First Time Travel Vessel

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RE: Ugly Bob!

Hi Cat:

I was just re-reading your post, and I never said that there was a patent on the time traveling vessel. That is why I cannot give specific information out to you, and everyone else on this site. If I did, as I said before its child's-play.

I would like to ask you one question Cat, who is the mouse?
RE: Yah sure

Dear Ugly,

I think you are offering a load of crap. If you really had this technology you would already have used it yourself. And if you were here it would be to tell us some cool stories abou what you have already done.


What follows is my secret forumula to turn cola-cans into gold:


Send me a check and I'll fill you in on the details.
RE: Ugly Bob! A Time Test?

Hi Cat:

I do not profess to know all the inner workings of what we are trying to accomplish. We have a team that specifically works on one area of the project, or the other. I am more of a facilitator, planner, or director. I will take credit for coming up with the original outline of this project, but we had to farm out specific areas of the project to different parties to make it work.

Regarding your question: What chemical element is used in the Atom to make Time Travel possible? I consulted a colleague because as I've said before I am not a professional scientist. She didn't understand the question because it made no sense. Chemical elements, such as carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, etc., are made up of atoms, which contain subatomic particles. Since we are largely made up of carbon-based molecules, the best answer I can give is that those molecules make time travel possible for species like us.

As for evolution, I would argue that mankind has not evolved very far. Our technology has, but we as a species have not. The rise and fall of the Roman Empire shows us that little has changed over the centuries and we have not grown significantly as a species in over 2000 years. We humans still hold many of the same beliefs that we had back then, only in different forms.

Learning to flick a switch, push a button, drive a vehicle, heat up the oven for some pre-packaged food or other simple daily tasks does not mean that we are that advanced as a species. If you took a Roman citizen from 2000 years ago and put him in our society today the person would adapt quite well in our time, and possibly thrive better then most of us today within a matter of months. On the other hand if you took a citizen of today and put that person back 2000 years I guarantee that the average modern person would fail miserably.

The flowers and fruits on our planet are not just for the humans alone, but for all of the life on this planet. (Ever tried to hold a watermelon or in the palm of your hand?) Not everything fits perfectly in our hands and humans are arrogant to think that the world was made only for them. Yes, we are on top of the food chain, so we have a responsibility towards creatures below us not to encroach upon and destroy their habitats, hunt them down to make cosmetics, aphrodisiacs, etc. (ad nauseum). I could write a book about this subject. That is probably the number one example of our abysmal lack of civilization, which is a measure of our evolution.
RE: \"Vessel\" for time travel

Sign me up! A few questions though. What kind of control do you have and can I pick my destination, or will that be set arbitrailly? I am ready to go, past or future it matters not, although I KNOW that travel to the past is either possible or will be as I contacted myself thirty years ago.
RE: A Time Test to Bob DANGER!!!

That's correct Bob!

The answer to measuring the passage of time is Carbon!
Through Carbon Dating but not by today's standards. In the future it will be well advanced! And what I am about to tell you is only HALF of what you need to know about why Time Travel is extremely dangerous! So I need not fear that you will try to steel any information or get very far in your time travels by any of the information that I have posted here.

As most of us know, matter is made up of molecules and the molecules are made of atoms and atoms are made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. Electrons and protons are electrically charged, the electron negatively and the proton positively. The Neutron has no electric charge. It does however have a number of sub entities. One of which is a little beast called the WIMP. (Weakly interacting Mass Particle)

Every atom has a number of energy forces that it holds trapped within its nucleus. The weakest force is gravity. Then we have magnetism, and then we have the energy which binds the atoms together to form the molecules.

The atmosphere that surrounds our planet is made up of various gasses. The most important of whch is Oxygen and the other which is Nitrogen. Life on our planet is mostly Carbon based.

All Carbon atoms have six protons and six electrons. The electrons are outside of the nucleus. Carbon 12 has six protons and six neutrons in the nucleus.
Carbon 13 has six protons and seven neutrons in the nucleus. Carbon 14 has six protons and eight neutrons in its nucleus. The total number of protons and neutrons is represented by the number following the element so that Carbon 14 means 6 + 8 = Carbon 14 is radioactive which is why it can be used in dating.

