Final Warning from 2026 For All Humanity! URGENT!

Re: Final Warning from 2026 For All Humanity! URGE

All of these mouthpieces for mysterious time travellers are just the modern version of the old priests who would scuttle into the back room of a temple to talk to god... Catch is the back room was just an empty store room. There was and is no superhuman force to tell us what will happen and what to do. There is no proof of it, there is no need for it and there is no evidence it even has a place in the universe.

Now you are saying that God doesn't exist? You really are a doubting thomas aren't you? lol
I have news for you. Just because you have not had a personal experience or have not been shown the proof does not mean something does not exist. We cannot see everything that exist here with our
natural eyes. That does not mean it doesn't exist it just means you cannot see it.

Do you believe radio waves exist? Yet without the proper instrument to tune into the right frequency you are not even aware they are all around you.

I have to say also just because you have had no personal experience with a time traveler does not mean they don't exist. If you have no experience with God it does not mean he doesn't exist either.

I have personally had no experience with alien beings so I cannot be 100 percent sure they don't exist. The same is true for you wether you deny it or not. Some people have seen them who am I to say they have not seen something? Who am I to make fun of them? I don't have 100 percent knowledge to say they do not exist.

I think the funniest thing about "titor" is the people who don't believe he could be real talk about him more than the people who have kept an open mind about it. LOL /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Re: Final Warning from 2026 For All Humanity! URGE

I have to say also just because you have had no personal experience with a time traveler (or anything else for that matter) does not mean they don't exist.

I have two words for that "iron clad" logic: Santa Claus

Do you believe in the tooth fairy as much as you believe in radio waves, Pamela?
(I am, of course, making a brash assumption that you have never had a personal experience with the tooth fairy!) /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Now you can tell me I am being disrespectful, or something emotional like that. hahaha
Re: Final Warning from 2026 For All Humanity! URGE

Do you believe in God rainman?

I am sure there are certain things you have no knowledge of
and yet you think yourself superior and smarter than all others here.
Yet you don't even have the wisdom to hold your tongue so
that you may not hurt another individual by what you post.
Nor do you seem to know or understand the consequences that will come back
to you for doing so.
Re: Final Warning from 2026 For All Humanity! URGE


A personal link posted here- why?

This is nothing more than a slighting ad hominem attack by someone who clearly lacks all grounds and ability to articulate any form of cogent let alone rational argument.

The holes in some people's thinking are so big... It's scary.

And once again- this all smacks of religiosity and superstition, a darkness that damned near claimed civilisation once and bids fair to do it again it seems.

Interesting concession by you Pamela, too- Titor hoax supporters are "believers" huh? Interesting. Belief of course in the sense you mean it is correlative with lack of evidence, which in turn is a full admission that TITOR IS HOGWASH! If there is no evidence then what has been presented as his evidence, uncluding predictions, is not persuasive, correct or in any sense binding. In other words, as woolly and addictive as any other form of pseudo-religious faith.

Believers and unbelievers. Fantastic.

I would put it more accurately as the CONvinced and the unCONvinced.

What a disgrace.
Re: Final Warning from 2026 For All Humanity! URGE

Nor do you seem to know or understand the consequences that will come back
to you for doing so.

Just to be clear, Pamela, I would like to ask: Is this some kind of threat? If you refuse to respond I have no other choice but to assume the answer is yes.

Do you believe in God rainman?

Are you equating Titor with God, now? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif Besides, there is more than one thread right here in this forum that would clearly answer your question.

And as for you, Einstein: Would you now like to divulge your entire name for all here to see? Or are you content to hide behind an anonymous front whereas I am an open book? Clearly you think that by "outing" me in response to Pamela's post that you are giving someone information to do me harm. Right? That is the logic that lead you to make that post, correct? For I do not see any other logic that would fit.

Re: Final Warning from 2026 For All Humanity! URGE

And once again- this all smacks of religiosity and superstition, a darkness that damned near claimed civilisation once and bids fair to do it again it seems.

civilization as we know it...LOL!
Re: Final Warning from 2026 For All Humanity! URGE


A personal link posted here- why?

This is nothing more than a slighting ad hominem attack by someone who clearly lacks all grounds and ability to articulate any form of cogent let alone rational argument.

