Earth's Crisis


Quantum Scribe
Earth\'s Crisis

Hello Again My dear friends of EarthTR125.0121

Its is after a very long time of absence that I write again. This time I am truly concerned about the mental effect that millions would cause by simply thinking that the world is going to end in or around 2012. The facts are irrefutable, there will be no catastrophic events nor apocalyptic scenarios occurring around or near that temporal date; but my concern is not for that but for something even more sinister. It seems that an agenda has been created to make people believe such thing is possible, thus fueling their hearts and minds with fear and horror. This could lead to great instability at a conscious level; producing many different effects, none of them good. For example, people could start a self fulfilling prophecy chain reaction event, ending in certain disaster. What shall we do? My honest suggestion is to fight this intention with another, equally powerful.

We should go about debunking the 2012 Catastrophe Theory and put forth a more enlightening theory of greatness, beauty and faith. We still have time, we can still make a difference and best of all we will help change the course of this blessed planet Earth. However, this requires an informed mind, vertical thought and most of all determination. Remember that already people are wanting for an apocalyptic event to occur, they wish it and you can all see it in their eyes whenever a disaster occurs near them. They get excited and unfortunately happy. So, I encourage you all TTI members to gather together in a conscious stand against the powers of ignorance.

Until later becomes now
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

Welcome back, Transient!

This time I am truly concerned about the mental effect that millions would cause by simply thinking that the world is going to end in or around 2012.

Exactly. I have addressed this concern many times when confronting some of the "gloom and doom prognostiactors" here on this site: HDRKID, Timeline_39, recall15, and who could forget the one-two tag-team of Zeshua/Peter? No matter how much they wish for the future of mankind to be cast in concrete, and full of terrifying events, this is simply not so. We are active participants in shaping the future. And what you think has a strong tendency to become reality, especially when you have more and more people thinking that same thing.

It seems that an agenda has been created to make people believe such thing is possible, thus fueling their hearts and minds with fear and horror. This could lead to great instability at a conscious level; producing many different effects, none of them good.

Yes. And the institutions created by mankind are the ones most susceptible to human-induced disaster. Panic in world financial markets is a perfect example of an institution that can be utterly ruined just by a mass-believing that something is true (even if it could not be further from the truth).

What shall we do? My honest suggestion is to fight this intention with another, equally powerf

I agree. It is literally a battle of wills, and a bad intention can only be successfully fought-off with sufficiently strong positive intentions.

We should go about debunking the 2012 Catastrophe Theory and put forth a more enlightening theory of greatness, beauty and faith. We still have time, we can still make a difference and best of all we will help change the course of this blessed planet Earth. However, this requires an informed mind, vertical thought and most of all determination. Remember that already people are wanting for an apocalyptic event to occur, they wish it and you can all see it in their eyes whenever a disaster occurs near them. They get excited and unfortunately happy. So, I encourage you all TTI members to gather together in a conscious stand against the powers of ignorance.

I do not wish to speak for KerrTexas, but IMO these are exactly the kinds of discussions about our future that he and I endeavor to hold here at TTI. We wish to be builders of the future not simply pathetic energy-pirates who seek to feed off the general feelings of doom and hopelessness that apocalyptic nonsense can generate.

Kerr and I have discussed, outside of this forum, that we both feel we have a good understanding of what the transition of 2012 is REALLY all about. I have discussed it in a few posts here as to how the words "the end of ordinary time" actually represent a change in how we view the universe and our participation within it. I have also attempted to couch the wonderful revelation that is heading our way in the historical progress of science: The ages of mankind have evolved in accordance with our understanding of the universe and the science that drives it. As I have pointed out:

1) Johannes Kepler set the first standard for understanding the laws of motion that govern our universe when he introduced his Planetary Laws of Motion as early as 1605. Along with Rene Descartes describing the fundamental quantity known as momentum, I thus call the time from before Kepler up to Newton as The Age of Momentum. One principle of my definition of these "scientific ages" is that a new revelation/understanding/codification of science is necessary to transition from one age to the next...

2) Sir Issac Newton's codification of mechanics in his Principia Mathematica was the highly valuable revelation/codification of the laws of motion that transitioned our society from the Age of Momentum into The Age of Energy. For it was the codification of Newton's Law of Motion that lead to the fuller understanding of the principle of Conservation of Energy.

