Experiment with Time, your assistance is requested


Temporal Novice
We will be conducting the following experiment which will be completed before March 2009.

During the course of this experiment, we will be taking questions from the general public and selectively answering those questions within the confines of this experiment. In order to maintain our feasibility within this study, the following methods are stated beforehand.

Selective answering method -

Questions will be directly inserted into a simulator. The simulator will determine the nature of the question, its feasibility in being answered, and if it falls within the guidelines, a respective answer along with (2) plausible but incorrect answers will be given.

Quality control will be maintained by the simulator.

This experiment commences immediately. Please allow us time to maintain and control the experiment, some answers may take longer than others. In many cases we are simply given descriptive words and must create the sentence structure around those words.

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The United States of America, in 2009, was teetering at the very heights of its greatest triumphs, only to succumb to the depths of its enormous debts. The entire capitalistic empire which had hedged the entire worlds markets initiated a free fall slide that demolished capital and destroyed world wide wealth. This Global economic collapse was so much worse than the depression era of the 30's. Millions of Americans were turned into homeless. There was no quick or sudden economic turn around, things did not suddenly "Get Better."

What do you want?
I don't understand what this has to do with time.... And furthermore:

Do you have a proper experimental design which would provide a lot more information than you have done here. It is very confusing what you have written.

I don't understand what this has to do with time.... And furthermore:

Do you have a proper experimental design which would provide a lot more information than you have done here. It is very confusing what you have written.


Ray, it is good speaking with you again. This experiment has everything to do with time.

I apologize if you have become confused by the stated goals of this experiment. Let us clear up any confusion.

You (The general public) are to ask questions about the future.

We will attempt to answer as many of those questions as we can as honestly as we can within the confines of what the simulator allows us to say. Responses that we are able to give will contain 1 nugget of truth, and 2 plausible but incorrect answers.

With the goal of being able to provide your time with information about the future without severely impacting the timeline.
Re: Experiment with Time, your assistance is reque

ok, ill bite, but seeing as how i get 3 answers to one question, its probably not going to go well.

1. will i ever time travel and save my mother?

2. will i live my dreams? or will i be stuck in this hellhole forever?

3.will my children live a long happy life?

4.where is my favorite place to go?

5.how will i die?
Ray, it is good speaking with you again.

Bad way to start with me. Really bad. Zeshua tried to speak this way to me...it didn't work.

With the goal of being able to provide your time with information about the future

As I expected.... another time travel claim. Your thread will now be moved to the appropriate forum here. You are "right on time" for being Zeshua, and apparantly just as uninformed about our rules for TT claims.

I apologize if you have become confused by the stated goals of this experiment. Let us clear up any confusion.

I asked for your proper experimental design. If you are doing this under the auspicies of any scientific organization, then you should have one. Please provide this for myself and others to evaluate.

Re: Experiment with Time, your assistance is reque

1. will i ever time travel and save my mother?

Most likely not. We do not believe physical time travel is currently possibly.

2. will i live my dreams? or will i be stuck in this hellhole forever?

If you live within the Contiguous 48 states you will most likely remain with the "hellhole" as you put it.

3.will my children live a long happy life?

Probably not, unless you escaped and took them with you. Children were often left behind though, and thought to be a burden during times of mass migrations to Canada and Mexico. I was left behind as a child so I can attest to this.

4.where is my favorite place to go?

We do not know who you are, how do you expect us to know? If you would like you can send an electronic message to [email protected] with your name, your age in 2009 and the city/state where you currently reside. A crosscheck can be run and we can determine if any articles or news stories of the time mention your name or a new place of residence.

5.how will i die?

Most likely the same way as everyone else of your time. During the Great Reclamation, either towards the beginning when the bottom drops out of the dollar and most cities and counties go bust, along with several of the larger states. Or immediately afterwards when your city is invaded and you were unable to flee. Several billion die worldwide.


You may die in 2012 when a series of events between Russia and Iran cause an exchange of nuclear ordinance. Israel is forced into a response and the result is that several billion die worldwide as a result of radiation.


You may die in 2015 when the Destroyer of Worlds returns to wipe the face of the planet clean. A great plague is unleashed and although millions have died before due to other tragedies, this particular plague is responsible for billions of deaths worldwide.
Re: Experiment with Time, your assistance is reque

ruthless, this is easy :D 3 answers to every question, and only 1 has to be right!

1. will i ever time travel and save my mother?
Yes. No. Maybe.

2. will i live my dreams? or will i be stuck in this hellhole forever?
Yes. No. Maybe.

3.will my children live a long happy life?
Yes. No. Maybe.

4.where is my favorite place to go?
Earth. Space. Somewhere else.

5.how will i die?
Natural causes. Unnatural causes. Something else.

See? No simulator required. :D
Re: Experiment with Time, your assistance is reque

Sol Invictus, eh? Okay, sure. I'm in the mood to play again.

I see that you are answering some questions outright, and only doing the mysterious three-way answer in select cases. Appreciate that. Here's some questions:

What's going on with all the satellites up in the sky right now? The US shoots one down last year, then US and Russian satellites crash into each other, and Iran sent some up, and now NKorea wants to send one up too. Any connection? Anything going on behind the scenes we might want to know about with all of that?

Do you know if any nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons are ever used against Americans on American soil? When and where and how bad?

What is the breakdown of those "billions" that die? Is it pretty much even across the board, or do a higher percentage die in some areas than others? Where and when?

What happens in US elections over the next 10 years?

Which cities and states go bankrupt, and when? What happens when they do?

Is the US dollar officially replaced by another currency?

Do areas in the US start using scrip for awhile anywhere? When and where does this start?

What happens in September 2009 in the USA? Someone told me that was supposed to be some kind of a big deal then.

Does GM go bankrupt? When?

Do all those US homeless get taken into government internment camps?

Does bird flu ever hit?

Does famine ever hit the USA? When?

When were you abandoned?

When does the bottom drop out of the dollar?

What happens in 2012?

What worldwide political developments occur as a consequence of the economic collapse? Do we see a recurrence of the political extremism, fascism, ect., that followed the Great Depression?

What happens to Israel and Palestine?

Does America ever go to war with Iran?

What happens to Russia and China?

Does Japan fall into the ocean like Edgar Cayce said it would?

What's with all the food recalls? Is the peanut butter okay or not?

What happens in the world of religion over the next 20 years?

What sort of secret technology does the US have that we don't know about?

Does the US government know that this economic collapse is going to keep getting worse? What do they do to try to maintain law and order?

Are foreign troops deployed within the US in significant numbers?

Do stores run out of food in America? When? Everywhere or only in certain locations? Where?

Are there riots in the US? When and where?

What happens in Mexico? Does their government collapse?

What would you do if you were in our shoes right now?

How freaked out do people get about those 2012 prophecies as 2012 gets closer?

Was Titor right about 2015?

Does weather or climate change play any significant role in international developments in the next 20 years?

What happens to the price of gasoline over the next few years in the US?

Are there any terrorist attacks in the US? When and where and how bad?

Is the US government behind any of them?

Does Obama serve his full term?

Have we seen the last of George W. Bush?

What is the best thing that happens over the next 20 years?

What can one do to best prepare to survive?

Was Titor right about the colleges and universities? Why?

Do street gangs play a significant role in how things play out in the US over the next 20 years? Do they emerge from the chaos with any power, or are they consumed by it like everyone else?

What if any large-scale political conspiracies are in play over the next 20 years?

Was this financial crisis intentionally designed and executed? By whom and for what reasons? Do they achieve their objectives?

Does the US government default on their debt?

What is the next major war? When and between which nations?

Do US troops ever leave Iraq? When?

When do the first large-scale riots occur in America? Where? Describe them.

Does the US experience gasoline shortages? When and for how long? What is the price of gas in 2010? 2011? 2012? 2013?

What happens when the US dollar collapses? How does that affect life for the average citizen in America? Do we see hyperinflation? When?

Are cities and states able to provide bread lines and shelter for the homeless and hungry?

When do we find out what really happened on 9/11? Where the Israelis involved?

Does America survive as a nation? What if any changes occur in the makeup of the government and constitution?

How many billions die? From what, in what order, and when and where? How many from each nation, and in which years?

What happens in Chicago and Indianapolis between 2009 - 2020?

What major earthquakes occur? When and where and what magnitude?

What movie wins the Best Picture Oscar at the Feb 2010 Academy Awards?

Who is the next big-name celebrity that's going to die, and when?

What is the most important thing we should be aware of?

What is the biggest mistake the average US citizen makes over the next 20 years?

What happens in Europe over the next 20 years? Do some nations fare better than others?

Is there a significant exodus from US cities to the countryside? When?
Re: Experiment with Time, your assistance is reque

Most likely the same way as everyone else of your time. During the Great Reclamation, either towards the beginning when the bottom drops out of the dollar and most cities and counties go bust, along with several of the larger states. Or immediately afterwards when your city is invaded and you were unable to flee. Several billion die worldwide.

Invaded by whom? When does this invasion occur exactly?
Re: Experiment with Time, your assistance is reque


The odds that Sol=Zeshua have just gone up by 100% now that Peter has shown up. And one should note that we are definitely in the "Zeshua season" of the calendar year, but our unfavorite hero from the future has yet to make his/her appearance.

Re: Experiment with Time, your assistance is reque

Most likely the same way as everyone else of your time. During the Great Reclamation, either towards the beginning when the bottom drops out of the dollar and most cities and counties go bust, along with several of the larger states. Or immediately afterwards when your city is invaded and you were unable to flee. Several billion die worldwide.


You may die in 2012 when a series of events between Russia and Iran cause an exchange of nuclear ordinance. Israel is forced into a response and the result is that several billion die worldwide as a result of radiation.


You may die in 2015 when the Destroyer of Worlds returns to wipe the face of the planet clean. A great plague is unleashed and although millions have died before due to other tragedies, this particular plague is responsible for billions of deaths worldwide.
Occam's Razor suggests that the first of these three is most likely to be the correct answer.
Re: Experiment with Time, your assistance is reque

The odds that Sol=Zeshua have just gone up by 100% now that Peter has shown up.
It really has nothing to do with Peter showing up. The fact that it was posted here by Zeshua, and several were reminded that all communication would stop after 3/09, means that many interested parties are watching. Not just Peter.

Further, Zeshua said she was part of a group doing an experiment. Sol may be part of that group.

Where did you/your family reside when you were abandoned?

What do I want? I'd settle for peace and the Golden Rule.
Re: Experiment with Time, your assistance is reque

Peter, you asked about the invasion. I can make an educated guess. If you're in the USA, the invasion is by mexicans. If you're in Europe, the invasion is by arabs.
Re: Experiment with Time, your assistance is reque

A while ago they conducted a psychological experiment; whereby they put different mentally insane people in a room together. They all thought they were jesus.

A bit cruel, granted. But i think we should put all these conflicting 'time travelers' in a room togther and see what happens.

My money is on HDRkid. That electromagnet magnet is awful heavy!

Either that or they will all end up taking about how long it took one another to complete Halo 3...
Re: Experiment with Time, your assistance is reque

The "Great Reclamation" sounds like something out of a history book.

The "Destroyer of Worlds" sounds like something out of science fiction.

What do I want? Survival.