The holes in some people's thinking are so big... It's scary.

And once again- this all smacks of religiosity and superstition, a darkness that damned near claimed civilisation once and bids fair to do it again it seems.

Believe me now?

It never ends brother...

But It has to end...

There is no rational reason why that could not be sent personally.
It is like someone claiming how witty and responsive they are ,in a forum, Acknowledging their own brilliance by throwing feces.

Now you understand why I said that the outside influences and attacks have to stop?

As far as a lot of these guys in here they have known each other personally for a while and it is not my place to walk in and say a damn thing.

There are I.P.s in this forum if you want to personally look up a hoaxer -- but THIS? this goes into the vendetta territory.......It is just sad..

Re: Final Warning from 2026 For All Humanity! URGE

I will leave this thread unlocked long enough for the following (if the users should wish to take such actions):

1) If Einstein wishes to rethink his decision to link my personal page in the open forum, he will be permitted to make such an edit. This is out of courtesy. I could, of course, delete it myself. But that would only bring more accusations against me.
2) If Pamela wishes to answer my direct question, which could ensure her comment is not misconstrued, then she can do so. She can also remove the statement which I can infer to be a threat to me, if she so chooses.

If these changes are not made, then I reserve the right to lock this thread after conferring with Raul.

Re: Final Warning from 2026 For All Humanity! URGE

i know this is off topic but i wrote this song awhile back, it is a view of my personal beliefs.
this song is a little biblical but if you like it pass it along...

i am

you never find me alone,
i'll never be with friends,
i will always be by your side,
you'll never see me in nature,
i will always love you,
i will never be mad always be glad thinking of you...

i can float on water,
i can sit in trees,
i will be your clouds when you really need me,
let your spirit carry me,
because this what i am
because this what i am

i am the idea that makes ideas be,
i am the love you can't feel,
i am the love you can't forget,
and sometimes when you think you know me,
you really don't know me at all.

i can float on water,
i can sit in trees,
i will be your clouds when you really need me,
let your spirit carry me,
because this what i am
because this what i am

i am the wind beneath your wings,
i'll help you fight when your in trouble,
i'll be the rock to hold you up,
i have a promise to you always to hold,

i can float on water,
i can sit in trees,
i will be your clouds when you really need me,
let your spirit carry me,
because this what i am
because this what i am

i can be an ocean,
i can be the air you breath,
and people say heaven in the skies others say heaven deep inside,
i am the light water that makes life be,

because this what i am
because this what i am
because this what i am
because this what i am
Re: Final Warning from 2026 For All Humanity! URGE

"and yet you think yourself superior and smarter than all others here."

nah, im the one that thinks that. :D

to ray: well, you like the offspring, so theres hope for you yet! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

...ahhh its good to be back. seeing ray and pamela go at each others throat... good times.
Re: Final Warning from 2026 For All Humanity! URGE

Just to be clear, Pamela, I would like to ask: Is this some kind of threat? If you refuse to respond I have no other choice but to assume the answer is yes.

You took that as a threat?? I was talking about the principals of Karma. I thought surely you would understand that. Actually not exactly Karma but I thought this is what you would understand.

Are you equating Titor with God, now? Besides, there is more than one thread right here in this forum that would clearly answer your question.

That is ridiculous. I simply asked you a question. When I read your response to me and how you took it I couldn't believe it. I can't help it Einstein posted that link of you it was none of my doing. Do you really think I am going to take the time to go and research all of your threads?

You don't have to lock the thread rainman time. Besides that sounds like a threat to me.
You are going to lock a thread because I won't respond to you?
You attack me everytime I post something. You have come in here and completely took over the forum attacking everyone who doesn't believe the way you do. This is a time travel forum its not a science forum. It is my understanding that you know nothing about time travel and I am beginning to believe you don't even think time travelers exist.

My question is Why would a person continually talk to someone who is rude and disrespectful to them?
Thats often why I do not respond to you in posts. Alot of the times I am not even posting to you but you have to get in there and make some kind of rude remark to me. I am afraid your ego has outgrown who you really are.