3) James Clerk Maxwell is credited with putting the finishing touches on a complete theory of electromagnetism around 1873. As such his codification of e/m principles helped us transition from the Age of Energy to The Age of Electromagnetics. (Maxwell was also a pioneer in the realm of control theory...doing what I do for a living, I have to give a shout-out to him for this!)

4) An of course, what scientific timeline would be complete without explaining how Albert Einstein revolutionized our understanding of the mechanics of the universe with his Special and General Theories of Relativity. Einstein actually used the foundations of science established in the Age of Energy and Age of Electromagnetics to take us further than those two ages. One might argue that Einstein was the one who really ushered-in the Age of Energy, since his theories describe Energy more completely than Newtonian mechanics. However, the Age of Electromagnetics ended with the first atomic bomb detonation at Trinity Site. This was the beginning of The Age of Information, because the discoveries of Einstein and the "other guys" who were developing quantum theory were direct lead-ins to the work of Claude Shannon and Alan Turing.

We are still living in the Age of Information (as is obvious with our 3G cellphones, and internet everywhere), but only barely. We are about to make the transition from the Age of Information to the Age of Intention. And IMHO, that is what awaits us come 2012. Just like with all past transitions of scientific ages, there will be a "large" revelation/codification that accompanies this transition. I have some gut feelings on what that revelation/codification will be (and have even laid it out here in this forum, previously). But does anyone else wish to chime in with their toughts?

Re: Earth\'s Crisis

Hello RMT of EarthTR125.0121

It is so good to hear from you again. This time I shall try to hold on to as much as possible. And yes, you are absolutely right, we are heading towards a wonderful revivification of the human self. Out there in the streets the only thing you see is distrust, hate and a general feeling of not caring for the others. That must change, whenever the human subject is so detached from one another the forces of the universe tend to make them grow closer one way or the other.

Yes, there are predictions, but there are also wills. We need to gather our minds, our hearts and our souls and fight back those emotions that are pulling the human experience apart. Rainman, I used to remember back in the sixties when people were kind, polite, friendly and a neighbor would take you in for supper without any regards for anything. Now all that is lost. Forty years ago people were more kind and trusting, now they are simply hollow shells with no emotion.

However, we can change that too. It is all a matter of wanting to. Every day I wake up I pray for this world to be better, for my friends to be better, for my enemies to be better and for myself to be better. I pray that one more person smiles today and that one more person forgives another. It might get tiresome, but it must be done. Well, I live you and all the rest...people consider how could you all manifest "betterness" all it takes is a simple gesture.

Until later becomes now
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

Well this might not be totally all hokum. 2012 is a time when the constellation Sagittarius is aligned with the center of the Milky way. But we are also heading into a 11 year Sun storm. If you want my opinion, 2012 is a date that many people think the End Times or the Rapture will occur. But I think this is a huge deception! Firstly, we still have several prophesies left in the Bible that still need to be fulfilled (a 7 year tribulation period) and secondly, I think 2012 is the devils deception. The Mayans got this information from a god they called Kukulcan which is described as a winged demon. This may indeed be a year where many bad and disturbing things happen such as power failures, satellite communications are broken down and a whole load of anomalous weather conditions like fires, earthquakes, tornadoes... etc... Planet alignments have also been known to happen around the times of wars... like Desert Storm. So a war(s) could even break out.

But on the whole, I think its just a day of deception... all hype and strong delusion in the minds of the deceived!

Happy Thanksgiving to all...
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

This time I am truly concerned about the mental effect that millions would cause by simply thinking that the world is going to end in or around 2012. The facts are irrefutable, there will be no catastrophic events nor apocalyptic scenarios occurring around or near that temporal date; but my concern is not for that but for something even more sinister. It seems that an agenda has been created to make people believe such thing is possible, thus fueling their hearts and minds with fear and horror.

I really don't think most people give that much thought to all the 2012 stuff. The majority of people consider, quite wisely and correctly, that the Mayan callendar 'ends' in 2012 for the very simple reason that the Mayans simply couldn't be bothered extending it further.

As for the impending 'tribulation'.....that's been forecast to be imminent more times than I've had hot meals. Hal Lindsey made a nice sum in the 70s forecasting imminent rapture...all 'based on Bible prophecy'....I even have two of his books. I'm just amazed that he's still going, with guite a popular website....after getting it all so spectacularly wrong.
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

I somewhat agree.
Not to stir the pot...
though what would that say about other "revelations" in this context?

