RE: Finchduck;Someone said linnearity?Symantics, then they fade:
Your all thinking and this scares me.
Here are tidbits for you all to chew on.
Darby, Segourney Weaver, as Ripply in the first Alien series, near the end of the movie.
She came back to get or at least trys to rescue Parker, from the creature, "Why'd she do that"?
Poor little Daniel as you say the bleatting lamb.
How innocent is he and what is the pourposes and intents other have uppon him?
This guy goes into his kitchen at 5:05 A.M. or near that that time thereabouts, to get a glass of water, looks at the clock and says, "Oh crap' only another hour to sleep and then it's up to work".
That hour passes and then the time is now 3:10 A.M..
Someone who has login privilages on this about net as well as the Anom net says the same exact thing via an e-mail and there is the mutuial feeling of something taken.
Mull that over, would you all please?
.To the fart that had slipped between the covers.
This guy is the other magician.
He has a photo of an adult holding a very small child's hand, which extoles a virtious magicial realtionship.
I never said that there was anything wrong with magic, or withes.
However say four years down the line, when this kid starts to throw fits, then breaks magnetic containment and burrows through six to eight feet of steel reinforced concrete and M-16s won't work on him, what are you going to do?
You don't dare call me, nobody talked to me before hand.
#Cetacians whales, chrystals and Atlantis.
Yes from the spiritweb, there is a direct possability that the Atlantians were once fourth dimensional beings and had changed to third dimension beings, by setteling here on Earth?
This would make some crystal use and the employmnet of crystals almost an addiction factor.
I mean like they had complete crystal forest, time travel ports, space travel, all founded and based on the firestone orb.
Dr. Fred Bell of Malibu Beach Calif, directs this technology at Pyradine Corp.
$A person will do what a person is prompted to do.
I made that turn onto the old highway South of Okanogan Washinton looked up on the hill and the little critter who I had tried to reach for months before materialized right out of the air in a flash.
The effect was like seeing a photo flash bulb go off and I had this little fella engrained at the back of my eye for about five minutes.
This was a good meeting, the little guy just poped in to say got your message hope all's is doing well.
Of course, I would make a bid for a public ambassador for offworld beings, what else would I do, if knowing E.T.s due my said connection is a second nature to me now?
&There is some bitterness about the lost time.
If they file sute, then they file, however you all know if this occurs, it will have to be in closed chambers, don't you?
>I close with an adult and child casting power cast, from the hands.
They are shaking bushes at over thirty feet with only the power shot from their hands.
To The Swordsman, they are not certan if held in some witches, of exceptional caliber, there is also a Wizzrd gene.
A wizzard is not a witch.
They are like dynamos from other dimensions and not to be trifeled with.
I see I have left vast amounts of questions still unanswered.
More had made the inteligent postulate, "Daniel' what if someone were to be able to costruct false realites and then be able to use these false realities, as escape pods"?
I both reaspect and fear More...With that i.q. of hers.
Intrest in gentics, physics, which she is really good at, other intrest.
And the intro into Ong's Hat, "You must understand, that sex is not just sex"!?
I would say that many questions are raised far more than similar to"Hi I'm Glenn Camble, or John Titor, uuk uk uk"
Anybody on this BBS, uf Art's, got the technolgy of a balance board, that will get me back of the twentys in the future"?
You see Titor's displacement machine suffered what is known as a random quantum flux spike.So particles burnt out this parti..."Oh shut up now"!
To TTA, no I don't project.
I could litteraly blow you out of the water, if I wanted to, however don't project, the way your saying?
Good luck to you and that beautiful lady.
Note if you go to Mexico, down to some of the rural villages that NPR just did a story on the Mexican Rural witches, drop in and say Hi! to them.
Take a care package down to the such as a few household goods and items that they might not have?
Listen to what they say, however don't cosort with the bad witches?
....And More is a beautiful rachorse, standing sixteen hands high, dreanched with sweat, line and sinue.
On this leading someone from the crowd shouts, "She is the finest mare of all".
Dare I diddle inback of something like that, within the stall?
Most expierneced handlers would never dare dream of something such as ,....Darby's dinner...........??
Happy trails to you untill we meet again..,
Happy trails to you,.. keep smileing untill then.
Happy trails to you,.... untill' we meet... again?!