If you felt threatened from anything I posted I personally apologize to you. Almost everything I say is pulled out to distortion. I had nothing to do with the Titor story. I never gained anything from it. I don't know who was behind it either. All I did was help someone post a picture and ask him some questions. If I wouldn't have asked the questions it is obvious you would have nothing to talk about today. Your welcome. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Actually I am not sorry I met John but I am sorry I continually waste my time posting to people on the board that are rude and disrespectful.(not everyone here is like that)

Goodluck rainman.


Don't worry it is not compromised Recall.

"Because I know he won't answer RMT....."

He who uses the time machine last...wins.

Hey...I like that saying. lol
Re: Final Warning from 2026 For All Humanity! URGE

You took that as a threat?? I was talking about the principals of Karma. I thought surely you would understand that.

Thank you for the clarification.

That is ridiculous. I simply asked you a question.

And there is a thread in this forum called "God?" in which I was one of two proponents for the logic of a systemic creator. The other proponent being OvrLrdLegion (hello in Texas!). Moreover, reading my page that Einstein linked to could also, partially, answer your question.

When I read your response to me and how you took it I couldn't believe it. There is way too much anger here.

And so are you saying you did not get angry when I asked you a valid question about your belief in the tooth fairy viz-a-viz your belief in radio waves? You seemed to interpret that as an "attack" on you. Rather it was an attack on the idea of your earlier rhetoric using the belief in radio waves. I have not made one, single personal attack on you, Pamela. But I have questioned your logic and reason that you share. Can you not tell the difference?

I can't help it Einstein posted that link of you it was none of my doing.

Nor have I held you anywhere, in any way, responsible for his actions. If you can show me where I may have held you accountable for Einstein's actions, I would apoligize. But I clearly addressed my concern with Einstein's actions to Einstein in my reply. Simple. Unemotional. Clear.

You attack me everytime I post something.

There is a difference between attacking someone's logic and reasoning, and attacking them personally. This is one of the first things one must learn in a debate: Separate personal feelings from a debate of facts and beliefs. Those who cannot make such a separation will typically think that someone's questioning of their logic and reason is a personal affront. For example, let us examine your claim above (this is NOT an attack against you, but a questioning of the veracity of your claim): I most certainly do NOT attack you everytime you post something. The fact is, there have been many posts you have made here where I have not responded to you at all. This counters the factual basis of your statement. Now I would even say that I have never attacked you at all; however, I will certainly admit to calling into question (if you call that "attacking") your beliefs and what they are founded upon.

You have come in here and completely took over the forum attacking everyone who doesn't believe the way you do. This is a time travel forum its not a science forum.

In case you have not noticed it, there are attacks on truth (and specifically science) happening all over the world, with the internet having an especially high concentration of such attacks. Hoaxers and scam artists have never ceased trying to separate a person from their money. Science is our best tool for preventing these types of specific monetary attacks, in addition to the attacks on truth. If time travel is ever to become a reality, you can certainl bet that science will have (and has had) something very powerful to say about it. If I am deemed "evil" for invoking solid, well-validate science here as a means to "attack" preposterous ideas, then all I can say to that accusation is "Hail Satan!" /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif (Reference: SouthPark Christmas Critters Episode).

Rainman I never meant you any harm. If you felt harm from anything I posted I personally apologize to you.

Thank you. And in case there was ever a doubt, I have never meant you any harm either. Nor ANYONE on this forum, past, present, and (hopefully) future. Not even Titorite, not even jmpet, not even Javier. I am able to engage in verbal sparring without hating or wishing ill on the person I may spar with. And so I apologize to you if you have felt harm from any of my statements.

All I did was help someone post a picture and ask him some questions and all hell was leaped upon me because of it.

Certainly you must know that "all hell" was not heaped upon you JUST for helping someone post a picture? Certainly you must know that people (without hating you or wishing you ill will) can disagree (sometimes vehemently) with your beliefs, actions, or otherwise acceptance of the Titor story, right?

If you are feeling so "ganged-up on" with respect to all this, let me harken back to a concept you brought up to me in your reply: Karma. If you believe in karma, then is it even remotely possible (somewhat more possible than Titor's story being true, perhaps?) that the "all hell" you feel that you get because of your involvement in the Titor story is the karmic result of how you chose to act and act out with regard to the Titor story? Is this not at least somewhat possible?