Think about it, if we hypothetically go with this thought train,
we have the religious majority with a subconscious doom invite around the same time.

So then we are taking the theology minded percentile which have had this
thought circulating for a long time getting to "critical mass" and now this other
idea fuels the thoughts of the scientific community which may have no regard for the
aforementioned but puts the thought into motion as well.
Effectively bringing the thought together.

Re: Earth\'s Crisis

Exactly. I have addressed this concern many times when confronting some of the "gloom and doom prognostiactors" here on this site: HDRKID, Timeline_39, recall15, and who could forget the one-two tag-team of Zeshua/Peter? No matter how much they wish for the future of mankind to be cast in concrete, and full of terrifying events, this is simply not so. We are active participants in shaping the future. And what you think has a strong tendency to become reality, especially when you have more and more people thinking that same thing.

But Right! The end of the World as we Know it is not on 2012!

But earlier than you think!

Just see the signs!, get Ready, Prepared and

Stop the Procrastination!!!


Procrastination refers to the deferment of actions or tasks to a later time. Psychologists often cite this human behavior as a mechanism for coping with the anxiety associated with starting and/or completing any task or decision. [1] Psychology researchers use three criteria to categorize procrastination: for a behavior to be classified as procrastination, it must be counterproductive, needless, and delaying.[2]

For an individual, procrastination may result in stress, a sense of guilt, the loss of personal productivity, the creation of crisis and disapproval from others for not fulfilling one's responsibilities or commitments. These combined feelings can promote further procrastination. While it is normal for people to procrastinate to some degree, it becomes a problem when it impedes normal functioning. Chronic procrastination may be a sign of an underlying psychological disorder.
end quoted
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

Think about it, if we hypothetically go with this thought train,
we have the religious majority with a subconscious doom invite around the same time

I think this is the point aswell. It is inbedded within us in the same way that 'aliens' have been inbedded into the collective consciousness.

Just like pavlov's dog, we are being trained to react in a certain manner to specfic subjects.

There is a double bluff within this process, also.

If a genuine 'doomsday' messenger does ever appear, you will think he is a nut-job. In the run-up to this potential event 'they' will put you in a house of mirrors and churn out nut-jobs left right and center

'genius' would be an understatement for some of the mind(s) behind this.

Transient is also correct that some-people would even find the notion of the 'end of times' as a relief. The great work is too hard and our spirits are too worn. This mindset applies to all other armageddon senarios that are doing the rounds currently, and it is not a naturally occuring one either...
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

2012? aww that dooooomsday movie-

what about 2010? - Hmm...

err 2011 ? ...

so.. is anything supposed to happen on 10/10/10 ? lol.

Re: Earth\'s Crisis

On 10/10/10 I predict that someone, somewhere...will have a hot-dog for lunch lol. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

My honest suggestion is to fight this intention with another, equally powerful.

Yes. I firmly believe that all the 2012 'end of the world' nonsense is really just a cover for the fact that the Illuminati are fully aware that on December 12 2012 the Earth will be invaded by a race of super-sexy beings from Beta Reticuli who will demand to take care of our every whim. Sex every day will be compulsory, beer will be free, work will be abolished, and there will never again be taxes.

It stands to reason that the powers that be are so scared of this, that they want us all to live in fear instead.

We must get the truth out !
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

To rain:

When I warn people it is for a reason. For example I told people back in 2005 to get their money out of the bank and buy gold.

Well, now we find that many banks are electing to opt out of the FDIC's Transaction Account Guarantee Program. How interesting.

And when people lose all their money because the banks went under you will say "People lost their money in the 1930's when the banks went under. You did not predict anything, it was obvious, only idiots put their money in a bank." /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

Well, there is pro or con, peace or no peace, rest or no rest, over the edge of the cliff or not, up the cliff or not, it is what it is (in my opinion) a TV soap-opera another day drama:

Is this so it won't happen (perhaps as bad) or because it will happen (because humans decided that in the end with the Leaders)?

Another TV soap-opera drama day in the life.
(Time Travel)

Well, things to do like work.
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

When I warn people it is for a reason.

Yes, to attract attention to yourself. I know. Too bad you refuse to admit it.

For example I told people back in 2005 to get their money out of the bank and buy gold.

Fabrication. After-the-fact post-diction. You did no such thing.

And when people lose all their money because the banks went under you will say "People lost their money in the 1930's when the banks went under. You did not predict anything, it was obvious, only idiots put their money in a bank."

Putting words in people's mouth again, huh? How about we wait to see if that happens first?

And another thing: Why do you even bother coming back here (see the real reason you "warn" people that I mentioned above) if you have a nice, snuggly home at that other "time travel forum"? There are so few people here who really accept your BS (i.e. none by my count), that I am wondering what motivates you to keep coming back?

But again...any way to gain attention, I guess.
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

To rain:

When a doctor says he can cure your ill, if you swallow a bitter pill. Claiming everything is fine and doing nothing guarantees catastrophe. In the days to come, US gov will impose exchange controls on banks. The death of the US dollar is certain. What I want is for people to survive what is coming. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

There is a period of crisis coming. Getting ready is like putting on a coat in winter time. Debunkers claim cold is an illusion and that everything is fine.
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

The trick is to invest in something like, um..let's say...Gold ! Then scare the heavens out of as many people you can, doing the best you can in hoping to drive the price of your investment higher, then sell, and say oh well...guess nothing happened, laughing all the way to the bank.

Was wondering why someone we know keeps mentioning to buy as much gold as possible. Think I got it, now. Very clever.
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

The trick is too invest in something like, um..let's say...Gold ! Then scare the heavens out of as many people you can, doing the best you can in hoping to drive the price of your investment higher, then sell, and say oh well...guess nothing happened, laughing all the way to the bank.

Kind of like what was occuring on the Raging Bull stock "tip" site in the late 1990's re penny stocks - pump and dump.
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

Kind of like what was occuring on the Raging Bull stock "tip" site in the late 1990's re penny stocks - pump and dump.

Spot On, Darby !

Another consideration is that if the world went the way as proclaimed by HDRKid, sorry to say HDR buddy, Gold wouldn't be worth spit.

IF food was so rare as has been said, along with the other considerations as offerred up on the table of doom...the items used for currency would be items that would be productive and useful for survival, which would not include a lump of yellowish metal.

I would lay claim that bullets, for one, would be worth far more than they're weight in Gold, don't ya know ?

It's unforunate that some people use scare tactics and fear to increase their own bank accounts and actually create more problems than they solve. I'm sure as 2012 approaches, we will see a backlash because of the actions of those who are adding fuel to the fear factory.
Re: Earth\'s Crisis

Another consideration is that if the world went the way as proclaimed by HDRKid, sorry to say HDR buddy, Gold wouldn't be worth spit.

Exactly. Let's presume for a moment that The Kid is correct. Sometime in the not-so-far-distant future the dollar totally collapses and we return to the gold-only standard. And let's also give the spam gold adds their due - gold once again doubles in value to almost $4,000/oz.

So, if you go to the market your paper dollars are worthless. But you have a stash of 1 oz gold bullion. You want to buy a loaf of bread. Price $10.00 (let's face it - there will be inflation). Have you ever attempted to split a 1 oz. gold bullion bar into 1/400th of an oz?

Where do people think the term "pieces-of-eight" comes from? A piece of eitht is 1/8th of a 1 oz gold coin cut up into 8 equal pieces. Splitting a gold coin into 8ths is one thing - and inflationary too boot. But 1/400ths?

The Kid is stashing away food for the Apocolypse and wants everyonme to survive. BS. The Kid is an ass. That much aside, just how much food can one store away for the Apocolypse as variously described by this juvenile delinquent since he was 14 years old? One year? Two years? He's calling for an all-out nuclear war that destroys the planet. What's the half-life of plutonium? Strontium-90? Storing away two years of food, hiding away in a hole-in-the-ground housing several dozen people (where do you dispose of all the feces, BTW) for two years?

And the real bottom line is this: no one cares what he is saying. He's just another Internet Nutter living with daddy - a scared, unmotivated, self-important moron religated to living in a hole and wholly unimportant other than being the occassional butt of a joke.

But no problem. Every teenager think s/he is important. Most of them grow up by the time they reach the age of 21. Some, The Kid included, never progeress beyond age 15. And in the end are remembered only as a reminder of what not to aspire to.

Oh, well. Or, Oh swollen. I really don't care. I'm a debunker and proud of it. hohoho.