RE: A Time Test to Bob DANGER!!!
That's correct Bob!
The answer to measuring the passage of time is Carbon!
Through Carbon Dating but not by today's standards. In the future it will be well advanced! And what I am about to tell you is only HALF of what you need to know about why Time Travel is extremely dangerous! So I need not fear that you will try to steel any information or get very far in your time travels by any of the information that I have posted here.
As most of us know, matter is made up of molecules and the molecules are made of atoms and atoms are made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. Electrons and protons are electrically charged, the electron negatively and the proton positively. The Neutron has no electric charge. It does however have a number of sub entities. One of which is a little beast called the WIMP. (Weakly interacting Mass Particle)
Every atom has a number of energy forces that it holds trapped within its nucleus. The weakest force is gravity. Then we have magnetism, and then we have the energy which binds the atoms together to form the molecules.
The atmosphere that surrounds our planet is made up of various gasses. The most important of whch is Oxygen and the other which is Nitrogen. Life on our planet is mostly Carbon based.
All Carbon atoms have six protons and six electrons. The electrons are outside of the nucleus. Carbon 12 has six protons and six neutrons in the nucleus.
Carbon 13 has six protons and seven neutrons in the nucleus. Carbon 14 has six protons and eight neutrons in its nucleus. The total number of protons and neutrons is represented by the number following the element so that Carbon 14 means 6 + 8 = Carbon 14 is radioactive which is why it can be used in dating.
Nitrogen in our atmosphere is interfered with by the big nuclear reactor out there called our sun. (Hi Creedo
) And so a little animal called a cosmic ray neutron comes barreling across space, enters our atmosphere and strikes a Nitrogen 14 atom and is absorbed by the nucleus, (and like that executive toy of the swinging metal balls, the one strikes the queue and the other pops out the other side) displacing one proton. This turns it into Carbon 14. The less positively charged nucleus repels one electron bringing it back into electrical equilibrium. This isotope is now unstable and it will after a while self destruct. It is now no longer a question of if, but a question of when. When it does, it will expel the neutron and reabsorb a free proton and electron and it will decay back to nitrogen.
Now to get to my point across about TIME TRAVEL BEING DANGEROUS! Carbon 14 is created in the upper atmosphere and permeates every aspect of our existence. All living things contain carbon. Its the air we breath! As the years pass so does the ratio's of carbon in the air change. But it can be fluxuated and changed by solar variations and nuclear testing in more recent times. There are also a number of pit falls which can complicate matters even more if the air contains lead, Uranium, Thorium which decays into Iron, Potassium, Argon, Rubidium, Strontium and the burning of Fossil Fuel because it no longer contains Carbon 14. And most importantly to note is that chemically the three isotopes are INDISTINGUISHABLE FROM EACH OTHER AND THERE IS NO KNOWN CHEMICAL PROCESS THAT CAN SEPARATE THEM!
And how could you possibly travel in time without a device that can precisely predict the time era difference between the year 1000 to 1001 or even 5000 years to the past or future? Realistically you can't without advanced equipment or the PROGRAMMED FREQUENCY CODE! You will be lost in the inverness of the oblivion boondocks!
This technique and technology used "today" for measuring the passage of time is a process known as liquid scintillation with the use of a photomultipler and Accelerated Mass Spectrography (AMS)
Now to get to my other point about TIME TRAVEL BEING ETHICALLY AND MORALLY WRONG using the example of fruits and flowers are for the benefit of man brings me to the point of our so called evolution. Theory is that fruits are not a gift, but a BRIBE. Or to put it another way the plants have a deal going with the animals that consume the fruit or that consume the nectar in the flowers. The deal is that the animals will carry some of the plants seeds away to new places. In the case of flowers, the animal carries pollen to other flowers of the same species. They are paid for this service in food. Its easy to see how this deal works. Some plants happened to be more edible than usual and therefore its seeds were spread more than usual. And each seed was deposited inside a nice mound of fertilizer or (Shit
to put it nicely!) the offspring inherited this slight tendency to be edible
And the offspring happened to be even more edible. And around and around it went.
Insects can see higher frequencies or ultraviolet light than humans can. So if flowers are for insects we would predict that flowers have patterns on them that only insects can see. And now that humans have ultraviolet photography that turns out to be the truth.
My point Bob is that in the meaning of life everything has its purpose! Did G-d make it that way or did life evolve that way is the question? But one can see that it is a delicate balanced system and the subtlest interaction or disturbance can effect mass extermination of a species! (Plants, Animals, Humans, Planets, Solar Systems!)
This post is getting to long, so give it some thought Bob!!!