Earth's Crisis

Re: Earth\'s Crisis

The death of the US dollar is certain. What I want is for people to survive what is coming.
There's a thing called history Kid, and it seems to repeat itself. Our world leaders do what they feel is best for their own nation, and through out history, even if in hind sight it were ultimately the wrong decision, most leaders have done the same. The last time I checked, I don't buy a gallon of milk with a Lydian Trite, so I'm sure most people will be just fine with what ever ends up replacing the dollar. It will just be a pain in the butt for a few years.
Happy new year. I predict that in the next decade gold goes to $2000/oz, and gas over $3/gal next year.
Yeah, I predict in Nov. 2012 the US has a new president, and I agree about 3+ gas this year. It's kind of easy to predict things when they seem to be obvious?
Perhaps on some timelines the United States of America sells gasoline for $50/gallon in 2026. However, on most it does not exist, the victim of a terrible war. Remote viewers will concur
I don't know, when I was remote viewing this weekend there wasen't really anything on except for the playoff games. After that I just turned the tv off.
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

To Timecrime:
The russians have the right idea and will try to prevent Apophis from hitting earth. Already, US shows typical debunker ostrich response. Sooner or later our luck will run out.

Time in perspective
An hour is 1,200 seconds
a million seconds is 12 days
a billion seconds is 35 years
a trillion seconds in 35,000 years

There were Neanderthals back then.

OK here are more figures for you. The US now has less than 10 million factory workers, and approx two million farms. The average farmer makes less than $50,000/year and is over 50 years of age. Few young people are moving in.

Where I live many former farms are empty, with weeds overgrown.

People of riches will be reduced to rags. In an instant vast fortunes will be gone.

To Twighlight
My predictions make sense. Back in 1929 you could buy a new car for $500 and gold was approx $20 an ounce. That means a car was selling for 25 gold one ounce coins. OK if you took those 25 gold coins in 2009 and sold them you could get approx $1000 each so a grand total of $25,000 and you can still get a new car.

Silver is the same. Back in 1964 when the silver in a quarter was worth 25 cents, and a gallon of gasoline was selling for a quarter. This year, you can sell that very same 1964 quarter silver coin at the rare coins dealer for approx $3 and buy a gallon of gas. I know that last year in Feb 2009 I was paying $1.39 a gallon and back in August 2008 I was paying $4.39 per gallon for a gasoline, but three dollars is an average. Therefore it is a case that the dollar has gone down, not silver and gold up.

2004 5.4%
2005 20%
2006 23%
2007 31%
2008 5.6%
2009 26.6%

Taken from

To Trojan:
The problem with astral time travel and remote viewing is that what you are viewing is probabalistic space. What you see is an alternate time line close to our own. It is not exactly the same. That means not all predictions will occur.

To Darby:
All you do is make stuff up. For example, you said I was an old lady, I was married, I was crazy, etc.

Re: Earth\'s Crisis

lol, I was actually being sarcastic Kid. I do not believe in remote viewing. I do not believe it is possible to for see the future. My future has not been written yet. Of course Darby will tell me this is an opinion, which is also true. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif I do believe if a person is very sensitive and in touch with their body and mind, or even spirit if you will, that it may be possible to have a premonition about something, but not in the sense of fortune telling. We are all energy sources and sometimes something just might not feel right about an individual and you may pick up on that, but that’s it. As far as predicting what that person may do you can only guess and read their actions. It's not a matter of "knowing" the future, it's simply using common sense.

The Russians have the right idea and will try to prevent Apophis from hitting earth. Already, US shows typical debunker ostrich response. Sooner or later our luck will run out.
I think the reason for the debunker response is because statically it will be very unlikely to happen. Could it happen? Of course it could, but plates which have been sitting on top of each other for millions of years could move tonight and cause Yellowstone park to erupt tomorrow and wipe out half the United States. Of course sooner or later our luck will run out, it's the nature of time it self, and if you wait long enough it will happen, at least once. I could predict the sun will explode, and if I were around in a few billion years I would probably be proven right. Just look at the earth, it is full of indentions from past impacts from space, so it will more than likely happen again at some point.

The thing I fail to understand about our species is our fascination with doom. There will be floods, there will be famine, there will be war, and people will die. This is and always has been the way of life on earth among most all living creatures. Why not try and live the most enjoyable life you can, and stop wasting your time with things you have no control over. Dying is not about how you die, but about how you lived.
Re: Earth\'s Crisis


This thread is not about you. Any more of your attempts to make it about you, or your RVing, or your HDR, or your lame predictions and the hammer will come down.

You have been given your own thread in the Fan Fiction section. That is where your "RV predictions" belong. Please confine them to that forum. Otherwise talk about the topic at hand here.

Re: Earth\'s Crisis


See Ray's comment.

Whatever "time" the people who set the Dooms Day clock to is a matter of relative time. Six minutes minutes, days or centuries before Dooms Day - it's obviously not the same time scale that we use on a daily basis. Otherwise the "clock", set at 6 minutes before the end of all things that we know about the world would have run out long before I responded to your post.

They invented The Bomb. It's a bit late for them to lament their creation.
Re: Earth\'s Crisis


They invented The Bomb. It's a bit late for them to lament their creation.

Have you seen the political hype statements by these "atomic scientists" that went with their doomsday clock re-setting? It makes me sick, and it is yet one more factor to show that scientists are increasingly allow their political beliefs and feelings to interfere with their science:

Doomsday Clock Moves Away From Midnight By Only One Minute

<font color="red"> ""By shifting the hand back from midnight by only one additional minute, we emphasize how much needs to be accomplished, while at the same time recognizing signs of collaboration among the United States, Russia, the European Union, India, China, Brazil, and others on nuclear security and on climate stabilization," the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists said in a statement. " [/COLOR]

Amazing how political thought processes can blind you to facts you would rather not deal with, eh? First, the fact that they have "snuck-in" climate change into the "equation" for how they set their clock (when originally it was ONLY supposed to represent the probability of nuclear annihilation). That is bad enough, but then to look at the facts about BOTH the nuclear and climate change issues they had to ignore in their decision:

1) The existing (and growing) hard, factual evidence that is already falsifying the whole "anthropogenic global warming" scam. Yet they go right ahead and jump on the political (not scientific!) bandwagon.
2) The clear and present danger posed by radical and dictatorial regimes like North Korea and Iran moving to possess nuclear warfare technology. It is quite telling that neither of these countries figured AT ALL in their statement or their clock-resetting decision! For them to think that the political platitudes being bandied about to "reduce nuclear weapons" is actually meaningful until the hard numbers show some effect, is just sickening.

And, of course, they had to jump on the "praise and hail Obama as peacemaker" bandwagon that the Nobels started... even though he has done nothing to promote peace since taking office.

Sick, sick, sick.
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

The Doomsday Clock will disappear at Midnight whenever it is.
The Atomic Clock at NIST had to have seconds added to it at the end of the year due to Earth being a wobbly planet. So they ended up going the wrong way and added a minute when they should have forwarded it a minute to four minutes before disappearing.
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

our consciousness and subconsciousness manifest our reality. There are those that will see gloom and doom and there are those who will see enlightenment and those in between.

When a temporal date arrives, there will be major civil unrest for those who will it by thought. And for those who will enlightenment, they will get theirs. And those who think nothing of tidal waves and earthquakes...they too will get what they secretly wish for.

All of us on this planet will see all of these things. Just many events will not be global and therefore only affect a portion of the population.

We will all get what we deserve. You can not hide from that, so embrace it.
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

When that date comes-

I will have three things with me-

1. A chair.
2. Ice 101 Whiskey with a shot glass.

I am going to laugh at those who think that doomsday is coming. If it does occur, its the will of the people that had occurred it. I will sit there and get drunk. That's all I will do, besides thats all I can do and there's isn't much I and everybody else can do about it-
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

Just a reply. Perhaps there is no great wisdom in emotional garbage from a human. Perhaps it just ends like living in a gravitational well and there being further gravitational wells called 'black holes' that lead actually nowhere. My depth is immaterial to this conversation.

However, since I am not recognized as a Leader than that decision rests with them, and to pursue having the U.N. that mainly this Country pays for and then later states not to pay them revolves around a bigger central issue and that issue is 'Playing God' for whatever purposes that those Leaders see fit.

Perhaps they just don't realize that they are stuckies on this planet, inmates here, so far in 'time' so to speak.

A greater wisdom did not develop from the continual habits that people end up with. Shake yourself loose from having such an attitude, perhaps the Leaders will not.

It is not so much stated as the Acts out of humans that follow the preceived emotional garbage and garbage is garbage and I have to get rid of my garbage soon, but then it was food garbage and the emotional garbage I try and leave behind. This entire world so far is based on perceptions that border on emotional garbage at times. There is no great wisdom to that.

What I say will make little difference!
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

To TimeCrime1986:
Sadly, the russians are far ahead of us. They have scalar technology which is far better than ABC - atomic, biological and chemical. Rain is a good example of the mindset of an american scientist, namely ridicule any new ideas. Please remember that although we had the first airplane thanks to the Wright bros, we were forced to use french airplanes in WWI. In WWII germany had the V2 rocket, even though Goddard the father of modern rocketry was america. When people asked me how we could go to the moon in 1969, but not in 2009 my answer was. The german scientists who took us to the moon are dead now. The show in now run by morons.

