First Time Travel Vessel

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Hi Dragon:

Thank you for your reply. I appreciate your interest in time traveling and will add your e-mail to our list. We will be contacting you and others on our e-mail list with all the pertinent information when we are ready to launch.

You're absolutely right, the aging factor was one of the areas that I was able to overcome to make this project a success. Thank you for your input and if there are any more questions please do not hesitate to post them.
RE: Bob, recipe for insanity

Hi Cat:

The vessel or device is perfectly safe. I cannot tell you exactly what we are working with, but it does involve other forces.

Hi creedo 299x9:

I have not used the time travel device yet. I do plan on being a passenger on the vessel.

I hope that you are not under the impression that I am an alien of some kind, although I often feel like a sane person in an insane world.
What if your machine is only within the phylosphic and not of substance.

What if this said physical possability, is only a shiney fast moving lure, within bright, blue crystial waters, which attracts the possabilites, of our imaginations?

We give the information of the possable, you tally, move your chess peices and we as players somehow have less at the end of the game.

"Oh then Bob' the oblate of the time travel shell in most machines, does fend out the perril of age consumption to the body, which does travel to that set n time"!

Any body dost born to of that time frame, tehn does time to its origen, unless another time horizion is sought.

Of who do you talk to, and to wence do you send this said personna.

The time of your origen, is the time of your origen.

This times within the body and does stay as such.
RE: Bob, recipe for insanity

Dear UglyBob

I have invented something too. A bullshit detector, and every time you come on it goes off.
Hi creedo 299x9:

I really appreciate your response. The device or vessel is real, but I am asking the people here, who all have one thing in common, which is time travel, to be patient. It is only a couple of months away, and all that is left is to iron out these tedious multitudes of paper work, and launch.

If everything goes well in the following week, I will be in a position to release some more important information. It may give some people here a better understanding of what's involved in actual time travel.
RE..A little problem here Bob:

Please note, that Ugly Bob does not give any sort of vector coordinaters, on Dragons time travel problems?

Bob does not also stipulate what type of time travel device that Dragon has used or is using.

To anyone saying anything to either and or both, thye seem to talk over you?

To be more exact, Bobn makes the stipulation, that all beings telemorase, are structure the same.

Bob also makes the statment, that if one travels through time, within the shell of a special event, then they dod not keep their own inner-bodies timeing signature.

Bob also makes the statement, that all beings, from any time period, all have identical ageing phenominons.

Bob has also not shared his data with us, even in a remote steril sort of way.

However what Bob wants us to think, is that all beings, from all times lines, let alone locations, all age relativly the same and more or less have identical telemorase structures to their genes.

If this is so, then the poster Ugly Bob had made a very starteling discovery, that anyone else reading this board, would not know about?!
RE: Ageing

O.k So you say you have an answer to the ageing problem. I would like to know what that is and if you could share it with me now.
Also Can you return from the time that you go to or are you stuck in that time line. If so are there contacts to meet. You have to remember you might travel to a time that you were not born yet or you may have died by that time. Once you start time travel everything changes. People you contact, people you see , if you ever make love to someone in the past you dont know who that person would be. If you made love to your Grandmother and that person married your mother, your son could be your dad and thats a paradox that will make your brain explode. Father of the son of the Father. Crazy. Well untill I here from you. Good Luck and God's Speed

RE: Bob, your Time Machine.


Regarding your Time Machine. You still neglect to mention what kind of Time Machine it is?

You say that it completely rules out all metaphysics and magnetism. But you confide that it consists of other forces.

Well Bob as you know my expertise is to demote Time Travel and to fight its malevolent workings. I might not be very nice at going about it but none the less I am still working my purpose and doing my job.

I have researched you a litle further and discovered that you did post some two years ago on this very site! And you mention that you had an acident that hindered your Time Travel agenda. Ever wonder why?

Bob, it has come to my attention that accompaning several dreams in the last week of people on this site, such as TTA, Shadow, Skye, Clara and me. That has opened my eyes and understanding to your Time Machine Schematics.

You see Bob dreams have a way of being prophetic and predicting future events and they are also a way that angelic hosts and entities that are not visible to our site in this dimension can communicate with us on a subconscious level. Call them Time Travelers if you will...

And if you have been reading the Time Travel posts here other than just your thread, you will have noticed like I mentioned in the paragraphs above that people on this post have been dreaming. And like my dream that I had a couple of days ago.

In the dream I had, I was floating in this beautiful bright white light and this angelic mist like a foggy linen was being perpetually wrapped around me and put me to sleep in my dream. Days latter I was trying to analyze this dream and you kept popping into my mind. Until I finally put two and two together pertaining to your Time Machine.

And it hit me that your Time Machine involves LIGHT and is nothing more than a cheep magicians trick! Everything is still there in your device and vessel even though the light being pulsed through makes it appear that something has dissapeared but in all actuality physical matter IS NOT moving elsewhere.

You continually are on a quest to bring back a loved one, that you feel you have lost under unfortunate circumstances.

Bob don't you know that you can not bring back a loved one under any circumstances! Love is the most POWERFUL thing and can only exist in your heart and mind and on different levels of understanding and consciousness. You cannot bargain with the Holly Ghost! and this is a message that I have been given to relay to you so you could get on with your life and come to the realization that what is lost is gone forever and WANTS TO BE GONE! and you must let go, and move on! Your motives are not fair to this individual!