Nitrogen in our atmosphere is interfered with by the big nuclear reactor out there called our sun. (Hi Creedo
) And so a little animal called a cosmic ray neutron comes barreling across space, enters our atmosphere and strikes a Nitrogen 14 atom and is absorbed by the nucleus, (and like that executive toy of the swinging metal balls, the one strikes the queue and the other pops out the other side) displacing one proton. This turns it into Carbon 14. The less positively charged nucleus repels one electron bringing it back into electrical equilibrium. This isotope is now unstable and it will after a while self destruct. It is now no longer a question of if, but a question of when. When it does, it will expel the neutron and reabsorb a free proton and electron and it will decay back to nitrogen.

Now to get to my point across about TIME TRAVEL BEING DANGEROUS! Carbon 14 is created in the upper atmosphere and permeates every aspect of our existence. All living things contain carbon. Its the air we breath! As the years pass so does the ratio's of carbon in the air change. But it can be fluxuated and changed by solar variations and nuclear testing in more recent times. There are also a number of pit falls which can complicate matters even more if the air contains lead, Uranium, Thorium which decays into Iron, Potassium, Argon, Rubidium, Strontium and the burning of Fossil Fuel because it no longer contains Carbon 14. And most importantly to note is that chemically the three isotopes are INDISTINGUISHABLE FROM EACH OTHER AND THERE IS NO KNOWN CHEMICAL PROCESS THAT CAN SEPARATE THEM!

And how could you possibly travel in time without a device that can precisely predict the time era difference between the year 1000 to 1001 or even 5000 years to the past or future? Realistically you can't without advanced equipment or the PROGRAMMED FREQUENCY CODE! You will be lost in the inverness of the oblivion boondocks!

This technique and technology used "today" for measuring the passage of time is a process known as liquid scintillation with the use of a photomultipler and Accelerated Mass Spectrography (AMS)

Now to get to my other point about TIME TRAVEL BEING ETHICALLY AND MORALLY WRONG using the example of fruits and flowers are for the benefit of man brings me to the point of our so called evolution. Theory is that fruits are not a gift, but a BRIBE. Or to put it another way the plants have a deal going with the animals that consume the fruit or that consume the nectar in the flowers. The deal is that the animals will carry some of the plants seeds away to new places. In the case of flowers, the animal carries pollen to other flowers of the same species. They are paid for this service in food. Its easy to see how this deal works. Some plants happened to be more edible than usual and therefore its seeds were spread more than usual. And each seed was deposited inside a nice mound of fertilizer or (Shit
to put it nicely!) the offspring inherited this slight tendency to be edible
And the offspring happened to be even more edible. And around and around it went.

Insects can see higher frequencies or ultraviolet light than humans can. So if flowers are for insects we would predict that flowers have patterns on them that only insects can see. And now that humans have ultraviolet photography that turns out to be the truth.

My point Bob is that in the meaning of life everything has its purpose! Did G-d make it that way or did life evolve that way is the question? But one can see that it is a delicate balanced system and the subtlest interaction or disturbance can effect mass extermination of a species! (Plants, Animals, Humans, Planets, Solar Systems!)

This post is getting to long, so give it some thought Bob!!!

Gosh "CAT", if I didn't know any better, I would say, judging by the underlying sarcasm, and all your little symbols, that you are really (drum roll please).....TTA!!!!


Thats right SLIME BALL I'll be drummin to a new beat kicking you in the @ss as I parade down the street!!!

And cut the cr@p about me being TTA!

If your brain were gas you wouldn't have enough to power to power a flea mobile around the inside of a fruit loop!

Looks like I threw you for a loop, Because you responded! :)

I bet you couldn't tell which way the elevator was going if I gave you two guesses?

If you were referring to me being thrown for a loop, I guess you were wrong. Not surprising, as you seem to be wrong about just about everything else.

Thank you for your interest Big Al:

That is exactly what is holding up this project right now! Making sure that each individual has the maximum control over the time period of their choosing.

