Final Warning from 2026 For All Humanity! URGENT!

Re: Milestone 2 Reached...

Its all about the particle spin Recall.

BTW what are wrong in this picture from the Grandfather Thread??

The Arrow of Time!!!

You, Right, Thanks...
Nihil declarandum!!!

I will leave this thread unlocked long enough for the following (if the users should wish to take such actions):

1) If Einstein wishes to rethink his decision to link my personal page in the open forum, he will be permitted to make such an edit. This is out of courtesy. I could, of course, delete it myself. But that would only bring more accusations against me.
2) If Pamela wishes to answer my direct question, which could ensure her comment is not misconstrued, then she can do so. She can also remove the statement which I can infer to be a threat to me, if she so chooses.

If these changes are not made, then I reserve the right to lock this thread after conferring with Raul.


Nihil declarandum!!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Re: Nihil declarandum!!!

How to tell you've stayed up too long after the midnight shift? You start to write a post and have nothing to write...
/ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif ...God I'm tired...we need a sleep emoticon.
Can we rename this thread...the best way to read about nothing in under five minutes...why does that Pamela seem to get so heated up? Sorry if she's someone's good friend...I really shouldn't say anything, I don't know her at all...

Didn't she post with the original Titor???
Re: Nihil declarandum!!!

Nihil declarandum!!!

seem you undestand Latin Too!!!
How to tell you've stayed up too long after the midnight shift? You start to write a post and have nothing to write...
...God I'm tired...we need a sleep emoticon.
Can we rename this thread...the best way to read about nothing in under five minutes..


LOLOL!!! :oops:

look like this:
Conficker Worm Strikes Back With New Variant

Erik Larkin

Mar 6, 2009 3:54 pm

The Conficker/Downadup worm managed to slither onto millions of PCs worldwide at its height, but after it initially infected a computer it only really acted to spread itself, and didn't cause further harm. Until now.

Symantec reports today that it has found a new variant of the virulent worm that will identify antivirus software or security analysis tools running on the infected PC, and attempt to shut down those programs. This is a strong signal that the worm's mysterious creators haven't abandoned their creation in the face of worldwide attention, as some in the industry have theorized, but may still have plans to make a buck off their work.

Vincent Weafer, Vice President, Symantec Security Response, says the company has only seen the new variation as an update that was sent to an existing worm on a honeypot (a machine that's purposely left infected to watch for updates and changes). Symantec hasn't yet seen this functionality in a new worm variant that can spread on its own, Weafer says, but that may be coming.

In addition to the strike against security software, which is a common tactic for malware, the new functionality also expands the lists of domains Conficker will check each day for updates from 250 to 50,000. This is a clear attempt to counter an industry coalition that attempts to block access to those domains each day.

end quoted from:
Link to PC WORLD

Re: Final Warning from 2026 For All Humanity! URGE

You're equating "In a single moment the Majority of Americans will all be in awe at one defining moment for the year of 2008" with "Congress started semi-impeachment hearings against Bush, and NASA Apollo Astronaut Edgar Mitchell publicly claimed that aliens and UFOs are real."

Yeah, well, so I was wrong. The UFO story went nowhere.

But wasn't Zeshua right anyway? Weren't the majority of Americans in awe when we elected a Black man to be our President last November, and wasn't that the defining moment of the year?
Re: Final Warning from 2026 For All Humanity! URGE

But wasn't Zeshua right anyway? Weren't the majority of Americans in awe when we elected a Black man to be our President last November, and wasn't that the defining moment of the year?

You've taken so many bites out of this apple that I'm frankly surprised that there's any left. You were guessing last summer and now you're data mining to fit facts to history - which is still guessing.

Are "the majority of Americans in awe" over electing Obama? I don't know and neither do you. How does one measure "in awe" and determine whether or not a majority of people are "in awe" as defined by that single standard?

Was the election the defining moment of the year? Maybe, but probably not - at least no more than the general election can be said to be the defining moment of every general election year in the USA. As a basis for determining a "hit" for a prediction it might be true but only trivially so.

But I thought that you already decided back in August that this prediction was a miss for The Zed Person.

