Another possible method of multiversal jumping and time travel would be to alter the quantum signature of matter to that of a neighboring universe so that travel becomes a means of moving sideways through time - deliberately altering the non-local quantum resonance to that of a different universe, thereby creating a window of opportunity, where one phase shifts into the alternate reality.
If a person suspects that they have somehow "fallen through the cracks" into a parallel reality is a very close approximation of the their twin reality ...but it is one that has ever so slight deviations from their memories of the old reality, then it most likely will be shrugged off, and, life goes on. Knocking on wood reassures them, and us, of their and our faith in the concrete aspects of perception, or so we hope.
"Cracks" are a metaphor for the resonant bridges between parallel realities, whereby a person can exchange places with their identical twin in a neighboring universe, one that is approximately 99.999... percent identical with THIS universe Slight memory discrepancies would be one way to verify the exchange took place.
Due to a time displacement in the exchange process, a couple of seconds of "missing time" could be perceived. Quantum shifting of non-local resonances precipitates the jump into a nearby universe.
Theorization doesn't always exclude the necesitation of imaginative postulation. Some would call it "bullshitting" I suspect that many of the so called neural blips are associated with jumps into parallel realities. It could be a dangerous experience while driving an automobile, yes.
Indeed, experience must be weighted by the logical ramifications of the scientific method. Probability must be more than just an abstract modeling method. It accurately describes the real world ...and a continuum of all possible worlds form a coherent unity of mind AKA the metaverse.
Any advanced being with the technology to step outside their evolving branch universe into the infinite dimensional metaversal landscape, would need to have the mental ability to perceive such a multidimensional existence.
If a person suspects that they have somehow "fallen through the cracks" into a parallel reality is a very close approximation of the their twin reality ...but it is one that has ever so slight deviations from their memories of the old reality, then it most likely will be shrugged off, and, life goes on. Knocking on wood reassures them, and us, of their and our faith in the concrete aspects of perception, or so we hope.
"Cracks" are a metaphor for the resonant bridges between parallel realities, whereby a person can exchange places with their identical twin in a neighboring universe, one that is approximately 99.999... percent identical with THIS universe Slight memory discrepancies would be one way to verify the exchange took place.
Due to a time displacement in the exchange process, a couple of seconds of "missing time" could be perceived. Quantum shifting of non-local resonances precipitates the jump into a nearby universe.
Theorization doesn't always exclude the necesitation of imaginative postulation. Some would call it "bullshitting" I suspect that many of the so called neural blips are associated with jumps into parallel realities. It could be a dangerous experience while driving an automobile, yes.
Indeed, experience must be weighted by the logical ramifications of the scientific method. Probability must be more than just an abstract modeling method. It accurately describes the real world ...and a continuum of all possible worlds form a coherent unity of mind AKA the metaverse.
Any advanced being with the technology to step outside their evolving branch universe into the infinite dimensional metaversal landscape, would need to have the mental ability to perceive such a multidimensional existence.