To Everyone Just leave Ugly Bob alone he is doing the best he can with his research and doing work on his time machine or time travel device I believe that what he and his team are doing is not harmful to himself and his team and the public too what I say is go for it Ugly Bob your not hurting anyone and so forth time travel is possible today and even in the near future and their is nothing that is going to stop me and my team as well as bob and his team that is all I got to say about it!
Hello creedo 299x9

Eureka! You nailed it, I have mastered the concept that will enable anyone to travel in time. I am not trying to be too evasive, but I am not prepared at this stage to let everyone know until we finalize all details.
RE: Ageing

Hi Dragon:

To answer your question, "are you stuck in that time line?" yes and no.
RE: Personal

It's naive to say working on a time traveling device will be harmless. Much can be said about the creation of the A-Bomb and other experiments where many believed it was harmless, and was not. If you are so sure that it is harmless, and that you will not be eventually stopped by the TimeTravelActivist’s, then you don't know shit about what your getting your self in.

To TimeTravelActivist I believe that their is no harm in building and doing research into time travel and teleportation why do you hate me? I was just saying time travel and teleportation is important to those who are interested in these subjects and if you want to build a time machine or a time travel then that is your business and noone else's everyone has a degree in electronics and electricty I am talking about those who are professionals and beginners I know your a skeptic about your own beliefs but my beliefs say it isn't dangerous maybe the possibilities of time travelling through time and space is fun and be careful is one of the safety precautions that you need to do it now I am not saying to screw up history or other realities because if you do then your screwing up alot of other realities as well as your own. By building a machine or a device you learn alot about electronics but if you don't build a machine or device you don't learn alot about electronics. Maybe one day you might time travel and learn that it is real and not fake or a hoax what you learn is what you gain. What time is it is always a question what people ask and then you answer them it is so and so time I believe that time travel/teleportation is a worthy cause and nothing will change my mind about them as well as drawing and building them as well as writing information on those subjects too. If you don't believe then that is your business and trouble it is also your opinion my opinion will stick forever in time travel and teleportation as well as other interests or hobbies I have. Yes I know alot about these subjects and nothing will change my mind about them. Well that's about it for now!
RE: Personal

Hi Adam:

It is always a pleasure to read your posts. This is a great medium because it allows everyone to express themselves in an open forum, without the ramifications of being burnt to the stake. We have to allow everyone to express themselves with their concerns even if we do not agree with them. It is healthy to look at all sides of an issue, because that is how we grow by being enlightened by another viewpoint, and the humility to admit it.

The people who are concerned with time travel have some real concerns that have to be addressed because it is their world to. I just finished reading a great classic book, which I truly recommend H.G. Wells "The Time Machine", it is quite different from the motion picture, and it is a very quick read just over 100 pages. The one thing that really caught my eye, was in the index of the book were they recommended other good science fiction writings. The one book that perked my interest was a book that was written by Ray Bradbury's "A Sound of Thunder" in which a time traveler travels back in time and changes the present by accidentally stepping on a butterfly.

As the first time travelers we have a responsibility, if we in our experimentation's go back in time and accidentally destroy the current time line, the planet or even the universe, we are responsible even if it was an accident, for murder! I know that even though it may be after the fact and there will not be anyone around to try our sorry bottoms, but would you want to have that on your conscience.

We cannot just assume that if we destroy the current time line that another will just pop up. What about the lives that we accidentally change, for instances a billionaire becomes a bum on the street, do we have the right to sentence a person living the life of luxury to the life of a groveling bum. What do we say to the bum, "well sorry we accidentally messed around in the past and changed your time line here's a few bucks that should tie you over until government Tuesdays"?

I have made safety a priority with our vessel, and in fact I guarantee it.
RE: To Bob...


Human beings as well as animals are unpredictable! How could you personally guarantee safety?

Greed has been mans downfall since the begining of historical time! What makes you think Time Travel will be any different?

Did you ever stop to think that maybe all the wars and tragic events we have today have already been reprocusion of the past and future being tampered with?

If it hasnt occured to you yet that there is another war going on, and its right up there with todays terrorism! Our US government is in the process of regulating interdimentional transfers. I wouldnt want you to be another one of their satistics, Bob!


P.S. Talking about butterflies! I had a very real exsperience with a phenomenon that involved and a ghost type entity. I posted it some time back on this forum to Joe. I will see if I could locate it for you to read.
RE: To Bob...


The posting is under the thread "Time does not exist" Its post #10 dated from March 10th (how ironic 10 10)(my 136th posting)(1 + 3 + 6 = 10)

If you do a search under Joe or CAT you should find that thread.

RE: I\'m in

I just read this after coming back from vacation. Bob, I'm aware there may be dangers involved, but what legal age exactly are you talking about? LLegal age to drive? To drink? To Vote? I know time travel is a very new concept and I doubt there are many legal restrictions yet. Maybe I'm a just a little disaponted cause I don't get to go, but I'd still like a reply to this.
So you claim to know alot about this topic... Very well then, I can say the same.

<<Maybe one day you might time travel and learn that it is real and not fake or a hoax what you learn is what you gain. >>

Maybe I already have Adam. The TimeTravelActivist is well aware that you’re new here and may not know all the facts about me yet. But for the past couple of years now, I have been communicating from my own experiences with Time Travel. Through visions/dreams/manifestations and forgotten memories, I know that it is evil and manipulative. It's an unfair chess game with many complex variables. And only when you have Time Traveled or have been exploited by Time Traveler would you ever come to know this.

However, my skepticism about your attempts to build a Time Traveling device is only on it's ramifications, not entirely on the science it's self. If you are mature enough to consider them into your plans when you are building one, the TimeTravelActivist may not be so hard on you when he or she, someday takes your business down, before it takes off :).