Re: Final Warning from 2026 For All Humanity! URGE

well, i thought up about a million and one jokes from your picture ray, but i couldnt think up one way to ask pamela to stay, so im just gonna say it. dont leave! alot of folks here appreciate you and the things you talk about.

i hope you think about it at least.

p.s. ray, your man-bear chest is a whole 'nother living organism. ill save the man-bear jokes for a rainy day though. :D
Re: Milestone 2 Reached...

as History Judged...The Fate of TTI was compromised...again
In reply to:
Just to be clear, Pamela, I would like to ask: Is this some kind of threat? If you refuse to respond I have no other choice but to assume the answer is yes.

You took that as a threat?? I was talking about the principals of Karma. I thought surely you would understand that.

In reply to:
Are you equating Titor with God, now? Besides, there is more than one thread right here in this forum that would clearly answer your question.

That is ridiculous. I simply asked you a question. When I read your response to me and how you took it I couldn't believe it. There is way too much anger here. I can't help it Einstein posted that link of you it was none of my doing.

You don't have to lock the thread rainman time I am out of here. You attack me everytime I post something. You have come in here and completely took over the forum attacking everyone who doesn't believe the way you do. This is a time travel forum its not a science forum.

Rainman I never meant you any harm. If you felt harm from anything I posted I personally apologize to you. I will leave the board because it seems I am the one everyone is angry with.
Everything I say is pulled out to distortion. I had nothing to do with the Titor story. I never gained anything from it. I don't know who was behind it either. Infact all I ever recieved from it was grief. All I did was help someone post a picture and ask him some questions and all hell was leaped upon me because of it.

I do apologize to you rainman you won't be hearing from me anymore.
yes, I am sorry I ever met John it brought nothing to me but grief.

Goodluck rainman.

Re: Milestone 2 Reached...

as History Judged...The Fate of TTI was compromised...again

I don't expect you to comply (as in the past you have not), but I have to at least ask: Could you please explain yourself in this statement, recall? Thanks.

Re: Milestone 2 Reached...

Because I know he won't answer RMT.....

He is saying we are right back where we started....

And that it is a race between two characters....

I think he thinks in images...I still like the way he puts it together...
I really don't think he makes any predictive mentions, it is just like an interpretation of the situation.

You have to admit that there is some reason to it...
Re: Milestone 2 Reached... the sense of Response...

Cogito ergo doleo!!!

As this timeworld/timeline change, the convergence point like TTP, you see the STATS, you got the numbers... compare the years... is not hard math LOL!!!

so shall you post some numbers/stats of TTI to see it?

and is just like what "Einstein" felt...

Reality seems governed by the kind of randomness that Einstein loathed and that quantum theory is rooted in. But any alternative explanation would have to allow information to travel at least 10,000 times faster than light, physicists have now shown in the most stringent such test to date.

Nicolas Gisin and his team at the University of Geneva sent pairs of photons traveling separately along optical fibers. Without weirdness of quantum mechanics, the photons’ behavior could only be explained if photons separated by 18 kilometers could influence each other virtually instantaneously. That would be a blatant violation of the solidly tested principle that nothing travels faster than light — part of Einstein’s theory of relativity.

The team sent the photons along two optical fibers, from Geneva to the nearby towns of Jussy and Satigny, they describe in the Aug. 14 Nature. The photons were generated in a state of quantum uncertainty, so that their departure times would be slightly fuzzy.

When a photon arrived at its destination, it was detected. This detection gave the photons’ travel times precise values, erasing the uncertainty. The travel times showed small, random variations from one photon to the next, Gisin explains. Quantum theory predicts that in this type of situation, it is impossible to predict the exact travel time in advance, and that, in fact, even the photons themselves don’t know what the travel time is.

The physicists also created the photons in such a way that the destiny of each photon sent to Jussy was linked by quantum entanglement to the destiny of a photon sent to Satigny. Quantum entagled particles form one system, rather than separate systems with independent properties.

In this case, the travel times were correlated, and once a photon was detected, the travel time of its twin ceased to be undefined. Once measured, the second photon’s travel time turned out to be identical to that of its entangled twin.

read more at:
<a href=",_and_a_quick_one_at_that" target="_blank">FTL comm</a>

Nihil declarandum!!!