Due to the unexpected interest in Actual Time Travel (as opposed to just thinking about it), I have posted a temporary Website while my main site is still under construction. You can find this site at and you can join my email list from there. I will send updated information to anyone who is interested in making his or her dreams of Time Travel a reality. Perhaps this is the start of your journey to meet yourself in the past. I don't know for sure because this is (for me as well) a trip to the "Final Frontier."

I have been largely inspired by Gene Rodenberry's vision of a better world some time in the future. Perhaps it's adventurers like ourselves who have answered the call to create a better future through exceptional and unknown means.

Please be patient the first time you visit the site. It takes a few minutes to load, perhaps because the server is not as powerful as I am used to. Once you've loaded the files into your cache, the site will load more quickly upon subsequent attempts.

I look forward to hearing from you again.
Well than,

Tell me what I'm wrong about and we'll pick it appart?

I mean, you cant just say that with no evidence or example of what it is your talking about? I'm not a mind reader but a very good Criminologist! :)

RE: To Bob...

Bob, You quoted,

<Perhaps this is
the start of your journey
to meet yourself in the
past. I don't know for
sure because this is (for
me as well) a trip
to the "Final Frontier.">

Bob, the "Final Frontier" is equivilant to the Pony Express! Its an actually time machine in itself! I have a sneeking suspicion that it is heavely guarded.

Are you aware that as of September 11th our stock market soared to an alarming rate on security technologies. The Pentagon, military and secret services have heightened levels of security creating an extra barrier to all kinds of transactions.

Do you really think that you will get past heightend security with a time machine? Wake up Bob the technology of time travel is already in place and functioning its used by the evil do gooders of the worlds powers like the Global Elite the Illuminati. You can see their essoteric number trade mark left behind claiming many time frames and resulting in many deaths of famous and infamous people that tried to interfere.

Wether your in with the government or your not! But rest assure there are other good forces
actively out there regulating the air space, putting this menice out of its missery!
To them you are just an instigator, you will be easily detected and stopped by them jamming your frequencies.

There is a solution to this polution


Heh... the link doesn't work. Isn't that a shame Bobie-bob. Oop - don't forget Alie-al. I've a hunch that you're John Titor II

I do not know about you, but I like Ugly Bob's posts. Perhaps "wrong" was a bit too strong, but, it seems to me that you have seemed to designate yourself as this grand, all knowing time enforcer who's best interests do not seem to lie with time travel itself, but in how you seem to think it should be regulated. While I even agree with you on many points, though I feel that carbon thing was a little deep, until I actually talk to somebody who has actually time travelled, I remain quite pessimistic.
I don't believe Ugly Bob and won't until he provides us with some hardcore evidence proving that he actually time travelled. The internet nowadays is filled with so many fakes, moreover the better known Thomas Dehn (John Titor) it's hard to believe anything. In retrospect, there are actually more people lying than are telling the truth! So Ugly Bob - you are not going to earn the respect of people on this board until we are provided with some standing EVIDENCE!!!


Hi Maciek:

Just check on my previous post it is now working.

You are the second person on this site to mention that I remind people of a person named John Titor. Who is or was he?

Hi Maciek:

I never said that I have actually time traveled yet. I said that I discovered, through finishing the puzzle, the secret to time travel.

I am not asking for you or anyone else to trust me. In fact I would prefer that you and other people remain skeptical and cautious.

The main reason I went on this site at this point is that I wanted to insure the future credit for my work and the discovery of a means of time travel, and have a documented history to actually show that I did it before any one else.

I also choose to document on this particular web site, because in the past, scientists and physicists have been known to come onto this site and ridicule the people here for their ideas, theories, and speculations.

I feel this is a safe medium for me to make my announcement(s) without attracting too much attention, or people taking me completely seriously, which I prefer not to have at this time. Basically this is a place where everyone is considered to be either a crankpot or nutcase.

All I can say, Maciek, and to others, is that you will have to show some patience. I believe that everthing should be in place at the end of May or early June, and all your questions and concerns will be addressed in full, at which point, you can decide if you really seriously want to be a time traveler.

In the meantime I will add a web link here again, for anyone wishing to time travel and get on our mailing list so they can receive periodic updates.

Again the link is: