Re:asked i.d.
Creedo edits>To all on three D linear time and our ability to achieve it, please note the following.
The post below was a guest post at Godlike Productions Forum.
The only thing that I can figure that's wrong with this post, is that this post does not give the transition from forty density frequency concerning the Atlantians, down to the third density frequency of matter, which Rainmantime is extolling as a virtue?
What is changing this, is a rise in frequency, which may and I say may be caused by something known as Planet X, which is really a brown dwarf, which is actually a failed sun.
Due to the silicone and iron in Planet X, our frequencies have been ramped upped.
I have a friend at GLP who said that as of late she had been shifting it seems out of this time and frequency.
She is not a drug taker and she says she can't account for sometimes four of five minutes being taken out of her day.This is as when she checks her clocks, there seems to be periods of four to five minutes, that she can not account for this time as missing.
This is as of late.
My missing objects occurred about two years ago, during the time I had painted a house under the early arrival of Planet X in this solar system.
As the Reticulans had said, the closer Planet X was to the sun, then because of the particle pressure trapped by Planet X, frequency would go up.
This is what I had suspected.
If you go to the way back web site, on older information and look up Atlantis on Spiritweb.
I think was a yahoo contrivance? You will also see what I have just said here, that the Atlantians came here to Earth in forth density matter and frame of being and then dropped down to the third density, because of the burning range frequency of the sun.
So if frequencies are being ramped upped again, it would be a forgone conclusion to say that we continue to have a three D reference to any DNA RNA adjustment in our physical makeup's?
I'm not saying this to be smart of belabor Ray, its just that there is too much information which indicates this as the truth.
On any other difference with Ray.If someone I know is either Gypsy, or comes from a line of Druids or witches and they're just, I go out of my way not to antagonize them.
On Planet X, Ray' I dont know if this is a psy-op for a number of reasons, I'm not saying here.
Please if you would, direct all comments on PX, to T-12 who post here?
The end of a Great Cycle Orbit around the Galaxy.
link below.
"To understand why Earth is in its present turmoil, we must flash back in time to the great civilization of Atlantis. Oh Yes; Atlantis really existed! Not as a figment of science fiction, but as a tangible civilization in Earth´s past history.
Man´s purpose in experiencing life anywhere in the Universe is to grow in evolutionary experience and to master each phase in his eternal life. And how do we master the third dimensional environment of Earth? First, by getting to truly ´know ourselves´ - who we are, what we are, why we are here. Second, by learning to control all aspects of this environment. Third, by understanding Earth and its relationship to what lies beyond the third dimensional environment. In Atlantis, Man had advanced to a remarkable degree of control and understanding of this third dimensional environment, and was at a point where he could have led Earth and its inhabitants into the fourth dimensional experience of physical-spiritual growth. Instead, some who possessed advanced knowledge began to abuse and pervert this knowledge by enslaving other men, and by misusing their spiritual powers in various other ways. When this abuse of spiritual power became too widespread, it set into motion certain karmic forces which resulted in the eventual disintegration and destruction of the civilization. This destruction did not occur in one giant cataclysm, as may be commonly supposed. Rather, it occurred as a process of decline that lasted over thousands of years. During this period of degeneration, the continent gradually broke apart and yielded its major portions to the Atlantic ocean. Over a period of time, the inhabitants of this once great civilization migrated to various parts of Earth, taking with them the remembered skills and technologies, resulting in the archeological wonders that fascinate us today. Modern archeology is for the most part at a loss to explain such evidences as still exist in Central and South America, in England and Egypt and elsewhere around Earth. Eventually the memory of the glorious civilization that once existed faded entirely, except in the awareness of the adepts who possessed the arcanum, and in the subconscious minds of former Atlanteans. What has all of this to do with the unfolding Divine Plan? Just this: Atlantis was not the only great civilization that has evolved on Earth. There have been others lost to antiquity, such as Lemuria. Each time that mankind has advanced to the level of a Lemuria or an Atlantis, it has had within its reach the opportunity to raise Earth´s level of consciousness to fourth dimensional awareness and it has failed. Each failure was due to the misuse of spiritual powers. In the past, this could be condoned because there was still another chance. Now, however, we have reached a point in Earth´s history and in Galactic evolution where the transition into fourth and fifth dimensional consciousness must be made. Man is now being made aware of certain galactic facts of universal, immortal life. As you know, our Solar System is a part of the Milky Way Galaxy. Our Solar System revolves around the Great Central Sun of the Milky Way Galaxy in an orbit that takes 206 million years, as you calculate time. Let us refer to this revolution of our Solar System around the Galaxy as the Great Cycle Orbit. Our Solar System was created over four and a half billion years ago. This corresponds to 22 Great Cycle Orbits of our Solar System around the Great Central Sun of the Galaxy. In the Will of Divine Mind, as communicated to the Spiritual Hierarchy of our Solar System, this completes the time cycle in which our entire Solar System is to remain in its present state of evolution. As the Aquarian Age dawns, we begin to move into a new orbit around the Great Central Sun, and to move into a new vibration where no expression below the fourth dimension can continue to exist on Earth. Man first began to experience life in our Solar System 206 million years ago, at the beginning of the present Great Cycle Orbit. The Divine Plan is for all Human life within our Solar System to achieve at least the awareness of cosmic consciousness by the end of this orbit, which is reaching its conclusion now with the end of the Piscean Age. This means that Man of Earth must immediately become aware of what cosmic consciousness is and take the necessary steps to raise his individual level of consciousness to that state of awareness. Failure to do so will result in temporary self destruction! Man of Earth, in his present state, simply cannot tolerate the new incoming vibration. Within this Great Cycle Orbit, there have been a number of lesser cycles. When the Atlantean civilization failed to reach its development potential, this left only the 26,000 year cycle of the Zodiac to complete the Plan. As the present Piscean Age draws to a close, this 26,000 year cycle, concurrently with the Great Cycle Orbit, comes to an end. At this moment, planet Earth is the only planet in our Solar System where man has not yet reached the cosmic level of awareness. This level of consciousness must now be rapidly attained in order to fulfill the Divine Plan."
To Orvl on Quabelist;It's pretty much all over the web.
As a matter of fact, many places now post this?