Earth's Crisis

Re: Earth\'s Crisis

Hi folks, I'm new here although I have looked at this site numerous time over the past five or six years and it has provided me with both knowledge and amusement. This seems like as good a thread to post in as any because it deals with something I'm interested in. Look people, here's the thing; NOBODY knows what the future holds, no matter how many people come on here and proclaim this or that is going to happen on a particular date. If a person happens to get something right it is called an educated guess in some instances, but dumb luck in most cases. I can read the news and see the dollar is sinking and think I should buy some gold...well no duhh, that would be commons sense. However to you who say buy the gold, then you obviously believe the system will largely remain in place and recover, other wise all you have is a nice shiny piece of rock in your hand. So stop pretending like you are giving prophetic advise, because if the world system did collapse and you came to me with a piece of rock to purchase food I would probably just hit you in the head with your rock because it's worthless to me. As far as the Mayan calendar, it dealt with mainly star alignment and their system of keeping time. Why did they not bother to make a new one after 2012? Who knows, they may have and we have never found it, or maybe whom ever conquered them destroyed it, or maybe they just never got around to it because the one they had would last them a few thousand years. I don't know because I was not there. The fact is the world could end tomorrow. A space rock could wipe us out or a caldera could explode or the sun could give off a giant burst, any number of things could happen. So in the mean time all you future predictors keep on writing because it provides good reading, hell I've always enjoyed good fiction, but until the day somebody can tell me something so simple as what five little white balls and one little red ball will be drawn in the next lottery drawing, your work will remain guesses, luck and fiction. Have a nice day. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

Welcome trojan!

As far as the Mayan calendar, it dealt with mainly star alignment and their system of keeping time. Why did they not bother to make a new one after 2012? Who knows, they may have and we have never found it, or maybe whom ever conquered them destroyed it, or maybe they just never got around to it because the one they had would last them a few thousand years.

It is a common misconception that the Mayan calendar "ends" on 12/21/2012. But it is simply not true, and it is one of those "scare tactics" intended to make the Mayans into doomsday prophets.

<font color="red"> "Misinterpretation of the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar is the basis for a New Age belief that a cataclysm will take place on December 21, 2012. December 21, 2012 is simply the last day of the 13th b'ak'tun. But that is not the end of the Long Count because the 14th through 20th b'ak'tuns are still to come." [/COLOR]

Life will continue to go on in the 14th baktun. In fact, I tend to think they were projecting the "end of ordinary time" after the end of the 13th baktun just because of the raucous parties that they would no doubt hold for the turning of the next baktun. Who wants to experience THAT level of hangover???

<font color="red"> "Sandra Noble, executive director of the Mesoamerican research organization FAMSI, notes that "for the ancient Maya, it was a huge celebration to make it to the end of a whole cycle". " [/COLOR]

Let's all party like it's Baktun 13!!! :D
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

Well there you have it, thanks for the info. So pretty much they looked at 2012 the same way we look at the turn of the century, just on a larger scale. It's a big to do, a celebration of sorts for the masses. As I said, the world as we know it could end at any time. Why not just enjoy it while we still have the chance, instead of worring about what we have no control over. IF the world ended in Dec 2012, will you be able to say you lived life to the fullest, or will you throw the opportunity away just to worry about things you cannot change?
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

I believe that Mayan calendar "end" on 12/21/2012 was their doomsday. Our present year is based on Jesus' birth. Our year supposed to be like more than 10,000. So the world will not ends on December 12, 2012.
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

Well this might not be totally all hokum.

Well...if you need a little convincing that it is, consider this. Howcomes the Mayans could supposedly see 500 years ahead to 2012......but could not predict their own demise just decades later ?
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

And I wonder what "the Mayans" have to say about the 2012 hokum ?

--- " I came back from England last year and, man, they had me fed up with this stuff,” said Apolinario Chile Pixtun, a Mayan elder , speaking to Discovery News. He’s determined that the perceived end of the Mayan Longcount Calendar on December 21 2012 and the Armageddon it will seemingly herald is firmly a creation of western imagination, and has no rooting in Mayan beliefs.

And from others intimate with the Mayan culture...

--- "For the ancient Maya, it was a huge celebration to make it to the end of a whole cycle," says Sandra Noble, executive director of the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies in Crystal River, Fla. To render Dec. 21, 2012, as a doomsday or moment of cosmic shifting, she says, is "a complete fabrication and a chance for a lot of people to cash in."

--- " University of Florida anthropologist Susan Gillespie says the 2012 phenomenon comes "from media and from other people making use of the Maya past to fulfill agendas that are really their own."

--- " The modern Mayans, who live in the drought-stricken Yucatan peninsula, couldn't really care either way about the theory according to Jose Huchim [ note: that's Huchim, not Hokum ] , a Yucatan Mayan archaeologist. They’ve got much more pressing issues on their minds.

--- “If I went to some Mayan-speaking communities and asked people what is going to happen in 2012, they wouldn’t have any idea,” he said. “That the world is going to end? They wouldn’t believe you. We have real concerns these days, like rain.

--- Archaeologist Guillermo Bernal of Mexico's National Autonomous University notes there are inscriptions at Mayan sites for dates far beyond 2012 — including one that roughly translates into the year 4772.

--- Quoting a few commentaries by Rich Deem ( The Real 2012 Prophecy: Mayans, Nostradamus, and Planet X, Oh My! ) :

" Since everybody else is making 2012 predictions, I thought I would throw mine into the mix. And here it is... The 2012 disasters are such good violence and mayhem that they would make the ultimate disaster movie. Hey, somebody needs to make a lot of money by taking from the (ignorant) interested people. Authors will write books and studios will make movies and the con artists will make lots of money - just like the good old days of Y2K.

Yes, there will be earthquakes, volcanoes, floods and droughts in 2012, just as there are in every year. My 2012 prediction is that scammers will make a lot of money off (gullible) astute people. If you need to waste your money find more information on 2012, please click the junk resources below [ listed in provided link to webpage of Rich Deem ]. Now, if I could only figure out how to use that Parmesan Chicken with Pasta Rags recipe from my GE newsletter in my new GE Dishwasher. "


And thats what I have to say about that... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

Yes, and which stubborn head prevails over the other stubborn head?
Where is the Saving Grace in any of that?

The reason for the Doom are the stubborn heads and once again, the Ying and Yang, the Sith or Jedi Knights, the we must control the world in our opinion, or the you won't control the world in your opinion.

It is like God and the Devil. And where was the love in any of it in the end since:
Humans are on this Planet in this Universe. The Universe May Not Be Enough!

If any spacealiens came here, they probably think it was all insane and crazy perhaps in the end, and end it all for us.

And how do we really know that we are not mutants from a spacealien race from another Planet million of years ago in the Past?

Well, what? We simply do not know, but need to control the future. Are you sure your Leaders know what they are doing? They insist on making more money for theirselves in the first place now, and the rest is - you are secondary, and in the dumps if you do not agree with them.

Christians won over the Roman Empire after a couple of hundread years, and yes, many died, and a new type civilization took hold from the remains of the old empires. Everyone of them, gone, buried in the dust of time.

Ya, right we need to get along with which stubborn head?
There has to be something else, humans can not be that bored, except some wish to bring it into reality.

The Pope at Christmas Mass had some very good things to say, perhaps you saw it, perhaps you did not. Perhaps I will even remember it, if I think about it for awhile.
And again it is taken into the political realm because I guess only they decided that you need a Leader. I am not so sure of which stubborn head that I want for a Leader. Surely, the President of Iran thinks he should be the Leader of the World, I guess.

Stay tuned, it is your life they consume in the process of the delusions that may come or go out of humans.
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

The reason I do not remember the good words from the Pope is that I probably will remember, although it was late at night and well, I could think about was how decked out the Vatican was. I remember seeing how Russian Churches were (because of their government), small rooms with pews and walls that looked as if they were never painted in the last 40 years with veriable a small altar that was a ghetto type poor looking (although no graffitti) room to hold a church service in. Compare that to the Vatican, and there is no comparison. The early Christians met in caves, and really where has this world gone with religion and any of it.

Certainly the Muslims must have a different idea, and is Paris burning again? (recent news that muslim women will wear nothing on their heads while in France).

?? is all I say, when stubborn heads may not realize what it is that they really do. Oh, the Vatican is different, because all them ignore all the babbles and beads of gold and 14th century wood statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary holding the Christ child, and the manger and all the decked out display put on for Christmas that needs to be start setting up at the first of November.

I do wonder what God really thinks about it all, or what the Devil thinks about it all.

Oh, I know, I won't change anything, or only a little bit with a different sort of view, but really, whom does God think is more religious in the end?