Goo-ooo-ROO the Great and Wonderful, by His Grace, Lord Emperor of Bern and Adversary of He Who Has a Pact With Satan, Amen has asked me why I'm even on this woo-woo thread. I have to admit that I did not have a reasonable explanation for him. As pennance I had to chant the Third Mantra 100 times.
Re: Final Warning from 2026 For All Humanity! URGE

But I thought that you already decided back in August that this prediction was a miss for The Zed Person.

Goo-ooo-ROO the Great and Wonderful, by His Grace, Lord Emperor of Bern and Adversary of He Who Has a Pact With Satan, Amen has asked me why I'm even on this woo-woo thread. I have to admit that I did not have a reasonable explanation for him. As pennance I had to chant the Third Mantra 100 times.

a Timeline change!!!

The code at the beginning of this thread has still not been deciphered so far as I know.

The Michael Jackson prediction fit into that category as well until very recently.

Many of Zeshua's other predictions do so as well. I ran across this one in my files this morning; it has already been posted here once before (at ):

“The Mo rning pours
Rains and Tears
What occurs next
Has been planned Fo r years

All the worlds His stage
Soon we revist His rage
While all shall Re-mourn
You will be Re-warned
The voice behind the curtain speaks
This should be clear in the next several weeks

Seven to Eleven
Eleven be concerned
This Element Bubbles
Their Plot quickly Turned”

There are many odd things about this one: the typically odd capitalization, the odd missing letters and missing letter spaces, and of course the interpretation of the text. I don't have a clue about any of it, except the phrase "Seven to Eleven, Eleven be concerned", which seems related to her earlier

“Leis code is difficult
its secrets earned
seven to eleven
dalf the world turned.
Cards collapse
thy dollar not firm
twelve to fifteen
half the world burned.”

which seems to have correctly predicted the start of the economic collapse in 2007 and indicates that it will continue at least until 2011. The newer phrase "eleven be concerned" suggests that the societal effects of the Depression will reach a fearful level in 2011. Now I don't know if that means that we can breathe easy until then or not, but it does at least suggest that we treat any seeming dangers that might appear to threaten us in 2011 as issues that oughtn't be ignored, in any case.

The segment

All the worlds His stage
Soon we revist His rage
While all shall Re-mourn
You will be Re-warned
The voice behind the curtain speaks

reminds me of some of the things that Ada Sunstorm over at has written, and reminds me that I continue to wonder if Zeshua and Ada are the same person. It is just another mystery in a sea of them.

Ray, you seem to feel I should be chastised for claiming certainty, but the only thing I am sure of about all this are the questions.
Ray, you seem to feel I should be chastised for claiming certainty, but the only thing I am sure of about all this are the questions.

That is Samael talking, and smart people will not let it stand. You, Peter, know exactly why I am chastising you. I have spelled it out in many, many posts, all of which you ignore and you have responded to none of this criticism. You ignore the massive (and continually increasing) evidence to the much more simple explanation of the Zeshua hoax. And it is your choice to do that, and continue your push for a future of doom, that reveals Samael for who/what it is.

Your choice, Peter. Choose wisely.
Re: Final Warning from 2026 For All Humanity! URGE

For the uninitiated, the Third Mantrum is:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Meshua Minda
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Zeshua Meshua Minda.

Re: Final Warning from 2026 For All Humanity! URGE

Zeshua claimed to be a Time Traveler. Hence, all her threads belong under TT Claims.

Thread moved.
Keeping it fresh as this is relevant to our present situation.

Instead of simply bumping up threads in the forums; Why don't you expand on your comment...tell us how (in your opinion) is this thread relevant to our present situation?
I think the "cards collapse dollar not firm" is pretty relevant to next 6-10 months. We have another month or so before congress passes a budget with some cuts here and there for show. They will increase debt limit enough for 6 months worth. The global delusional perception will be fiscal responsibility. QE2 will continue through early summer. After that, I give it only a month or two before dollar goes weee weee weee all the way home.

As for "element boils"... wHAT if the sun pops out a CME at 1420mhrtz and starts boiling water everywhere. Maybe pockets of this frequency are what has causes the variuos bird and fish deaths all over the globe in January 2011 and August 2010.