To trojan:
With RV we could have prevented 911. Instead the marching morons still have not found osama. I mean it took me all of 15 minutes to find him using RV.

To RainmanTime:
Today the dow was DOWn 217 points, yesterday it was down 217, Wednesday it went down 122. Unemployment is up in 43 states. I told you we face financial armageddon. The false rally is nearly over. I told you what was coming. Haiti is a good view of our future. No food, no fuel, no water, no power. The streets full of roving gangs.

To Paladius:
You said "There are those that will see gloom and doom" Well, those who do remote viewing see terrible times ahead. I call it the period of peril. The key is to prepare.

To Paradox:
You said "there's isn't much I and everybody else can do about it- " There is much we can do. I hope to help rebuild. Take a look at Haiti. The first order of business is to clear the streets so that supplies can flow. I will tell you that after WWIII, many cities are gone. However, there is still a large number of people who survive. Please remember that Haiti is reality. Book of Eli is fantasy. Leave the city, go to the country into areas with very low population density. Use a cell phone coverage map. If they do not cover it, then that is a good sign.

To Timenot:
You said "What I say will make little difference!" I disagree. back in 2005, I predicted that gold would go up and real estate would go down. Gold went from approx $400 an ounce to last month over $1200/oz. As you know real estate price collapsed. I predicted that the DOWn jones industrial average would go under 10,000 and it fell last year under 7,000. Those who listened to me and bought gold did well. Those who made fun of me where crushed.

To Cobalt:
You said "world will not ends on December 12, 2012" How true, but this century you will see global population drop below one billion. Eventually the following scripture will come true.

Isaiah 10
19 It will be like the trees of their forests.
So few of them will be left standing
that even a child could count them.

20 In days to come, some people will still be left alive in Israel.
They will be from Jacob's family line.
But they won't depend any longer on
the nation that struck them down.
Instead, they will truly depend on the Lord.
He is the Holy One of Israel.
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

Ah, just a reply.

An hour is 60x60 or 3600 seconds.

The brains leave the area and return but the physical bodies remain.

The dollar may not have come first, as some people claim as they make money off of foreign Countries paying little, and yes, they do need help to "Grow a Brain" but then read previous line.

Same way with others on this Planet and in this Country. In Einstein's brain came General Relativity and Special Relativity, but in the case of some of these brains - we don't know if they go - up or down or sideways.

And what of God, the Saints, and the so-called Earthquakes, and shaking and trembling of the Earth and the humans on it. There was a choice, ah but then, the Archbishop of SF don't really either agree with Nancy Pelosi and all the rest no matter what religion. With Muslims, I think they cut your head and hands off, here it is different. They want to include you as long as you are seemingly with the brain somewhere else, and they don't want to have to pay you.

Their brains have left the area and perhaps never to return, but as of yet, their physical bodies remain.

Not that confused!
Not any at all!
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

timenot: The majority of human thought is garbage these days. Any wisdom (with the exception of new technical discoveries in past few hundred years) that the human race had 1000's of years ago has mostly been lost now. I think some of those hard core Mayan wisemen descendants and some monks in Tibet now hold the majority of human wisdom.

h-kid: Being that you remote view, I am surprised you refer to global population below 1B in this century and not this decade. I am curious of why the vague timeline, when I think you know otherwise.

In terms of preparedness.. I recommend everyone has a hiker backpack(comfortable to wear) that is about HALF full. Fill that half with a pistol and a few full clips, about 25 cliff bars (or similar small, dense food source), a small water filter hand pump (or a smalll bottle of chlorine, provided you know how to make a filter to remove particulates and single cell organisms), water canteen or bottle, a pair of microfiber socks AND and pair of wool socks, a hand crank flash light (which could be taken apart and use the generator to charge small electronics), $1000 cash, 10 oz. silver, 2 oz. gold, and some basic medical supplies (advil, aspirin, neosporin, cold medicine,anti-diahrea tablets, antibiotic if you can get them, iodine tablets for protecting your thyroid in case of radiative bull [censored]), bic lighter. And if you have to leave your house, leave the cotton clothes at home. Once wet, they stay wet.