Well, all I see is a religon of war going on for the part of it, and since I spilled my coffee, I have to go, and really did not have all that much to say again.
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

And the unstable woman who knocked down the Pope as he was walking with the procession starting down the aisle at the beginning of the Vatican's Christmas Mass led away by security services there with that very large crowd there.

The cutest thing there was the small children and the sister (or young lady) who grabbed the younger around 4 year old boy walking out of line ahead of them (all of them were part of a line going to the manger or something like that. She yanked him right behind her, and that was that. He was not really fussing though, and neither was she.
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

I do wonder what God really thinks about it all, or what the Devil thinks about it all.

God wouldn't be God, if he didn't know what the Devil thinks. There's something of a paradox in God sending one part of himself, to rescue us from the Devil who is basically ( must by definition be ) another part of himself.

But more strange than something being a wave and a particle at the same time.
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

To Timecrime
History books shall be written about our time. The ancient ruins will inspire poems. What can I say, what is coming is epic.

To TimeNot_0:
The next pope is suppose to be our last according to prophecy - we will see.

To Twighlight:
Are you talking about the same GOD that flooded the earth and burnt the city of Sodom to the ground?

To Cobalt_Silvyan:
Mayans still live in mexico. Ask them. I have. In fact, I did visit Chichen Itza.

To KerrTexas:
I was buying gold when it was $400/oz and debunkers were telling me it would drop to 200. Well, it did not. This month it went over $1200/oz. Those people who listen to me in 2005 sold their property and bought gold are doing great.

To trojan:
The one item I produce is food. I live on a farm. Yet, I would gladly take golden metal in trade for golden grain.

To rain:
When there is no food in grocery. What then? An event I have predicted since 2004. OK now you have people telling you the system will fail. AND fail it will.

To Darby:

OK using remote viewing what I have seen makes movie "Book of Eli" seem like a joy ride.

Still even without WWIII things are going to get bad.

What are people telling me?

1) There are no jobs, I'm about to lose my house soon.
2) Can't find nothing for more than $12/hr.
3) I'm not selling, things are real slow now.

AND, what do debunkers say "Everything is fine, there is plenty of work out there, people who don't have jobs are lazy, you're a nut case!"

End of US economy

What to expect for the dollar

Electricity without wires

HDRKID predicted that in the future there would be wireless electricity. He said he saw no wall outlets for power.

Flying cars are real.
Of course dumber than dirt debunkers claim flying cars are impossible, otherwise the sky would be full of flying cars.

Re: Earth\'s Crisis


Uh, The Kid is a great source of information. He was "buying gold when it was $400/oz" he says. That would have been between January 2004 and September of 2005 (give or take - it hit $500 in late 2005) - The Kid's Junior and Senior years in High School.

During that time what did The Kid actually say about what he was doing with his money? From Paranormalis:

Senior Member Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 365

Hi Starlord:

Yes, there are certain risks in any new technology, but I feel that it is well worth the effort. True people can astral time travel without an Steven Gibbs HDR, but people can also dive without Jacques Cousteau's Aqualung.

The argument that people get the bends will not stop people from diving -- they are happy to see the undersea world in all its splendor.

Case in point, I got my driver's license this month and plan to buy a car this summer, eventhough I know that cars are dangerous and I can die in an accident.

Senior Member Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 365
To All:
I finally got a summer job, but I will still try to answer your questions. This means more money for experiments. I start on Monday.

More money for, not gold, but to buy a car and continue his experiments with the HDR.

But in 2004, when gold was $400/oz what did The Kid predict for the price of gold in 2026? $1,000/oz? $2,000/oz $4,000/oz? Nope. Not even close. Here's what he said to Frog:

hdrkid 09-25-2004 08:42 PM

Hi Frog:

3. What kind of war in the near or further future be like? please explain or describe!

People where living on farms. John Titor talks about TV over internet, but I did not see that. What I saw was people working hard just to survive. Planting crops and trying to eke out a living. There were still some small towns with maybe 100 people. Cities were full of diseases, nobody went there. You were paid in items like gold coins, bags of food, gasoline, yes there was still gasoline in 2026, but it was very expensive, about 1/10 of an ounce of gold for a gallon equivalent to about $50/gallon. Food was SUPER EXPENSIVE!

Gasoline was $50.00/gal and cost 1/10 .oz gold. That's $500/oz in 2026.

