Creating Your Own Massive SpaceTime

Psy Ops Only Work On People...

...If People Allow Them To.

So Like I'm saying since Gary is very well schooled on PX, please Ray' ask and talk to him as to whether Planet X is a psy-op or the thing is real.

If I said it were real, how would you relate to its realness? Or if I said it was a Psy Op, how would that change your view, or preparations for the future you Create for yourself?

If you believe one way, you will Create a certain outcome in your life. If you believe the opposite way, you will Create a different outcome in your life.

Choose. Which one would you rather live in?

That is how worldlines split, Creedo. Right? That is why freedom of choice is our Creative power that allows us to choose the worldline that we craft in our lives. We shape Time's physical reality with our consciousness....our non-physical self. I off here? I see it that this is precisely how determinism of the future can co-exist with Free Will, and be scientifically feasible: There are many (infinite) deterministic pathways that Time can take in any given local reference frame. Our ability to choose which path we traverse is the very power we have to see to it that ONE of those specific deterministic outcomes is the one that comes to pass in our linear lifetime.

We are Masters of our own Destinys, without a doubt.
Re:asked i.d.


With all the hub-bub the principle that seems to hidden amongst all the knowledge you are compiling is that there are only two main factions.

1. Creation/Order
2. Chaos

Even though both factions are broken up into groups...each having their own wizards and hieracrhies of angelic orders, they all end up supporting one ideal or the other.

Dont get lost in the mass of imformation that you seem to be exposed to, stay focused on what is right for you. We all are on quest of learning, and part of that learning process is how we react to situations and circumstances that spring up in life.

I know for a fact Ray considers you to be a friend, just as I consider you be a friend. I hope you understand that there is not any real animosity directed towards you or your thoughts. It all is merely friendly banter. Sort of like how siblings of a family may have their moments of strife, but when the chips are down, you should know that Ray and myself would back you.

I enjoy your posts, and they contain alot of information to contemplate. So I would like to thank you for your contributions to T.T.I. . You truly are unique and are a definite asset to any """team """.
Re:asked i.d.

I know for a fact Ray considers you to be a friend, just as I consider you be a friend. I hope you understand that there is not any real animosity directed towards you or your thoughts. It all is merely friendly banter.

He's right on, you know that Creedo? Just because I challenge you on some things does not mean I hate you. Friends can challenge each other, and still remain friends.

Perhaps part of my mission here is to help you keep your focus? Perhaps my challenges to you are part of the larger mission this group is trying to accomplish? And perhaps your own challenges to me are all part of this same mission?

I'd like to talk more about frequency, as I think each of us have pieces to the puzzle. Pieces that can help each other in our investigations into Time. It is clear many of us here understand the importance of frequency...

Re: We must all be the change we wish to see... I off here? I see it that this is precisely how determinism of the future can co-exist with Free Will, and be scientifically feasible: There are many (infinite) deterministic pathways that Time can take in any given local reference frame. Our ability to choose which path we traverse is the very power we have to see to it that ONE of those specific deterministic outcomes is the one that comes to pass in our linear lifetime.

Well, the more I got to thinking about determinism co-existing with Free Will, the more difficult it became to grasp. I veered deeper off on other thoughts...

It is quit clear that we must "ALL" be the change we wish to see in the world. - But also in realizing we are part of something much larger than ourselves, with a complex physiology and mental life that we carry out but only dimly understand... Its a vision of evolution and human behavior in truly understanding the forces that co-create our future...

Its evident that sociality was implicit in the start of the universe and that we are not merely selfish beings driven by selfish genes living lonely lives, but are parts of a larger whole...

It is becoming clear that evolutionary, biological, perceptual, and emotional mechanisms have made us parts of a social learning machine - A MASS MIND which includes all species of life, not just humankind. This shared intelligence is part of a larger planetary mind, one that combines the learning of microbes, bacteria to the internet, waterfowl, predatory cats, idealists, militants, religionists, and scientists... The great World War of the 21st century will take place between the COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE of humanity and that of a world wide web possibly trillions of generations old and billions of years wise. A global internet between microbial societies! I SEE NETWORKING EVERYWHERE I LOOK! Is the Internet a mirror of bacterial DNA transfer?

This compels us to admit that evolution is a TEAM SPORT. A universe in which human emotions find their basis in the survival of matter, and where the atoms themselves are held together with love... Our networked culture is not only inevitable but essential for our species survival and eventual migration into space... It is the history of life and evolution as a means to explain a mass consciousness as creatures that had to group together in order to conquer their surroundings...

One may ask, what did a single bacterium ever accomplish? It weaves in and out of time and space so that the Spartans are just as relevant as any other extinct group that strictly enforced conformity and failed to support diversity, and the Athenians are not unlike a group of bacteria that took advantage of mutations in order to survive or thrive when conditions changed. I failed to find a central theme? Perhaps it is a warning of the virility of viruses and that we are coming ever closer to a war that pits mankind against bacteria...

This field-based view of cultural evolutionism may finally give human beings a bridge to other life kingdoms and to our own deep past, and thereby grant us a COHERENT vision of our future.

This is my hope...
Re: TPM of MST

--- Let's all evolve together, shall we?

I doubt that we can evolve without each other - and without everything that surounds us. We are all simply "part of it" - regardless of how we call it. The only obstacle I see is in us - humans. In our illusion that we are "separeted" or "above" - well manifested in insecticides, herbicides etc.


I'm delighted to find so imaginative discussions that are coming quite close to my musings:

Imagination is Greater than Knowledge

I have also abandoned "objectivity" and "reality" - but I have also abandoned many other concepts, like "causality", "determinism", "probabilism"...


I congratulate all of you on your open-mindness and depths of thoughts - and, if you do not mind, I'll drop in occasionally.


Damir Ibrisimovic
Re: TPM of MST

Damir, you have an interesting web site and thanks for visiting!

If I might add to this note worthy conversation: Its been discovered that the Earth itself gives off a vibration frequency which registers around 7.8 cycles per second, so any sounds pulsed between 0.1 and 8 Hz are perceived by our bodies as being in rhythm with nature.

W know that if a tuning fork is struck and brought near to another tuning fork with a similar frequency, the second one would be set in motion matching the first one. In a similar fashion the human body is a great resonator which can be "entrained" just as the tuning fork.

Its also been discovered that the human brain can be "entrained" with pulses ranging from 5 Hz to 20 Hz, because that is the general frequency of our brains. Its believed that certain frequencies help us to leave our body and travel out of body by using frequencies of 7.8 cycles per second, which matches the "Alpha" wave rhythm of the human brain.

If I were to tell readers that "Mind" is not located in the brain but outside the body, I would not be surprised to hear from someone that I am cracking up! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Well, the simple fact of the matter is, that there is much to support the notion that Mind operates through the brain and also outside the body. The brain is like a computer; it is only as good as the information we put in it...
Re: Creating Your Own Massive SpaceTime...

Ask yourself the question what if you traveled another road? What if you traveled another road through your mind...

now think of your mind as the city. The city is a blueprint for you, for your mind... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Creating Your Own Massive SpaceTime...

"What if" scenarios are based upon our imagination where we "play out" a variety of what "might have been if I did this or that"? In real terms they account to only one thing - in similar situation we might be prepared to do something similar to what we have "played out" in our imagination - but nothing else. (This in itself is quite valuable.)

However, this does not translate in "alternative realities". What has been done - is done. There are not alternative universes. We can imagine them - but this is only our imaginative speculation.

