up with this behavior. Well, I put forward that behavior like this is what brings out the sarcastic ahole in me. I will give Einstein every bit of what he gives me when he ignores simple questions like this that he knows exposes his poor approach to experimentation.
Just to cut the boredom, some of my RC buddies will occasionally strap a motor and a couple of servos to a piece of cardboard and fly that. No math needed.
And this was another shallow retort from Einstein that I took as a challenge. It lead to me using one of his own website citations to show how valuable math is for predicting things, and for cutting down time to get to where you want to go. Of course he won't discuss it or admit it. Just more deflection and diversion. It was the same way when he refused to discuss sampling theory and why I explained he could not come to conclusions from accelerometer data when the accel was used outside its design bandwidth.
For Einstein it appears to be "don't bother me with facts... I am too busy breaking new ground in science."
I think you've just demonstrated to everyone how stupid and silly you look to everyone. A math grunt trying to take credit for something he isn't due.
Again with the claims (that I was taking credit for someone else's work) but no evidence to back his claim.
The man literally can not behave in a civilized manner in a simple discussion.
And you claim it is civilized to deflect and divert around issues that come up in a discussion because you don't like them? There are many people on this forum I can have a civil discussion with. In addition KerrTexas has met me in person several times, and knows exactly who I am and how much I care about people.
Hell, Einstein, the most ridiculous part of your own behavior is that you will not even recognize that I am trying to help you. People like Darby, and Copernicus, and KerrTexas know the power of mathematics, and realize that it would help you to just do a little learning. Instead you think that what I am offering is a waste of
time. And that is the true irony, for by continuing in your trial and error (and thinking you are discovering things no one else has), you are truly the one wasting time.
I think I have sufficiently laid out my case.