Bottom line here is that when you read all of his posts from that time (when gold was around $400/oz) he didn't have money to buy a car let alone gold or pay his own way to Europe ("Swiss" - a different story). His parents were buying everything for him. Nothing unusual there considering that he really was just a "kid". The only issue is that he tends to blow smoke up the trouser legs of the more impressionable people that listen to his advice.

Caveat emptor
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

To All:
Happy new year. I predict that in the next decade gold goes to $2000/oz, and gas over $3/gal next year.

To Darby:
Instead of trying to ridicule me you should prepare.

Perhaps on some timelines the United States of America sells gasoline for $50/gallon in 2026. However, on most it does not exist, the victim of a terrible war. Remote viewers will concur.

What can we say - life is very binary, you are either number one or a zero.

Dollar death is real. I am not the only one saying.

Debunkers claim that unless I post my address and phone, nobody knows who I am. That is not the case. I have people call me an threaten me.

If you think I am pessimistic, well what can we say. just got done talking to a major bullion buyer. He says gold will soon hit $3000. World economy is a total fright - mare and then some. He sees horrendous hyperinflation, complete collapse of the world financial system, and our economic recession worsening.

I believe China will move to gold and away from the dollar as things get worse. Other nations will follow as they grab metal and dump paper. It will be a major currency crisis.

Re: Earth\'s Crisis

And humans are suppose to have "Free Will" which changes all the "Doom" into perhaps "Warnings" but then, which stubborn head prevails?

The next Pope could be a Saint, and even the Saints said that it could change, if humans actually were to "Think".

(better than becoming a fascist thinking that if you go to Church you will be Saved, or humans looking to another human to be Saved, when it is suppose to be Jesus Christ.)

Let's fact it, Apophis may not hit the Planet in such and such a year, but still the Russians are considering moving it somehow with some rocket or something.

But there are many such objects that have not been found yet, and yet, people try and focus other people are only one or two things and demand it like ClimateGate and all of that.

Well, the only way humans do anything is still the same ol' way, you make your own future, hopefully, if the dullards do not cloud of the scene with their continual doom-days messages.

Of course to them they don't think that way, so really where was God in any of it? Out to Lunch like some of these other people are? Gone, God has left the Area, and only humans with no thought are here now?

The actually "Grow a Brain" is just as important for them, and still they claim to be - time travellers for the most part.

Now, new reseacth indicates that CO2 levels have not increased in 160 years.

Between Heaven and Hell, and still now the Catholic Church and other Churches now have Priests and Ministers in Hell now, and well, that is Hell!
(no bodies down there to fool with, and no money, and nothing else but what they seem to know - Preaching - and which way, and either way it just seems to be more Hell.)
What's the need then perhaps as they see to go to Heaven?
Everthing is fine in Heaven, so where is the Need?

Decisions, and then there are humans on this Planet in this Universe, and spacetime sickness is not an option!
Whoa, whoa, wheeeeeeeeee, wheeeeeeee!
Off we are into the Wild Blue Yonder, forever!
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

Perhaps on some timelines the United States of America sells gasoline for $50/gallon in 2026. However, on most it does not exist, the victim of a terrible war. Remote viewers will concur.

Riiiight! When all else fails after someone quotes you verbatim in a situation clearly contradicting yourself, fall back on the ol' "it was another timeline" gag. Cute.

So when you gave that advice to Adam (Frog) back then you didn't think it necessary to tell him that it had nothing to do with his future? It was just some other universe?
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

Last time the Doomday Clock Minute Hand was Moved was back in January 2007, when it moved from 7 to 5 minutes until Midnight (DOOM).

Which says a lot more about the people who control the clock than the clock itself.

If one sees doom in their future then they will see doom. Set the clock to one microsecond before "doom" and one microsecond later the world doesn't end just adjust the clock. As I said, it says a lot more about the people who set the clock than it does about the clock iteslf.
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

Perhaps the scientists want a parallel world-line to live in, or else more funding from the politics. But then maybe that depends also on whether it is ClimateGate scientists, or Atomic scientists, or whatever scientist it is including the quantum world, recent announcements of the "Golden Ratio found in Quantum World" or the newest one of proving through a crystal experiment of something or other about 248 dimensions and E8 string theory by something or other.
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

Perhaps the scientists want a parallel world-line to live in, or else more funding from the politics.

Bingo. The "global warming scare", which is currently unraveling, was nothing more than an attempt for scientists to hold their hands out to politicians. And when politicians need money to supply to their favorite ideological fleecing mechanism, you know where it comes from! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif
