RE: For CAT, I\'m sorry for last comment, info you had wanted.
I did not mean to snap at you, you had asked a question and here is youy info.
This is a gene type of affair which piggybacks to my past realtionship with Semjase.
I knew and felt this ability long before Semjase came here, however this process was only more accentuaited, when she came here in 1975.
On oil and Bush; I am in agreement with Randolph Winter's printing, in the book The Pleiadean Mission, that exaustion of the Earth's oil stores, does in a way, reduce the dampening effect, that oil has on the rotational stability of the Earth, plus geological substratta stability, which prevents and lessens eartquake impacts.
I feel that we should move to hydrogen fule, make oil recycleing, even for the government who the worst polutter, manditory and only reserve some oil useage, for small recreational vechiles, such as race cars, motor bike, skidoos and the like.
There have been studies produced, which do show that the mass ways of oil pumping from the ground that we now do, is geologicaly unstable to upper stratta plate joining areas.
These vast undergound oil stores, act as seismic movment shock absorbers.
I'm not an oil person, but am for very wise use of this now very precious resource.
Note that Gary Voss was adimatly in favour of hydrogen fules, for his Tap Ten group and I feel by coincidence the same.
On witches and Wiccans as you say, it was through Voss, that I had obtained more detail about my witche's standing.
Gary had the ability to reach an other frequency council, known as the Zoa Astrians.
Apparetnly I am held high within this council, which I had some suspission of, however not to the extent that Gary had said.
Wiccans are an organized movment and I'm not part of them, however in some ways retain my witche's status, which came back after the 1982 change.
This is a gift not to be bantered around as if it were a toy.
Look at the remaining Witches Of Essexs On Avon, at the change of the 1800s, to the 1900s in England, by the Village of Eastwick.
This info was published in a 1960's book, entitled Phenominon and had showed Old George, who was one of the male witches.
This was durring the industrial erra, of which the now generation of the 60s and 70s after seeing the aftermath ruin, of overindustiralization had said,"Oh why is thew world so dirty with polution and too much indistry"?
George did not like the new farm machinery, which was steam powered them and could simply glance at it, and stop it dead within its tracks.
There were a small grouping of people who were witches in this area, and were now coming out of the closet, due to the silver bromide emulsions makeing photography a popular venue.
This sort of over-rode the Anti Witchcraft act of 1775, so makeing the use of any sort of supposed withcraft, illegal within the eyes of the state.
The wimen who were senior, had the ability to stop horses-carts within their strides, so obtaining a ride home with their bundeled faggots, of wods and supplies for home.(faggots, bundels of sticks ment for fireplace burning as well as utility)
George was said to have somehow harvested a very large field, without the use of additional manpower, by himself, which was litterly impossable for a human to do.
He was seen at the end of this task, sitting against a tree, relaxed, with a peice of straw between his teeth.
Witches, real ones, are not uasually that bad, till you start stepping on them.
I'm not strange, in other areas, witches are quite common and do serve villages outside of availability to both doctrs and pharmological license, for the well being of that particular village.
Other odd flickers I want to mention.
Why did the Libians build a advance fule efficent automobile?
This car was on the web, did you see it?
I have to ask this, since the U.S. attack on Libia, as a terrorist condoning' state and the loss of Omar Kadaffies son.
//At one time, I felt that a tripartitie governemnt, would have been best for the united States, with three of more main represenatives, for each major eithnic set, for the masses.
Ezample, four to five leaders, for each ethnic sect, who would understand and be able to catier to that particular ethnenticity of people.Hispanic Jewish, somewhat caucasian, afro and so-on.
Note due to the new sexual revolution, which is vast loads of naked people now engauged in sexual expression on the web, this new event has somehow change the former view of ethnic divisions.