Did I miss anything? With that pack, you could walk for at least a week, and have a good amount emergency materials and goods to trade with.
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

I for one certainly have no death wish and I don't care to entertain apocalyptic end of the world or contrive false info like those who made repeating claims that Planet X was approaching on certain dates and never did. I don't believe in those who claim to be Time Travelers on here, whose just doing it just to see what all attention they can get and laugh about it later. Just like the supposed John Titor did. The problem with the global community is we haven't been building underground. Because without any protective barrier technology in place, we are all open for disaster. As like Deep Impact movie tries to point out, that a meteor/asteroid impacting the earth happen before and it will happen again. Our moon can't protect us from every incoming. Even a large enough asteroid can disintegrate the moon and send fiery debri down on us from it. The approaching near earth asteroid is not a mere hoax or astronomers wouldn't have brought it up and the russians wouldn't be planning on launching some rocket as to hopefully thwart it's course toward us. If the asteriod comes too close to the Earth chances are it could be dragging smaller meteors chunks behind. Our gravitational pull will cause such to rain down on our planet's surface. I believe it will cause enough damage on a global scale of which we won't be able to recover from and most of humanity would be wiped out. Making our world unlivable. Even if it doesn't happen, the experts say 15 years later the same asteroid will surely have impact course on our world. That could be the Biblical wormwood. I believe from Bibicial Revelations that ahuge enough meteor will come down and destroy all of New York City. It's not a matter of if but when. We can either sit around and scoff at it in disbelief or wisely prepare for it. I think it's crazy enough that when we didn't need bomb shelters during the 1950's, people were building them and now when we really need protective living quarters, hardly nobody is building them. Everyone should all pray or we can kiss our existence goodbye. I know not everyone believes in God or Jesus, but I know from experience prayer does make a difference.
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

TC, I agree with most of what you say, however, I must disagree on one point. The is US is plenty prepared for global war. What is unique about the USA is that we pay for levels of government that are often redundant and layered. The benefit if this however, as compared to china or russia, is that we do not have a "public" realm, and a "secret" realm of government. We have a public realm and many, many secret realms or levels of government.

The USA did not drop any ball in terms of global defense OR offense. Rather, we have developed space weapons like no other. While weaponizing space was considered against international law in the 80's and 90's, we where going gang busters using regan starwars technology that was said to have never fruited into anything. It is actually one of the few things this country has done in the past 25 yrs that I can truly say makes me proud to be an American.

The only problem is that there is a limited group of people in control and I do not know where their loyalties lie. I hopeful though that they are patriots of the purest sense, thus reinforcing how they have kept the secret so long.
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

Thought it was time to poke hdrkid again:

To All:
Happy new year. I predict that in the next decade gold goes to $2000/oz, and gas over $3/gal next year.

Because hdrkid has been so frequently incorrect with his gas price predictions, here we see he has taken a conservative approach. Surely, he thinks, that the average national gas price for regular unleaded will have to rise above $3/gallon in 2010....right???

Heck, even I thought it would do so, and I do not claim to be a time travler, I just claim to have fairly decent economic analytical skills. But what have we here???

<font color="red"> "Gasoline prices at the pump have climbed more than 7 cents per gallon in the past two weeks, but could plummet soon with declining crude oil prices, according to a survey published Sunday.

The national average for a gallon of gasoline is $2.92, the Lundberg Survey found in an analysis conducted May 7." [/COLOR]

Wow... that means, even with the recent slight run-up in prices, that hdrkid's prediction of "gas over $3/gallon" has not yet come true! And from what this article is saying, it may never get there!

<font color="red"> "But drivers will likely start paying less for gas in the coming days as oil prices fall, survey publisher Trilby Lundberg told CNN.

"Retail prices will be tumbling down," she said. "But we cannot know how much or exactly when."

Crude prices have dropped about $1.78 per gallon in the past two weeks, she said.

While not guaranteed, the likely trend for dropping oil prices means the national average may not reach the $3 mark all summer, Lundberg said." [/COLOR]

You mean to say that hdrkid's prediction about gas prices will be <font color="blue">WRONG AGAIN!?!?!?![/COLOR]

Say it isn't so! :D

And since it has become a tradition, let me link into the chart for average national price of unleaded gas:


Re: Earth\'s Crisis

Ah, no, those gasoline prices will go up, they always do around the first real holiday of the year and warm weather starting - the end of May. Oh, and they stated that gasoline prices go up in the summer because of additives they have to add to the oil in the summer (like there is nothing in gasoline in the winter??).

Nah, it is like State Consumer Taxes and them rounding off to whole dollars, so you actually pay more for the buying something out of State (like from IOWA) like what happens with Consumer Tax and State Taxes. No, they are what they are - weasels and that is all that they have ever been.
Computer can work with dollars and cents - it's called BCD-binary coded decimal.
Weasels and they all have to go - out the door.
Even Gates calls for less spending from the Pentagon.
But the new version may be in 24-bit audio, and some people need Rap in 24-bit audio.
Not an Endorsement or anything else, but like the FCC gave Hollywood the okay today,
lawyers have to also go - out the door.
too many effects, but then I guess there are other JT videos also out there. So What?
It's merely entertainment, and it is just not Hollywood where the FCC gives them what they want.

Which ends up meaning to me, who's gonna buy it along with the predictions that other people keep coming out with? Those present-time predicting time travellers have everything on the likes of John Titor.
(if you believe them).